• Title/Summary/Keyword: 흉부 손상

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The Successfully Redoaugmentation of Budd-Chiari Syndrome with Using Gore-Tex Patch of the IVC Obstruction (Budd-Chiari Syndrome 하공정맥 폐색의 Gore Tex Patch로의 성공적인 재확장술)

  • 지행옥;이재훈;전순호;정태열;신성호;전양빈;손상태
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.75-79
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    • 1999
  • Budd-Chiari syndrome is a state of hepatic failure caused by impairment of blood flow anywhere from the inferior vena cava to the right atrium. In this case, a 45 year old patient had undergone membranotomy and dilatation with autogenous pericardial graft due to obstruction of the inferior vena cava caused by a congenital membrane in 1987. Ten years after the operation, restenosis occurred. Although a noninvasive method with a Gianturco stent dilatation was performed, a satisfactory result was not obtained. A reoperation was performed. The stenotic segment of inferior vena cava was excised and after augmentation with a prepared pentagon shaped Gore-Tex artificial graft allowing passage of two fingers. The patient's postoperative course was uneventful without signs of rebleeding or any other complications and the patient was discharged at postoperative two weeks without the use of anticoagulants. An excellent result was obtainable after operation using a prepared Gore-Tex graft and such a result. Reoperational case of Budd-Chiari syndrome may require rapid and excellent the operative techenic by prevention of massive bleeding under use of extracorporeal circulation.

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Surgical Treatment for Rupture of the Right Common Iliac Artery Caused by Transcatheter Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty in a Baby with Congenital Aortic Stenosis - A case report - (선천성 대동맥 판막 협착증에서 풍선 판막 성형술 중 발생한 총장골 동맥 파열의 외과적 치료 -1예 보고 -)

  • Han, Jong-Hee;Kim, Yong-Ho;Yu, Jeong-Hwan;Kim, Si-Wook;Kil, Hong-Ryang;Yu, Jae-Hyeon
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.116-119
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    • 2008
  • Transcatheter interventions are widely used for diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart disease. Complications associated with transcatheter interventions are uncommon. However, when they occur they are most often self-limited. Rarely, however, serious catheter related complications occur that may require emergent surgical intervention. In this case, the right common iliac artery was disrupted during transcatheter balloon valvuloplasty during the treatment of congenital aortic stenosis in a 2-week-old baby. After immediate surgical intervention with bleeding control using two balloon catheters the baby did well. Here we report this case and review the medical literature.

승객석 Restraiant System의 구속 효과와 인체상해 연구 -어린이(6세)탑승자 중심으로-

  • 이창민
    • Proceedings of the ESK Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.398-405
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    • 1997
  • 과거 8년간의(1985-1992) 통계에 의하면 정면과 측면 충돌시 구속 시스텡의 하나인 Airbag장착 차량의 사망자 및 중상자 수가 현저히 감소하고 있는 것으로 나타나고있다. 그 러나 최근 소비자로 부터의 Airbag에 관한 불만을 보고 받고 있다. 즉 구속효과를 발휘함에 있어 부수적으로 인체 부상을 유발하고 있다는 것이다. 사망내지는 심각한 부상은 방지하고 있으나 경미한 부상은 오히려 증가하고 또한 신체가 적은 여성 운전자나 6세 이하의 어린이 에게는 심각한 부상의 우려가 있다는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 구속시스템의 총아인 Airbag 시스템의 심각한 부수적인 부상 보고를 입증하기 위하여 우리나라 어린이 6세 신체를 기준 으로하여 구속시스템을 착용하지 않았을 경우(실제로 많은 경우), seat belt만 착용시, Airbag만 작용시, 그리고 seat belt와 Airbag을 동시에 사용할 때를 컴퓨터 Simulation Package 이용 신체 dynamic을 모의실험 하였다. 실험결과, 기존에 알려진바와 같이 구속시스템을 사용하지 않았을 경우에 부상은 매우 컸다. 신체 사이즈가 작은 어린이 혹은 여성 운전자의 경우 Seat belt만을 사용한 경우는 Airbag만을 사용한 경우보다는 부상정도가 약간 경미하였으나 두 경우 모두 인체가 구속시스템의 구속 범위를 이탈하여 구속 시스템으로써의 역할을 충분히 하지 못하고 있었다. 특히 Seat belt와 Airbag을 동시에 사용하였을시에도 Airbag이 충분히 개선된 이후라도 신체 사이즈가 작은 경우에는 흉부부위에 의한 충격 흡수가 먼저 이루어지지 못하고, 머리에 먼저 Airbag이 접촉이 되어 충격 흡수 역할보다는 반동효과가 더 커서 머리 및 몸체가 뒤로 Rebound 하는 효과로 머리, 혹은 목의 신체 부상한계를 넘고 있어 큰 부상 내지는 사망에 이르고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 사료된다.의 결과는 자전거 에르고노미터의 결과가 트레드밀의 결과에 87.60%정도 나타났다.음을 관찰하였다. 특히 vitamin C와 E의 병용투여는 상승적으로 적용하여 간세포손상을 더욱 억제시킴을 알 수 있었다.mance and on TFP(Total Factor Productivity) growth which is a pure measure of firm performance. To utilize the advantage of panel data, FEM(Fixed Effect Model) and REM(Random Effect Model) were used. The empirical result shows that the entropy index as a measurement of inter-business relatedness is not significant but technological relatedness index is significant. OLS estimates on pooled data were considerably different from FEM or REM estimates on panel data. By introducing interaction effect among the three variables for business portfolio properties, we obtained three findings. First, only VI (Vertical integration) has a significant positive correlation with ROS. Second, when using TFP growth as an dependent variable, both TR(Technological Relatedness) and f[ are significant and positively rel

