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Ecological Network on Benthic Diatom in Estuary Environment by Bayesian Belief Network Modelling (베이지안 모델을 이용한 하구수생태계 부착돌말류의 생태 네트워크)

  • Kim, Keonhee;Park, Chaehong;Kim, Seung-hee;Won, Doo-Hee;Lee, Kyung-Lak;Jeon, Jiyoung
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.60-75
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    • 2022
  • The Bayesian algorithm model is a model algorithm that calculates probabilities based on input data and is mainly used for complex disasters, water quality management, the ecological structure between living things or living-non-living factors. In this study, we analyzed the main factors affected Korean Estuary Trophic Diatom Index (KETDI) change based on the Bayesian network analysis using the diatom community and physicochemical factors in the domestic estuarine aquatic ecosystem. For Bayesian analysis, estuarine diatom habitat data and estuarine aquatic diatom health (2008~2019) data were used. Data were classified into habitat, physical, chemical, and biological factors. Each data was input to the Bayesian network model (GeNIE model) and performed estuary aquatic network analysis along with the nationwide and each coast. From 2008 to 2019, a total of 625 taxa of diatoms were identified, consisting of 2 orders, 5 suborders, 18 families, 141 genera, 595 species, 29 varieties, and 1 species. Nitzschia inconspicua had the highest cumulative cell density, followed by Nitzschia palea, Pseudostaurosira elliptica and Achnanthidium minutissimum. As a result of analyzing the ecological network of diatom health assessment in the estuary ecosystem using the Bayesian network model, the biological factor was the most sensitive factor influencing the health assessment score was. In contrast, the habitat and physicochemical factors had relatively low sensitivity. The most sensitive taxa of diatoms to the assessment of estuarine aquatic health were Nitzschia inconspicua, N. fonticola, Achnanthes convergens, and Pseudostaurosira elliptica. In addition, the ratio of industrial area and cattle shed near the habitat was sensitively linked to the health assessment. The major taxa sensitive to diatom health evaluation differed according to coast. Bayesian network analysis was useful to identify major variables including diatom taxa affecting aquatic health even in complex ecological structures such as estuary ecosystems. In addition, it is possible to identify the restoration target accurately when restoring the consequently damaged estuary aquatic ecosystem.

Keeping Distance from Pathos and Turning Rational Trade into Emotions -The Change of Genres and the Reorganization of Emotions in the South Korean Films in the 1990s (파토스에의 거리와 합리적 거래의 감성화 -1990년대 한국영화 장르의 변전(變轉)과 감성의 재편)

  • Park, Yu-Hee
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.9-40
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    • 2019
  • This study presents an investigation into South Korean films in the 1990s in the aspects of genre change and emotional reorganization. The 1990s witnessed a change of genres and a paradigm shift in the history of Korean films according to the revolutionary changes of the film industry structure and media environment. Believing that these changes had something to do with emotional changes driven by global capitalization symbolized by democratization in 1987 and the foreign currency crisis in 1998, the investigator analyzed the phenomena in film texts and examined the opportunities and context behind them. Unlike previous researches, this study made an approach to the history of Korean films in the 1990s with three points: first, this study focused on why the romantic comedy genre emerged in the 1990s and what stages its formation underwent since there had been no profound discussions about them; secondly, this study analyzed the biggest hits during the transitional period from 1987~1999 to figure out the mainstream genres and emotions during that period since these hits would provide texts to show the genre domain and public taste in a symbolic way; and finally, this study grew out of the separate investigation approach between melodramas and romantic comedies and looked into an emotional structure to encompass both genres to make a more broad and dynamic approach to South Korean films in the 1990s. History flows continuously without severance from previous times. When there is attention paid to inflection points and opportunities in the continuum, it can show the dynamics and structures of changes. This research led to the following conclusions: the mainstream genre of South Korean films had been melodramas until the 1980s. The old convention had been kept to offset or suture contradictions and excessive elements deviant from the structural consistency. Here, the structural consistency refers to no compliance to rational regulations or trade. The process of genre reorganization in the 1990s happened while securing some distance from the convention of making the structural consistency a sacrifice. The direction was to reinforce control through reasonable rationalism and logic of capital. It developed into romance, which would start with comedy to keep distance from the objects through laughter, heighten the level of remarks, and expand criticality, symbolize emotions with taste items, and build through the logic of mutual consensus and practical trade. In the 1990s, the South Korean films thus developed in a direction of moving away from the narrative of urgent pathos based on unconditional familism. It was on the same track as the entry of the South Korean society into the upgraded orbits of democracy and capitalism as the twins of modern rationalism since the latter part of the 1980s.

