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The Needs for Discharge Education and Educational Performance of Nurses Perceived by Premature Infants Mothers In the ICT Medical Service (ICT 의료시설 기반에서 미숙아 어머니의 퇴원 교육 요구도와 간호사의 교육수행 정도)

  • Kim, Soo-Heui;Choi, Seong-Woo;Ryu, So-Yeon;Han, Mi-Ah
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.707-716
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    • 2016
  • The current research focused on the needs for discharge education and the educational performance of nurses perceived by mothers of premature infants. The subjects for the current research were 54 mothers of premature infants hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit at K general hospital in G metropolitan city. The data was collected between June 9, 2014 and September 30, 2014 through self-recording surveys. The needs for discharge education were $4.21{\pm}0.60$ and the perceived educational performance of nurses was $3.95{\pm}0.73$. There was a significant difference between the needs for discharge education and the perceived educational performance in abnormal symptom monitoring and management ($0.55{\pm}0.97$, p=0.001), excrement management ($0.45{\pm}1.11$, p=0.004) and growth development ($0.41{\pm}1.08$, p=0.007). The needs for discharge education was significantly different according to delivery type (vaginal delivery: $4.41{\pm}0.47$, caesarean section: $4.03{\pm}0.47$, p=0.040) and birth order (first: $4.37{\pm}0.53$, second: $4.25{\pm}0.51$, over third: $3.75{\pm}0.72$, p=0.031). Perceived educational performance of nurses was significantly different according to baby sitter (yes: $4.15{\pm}0.66$, no: $3.48{\pm}0.67$, p=0.002). ]

Prehospital Status of the Patients with Ischemic Chest Pain before Admitting in the Emergency Department (허혈성 흉통 환자의 응급의료센터 방문 전 상황)

  • Jin, Hye-Hwa;Lee, Sam-Beom;Do, Byung-Soo;Chun, Byung-Yeol
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.41-54
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    • 2007
  • Background : The causes of chest pain vary but the leading cause of chest pain is ischemic heart disease. Mortality from ischemic chest pain has increased more than two fold over the last ten years. The purpose of this study was to determine the data necessary for rapid treatment of patients with signs and symptoms of ischemic chest pain in the emergency department (ED). Materials and Methods : We interviewed 170 patients who had ischemic chest pain in the emergency department of Yeungnam University Hospital over 6 months with a protocol developed for the evaluation. The protocol used included gender, age, arriving time, prior hospital visits, methods of transportation to the hospital, past medical history, final diagnosis, and outcome information from follow up. Results : Among 170 patients, there were 118 men (69.4%) and the mean age was 63 years. The patients diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) were 106 (62.4%) and with angina pectoris (AP) were 64 (37.6%). The patients who had visited another hospital were 68.8%, twice the number that came directly to this hospital (p<0.05). The ratio of patients who visited another hospital were higher for the AMI (75.5%) than the AP (59.4%) patients (p<0.05). The median time spent deciding whether to go to hospital was 521 minutes and for transportation was 40 minutes. With regard to patients that visited another hospital first, the median time spent at the other hospital was 40 minutes. The total median time spent before arriving at our hospital was 600 minutes (p>0.05). The patients who had a total time delay of over 6 hours was similar 54.8% in the AMI group and 57.9% in the AP group (p>0.05). As a result, only 12.2% of the patients with an AMI received thrombolytics, and 48.8% of them had a simultaneous percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). In the emergency department 8.5% of the patients with an AMI died. Conclusion : Timing is an extremely important factor for the treatment of ischemic heart disease. Most patients arrive at the hospital after a long time lapse from the onset of chest pain. In addition, most patients present to a different hospital before they arrive at the final hospital for treatment. Therefore, important time is lost and opportunities for treatment with thrombolytics and/or PCI are diminished leading to poor outcomes for many patients in the ED. The emergency room treatment must improve for the identification and treatment of ischemic heart disease so that patients can present earlier and treatment can be started as soon as they present to an emergency room.

