• Title/Summary/Keyword: 100 seed weight

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Seasonal Resveratrol Contents of Wild-type Mulberry Leaves Collected from Gangwon Province in Korea (강원도에서 채취한 야생 뽕잎의 생육 시기별 resveratrol 함량)

  • Kim, Hyun-Bok;Kim, Jung-Bong;Kim, Sun-Lim;Seok, Young-Seek;Sung, Gyoo-Byung
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.10-14
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    • 2012
  • Resveratrol is naturally occurring phytoalexin compounds produced by grape berries, peanuts, pine tree, mulberry fruits and their products in response to stress such as fungal infection, heavy metal ions or UV irradiation. The objective of this study was to determine resveratrol contents in wild-type mulberry leaves (Morus alba L., M. bombycis Koidz, and M. Lhou (Ser.) Koidz) collected from Won-ju, In-je and Yang-yang regions, Gangwon province, Korea. Resveratrol contents in wild-type mulberry leaves were higher in Autumn's than in Spring's, and higher than 16 cultivar's. Among the samples, 'No. 3', collected from Won-ju region and 'No. 7' collected from In-je showed high resveratrol contents of 539 and $491{\mu}g$/100 g DW (dry weight; DW), respectively, through the collection time. Therefore, two mulberry trees might be promising as potent resources for mulberry breeding and functional material development.

Studies on the Development of Food Resources from Waste Seeds IV. Chemical Composition of Red Pepper Seed (폐기종실(廢棄種實)의 식량자원화(食糧資源化)에 관(關)하여 제(第) 4 보(報) : 고추씨의 화학적(化學的) 조성(組成))

  • Yoon, Hyung Sik;Kwon, Joong Ho;Bae, Man Jong;Hwang, Joo Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.46-50
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    • 1983
  • In order to find out the possibility of utilizing red pepper seed as food resources of fats and proteins, a series of studies were conducted. The red pepper seed contained 27.6% of crude fat and 22.2% of crude protein. The lipid fractions obtained by silicic acid column chromatography were mainly composed of 95.4% neutral lipid, where as compound lipid were 4.6%. Among the neutral lipid separated by thin layer chromatography, triglyceride was 85.6%, sterol ester 4.9%, free fatty acids 3.4%, diglyceride 2.5%, sterol 2.2% and monoglyceride 1.1%, respectively. The predominant fatty acids of red pepper seed oil were linoleic acid (57.1-75.4%), palmitic acid (13.9-21.3%) and oleic acid (8.0-15.1%), especially glycolipid contained 1.7% of linolenic acid and small amount of myristic acid and arachidic acid. The salt soluble protein of red pepper seed was highly dispersible in 0.02M sodium phosphate buffer containing 1.0M $MgSO_4$, and the extractability of seed protein was about 25.0%. Glutamic acid and arginine were major amino acids of red pepper seed protein. The electrophoretic analysis showed 6 bands in seed protein, and the collection rate of the main protein fraction purified by sephadex G-100 and G-200 was about 62.2%. Glutamic acid (19.9%) was major amino acid of the main protein, followed by glycine and alanine. The molecular weight of the main protein was estimated to be 93,000.

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Studies on the Development of Food Resources from Waste Seeds -I. Chemical Composition of Grape Seed- (폐엽종실(廢棄種實)의 식량자원화(貪糧資源化)에 관(關)하여 -제(第) 1 보(報) : 포도씨의 화학적(化學的) 조성(組成)-)