A Study on the Characteristics of Commemoration in World War II Memorials - Focus on the War Memorials of the United States, the Soviet Union, and Germany - (제2차 세계대전 전쟁 메모리얼에 나타난 기념성 - 미국, 소련, 독일의 전쟁메모리얼을 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Sang-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.37-53
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to analyze the commemoration characteristics of the national war memorials made by the United States, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics(the Soviet Union), and Germany that participated in World War II(WW II). The results of the study are summarized as follows. First, the creation of the WW II memorials of the United States, the Soviet Union, and Germany aimed to commemorate the dead and victims. By country, the United States promoted unity and victory with representing the just and great cause for freedom, and the communist Soviet Union emphasized the Great Patriotic War that defeated fascist Nazi Germany. On the other hand, Germany, which had difficulty in national commemoration, cherish the victims of the war and aimed for peace. Second, WW II memorials were located in places of national significance such as national representative places and battlefields, and in Germany they were built in church cemeteries and public cemeteries. In addition, it showed concise and moderate aesthetic characteristics with a symmetrical and formal form centered on the axis of space in memorials. Third, the United States and the Soviet Union commonly visualized the appearance of war on the memorial wall. By country, the United States engraved sacrifice and dedication for freedom, and differently the Soviet Union and East Germany engraved messages promoting communist ideology as memorial texts. As for landscape details and sculpture, the United States emphasized national unity through eagles symbolizing the country and a colonnade representing each state and territory, and the Soviet Union set up a communist-style soldier sculpture. The United States and the Soviet Union, both countries used sculptures and laurels that symbolize victory, but in Germany, the statues of a fallen soldiers were installed in the memorial. Politically, the United States commemorated the victory of the war and also promoted unity, and the Soviet Union emphasized the Great Patriotic War and promoted communism. As the United States, the Soviet Union, and the Germans believed in Christianity universally, Christian symbols such as the crucifixion, the church, and the statue of Evita were often used. Further study will be required to establish national identity at memorials and advanced commemorative culture in Korea.

The Effects of Nursing Work Environment and Role Conflict on Job Embeddedness among Nurses of Long-term Care Hospital (요양병원 근무 간호사의 직무배태성에 미치는 영향: 근무환경과 역할갈등 중심으로)

  • Son, Sookyeon;Kim, Shinmi
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.663-677
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    • 2019
  • This study was performed to identify the relationship and effects of nursing work environment and role conflict on job embeddedness among nurses working in long-term care hospitals. The data were collected from 200 nurses working in 10 long-term care hospitals from G - province from July to August 2018. Structured questionnaires assessing general characteristics and three major variables were distributed to the study participants and final 190 data set were analyzed using SPSS ver 25.0 program. Study results were as follows; mean score of job embeddedness was 2.98±0.46 out of 5 and the score of sub-domains were in order of fit, links, and sacrifice. The average score of the nursing work environment was 3.14 ± 0.42 and the leadership was the highest sub-domain followed by the working system, the relationship with peers, and the support of the institution. Overall role conflicts score was 3.43 ± 0.51, and environmental disorder, role ambiguity, lack of ability, lack of cooperation were reported in order as sub-domains. Job embeddedness of the study participants showed a statistically significant positive correlation with the nursing work environment and negative correlation with the role conflict. Factors affecting job embeddedness were nursing work environment, age, and role conflict, and the explanatory power of the model was 50.4%. The findings suggest that the overall level of job embeddedness of nurses working in long-term care hospitals is below middle level and efforts to improve job embeddedness through strategies related to nursing work environment and role conflict in organizational level. In addition, the relationship between age and job embeddedness needs to be studied further.