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A Case of Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Misdiagnosed as Pulmonary Tuberculosis (폐결핵으로 오인된 역형성 거대세포 림프종 1례)

  • Hyun, Dong-Woo;Park, Jae-Yong;Kang, Tae-Kyung;Park, Ki-Soo;Park, Tae-In;Kim, Chang-Ho;Sohn, Sang-Kyun;Kwon, Kun-Young;Lee, Kyu-Bo;Jung, Tae-Hoon;Kweon, Sam
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.184-190
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    • 1998
  • Anaplastic large cell lymphoma(ALCL) is a recently recognized large cell lymphoma characterized by large pleomorphic cells, with prominent nucleoli, expressing the CD30(Ki-1) antigen. It is often misdiagnosed as metastatic carcinoma, malignant histiocytosis or Hodgkin's disease. Primary pulmonary ALCL is extremely rare although it frequently involves extranodal sites, e.g. skin, bone, gastrointestinal tract, soft tissue and lung. We report a case of ALCL suspected as primarily involving lung.

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Pulmonary Lymphangiomatosis (폐림프관종증 1예)

  • Cho, Yong-Seon;Yoo, Jee-Hong;Son, Sang-Yong;Cho, Hwoang-Lae;Kim, Soo-Joong;Han, Min-Soo;Kang, Hong-Mo
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.533-537
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    • 1999
  • Pulmonary lymphangiomatosis is a very rare pulmonary lesion with an aggressive potential that occurs mainly in newborns, infants and young children of both sexes. It is characterized by pulmonary abnormalities of lymphatic system, showing an increased number of complex anastomosing lymphatic channels in the pleura, in the subpleural interlobular septa, and along the bronchovascular lymphatic route and uniformly fatal. We report a case of lymphangiomatosis behaving like lymphangioleiomyomatosis in a 26-year-old woman.

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Effect Oxygen in Inflation Gas for Warm Ischemia-reperfusion Injury in the Lung of a Mongrel Dog (황견에서 폐장의 산소가 온열 허혈후 재관류 시폐손상에 미치는 영향)

  • 성숙환;김현조;김영태
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.125-131
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    • 2000
  • Background: Hyperinflation during lung ischemia has been known to improve pulmonary functions after reperfusion which may be exerted through a pulmonary vasodilation and avoidance of atelectasis by an increased surfactant release and been known whether the improvement of pulmonary function was the effect of hyperinflation itself or the oxygen content in inflation gas. Therefore we attempted to clarify the effect of hyperinflation with oxygen in pulmonary inflation gas during warm ischemia on pulmonary function after reperfusion to solve the problem of ischemia-reperfusion injury after lung transplantation. Material and Method: sixteen mongrel dogs were randomly divided into two groups: the left lung was inflated to 30-35 cm H2O with 100% oxygen in oxygen group and 100% nitrogen in nitrogen group. The inflated left lung was maintained with warm ischemia for 100 minutes. Arterial and mixed venous blood gas analysis and hemodynamics were measured before ischemia and 30, 60, 120, 180 and 240 minutes afer reperfusion. Lung biopsy was taken for the measurement of lung water content after the end of reperfusion. Result: In oxygen group arterial oxygen tension the difference of arterial and mixed venous oxygen tension and the difference of alveolar-arterial oxygen tension at 30-minute after reperfusion were not significantly different from those before ischemia and were stable during the 40hour reperfusion. However in nitrogen group these values were significantly deteriorated at 30-minute after reperfusion. there was no significant difference between two groups in hemodynamic data peak airway pressure and lung water content. Conclusion : The results indicated that the oxygenation one of the most important pulmonary functions was improved by pulmonary inflation with 100% oxygen during warm ischemia but the hemodynamics were not. Oxygen as a metabolic substrate during warm ischenia was believed to make the pulmonary tissues to maintain aerobic metabolism and to prevent ischemic damage of alveoli and pulmonary capillary.