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자성유체 윤활제의 개발 동향

  • 김영규;심우전;김청균
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 1996
  • 자성유체는 자연에서 추출한 것이 아니라 자화성(Magnetizability)과 유도성(Flowability)을 동시에 갖도록 합성한 특수액체이다. 자성유체는 1960년대 중반에 미국의 NASA에서 처음 개발된 이후로 윤활, 밀봉, 감쇄, 의료 등의 분야에서 응용연구가 많이 진행되었기 때문에 고도의 정밀도를 요하는 항공, 우주산업, 컴퓨터와 반도체 분야 등에서 실용화가 크게 진전되고 있다. 특수물질일 자성유체는 전기적으로 도체인 10nm 정도의 미세한 자기입자(Magnetic particles)에 코팅을 한 후, 이것을 물, 탄화수소, 플루오르카본, 에스터 등의 매개유체(Carrier Fluids)에 혼합시켜서 콜로이드 상태로 사용하게 된다. 자성유체는 미세한 자기입자들이 매개유체내에서 서로 충돌하면서 반발력을 발생시켜서 상호간에 늘 콜로이드 상태를 유지하고 있으며, 이 특수유체가 자기장의 영향을 받게 되면 점도가 증가하면서 특이한 성질을 갖게 된다. 상대 접촉 운동면에 경계마찰이나 혼합마찰을 하게 되면 윤활상태는 비교적 나쁘다. 이러한 마찰지역에 콜로이드상의 자성유체 윤활제를 공급하면 기존의 윤활제에 비하여 대단히 효과적으로 윤활을 할 수 있게 된다. 그러나 자성유체 윤활제가 마찰부위에 원활하게 공급하기 위해서는 미끄럼 마찰부에서 자기장을 잘 형성시킬 수 있는 도체이어야 하기 때문에 특별한 윤활 시스템 설계가 제시되어야 한다. 자성유체 윤활제는 합성으로 제조된 특수물질로 여러가지 장점을 갖고는 있으나 기존 윤활유와의 적합성, 마찰열, 밀봉압력 등의 조건에서 제한적으로 사용될 수 밖에 없으므로 항공, 우주 산업이나 석유 화학분야와 같이 특수 환경에서만 사용되고, 또한 기존의 광유계 윤활제에 비하여 대단히 고가하는 문제점을 갖고 있다. 그러나 윤활 마찰면의 다양화와 가혹한 사용조건은 자성유체 윤활제의 연구개발 필요성을 크게 증대시키고 있다.xed Effects Model)을 결정하고, 각각에 해당하는 통계모형을 구축하였다. 이 결과 (1) 업종 및 기업규모별로 그룹간에 유의한 특성이 발견되었으며, (2) R&D 및 광고투자는 기업의 시장성과를 설명하는 중요한 변수이나, (3) R&D 투자의 경우는 광고에 비해 불확실성이 존재하는 것으로 나타났고, (4) 수리모형에서 도출된 한계원리가 통계모형에서도 유효한 것으로 드러났다.등을 토대로 한 10대 산업을 육성하기 위하여 과학기술부는 기술수요조사를 바탕으로 49개 주요기술을 도출하여, 과학기술 일류 국가 실현, 국민소득 2만불 달성이라는 국가적 슬로건을 내걸고 “차세대 성장동력” 창출을 위한 범정부차원의 기획과 연구비의 집중투자를 추진하고 있다.달성하기 위해서는 종합류류 전산망의 시급한 구축과 함께 화물차의 적재율을 높이고 공차율을 낮출 수 있는 운송체계의 수립이 필요한 것으로 판단된다. 그라나 이러한 화물전용차선의 효과는 단기적인 치유책일 수밖에 없기 때문에 물류유통 시설의 확충을 위한 사회간접자본의 구축을 서둘러 시행하여야 할 것이다.으로 처리한 Machine oil, Phenthoate EC 및 Trichlorfon WP는 비교적 약효가 낮았다.>$^{\circ}$E/$\leq$30$^{\circ}$NW 단열군이 연구지역 내에서 지하수 유동성이 가장 높은 단열군으로 추정된다. 이러한 사실은 3개 시추공을 대상으로 실시한 시추공 내 물리검층과 정압주입시험에서도 확인된다.. It was resulted from increase of weight of single cocoon. "Manta"2.5ppm produced 22.2kg of cocoon. It is equal to 9% increase in index, as compared to that of control. In case

Development of Health Promotion Program through IUHPE - Possibilities of collaboration in East Asia - (IUHPE를 통한 건강 증진 프로그램의 발달-동아시아권의 공동연구의 가능성-)