Indigenous psychological analysis of delinquency among Korean adolescents: Comparison of adolescents under probation and high school students (한국 일탈 청소년의 토착심리 탐구: 보호관찰 청소년과 일반 청소년의 부모자녀관계에 대한 비교를 중심으로)

  • Young-Shin Park ;Uichol Kim ;Soo Yeon Tak
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.107-145
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    • 2004
  • This study examines factors that influence delinquency among adolescents under probation using indigenous psychological analysis, focusing specifically on parent-child relationship. A total 268 adolescents under probation and their parents and 251 high school students and their parents participated in the two studies. In the first study, qualitative results indicate that both groups of adolescents were most likely to trust their parents than any other person and reason for their trust is reported to be based on blood relationship. Similarly, majority of parents of both groups reported trusting their children because of the blood relationship. Parents hope that their children will be sincere a person and will be able to maintain harmonious social relationship. Parents of adolescents under probation were more likely to report disobedience as being most problematic, whereas parents of high school students were more likely report providing social and financial support for their children's education as being the most difficult. In the second study, structured questionnaires were administered to the four groups and the following set of results were obtained. First, in terms of family background, the socio-economic status of adolescents under probation was lower, they are less likely to live with both parents or natural parents, and more likely to have ran away from home than high school students. Second, adolescents under probation are less likely to trust their parents and more likely to view their parents as being hostile. Third, parents of adolescents under probation were less likely to trust their children, more likely to view their relationship as being conflictual and hostile, and feel that they had to sacrifice for their children when compared with parents of high school students. Implications of these results for parent-child relationship and delinquency are discussed.

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8년여의 세월호 사고원인 규명활동 결과의 정리와 분석 (1/2)

