• Title/Summary/Keyword: 활용도

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Estimation of Parameters for Individual Growth Curves of Cows in Bostaurus Coreanae (한우 암소의 개체별 성장곡선 모수 추정)

  • Lee, C.W.;Choi, J.G.;Jeon, G.J.;Na, K.J.;Lee, C.;Hwang, J.M.;Kim, B.W.;Kim, J.B.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.689-694
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    • 2003
  • Weight records of Hanwoo cows from birth to 36 months of age collected in Daekwanryeong branch, National Livestock Research Institute(NLRI) were fitted to Gompertz, von Bertalanffy and Logistic functions. For the growth curve parameters fitted on individual records using Gompertz model, the mean estimates of mature weight(A), growth ratio(b) and growth rate(k) were 383.42 ${\pm}$ 97.29kg, 2.374 ${\pm}$ 0.340 and 0.0037 ${\pm}$ 0.0012, respectively, and mean estimates of body weight, age and daily gain rate at inflection were 141.05 ${\pm}$ 35.79kg, 255.63 ${\pm}$ 109.09 day and 0.500 ${\pm}$ 0.123kg, respectively. For von BertalanfTy model, the mean estimates of A, b and k were 410.47 ${\pm}$ 117.98kg, 0.575${\pm}$0.057 and 0.003 ${\pm}$ 0.001, and mean estimates of body weight, age and daily gain at inflection were 121.62 ${\pm}$ 34.94kg, 211.02 ${\pm}$ 105.53 and 0.504 ${\pm}$ O.l24kg. For Logistic model, the mean estimates of A, b and k were 347.64 ${\pm}$ 97.29kg, 6.73 ${\pm}$ 0.34 and 0.006 ${\pm}$ 0.0018, and mean estimates of body weight, age and daily gain at inflection were 173.82 ${\pm}$ 37.25kg, 324.47 ${\pm}$ 126.85 and 0.508 ${\pm}$ 0.131kg. Coefficients of variation for the A, b and k parameter estimates were 25.3%, 14.3% and 32.4%, respectively, for Gompertz model, 28.70/0, 9.9% and 33.3% for von Bertalanffy model, and 27.9°/0, 5.0% and 30.0% for Logistic model.

Performance analysis of Frequent Itemset Mining Technique based on Transaction Weight Constraints (트랜잭션 가중치 기반의 빈발 아이템셋 마이닝 기법의 성능분석)

  • Yun, Unil;Pyun, Gwangbum
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2015
  • In recent years, frequent itemset mining for considering the importance of each item has been intensively studied as one of important issues in the data mining field. According to strategies utilizing the item importance, itemset mining approaches for discovering itemsets based on the item importance are classified as follows: weighted frequent itemset mining, frequent itemset mining using transactional weights, and utility itemset mining. In this paper, we perform empirical analysis with respect to frequent itemset mining algorithms based on transactional weights. The mining algorithms compute transactional weights by utilizing the weight for each item in large databases. In addition, these algorithms discover weighted frequent itemsets on the basis of the item frequency and weight of each transaction. Consequently, we can see the importance of a certain transaction through the database analysis because the weight for the transaction has higher value if it contains many items with high values. We not only analyze the advantages and disadvantages but also compare the performance of the most famous algorithms in the frequent itemset mining field based on the transactional weights. As a representative of the frequent itemset mining using transactional weights, WIS introduces the concept and strategies of transactional weights. In addition, there are various other state-of-the-art algorithms, WIT-FWIs, WIT-FWIs-MODIFY, and WIT-FWIs-DIFF, for extracting itemsets with the weight information. To efficiently conduct processes for mining weighted frequent itemsets, three algorithms use the special Lattice-like data structure, called WIT-tree. The algorithms do not need to an additional database scanning operation after the construction of WIT-tree is finished since each node of WIT-tree has item information such as item and transaction IDs. In particular, the traditional algorithms conduct a number of database scanning operations to mine weighted itemsets, whereas the algorithms based on WIT-tree solve the overhead problem that can occur in the mining processes by reading databases only one time. Additionally, the algorithms use the technique for generating each new itemset of length N+1 on the basis of two different itemsets of length N. To discover new weighted itemsets, WIT-FWIs performs the itemset combination processes by using the information of transactions that contain all the itemsets. WIT-FWIs-MODIFY has a unique feature decreasing operations for calculating the frequency of the new itemset. WIT-FWIs-DIFF utilizes a technique using the difference of two itemsets. To compare and analyze the performance of the algorithms in various environments, we use real datasets of two types (i.e., dense and sparse) in terms of the runtime and maximum memory usage. Moreover, a scalability test is conducted to evaluate the stability for each algorithm when the size of a database is changed. As a result, WIT-FWIs and WIT-FWIs-MODIFY show the best performance in the dense dataset, and in sparse dataset, WIT-FWI-DIFF has mining efficiency better than the other algorithms. Compared to the algorithms using WIT-tree, WIS based on the Apriori technique has the worst efficiency because it requires a large number of computations more than the others on average.