  • Yoon, Hyung-Sik;Kwon, Joong-Ho;Hwang, Joo-Ho;Choi, Jae-Chun;Shin, Dae-Hyn
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.250-256
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    • 1982
  • A series of studies were conducted to find out the possibility of utilizing grape seed as resources of food fats and proteins, and the results of the studies are as follows: The grape seed contained 25.1%, of crude fat and 12.0% of crude protein. The lipid, fractions obtained by silicic acid column chromatography were mainly composed of about 95.5% neutral lipid, whereas compound lipid was only 4.5% level. Among the neutral lipid by thin layer chromatography, triglyceride was 91.89%, sterol ester, sterol, diglyceride and free fatty acid were 3.24%, 2.87%, 1.20% and 0.80%, respectively The predominant fatty acids of total and neutral lipids were linoleic acid $(69.72{\sim}71.72%)$ and oleic acid $18.09{\sim}19.46%)$, but those of glycolipid and phospolipid were linoleic acid $(31.49{\sim}38.18%)$, oleic acid $(20.20{\sim}35.27%)$ and palmitic acid $(26.80{\sim}39.98%)$. The major fatty acids of triglyceride separated from neutral lipid were oleic acid (43.08%), linoleic acid (38.42%) and palmitic acid (11.60%). The salt soluble protein of grape seed was highly dispersible in 0.02M sodium phosphate buffer containing about 1.0M $MgSO_4$, and the extractability of seed protein was 31%. Glutamic acid was the major amino acid in salt soluble protein, followed by arginine and aspartic acid. The electrophoretic analysis showed 3 bands in grape seed protein, and the collection rate of the main protein fraction purified by Sephadex G-100 and G-200 was 82%. Glutamic acid, aspartic acid and arginine were the major amino acids of the main grape seed protein. The molecular weight for the main protein of the grape seed was estimated to be 81,000.

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Variation of Seed Characteristic, Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition in Sunflower Germplasm (해바라기 유전자원의 종실특성과 지방함량 및 지방산조성 변이)

  • Lee, Yun-Ho;Song, Hang-Lin;Piao, Xiang-Min;Park, Kyeong-Ho;Nam, Sang-Young;Kim, In-Jae;Choi, Sung-Yeol;Jang, Young-Seok;Kim, Hong-Sig
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.245-252
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    • 2010
  • The objective of this study was to obtain the basic informations on variability of germplasm and cultivation practice for the production of biodiesel in sunflower. A total of 275 accessions obtained from the National Agrobiodiversity Center (34 landraces from Korea, 219 and 22 introductions from America and other countries, respectively) were screened to evaluate variations of seed characteristics, oil content and fatty acid composition. Seed types were classified into 4 types (broad ovoid, narrow ovoid, rounded and elongated). The broad ovoid type was the highest proportion of 40.4%, while the elongated type was the lowest proportion of 5.0% among accessions. Also, the seed colors were classified into 4 colors (gray, brown, black and white). Gray and brown seed color showed the highest distribution and white seed color showed the lowest among accessions, respectively. Hundred and one liter seed weight ranged 2.9~15.5g and 178~439g with averages of 6.3g and 322.0g, respectively. Oil content ranged from 11.7% to 45.6% with an average of 25.5%. The frequency distribution of oil content showed the highest in range of 22~28% and the lowest in range of over 40%. Three promising accessions with higher oil content than 40.0% were IT031967, IT031970 and IT031965 introduced from America. Palmitic and stearic acid contents, saturated fatty acid, ranged 3.1~7.6% and 1.3~4.1% with averages of 4.7% and 2.2%, respectively, and a total content of saturated fatty acid ranged 5.4~9.4% with an average of 6.9%. Oleic and linoleic acid contents, unsaturated fatty acid, ranged 18.1~75.7% and 18.1~74.1% with averages of 55.2% and 38.0%, respectively. Five accessions, IT031831, IT031669, IT031895, IT031938 and IT031694, showed higher oleic acid content than 70%. A total content of unsaturated fatty acid ranged 89.6~94.8% with an average of 93.0%.

Agronomic Traits of Soybean Breeding Lines with Low Stachyose and Raffinose Contents (Stachyose 및 Raffinose 저함량 콩 선발계통의 농업적 형질)

  • Ha, Do Su;Moon, Jin Young;Choi, Sang Woo;Shim, Sang In;Kim, Min Chul;Chung, Jong Il
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    • v.62 no.2
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    • pp.143-148
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    • 2017
  • Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seed is an important dietary source of protein, oil, carbohydrates, isoflavones, and other nutrients for humans and animals. Raffinose and stachyose are the main antinutritional factors in soybean seed. They are carbohydrates belonging to the raffinose family of oligosaccharides, which are not readily digested in humans and cause flatulence or diarrhea. The genetic reduction of the raffinose and stachyose contents in mature soybean seeds will improve the nutritional value of soybean. The objective of this research was to evaluate agronomic traits with 10 $F_6$ strains selected from breeding populations derived from a cross among seven parents. The contents of raffinose and stachyose in mature seeds were detected by high-performance liquid chromatography. Agronomic traits such as flower color, flowering date, harvesting date, lodging, plant height, seed coat color, hilum color, 100 seed weight, and yield were evaluated. Ten intermediate parents showed low raffinose and stachyose contents. The intermediate parent 883-1 had a small seed size, six intermediate parents (15A1, 15D1, RS-5, RS-33, RS-64, and RS-70) had a medium seed size, and two intermediate parents (14G20 and RS-21) had a large seed size. The intermediate parent RS-21 had a black seed coat and a green cotyledon. Four intermediate parents (883-1, 14G20, RS-5, and RS-21) had elite agronomic traits. The new intermediate parents developed through this study will be used to develop improved soybean cultivars with low contents of raffinose and stachyose.