  • 조상래
    • Bulletin of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.61 no.1
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    • pp.16-29
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    • 2024
  • 2014년 4월 18일 오전 8시 48분경 전라남도 병풍도 인근 해역에서 세월호는 전복된 후 침몰하였다. 사고 당시 이 배에는 승객 443명과 선원 및 승무원 33명 모두 476명이 타고 있었고, 이 중 미수습자 5명을 포함하여304명이 생명을 잃었다. 그 동안 공식적인 사고원인 규명활동이 꾸준히 진행되어 이 사고의 원인을 규명하기 위한 조사가 네 차례 있었다. 하지만 아직까지 사고 원인이 무엇인지 명쾌하게 밝혀지지 않고 있다. 이 글에서는 먼저 그동안 있었던 네 차례의 공식적인 세월호 사고원인 규명활동을 정리하였다. 가장 먼저 사고원인 규명활동을 전개한 해양안전심판원 특별조사부는 2014년 사고 직후부터 그해 12월까지 활동하였다. 특별조사부 최종보고서에는 화물의 과적과 평형수 적재 부족으로 인한 선박복원성 기준 미달, 타각의 대각도 조타와 장시간 유지로 인한 부적절한 조타, 화물의 부실한 고박으로 인한 화물의 이동, 수밀문의 관리 부실로 인한 조기 침수와 비상대피장소(muster station)로의 승객대피 조치 미이행을 사고의 원인으로 들고 있다. 2015년 3월부터 2016년 6월까지 활동한 4·16세월호참사 특별조사위원회(특조위)는 '4·16 세월호 참사 특별 조사위원회 청산 백서'만을 간행하고 최종보고서를 제출하지 못한 채 활동을 종료하였다. 세월호 선체조사위원회(선조위)는 2017년 4월부터 2018년 8월까지 활동하였다. 선조위는 세월호 사고원인 규명을 위한 다른 기구에 비해 위원의 구성도 균형이 있었고, 직권사건 위주의 조사방법도 적절하였다. 또한 조타기와 조타 과실 여부, 급선회 항적 및 횡경사와 핀안정기의 물리적 손상에 관한 용역을 국내 여러 기관에 발주하였다. 뿐만 아니라 다양한 해양사고 원인규명 용역에 참여한 실적이 있는 영국의 기술용역회사인 Brookes Bell에 급선회와 빠른 침몰의 원인 조사를 요청하였다. 아울러 세계에서 가장 활발히 수조실험을 수행하고 있는 상업 연구소인 네덜란드의 MARIN에 수조시험과 시뮬레이션도 의뢰하였다. 하지만 아쉽게도 선조위는 서로 다른 사고 원인을 주장하는 두 권의 종합보고서를 간행하였다. 종합보고서로 '내인설' 종합보고서[6]는 타기 솔레노이드 밸브의 고착으로 시작된 급선회를 사고의 직접 원인으로 지목하고 있다. 하지만 '열린안' 종합보고서[7]에서는 수중체와의 충돌을 직접적인 사고 원인으로 밝히고 있다. 마지막으로 가습기살균제 사건과 4·16세월호 참사 특별조사위원회(사참위)가 2019년 3월부터 2022년 9월까지 활동하였다. 사참위는 위원으로 조선해양공학과 항해학 전문가가 포함되어 있지 않아 세월호의 사고원인 규명활동을 효과적으로 수행하기에는 적절하지 못하였다. 사참위는 주로 조타장치 고장에 따른 세월호 전타 선회현상 검증, 세월호 변형 손상부의 확인 및 원인 조사와 세월호 횡경사 원인과 침수과정 분석을 직권 과제로 추진하였다. 또한 네덜란드 MARIN에 자유항주시험을 추가로 의뢰하였으며, 핀란드의 NAPA group에도 복원성 계산과 침수해석을 의뢰하였다. 사참위는 선조위의 두 가지 사고원인에 대해 '내인설'의 솔레노이드 밸브 고착은 사고원인일 가능성이 매우 낮고, '열린안'의 수중체와의 충돌 시나리오는 근거가 부족함을 확인하였다. 이상에서 정리한 바와 같이 규명활동이 진행됨에 따라 사고원인이 수렴되어야 함에도 불구하고 아직까지 원인을 시원하게 밝히지 못하고 있다. 이 글에서는 사고원인 규명활동을 수행한 네 개 기구의 구성과 활동 내용을 비교하고, 사고조사 위원회의 바람직한 구성과 위원회의 운영 방법을 제시하고 있다. 또한 Brookes Bell 보고서에 수록된 출항 당시의 흘수에 근거한 배수량과 선미 램프의 폐쇄 전후의 횡경사각으로부터 도출한 GoM도 소개하고 있다. 아울러 출항 당시의 GoM값으로 추정한 사고 당시의 GoM값도 소개하고 있고, 수중체와의 충돌 시나리오를 후보 사고 시나리오에서 제외시켜야 할 이유도 열거하고 있다. 끝으로 해양사고 원인규명 활동이 보다 과학적으로 그리고 보다 합리적으로 이루어질 수 있기 위해 그리고 우리 사회의 안전문화 제고를 위한 몇 가지의 방안을 제시하고 있다. 또한 세월호 사고로 치른, 아직도 치르고 있는 희생을 딛고 해양안전문화가 한 걸음 더 나아가기 위해서는 세월호 사고의 원인을 반드시 규명해야 한다는 말씀으로 글을 마무리하고 있다.

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The Interpretation of German Fairy Tale "Three Dogs" from the Aspect of Analytical Psychology (독일민담 '세 마리 개 Die drei Hunde'(Ludwig Bechstein)의 분석심리학적 관점에서의 이해)

  • Kwang Ja Lee
    • Sim-seong Yeon-gu
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.194-223
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    • 2010
  • I tried here to interpret german fairy tale "Three Dogs" from the aspect of analytical psychology. A poor young shepherd will be 'hero'accidently while wandering the world to find good luck. When he was exhausted and frustrated in wandering life, a stranger appeared before him. A stranger offered barter. So he exchanged three sheep with three black dogs which a stranger had. One dog can bring the food. Another dog can tear everything. The last one can break even steel and iron. After that, shepherd led a satisfactory wandering life. On the way, he met a sad princess who should sacrifice herself for the piece of the country to the dragon which swallows a young girl yearly. But the strong black dog which tears everything, killed the dragon and saved the princess from the sacrifice. After that, a young shepherd promised princess to come back to her after three years of wandering life. In the meanwhile a horse driver played hero false. But the princess couldn't reveal the truth because of the threat of horse driver. Three years later, the young shepherd appeared in the castle. But the true hero was caught in the prison and finally cried out the strongest dog and succeeded in escaping from the prison. And with help of another dog which bring food to him, he could meet the princess and finally married her. So they lived happy life for a long time. But he remembered the poor younger sister. So he wanted to live together with her. After that, three dogs left him with saying, they stayed to see whether he shares his good fortune with his younger sister. Then they turned into birds and disappeared in the air. In this fairy tale can we find many important symbols. With the amplification of symbols and the interpretation of this fairy tale in terms of Jung's analytical psychology, I tried to find the meaning of individuation process in this fairy tale. Hero kills the dragon which could symbolize negative mother archetype. After overcoming the negative mother complex, he could get princess which could be expressive of Anima. This marriage could symbolize coniunctio oppositorum, an important process in individuation. Each fairy tale tells us the individuation process in a different way. And the fairy tale works always in our mind with plain, simple, pure, crystal like nature. Through it can we take precious treasure like wisdom for life.