Medical Information Dynamic Access System in Smart Mobile Environments (스마트 모바일 환경에서 의료정보 동적접근 시스템)

  • Jeong, Chang Won;Kim, Woo Hong;Yoon, Kwon Ha;Joo, Su Chong
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2015
  • Recently, the environment of a hospital information system is a trend to combine various SMART technologies. Accordingly, various smart devices, such as a smart phone, Tablet PC is utilized in the medical information system. Also, these environments consist of various applications executing on heterogeneous sensors, devices, systems and networks. In these hospital information system environment, applying a security service by traditional access control method cause a problems. Most of the existing security system uses the access control list structure. It is only permitted access defined by an access control matrix such as client name, service object method name. The major problem with the static approach cannot quickly adapt to changed situations. Hence, we needs to new security mechanisms which provides more flexible and can be easily adapted to various environments with very different security requirements. In addition, for addressing the changing of service medical treatment of the patient, the researching is needed. In this paper, we suggest a dynamic approach to medical information systems in smart mobile environments. We focus on how to access medical information systems according to dynamic access control methods based on the existence of the hospital's information system environments. The physical environments consist of a mobile x-ray imaging devices, dedicated mobile/general smart devices, PACS, EMR server and authorization server. The software environment was developed based on the .Net Framework for synchronization and monitoring services based on mobile X-ray imaging equipment Windows7 OS. And dedicated a smart device application, we implemented a dynamic access services through JSP and Java SDK is based on the Android OS. PACS and mobile X-ray image devices in hospital, medical information between the dedicated smart devices are based on the DICOM medical image standard information. In addition, EMR information is based on H7. In order to providing dynamic access control service, we classify the context of the patients according to conditions of bio-information such as oxygen saturation, heart rate, BP and body temperature etc. It shows event trace diagrams which divided into two parts like general situation, emergency situation. And, we designed the dynamic approach of the medical care information by authentication method. The authentication Information are contained ID/PWD, the roles, position and working hours, emergency certification codes for emergency patients. General situations of dynamic access control method may have access to medical information by the value of the authentication information. In the case of an emergency, was to have access to medical information by an emergency code, without the authentication information. And, we constructed the medical information integration database scheme that is consist medical information, patient, medical staff and medical image information according to medical information standards.y Finally, we show the usefulness of the dynamic access application service based on the smart devices for execution results of the proposed system according to patient contexts such as general and emergency situation. Especially, the proposed systems are providing effective medical information services with smart devices in emergency situation by dynamic access control methods. As results, we expect the proposed systems to be useful for u-hospital information systems and services.

Retrospect and prospect of political geography and general-synoptic part of human geography in Korea (한국 정치지리학과 인문지리학 일반 50년의 회고)

  • ;Im, Duck-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.295-308
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    • 1996
  • 1. Retrospect of Political Geographic Studies since Liberation, 1945 : 1) Period from 1945 to mid 1960s : There was not political geography as a science in Korea at the time of liberation from Japan 1945. At that time were not pure political geographers in Korea. In 1947, Moon-Hwa Pyo, economics professor, published a book titled Outline of Korean Geopolitics. This book was a first one in the field of political geography and available at that time in the logical descriptions. Bok-Hyon Choi was a first political geographer who in 1959 wrote a book titled Political geography for the collegians of Seoul National University. Professor Choi introduced American-style political geography through the book above mentioned. In 1963, Kie-Joo Hyong published an article titled "Korean Unification: Possibility from the Geopolitical Viewpoint" which was a first article published by Korean young scholar who studied geography in this country. 2) Period from late 1960s to late 1980s : Both Yoon Cha and Duck-Soon Im published frequently several articles of political geography or geopolitics respectively in 1968-1969. And they issued geopolitical disputes on Korean geopolitical structure and an application of rimland theory to Korean peninsula in 1969 through a magazine named Joung-Kyong Younku (the political and economic researches). The disputes played an important role of showing political geography (or geopolitics) to political sciences especially international political Science. Active researches still continued in 1970s. In that atmosphere the first Korean book of political geography written by a post-liberation scholar (Duck-Soon Im) titled Principles of Political Geography was published in 1973. This book was influenced much by American political geography after Second World War. In 1980s, the researches continued more actively. Especially administrative districts, capital cities, and sub-capital cities were frequently studied during this period. 3) Period from late 1980s to Present: Recent Studies : 1985 was a year of much production of articles of political geography. The first Ph.D thesis of political geography published in the same year in our country. And since 1985 produced many M.A. articles. Several categories of esearches of political geography was made in the period from late 1980s to present. Capital cities, Korean unification, administrative districts, urban politics, elections, sub-capital cities, and defense walls were important research categories. Reviewing the researches from 1945 to present. I found eight categories of political geography in Korea: capital cities, administrative districts, geopolitical structure of Korean peninsula, division and unification of Korea, sub-capital cities, defense walls, elections, and urban politics. Each category includes several scholars respectiveiy. 2. Study Tasks and Prospects in Korean Political Geography: In relation to Korean circumstances there are three study-tasks. The first task of Korean people is unification of two Koreas. Political geographers of Korea must al survey titled Survey Methods of Human Geography for collegians. This book was first one on survey part in Korea. The book however, is insufficient in comprehensiveness in aspects too. I think that the important tasks of general-synoptic human geography in Korea are \circled1 publication of comprehensive books of human geography in the aspects and methodologies for collegians and \circled2 acceptance of academic world of human geography in Korea of variety in methodologies of human geography for future progress. progress.