Selection of a Soybean Line with Brown Seed Coat, Green Cotyledon, and Tetra-Null Genotype (갈색종피와 녹색자엽 및 Tetra Null 유전자형을 가진 콩 계통 선발)

  • Sarath Ly;Hyeon Su Oh;Se Yeong Kim;Jeong Hwan Lee;Jong Il Chung
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    • v.68 no.3
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    • pp.114-120
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    • 2023
  • Soybean is the one of the most important crops for providing quality vegetable protein to umans and livestock. Soybean cultivars with a brown seed coat have a wide range of antioxidant benefits because of the flavonoid components. However, they also contain lectin, 7S α′ subunit, lipoxygenase, and Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (KTI) proteins that can be allergenic and digestive inhibitors and reduce processing aptitude. Genetic removal of these four proteins is necessary in soybean breeding. Therefore, this study was conducted to select a new line with brown seed coat, green cotyledon, and tetra-null genotype (lecgy1lox1lox2lox3ti) for lectin, 7S α′ subunit, lipoxygenase, and KTI proteins in the mature seed. Five germplasms were used to create breeding population. From a total of 58 F2 plants, F2 plants with lele genotype were selected using a DNA marker, and F3 seeds with a brown seed coat, green cotyledon, and the absence of 7S α′ subunit protein were selected. Three lines (S1, S2, and S3) were developed. Genetic absence of lectin, 7S α′ subunit, lipoxygenase, and KTI proteins was confirmed in F6 seeds of the three lines, which had a brown seed coat, green cotyledons, and a white hilum. The 100 seed weights of the three lines were 26.4-30.9 g, which were lower than 36 g of the check cultivar - 'Chungja#3'. The new S2 line with 30.9 g hundred seed weight can be used as a parent to improve colored soybean cultivars without antinutritional factors such as lectin, 7S α′ subunit, lipoxygenase, and KTI proteins.

Effects of Chitosan on Production and Rot Control of Soybean Sprouts

  • Lee, Young-Sang;Kang, Chang-Sung;Lee, Yong-Sun
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.368-372
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    • 1999
  • The practicality of utilizing chitosan as a natural antimicrobial compound to reduce soybean sprout rot was tested. Domestic and imported soybean seeds were soaked for 6 hours in solutions containing different levels of chitosan and acetic acid (glacial), and cultured at $25^{\circ}C$ for 6 days. In case of domestic seeds, soaking with 1,000ppm chitosan increased germination percentage, hypocotyl thickness, total length, and fresh weight of sprouts by 4%, 5%, 2%, and 1%, respectively. The total sprout yield was increased by chitosan in a concentration-dependent manner in that 1,000ppm chitosan resulted in 8% increment of total yield (7.47kg sprouts/kg seed). Chitosan significantly reduced sprout rot percentage to 7.0% compared to control (13.8%), and consequently enhanced marketable sprout yield by 39%. Compared to domestic seeds, the imported soybean seeds exhibited very low germination percentage regardless of chitosan treatments. Chitosan, nevertheless, consistently induced yield increment and rot decrement in imported soybean sprouts. Although 100ppm acetic acid was effective in reducing sprout rot percentage down to 11.8%, its yield-increasing effects were not as prominent as chitosan. In conclusion, soaking soybean seeds with chitosan seems to be a practical method to enhance the efficiency of soybean sprout production.