Womans' Father Complex in Fairy-Tales - Focused on two Korean Fairy-Tales <Shimchung> und <Barli Princess> - (한국 민담에서 살펴본 여성의 부성 콤플렉스 - <심청전>과 <바리공주> 중심으로 -)

  • Youkyeng Lee
    • Sim-seong Yeon-gu
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.65-101
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    • 2010
  • By considering the final purpose and meaning of two fairy-tales, we can summarize two things. Firstly, a woman with father complex not only positive, but also negative can easily sacrifice her femininity and her own personality as an individual. A woman with father complex has to get out of father imago. By separating from father imago, she can make her own steps to realize her own personality, namely individuation. During normal development, detachment to instinct and archetypal contents can cause problems normally to the ego consciousness. Contrary to this developmental notion, women with father complex experience problems because they are too closely attached to father archetype. Therefore, continuous excessive identification of ego with father imago or a state of ego caught by father imago leads to death of her own personality. Some women intentionally attach to father imago in order to be powerful or to receive magical power of father archetype to make compensation to her inferiority and deficiency. Weak ego wants to be stronger and superior by intentional attachment to father imago. Then, she can succeed in some tasks in life. But These successes are not by her own effort, but by magical or superhuman power of father imago. During early childhood, young girl with weak ego strongly attaches to father imago to make success and achieve goals by magical power. She wants to compensate her weak ego. But the more her ego makes successes in real life with help of father imago, the more she loses her own character or personality. Ego can be strong enough only when it is detached or separated itself from father imago. In other side, there is a woman destined to realize request by the father imago. She is chosen by the collective unconscious, though she try to run away from dominant power. In this case, ego of selected woman is not weak. She is destined to be a heroine. She knows that she has to complete every task given to her to realize what father imago wants, and she will not own any of her products at all. She is a real or true heroine. She wants to avoid her destiny, but she can't and should not do it. Secondly, a woman with father complex is called for again to save father imago or to solve problems of father imago. In this case, father imago of a woman should be considered to be related to the collective conscious. Therefore, it is said that all women with father complex are invited for healing the society or the collective consciousness. To complete this request, she has to heal herself by recovering her femininity. The healing power is based on the maternal receptive capacity. In modern society, the women are always demanded to be a social being. These social demands can make women caught by father complex. In this sense, number of women with father complex are increasing. Through the understanding of two fairy-tales, increased number of women with father complex should be easily considered as events at personal level, but seriously considered as a phenomenon reflecting problems in the collective consciousness of our age. In the other hand, all women with father complex are invited to solve the problem of modern society. She will be able to realize her own individuation without being possessed by father imago, to save our society and to become a heroine of our age.

The type of narrative and Faction historical meaning of Song-gubong legend (구봉 송익필 전설의 서사유형과 설화적 의미)

