• Title/Summary/Keyword: 훈련개선

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An Analysis of Research Trends in Information Security Education (정보보호 교육에 대한 연구 동향 분석)

  • Kim, Kunwoo;Kim, Jungduk
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.489-499
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    • 2016
  • Nowadays the importance of information security has been increased because there are many benefits and threats like information leakage caused by rapid growth of information technology. It is important to apply technical solution, however enhancing security capability is more important to respond evolving security threats. Information security education is one of typical way to enhance security capability and there are various efforts at the dimension of nation, company and academic community. However it is required to analyze previous research until now and derive future research direction for long-term development plan. In this study, we analyzed a publication status about 177 papers related to information security, training and awareness from 4 foreign journals and 2 Korean journals. Additionally, we analyzed in detail about 70 papers related to information security education. As a result, the most part of study is about curriculum, and in the future, it is required to expand educational area as well as study about effectiveness measurement of information security education by experimental research.

An Analysis of Alternatives for the Acquisition of Naval Surface Ships based on a Multi-Objective Decision-Making Method (다목표 의사결정 방법론 기반의 수상함 획득대안 분석)

  • Kim, Kyong-Hwan;Lee, Jae-Chon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.9
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    • pp.3841-3848
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    • 2012
  • The process of an analysis of alternatives(AoA) attempts to select the best and balanced solution among a set of multiple candidate solutions under the constraints of cost, schedule, performance and risk(CSPR). The traditional AoA for the acquisition of a new weapon system has usually centered on the sequence of the requirement analysis, design synthesis, and cost estimation. An improved process for AoA is developed in this paper based on a multi-objective decision-making method, which is intended to be applied in the design concept refinement and material solution analysis stage for the acquisition of naval surface ships. The presentation of the proposed AoA approach is then followed by a case study for the next generation multi-purpose training ship based on the principles of systems engineering and also using the models of the effectiveness measure, cost estimation, and risk assessments.

Development of VR Fire-extinguishing Experience Education Contents Using UX Design Methodology (UX 디자인 방법론을 적용한 VR 소방체험 교육콘텐츠 개발)

  • Chung, Yoo-Kyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.222-230
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    • 2017
  • The Ministry of Public Safety and Security plans to expand fire safety education infrastructure to provide customized fire safety education, spread fire safety culture and develop a tailored fire safety education system as a part of the 2016 Citizens' Safety Improvement Policy. This study has also been designed to improve safety problems in the Republic of Korea. Even though safety education has been given, citizens aren't still able to experience a close-to-real situation. In addition, their understanding and satisfaction with the curriculum are very low. Therefore, this study offers VR fire-extinguishing experience education contents as an effective alternative. With a goal of having the participants experience fire extinguishing and evacuation drill in a virtual space, this program has the following advantages: i) safe fire-extinguishing experience; ii) UI to create fun ; iii) useful in fire-extinguishing education; iv) budget saving. we configure the VR fire experience system structure and hardware by applying UX design methodology. We also develop for VR-specific motion recognition plug-in and controller that can be feeling in HMD environment.

Personalized Mobile Junk Message Filtering System (사용자 맞춤형 스팸 문자 필터링 시스템)

  • Lee, Seung-Jae;Choi, Deok-Jai
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.122-135
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    • 2011
  • Mobile spam message is a harmful factor which makes receivers to be annoyed and leads to unnecessary social cost. Unwanted junk messages flowing to a smart phone ruin main purpose of the smart work system to enhance the productivity, so we need to study on this area. In this paper, we proposed a novel spam filter on the smartphone in order to reduce computing process and improve the accuracy rate by feedback of error results to a training sample set. As the spam classifier operates on the smartphone independently with training on only user's received data, it could reflect user preference. The authorized personal computer takes on heavy works, such as preprocessing, feature selecting and training process, and the smartphone takes on light works to block junk messages. Experimental results showed reasonable accuracy rate of over 95%, and we found that the application occupied constant computing resources while running on the phone.

Overlapping Sound Event Detection Using NMF with K-SVD Based Dictionary Learning (K-SVD 기반 사전 훈련과 비음수 행렬 분해 기법을 이용한 중첩음향이벤트 검출)

  • Choi, Hyeonsik;Keum, Minseok;Ko, Hanseok
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.234-239
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    • 2015
  • Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) is a method for updating dictionary and gain in alternating manner. Due to ease of implementation and intuitive interpretation, NMF is widely used to detect and separate overlapping sound events. However, NMF that utilizes non-negativity constraints generates parts-based representation and this distinct property leads to a dictionary containing fragmented acoustic events. As a result, the presence of shared basis results in performance degradation in both separation and detection tasks of overlapping sound events. In this paper, we propose a new method that utilizes K-Singular Value Decomposition (K-SVD) based dictionary to address and mitigate the part-based representation issue during the dictionary learning step. Subsequently, we calculate the gain using NMF in sound event detection step. We evaluate and confirm that overlapping sound event detection performance of the proposed method is better than the conventional method that utilizes NMF based dictionary.

Effect of Proprioceptive Exercise on Walking Velocity, Activities of Daily Living and Depression in Elderly Women (고유수용성 운동이 여성노인의 보행속도, 일상생활활동 및 우울에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Nan-Soo;Bae, Young-Sook;Um, Ki-Mai
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.233-241
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of proprioceptive exercise on walking velocity, activities of daily living(ADL) and depression in elderly women. This study was nonequivalent control group pre-post test design. Subjects were divided into two group(exercise group=17, control group=15). Experimental group conducted proprioceptive exercise program for eight-week. Walking velocity was assessed by 10m-walk test and depression and ADL were assessed by questionnaire. The collected data analyzed by Wilcoxon singed rank test and Mann-Whitney U test. The exercise group significantly improved walking velocity. But control group changes were negligible. The program was effective on walking in elderly women.