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Stomach Cancer Surgery after Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery with in situ Right Gastroepiploic Artery Graft (정위 우위대망동맥을 이용하여 관상동맥우회술을 시행한 환자에서의 위암수술)

  • 황호영;김기봉
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.444-447
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    • 2004
  • A 59 year-old male diagnosed as unstable angina underwent off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery using in situ left internal mammary and right gastroepiploic artery grafts. During harvesting the right gastroepiploic artery, there was no abnormal finding in intraabdominal organs including stomach and liver. He was discharged at the 3rd postoperative day without complication. In case of using in situ right gastroepiploic artery, we recommend gastrofberscopic study at regular follow-up, The patient underwent the gastrofiberscopic study at postoperative 3rd month and diagnosed as advanced gastric cancer on the posterior wall of gastric fundus. At 5th postoperative month, total gastrectomy without intraoperative injury of the right gastroepiploic artery was performed at the department of general surgery. He was discharged at the 9th postoperative day. Follow-up coronary angiography performed at the 1st postoperative year demonstrated patent grafts including right gastroepiploic artery.

Avulsion of Aortic Commissure: Rare Cause of Aortic Regurgitation - 2 case reports - (교련부 분리에 의해 발생한 대동맥판 역류 - 치험 2예 -)

  • Choi, Jae-Woong;Hwang, Ho-Young;Choi, Eun-Suk;Ahn, Hyuk
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.777-780
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    • 2009
  • We reported here on 2 cases of aortic regurgitation (AR) that were due to avulsion of the aortic valve commissure. Aortic valvuloplasty was attempted in both cases. In the 1st case, valvuloplasty was performed with reattaching the commissure using the 5-0 polypropylene continuous suture technique. However, aortic regurgitation recurred and this lead to reoperation on the postoperative $14^{th}$ day. The intraoperative finding revealed a completely re-detached commissure that required mechanical valve replacement. In the second case, we attempted to reattach the commissure using pledgetted multiple transverse mattress sutures with 5-0 polypropylene. Because the leaflet coaptation was incomplete, the aortic valve was replaced with a tissue valve.

A Child of Severe Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia with Multiple Organ Failure Treated with ECMO and CRRT

  • Hwang, Woojin;Lee, Yoonjin;Lee, Eunjee;Lee, Jiwon M.;Kil, Hong Ryang;Yu, Jae Hyeon;Chung, Eun Hee
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2019
  • Mycoplasma pneumoniae (MP) is the most common causative agent of community-acquired pneumonia in school-aged children. An 8-year-old boy who had been diagnosed with autism looked severely ill when he presented to our hospital due to dyspnea and lethargy. He had fever and cough 7 days prior to hospitalization. He had signs and symptoms of severe respiratory distress. The percutaneous oxygen saturation was 88% at high oxygen supply. Chest radiography showed diffusely increased opacity with moderate pleural effusion. He was intubated immediately and admitted to the intensive care unit. Under the clinical impression of mycoplasmal pneumonia, intravenous clarithromycin was started. Laboratory findings showed leukocytosis, hepatitis, decreased renal function, and presence of serum MP immunoglobulin (Ig) M (+) IgG (+) and sputum MP polymerase chain reaction (+). On hospital day 2, the patient developed multiple organ failure with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) was performed with continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) and was weaned successfully. This is the first reported case of an ARDS due to MP infection complicated by multiple organ failure that was successfully treated with ECMO and CRRT in South Korea.

The Predcitors of the Development of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in the Patients with Acute Pancreatitis (급성 췌장염으로 내과계 중환자실에 입원한 환자들의 급성호흡곤란 증후군 발생에 연관된 인자에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Mi-Ran;Koh, Youn-Suck;Lim, Chae-Man;Lee, Moon-Gyu;Lee, Hong-Jae;Lee, Moo-Song;An, Jong-Jun;Lee, Sung-Koo;Kim, Myung-Hwan;Lee, Sang-Do;Kim, Woo-Sung;Kim, Dong-Soon;Kim, Won-Dong
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.861-870
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    • 1997
  • Background : Though acute respiratory distress(ARDS) often occurs in the early stage of severe acute pancreatitis and significantly contributed to the mortality of the condition, the characteristics of the group who develops ARDS in the patients with acute pancreatitis have not been fully found. The objective of this investigation was to identify predictable factors which distinguish a group who would develop ARDS in the patients with acute pancreatitis. Method : A retrospective analysis of 94 cases in 86 patients who were admitted the Medical Intensive Care Unit with acute pancreatitis was done. ARDS were developed in 13 cases among them (13.8%). The possible clinical factors related to the development were analyzed using univariate analysis and $x^2$-test. Results : The risk of ARDS development was increased in the patients with abonormal findings of chest X-ray at admission compared to the patients with normal chest X-ray (p<0.05). The risk was also increased according to the sevecrity index score in abdominal computed tomography at the time of admission (p<0.05). The higher APACHE III score of the first day of admission, the more risk increment of ARDS development was observed (p<0.01). Patients with more than one points of Murray's lung injury score showed higher risk of ARDS compared to the patients with 0 points of that. The patients with sepsis and the patients with more than three organ dysfunction at admission had 3.5 times and 23.3 times higher risk of the development of ARDS compared to the patients without sepsis and without organ failure in each (p<0.05, p<0.01). Conclusion : The risk of ARDS development would be higher in the acute pancreatitis patients with abnormal chest X-ray, higher CT severity index, higher APACHE III or Murray's lung injury score, accompanying sepsis, and more than three organ failure at admission.

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