  • 이정훈
    • Korean Language and Literature
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    • v.67 no.67
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    • pp.45-71
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    • 2018
  • Songgubong is a person in the mid-Choseon Dynasty, but he is a person who is exalted as a teacher of four generations. However, the life of Songbong was a series of trials of 'returning' due to the environment and political changes born in prestige. There was also a political upheaval in the era where he lived, such as a Sinsamuok, Kichukoksa the beginning of Parts. Songgubong also shared his friendship with YulGon, Sounhorn in his life. This paper examines the narrative style of the Songgwon legend, who was a real person of the Choseon Dynasty, and examines the historical meaning of the Gubong legend. In this paper, 40 pieces of Songbong were analyzed. So I made 20 pixels and 5 narrative types. The basic form of the Songgwangbong legend is 'the exchange between the man and the gongbong - the complaints of the surrounding men - Songbongbang face to face and overwhelming'. This basic type is expanded to an anger that strengthens Songbong's greatness, an anecdote that worsens Songbong's desire, and an anger that emphasizes the misery of Songbongbong. Following the basic type and the extended type, the comprehensive type is combined with the active play. Actually, Songbong was in exile and could not participate in the war. However, the legendary Songbong is short enough to shorten the duration of the imprisonment, or to give the Turtle Ship to Yi Soon Shin. The story of the ending of the Imran in a few months if it has been used properly has been handed down on the Internet. Song Hyung-bong, who is a politically talented person, plays an active role as a novi in the story. Songbong is a "hero" who escapes from the constraint of "novi" and interacts with them in a similar way, controlling them with "eyes" and charisma. Song Jung - bong 's performance succumbs to Lee Yong Song and controls Yulgok and Yi Soon Shin. In addition, the legend of Jinan, which can be said to be the scene of Ogasaki, is still handed down to the dignity of Songbong. The evaluation of the Songbong who made a stroke of the company is interpreted as a political sacrifice in narrative. Compared to the spiritual virtue of the person who interacted with him, the marriage, and Jungchol, Songbong was the one who was able to withstand the years of vigor due to the occasional ox. The meaning of the Songgwon legend in the Conflict is that, apart from the partisan lessons that had to be taken from the existing records, the people are worshiping him as the epitome of the great weak which is excluded from real power. I hope that this legend will make it possible to look at the existing evaluation from a new angle.

The peasant workers 'Beijing' dream and frustration - The comparison study of Lao She's "Camel Xiang Zi" and Liu Zhenyun's "My name is Liu Yuejin" (농민공의'베이징' 드림과 좌절 - 노사(老舍)의『락타상자(駱駝祥子)』와 류진운(劉震雲)의『아규류약진(我叫劉躍進)』비교연구)

  • 김영명
    • Journal of Sinology and China Studies
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    • v.79
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    • pp.21-39
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    • 2019
  • This Thesis tries to give insight into the nature of the period contradiction in Beijing during China's modernization period. I would like to compare Lao She's "Camel Xiang Zi" with Liu Zhenyun's "My name is Liu Yuejin" to proceed with my research. Xiang Zi and Liu Yuejin both came from the countryside to the city with the" Beijing" dream. However, due to accidental events, their dreams are frustrated. The accident led them to a fierce struggle for survival, and to conflict with different classes of society. This paper tries to read the changes of Chinese social class in the 20th century twice from the longitudinal aspect, and to give an in-depth insight into the changes of the consciousness of peasant masses. Xiang Zi is naturally simple, sincere and not afraid of suffering. This personality can be traced back to its immediate superiors. But after coming to the city of Beijing, he becomes increasingly self-centered and evil in a number of humiliation and frustration. Liu Yuejin, who inherited Xiang Zi's character, also has a simple side, but does not pay back the money he borrowed from others and make a forcedly. He can't steal much, but he also steals small amounts of money from restaurants while shopping. His wife is taken away by an alumni, and he sometimes molests another's wife. Xiang Zi tried to do well. Liu Yuejin did not try, nor did he want to be corrupted. He was struggling only for survival. Liu Yuejin's son, Liu Pengju, has no strength, diligence, responsibility, and even a simple dream that can be found in his father's generation. He is a degenerate creature who lives day and day without any vision. When we put Xiang Zi, Liu Yuejin and Liu Pengju together, we can see that they are gradually degenerating over three generations. This indicates the collapse of China's farmers' labor. So far, China's capitalist economic development has achieved the myth of rapid growth at the expense of the peasant masses, but it can be seen as an indication that it may be slowly brought to an end by the peasant masses. Meanwhile, Lutu defined the second generation of peasant laborers as new workers. Recently in China, the labor movement and student Marxism have begun to unite, and they are under constant oppression by the Chinese government. It remains to be seen whether workers can change China's future.