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Postoperative Radiotherapy in the Rectal Cancers Patterns of Care Study for the Years of $1998\~1999$ (직장암의 방사선치료에 대한 Patterns of Care Study: $1998{\sim}1999$년도 수술 후 방사선치료 환자들의 특성 및 치료내용에 대한 분석결과)

  • Kim, Jong-Hoon;Oh, Do-Hoon;Kang, Ki-Moon;Kim, Woo-Cheol;Kim, Won-Dong;Kim, Jung, Soo;Kim, June-Sang;Kim, Jin-Hee;Kil, Hak-Jae;Suh, Chang-Ok;Sohn, Seung-Chang;Ahn, Yong-Chan;Yang, Dae-Sik
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.22-31
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : To conduct a nationwide survey on the principals in radiotherapy for rectal cancer, and produce a database of Korean Patterns of Care Study. Materials and Methods : We developed web-based Patterns of Care Study system and a national survey was conducted using random sampling based on power allocation methods. Eligible patients were who had postoperative radiotherapy for rectal cancer without gross residual tumor after surgical resection and without previous history of other cancer and radiotherapy to pelvis. Data of patients were Inputted to the web based PCS system by each investigators in 19 institutions. Results : Informations on 309 patients with rectal cancer who received radiotherapy between 1998 and 1999 were collected. Male to female ratio was 59 : 41, and the most common location of tumor was lower rectum ($46\%$). Preoperative CEA was checked in $79\%$ of cases and its value was higher than 6 ng/ml in $32\%$. Pathologic stage were I in $1.5\%$, II in $32\%$, III in $53\%$, and IV in $1.6\%$. Low anterior resection was the most common type of surgery and complete resection was peformed in $95\%$ of cases. Distal resection margin was less than 2 cm in $30\%$, and number of lymph node dissected was less than 12 in $31\%$. Chemotherapy was peformed in $91\%$ and most common regimen was 5-FU and leucovorine ($59\%$). The most common type of field arrangement used for the initial pelvic field was the four field box (Posterior-Right-Left) technique ($65.0\%$), and there was no AP-PA parallel opposing field used. Patient position was prone in $81.2\%$, and the boost field was used in $61.8\%$. To displace bowel outward, pressure modulating devices or bladder filling was used in $40.1\%$. Radiation dose was prescribed to isocenter in $45.3\%$ and to isodose line in 123 cases ($39.8\%$). Percent delivered dose over $90\%$ was achieved in $92.9\%$. Conclusion : We could find the Patterns of Care for the radiotherapy in Korean rectal cancer patients was similar to that of US national survey. The type of surgery and the regimen of chemotherapy were variable according to institutions and the variations of radiation dose and field arrangement were within acceptable range.