  • Moriyama, Masaki
    • Proceedings of The Korean Society of Health Promotion Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2004
  • This paper considers the possibilities of health promotion from the following perspectives; (1) IUHPE, (2) socio-cultural similarities, (3) action research, and (4) learning from our past. 1. The IUHPE values decentralized activities through regions, and countries such as Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and China belong to NPWP region. Since IUHPE World Conference was held in Japan in 1995, Japan used to occupy more than 60% of NPWP membership. After 2001, membership is increasing rapidly in Chinese speaking sub-region. The transnational collaboration is still in its beginning phase. 2. Confucianism is one of key points. Confucian tradition should not be seen only as obstacles but as advantages to seek a form of health promotion more acceptable in East Asia. 3. Within the new public health framework, people are expected to create and live their health. However, especially in Japan, the tendency of 'lacking of face-to-face explicit interactions' is still common at health-promotion settings as well as academic settings. Therefore, the author tried participatory approaches such as asking WlFY (interactive questions designed for subjects to review their daily life and environment) and as introducing round table interactions. So far, majority of participants welcome new trials. 4. The following social phenomena are comparatively discussed after Japanese invasion and occupation of Korea ended in 1945; ·status of oriental medicine, ·separation of dispensary services, and ·health promotion specialist as a national license. In contrast to Japanese' tendency of maintaining the status quo and postponing of substantial social change, trend toward rapid and dynamic social changes are more commonly observed in Korea. Although all of above possibilities are still in their beginning stages, they are going to offer interesting directions waiting for further challenges and accompanying researches.

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Projection of Long-Term care Insurance Beneficiary and Financing (노인장기요양보험 대상자 확대에 따른 재정추계 분석)

  • Choi, In-duck;Lee, Ho-yong
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.1047-1065
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    • 2011
  • The main purpose of this study is to provide the sustainability and continuous development of Long-term care Insurance in projecting changes of the Long-term care Insurance beneficiary population and Cost. We conducted a transformed cohort-component projection method that are employed for the beneficiary population projection and applied the previous experiences in Japan and German. A transformed cohort-component method means that we also projected the increasing beneficiary of long-term care insurance for using the data of geriatric disease in NHIC and estimated the cost of insurance's financial resources. First of all, beneficiary increase and strategy of extending to level 4 are categorized 2 and the expense account projection are categorized 2. If it is thought experience of Japan and German, The Level 4 extend of insuree is projected 2012 or 2013. With the results of this study, we proposed that extended level 4 insuree include the 40%~90% of geriatric disease in elderly people. The number of beneficiaries in 2011 is expected to reach to about 342,896 and in 2015 is 415,905 on scenario 1. Scenario 2(40%of geriatric disease in elderly people), the number of beneficiaries in 2011 is 342,896 and in 2015 is 483,453. Scenario 3(90%of geriatric disease in elderly people), the number of beneficiaries in 2012 is 545,068 and in 2015 is 565,565. The cost of beneficiaries insurance benefit of scenario 1 are projected from 3,000billion in 2012 to 3,500billion won in 2015. Scenario 2 are projected from 3,100billion in 2012 to 4,000billion won 2015. Finally, The cost of Level 4 extending are need minimum 300billion to maximum 1,400billion won.

Outbreak of Shigellosis Occurred in a Preschool and Two Elemetary Schools in Mapo-Gu, Seoul (서울시 마포구 관내 어린이집 및 초등학교에서 집단 발병한 세균성 이질)

  • Park, Tae Su;Lee, Ho Jun;Kim, Su Yeon;Lee, Dong Woo;Kim, Jae Yoon;Baik, Ji Na;Park, Yu Mi;Park, Mi Sun;Lee, Bok Kwon
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.71-77
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    • 2006
  • Purpose : Shigellosis is still an important cause of acute food-borne diarrheal diseases throughout the world. We investigated the transmission routes and clinical course through the outbreak of shigellosis in Mapo-Gu, Seoul. Methods : From October 7th to November 19th in 2005, Mapo-Gu public health center had referred 32 patients with confirmed or suspected shigellosis to the National Medical Center. We had investigated source of infection, epidemiology, laboratory findings, and clinical course of the cases occurred during this outbreak. Results : Among 32 patients, 24 patients had been confirmed with shigellosis, 8 patients had been diagnosed with suspected shigellosis. They ranged in age from 5 months to 12 years old and their mean age was 6.5 years. The clinical manifestations were as follows; diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain and asymptomatic condition. Symptoms had sustained for 3.7 days on the average. S. sonnei were cultured by rectal swab and founded to be resistant to ampicillin and TMP/SMX except to 3rd generation cephalosporin. After treatment with antibiotics such as cefixime and ceftriaxone or imipenem and conservative treatment with electrolyte and fluid replacement for 5~7 days, Stool cultures of the rectal swab grew no Shigella in these cases except 3 cases. Conclusion : An outbreak of shigellosis had occurred in a preschool and elementary school children. From the same results of antimicrobial susceptibility and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns in this study, we suggest that the outbreak of shigellosis in this report had been originated from a single strain. According to all negative results about suspected food and water cultures, we couldn't find out source of infection. Through materials offerred by Mapo-Gu Public Health Center, we presumed the trasmission routes probably were person-to-person.