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disinfectant and Inhibitory Effect of Natural Antimicrobial Agent on Vibrio vulnificus in Fish (천연항균성 물질을 이용한 Vibrio vulnificus 의 살균 및 독소생성 억제효과)

  • 조성환;서일원;최종덕;전상수;라택균;정수근;강동훈
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 1992
  • To prevent food-poisoning outbreaks by Vibrio vulnificus the antimicrobial efficacy of grapefruit seed extract (GFSE) was examined. Minimal inhibitory concentration (in vitro) for the microorganism was found to be 50∼100 ppm. Transmission electron micrographs of Vibrio vulnificus showed the biocidal action of this natural antimicrobial agent would be related to specific respiratory effect coupled with the destruction of permeable function of microbial cell membrane. After Anguilla japonica GFSE-injected to the body was incubated in the seawater contaminated by Vibrio vulnifiucs the fish meats were taken up, mixed with control diet and used as a diet in the feeding experiment. In this experiment the effect of GFSE treated with fish muscle on body weight, protein efficiency ratio, serum enzymes and serum blood components of broiler chicks was investigated. It is proved from this study that there is neither Vibriosis nor toxicity associated with GFSE itself an fish meats treated with it when it is injected to the fish body at a level of 250 ppm or less.

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Nelumbo nucifera Leaf Extract Regulates Lipid Metabolism and Differentiation in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes and db/db Mice

  • Chul-Min Park;Oh Jin Min;Min-Seok Kim;Bhesh Raj Sharma;Dong Wook Kim;Dong Young Rhyu
    • Natural Product Sciences
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.161-167
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    • 2022
  • Obesity is a complex metabolic disorder that increases the risk for type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and atherosclerosis. In this study, we evaluated the anti-obesity effects of Nelumbo nucifera leaf (NL) extract in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and obese db/db mice. NL extract among various parts (leaf, seed, and root) of N. nucifera most effectively reduced adipogenesis via inhibiting CCAAT enhancer binding protein α (C/EBPα) and peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ (PPARγ) expression in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. The addition of NL extract enhanced the protein expression of uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2) as compared to untreated 3T3-L1 adipocytes. The oral administration of NL extract (100 mg/kg BW) significantly reduced food efficacy ratio, body weight, and face or total cholesterol level in obese db /db mice. Also, administration of NL extract significantly decreased adipocyte size and C/EBPα or PPARγ expression in the adipose tissues as compared with control (obese db/db mice). Therefore, our results suggest that NL extract among various parts of N. nucifera could be used as a functional food ingredient for the prevention and treatment of metabolic diseases including obesity and diabetes.

Variations in Growth Characteristics and Seed Qualities of Korean Soybean Landraces (한국 재래종 콩의 수집지대별 생태적 특성 및 품질 차이)

  • Han, Won-Young;Park, Keum-Yong;Kim, Hyun-Tae;Ko, Jong-Min;Baek, In-Youl;Lee, Chung-Yeol;Choung, Myoung-Gun
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    • v.53 no.spc
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    • pp.96-102
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    • 2008
  • This study was carried out to examine agronomic characteristics and seed qualities of 827 Korean soybean landraces according to the collecting areas. Agronomic characteristics and seed qualities was examined according to the localities by weather characteristics. Days to flowering was the longest (mean 70.9 days) in the northwest seashore, and the most short in the south inland (mean 63.8 days). Growth days was the longest in the Gyeongbuk inland (mean 136.0 days), and the most short in the mountain-high (mean 132.8 days). The stem height was the most short in the north-west seashore (mean 81.3 cm), and in the south seashore (mean 58.8 cm). The seed weight of 100 seeds was the lightest in the north-west seashore (mean 17.1 g), and the heaviest in the south-west seashore (mean 21.5 g). The crude protein contents was the lowest in the north-west seashore (mean 40.1%), the highest in the south seashore (mean 42.8%), and vice versa in the crude oil. The contents of sucrose and oligo-saccharide was the highest 5.8% and 8.6%, respectively, in the mountain-high, and the lowest 4.8% and 7.6% in the Gyeongbuk inland and south seashore, respectively. Among the iso-flavone contests, the contents of genistein and total was the highest, $635.6\;{\mu}g/g$ and $1258.1\;{\mu}g/g$, respectively, in the mountain inland, and the lowest $319.2\;{\mu}g/g$ and $835.3\;{\mu}g/g$ in the south-west seashore. The contents of glycitein was the highest $124.3\;{\mu}g/g$ in the south seashore.