Strategy of Purchasing Management for Hotel Food Materials (호텔 식자재 구매관리 전략)

  • Park, Jae-Wan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.10
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    • pp.302-310
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    • 2007
  • This research, through an empirical analysis of the management of food materials in the super deluxe and deluxe hotels in Seoul, verified the difference, and established strategies according to the difference. According to the study, to enhance the level of the food material management, the introduction of scientific methods and system of the deluxe hotels has to be preceded, the training of special inspectors and the utilization of inspection methods needs improvement, and the purchasing contracts and effective purchasing methods have to be renewed. As for the storing management, the difference between hotel grades was low. The implication of this study as follows. First, to enhance the efficiency of man power operation, we have to introduce computer systems. Second, training based on the food materials purchasing manual has to be achieved. Third, we have to increase inspectors' specialty through the arrangement of man power rotation.

2D Pattern Deformation Analysis using Particle and Spring-Damper Mesh (입자와 스프링-댐퍼 메쉬를 이용한 2차원 패턴 변형 분석)

  • Sin Bong-Kee
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.32 no.8
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    • pp.769-780
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    • 2005
  • This paper addresses a novel application of meshes to analyzing the deformation patterns of 2D signals. The proposed mesh is distinguished form the previous models in that it includes simulated charges in each node that interact with external charges comprising an input pattern. Therelaxation of the mesh given an input is carried out by any of the well-known numerical integration techniques. The result of the relaxation is a deformed mesh. This Paper provides four criterion functions for measuring the pattern deformation. A set of trained meshes was created from the simple average of target patterns. Experimental results show that these measures, although highly intuitive, are not good enough to capture the amount and characteristics of pattern deformation. If more sophisticated measures are found and incorporated into the relaxation process, we expect that a better and high-performance mesh framework is realized.

Reinforcement Learning based Dynamic Positioning of Robot Soccer Agents (강화학습에 기초한 로봇 축구 에이전트의 동적 위치 결정)

  • 권기덕;김인철
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2001.10b
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    • pp.55-57
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    • 2001
  • 강화학습은 한 에이전트가 자신이 놓여진 환경으로부터의 보상을 최대화할 수 있는 최적의 행동 전략을 학습하는 것이다. 따라서 강화학습은 입력(상태)과 출력(행동)의 쌍으로 명확한 훈련 예들이 제공되는 교사 학습과는 다르다. 특히 Q-학습과 같은 비 모델 기반(model-free)의 강화학습은 사전에 환경에 대한 별다른 모델을 설정하거나 학습할 필요가 없으며 다양한 상태와 행동들을 충분히 자주 경험할 수만 있으면 최적의 행동전략에 도달할 수 있어 다양한 응용분야에 적용되고 있다. 하지만 실제 응용분야에서 Q-학습과 같은 강화학습이 겪는 최대의 문제는 큰 상태 공간을 갖는 문제의 경우에는 적절한 시간 내에 각 상태와 행동들에 대한 최적의 Q값에 수렴할 수 없어 효과를 거두기 어렵다는 점이다. 이런 문제점을 고려하여 본 논문에서는 로봇 축구 시뮬레이션 환경에서 각 선수 에이전트의 동적 위치 결정을 위해 효과적인 새로운 Q-학습 방법을 제안한다. 이 방법은 원래 문제의 상태공간을 몇 개의 작은 모듈들로 나누고 이들의 개별적인 Q-학습 결과를 단순히 결합하는 종래의 모듈화 Q-학습(Modular Q-Learning)을 개선하여, 보상에 끼친 각 모듈의 기여도에 따라 모듈들의 학습결과를 적응적으로 결합하는 방법이다. 이와 같은 적응적 중재에 기초한 모듈화 Q-학습법(Adaptive Mediation based Modular Q-Learning, AMMQL)은 종래의 모듈화 Q-학습법의 장점과 마찬가지로 큰 상태공간의 문제를 해결할 수 있을 뿐 아니라 보다 동적인 환경변화에 유연하게 적응하여 새로운 행동 전략을 학습할 수 있다는 장점을 추가로 가질 수 있다. 이러한 특성을 지닌 AMMQL 학습법은 로봇축구와 같이 끊임없이 실시간적으로 변화가 일어나는 다중 에이전트 환경에서 특히 높은 효과를 볼 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 AMMQL 학습방법의 개념을 소개하고, 로봇축구 에이전트의 동적 위치 결정을 위한 학습에 어떻게 이 학습방법을 적용할 수 있는지 세부 설계를 제시한다.

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The Relationship among Internal Marketing, Service Orientation, and Hospital Image: The Moderating Effect of Self-Efficacy (내부마케팅, 서비스지향성, 병원이미지간의 관계: 자기효능감의 조절효과)

  • Shin, Seung-Hee;Chung, Ki-Han
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.524-530
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    • 2017
  • There has recently been increased recognition of the significance of internal marketing activity towards hospitals; however, few studies have investigated internal marketing towards hospitals. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine the impacts of internal marketing and service orientation on hospital image and to focus on the moderating effect of self-efficacy. The main results were as follows. First, empowerment, education training, and leadership of internal marketing positively affect service orientation, with leadership having the greatest influence. Conversely, internal communication and reward do not affect service orientation. Second, service orientation positively affects hospital image, indicating that an influencing relationship between the two factors is formed. Third, the moderating effects of self-efficacy towards the relationship between internal marketing and service orientation is not significant an alpha level of 0.05. However, overall internal marketing in the high group of self-efficacy has a greater effect on service orientation than that in the low group. Thus, the managers should enhance internal marketing and service orientation to increase hospital image, and motivate employees to have self-efficacy.