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Role, Change, Job Satisfaction and Obstacles in Carrying out the Role of Public Health Nurses in Health Center (보건소 보건간호사의 역할변화, 역할수행의 장애요인과 만족도)

  • Ahn, Kyeong-Sook;Jung, Moon-Sook
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 1995
  • Based on the questionnaires sent to 270 nurses of public health centers in kyungnam during the period of March 19 to April 11 in 1992, this study was written for the of finding out the grade of satisfaction, obstacles in carrying out duties concerned with nursing services and the change of nurses role needed according to the change of the local public health administration. The first-ranking tasks carried by nurses of public health center are believed to have been family planning activities before the 1970's, nursing services during the 1970's, mother-child health activities during the 1980's, and nursing services during the period of 1990 to 1992. As far as the priority order of all the family planning activities is concerned, the counseling of the insertion of intrauterine contraceptive device, the use of oral pill or the distribution of condom was placed emphasis on before 1970, and publicity activities of family planning after that time. The first priority order of mother-child health activities has been put on the registration of pregnant women since 1970, with prenatal examination and vaccination ranking next to it. The priority order for activities against tuberculosis was laid on finding out and registration of new T.B. patients every year, with patients' control, and medication or injection ranking next to it. As for the priority order of nursing services, traveling medical examination and treatment ranked the first-stressed activity before 1970, with medication and injection ranking next to it. The first priority order management activity of communicable diseases was put on vaccination before 1970, with medication and injection. ranking next. And consultation and education ranked second to it during 1990 to 1992. As for the health services of the aged, traveling examination and treatment ranked the order, with the assistance of medical examination ranking next to it. As far as troubles and obstacles shown in case of family planning, the rate of residents' lack understanding was 28.8%, that of lacking budget 13.6%, and the imperfection of public health administration system 11.9%. In the case of tuberculosis control, residents' lacking understanding was 32.5%, the deficiency of public health administration system 18.2%, over-duty(shortage of hands) 15.6%, and the insufficiency skill and know-how 13.0%. In the case of nursing services, the deficiency of public health administration system was 18.2%, each over-duty(the shortage of hands) and the shortage of facilities and equipment 15.6% respective, and residents' lacking understanding 13.0%. The rate of dissatisfaction with the chance or possibility of promotion for his or her career or capability was shown to be 49.2%, and 65.9% of the health nurses expressed their complaints of the deficiency of the chance of the promotion to a professional or expert. when the public health nurses were asked in the questionably whether they were satisfied or not with current state of equipment and facilities needed for public health service, 49.6% of them answered in the negative. The grade of the satisfaction with the current individual position was shown to be low as much as the status of his or her position was now. 37.6% of those asked in the research answered to have the readiness to switch jobs for the reasons of dissatisfaction and so on with lacking promotion chance as well as bad working condition. Significant correlation between the grade of job satisfaction and the current status of the po as found to be in this research, which showed that the lower the status of position was, the lower the grade of job satisfaction was. But little correlation between the grade of job satisfaction and his or her schooling and career was found. In order to carry out primary health care successfully, it can be said that more education and publicity activities to make public health nurses and residents see it in a new light are requested. In addition to it, it is suggested that the improvement of promotion system for public health nurses and the enlargement of job province should also be taken in consideration of the high dissatisfaction with and complaints of the chance of promotion and the system of position. In order words, it is important that considerations for system improvement enough to make nursing services pleasant and satisfactory should be taken into.

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