Quality characteristics of rice and rice starch-based Yakju (쌀 및 쌀 전분을 활용한 약주의 품질특성)

  • Kang, Ji-Eun;Kim, Jae-Woon;Choi, Han-Seok;Kim, Chan-Woo;Yeo, Soo-Hwan;Jeong, Seok-Tae
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.353-360
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    • 2015
  • Yakju, a Korean traditional alcoholic beverage, is made from rice and Nuruk. In this study, the fermentation characteristics of Yakju was investigated using rice and rice starch. Ingredients was classified into raw material (rice, rice starch) and starter (enzyme supplements, modified Nuruk, traditional Nuruk, and yellow rice koji) for fermentation. The crude protein content of rice, rice starch, and starter were determined as follows (%): rice 6.69, rice starch 0.44, enzyme supplements 7.84, modified Nuruk 15.29, traditional Nuruk 14.28, and yellow rice koji 7.28. The alcohol content of rice with traditional Nuruk ($20.13{\pm}0.12%$) was higher than other Yakju. The concentration of organic acids of rice starch-based Yakju (389.83~538.34 mg%) was higher than that of rice Yakju (259.27~357.70 mg%). The concentration of nitrogen compound of rice Yakju (498.38~5976.93 ppm) was higher than that of rice starch-based Yakju (600.43~4463.79 ppm). In line with these findings, further studies will be necessary for the quality analysis of the rice, rice starch and fermented starter (enzyme supplements, modified Nuruk, traditional Nuruk and yellow rice koji).

Nutritional Effects of Paper Board Sludge on the Soybean(Glycine max. L.) (대두(大豆)에 대(對)한 제지(製紙) Sludge의 영양학적(營養學的) 연구(昭究))

  • Kim, Moon Kyu;Chang, Ki Woon;Choi, Woo Young;Ham, Suon Kyu;Nam, Yun Kyu;Lee, Chang Jun
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1990
  • The paper board sludge(PBS) itself and compost sludge manure(CSM) mixed with sawdust, fowl droppings and urea to the PBS were treated to soybean plants to find the effects of growing characters, yield components, and nutritional compounds in the plant tissues. 1. Percentages of missing plants were 5-9% and 3.6-4.1% in the treatments of PBS and CSM, respectively. After that, the plants were restored to normal conditions. Anyway it is not desirable to use the paper board sludge and immature compost sludge manure in seeding time or to young seedlings. 2. Growth of the plant height was retarded in early growing phase, but it was normal in later stages. And the width and length of the largest leaf, numbers of main stem nodes and pods were not significant among the treatments. 3. The yield intends to increase through the treatments of 1,200, 1,600, and 2,000Kg PBS per 10a. In the CSM treatments with high rate of sawdust, fowl droppings and urea, the numbers of pods and grains were higher than the treatment of high content of PBS. 100-grain and one liter weights were opposite intention. It was suggested that the excess nitrogen amounts from the compost sludge manure than conventional fertilization affected to the yield components. 4. The contents of the main chemical compounds such as N, $P_2O_5$, $K_2O$, Ca, Mg were determined. The concentrations of nitrogen were higher in the treatment of PBS and CSM than none and control. 5. In conclusion, the nutritional effects of PBS were in evidence. To use the sludges, it should be fermented with adequate additives to improve the aeration, C/N ratio, activity of microbial, and other conditions. The sludges could be used to crops as a fertilizers effectively.

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Association between Genetic Polymorphisms of Milk Proteins and Milk Compositions in Holstein Cows (Holstein 종(種) 유우(乳牛)의 유단백질(乳蛋白質)의 유전적다형(遺傳的多型)과 유조성분간(乳組成分間)의 연관성)

  • Sang, Byong Chan;Lee, Jo Yoon;Choi, Jong Woo;Sung, Chang Keun
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.56-67
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    • 1993
  • To applying of genetic markers of milk proteins as dairy cow registration and selection aids for genetic improvement, genopypes controlling the 4 milk protein loci, ${\alpha}S1$-casein (${\alpha}S1$-CN), ${\beta}$-casein(${\beta}$-CN), ${\kappa}$-casein(${\kappa}$-CN), and ${\beta}$-lactoglobulin(${\beta}$-LG), from a total of 159 Holstein lactating cows reared at National Animal Breeding Station in 1992 were detected by polyacrylamide gel(PAGE) electrophoresis, and associations between genetic polymorphisms of milk proteins and milk compositions were analyzed. The observed distribution of phenotypes for ${\alpha}S1$-CN, ${\beta}$-CN, ${\kappa}$-CN and ${\beta}$-LG were agreement with those expected under the assumption of genetic equilibrium. The observed genotypic frequencies of the ${\alpha}S1$-CN BB, ${\beta}$-CN AA, ${\kappa}$-CN AA and ${\beta}$-LG AB genotypes were founded to be very high as 79.87%, 84.28%, 71.70% and 49.10%, respectively. Gene frequencies were 0.899 and 0.101 for ${\alpha}S1-CN^B$ and ${\alpha}S1-CN^C$, 0.921 and 0.079 for ${\beta}-CN^A$ and ${\beta}-CN^B$, 0.837 and 0.163 for ${\kappa}-CN^A$ and ${\kappa}-CN^B$, 0.378 and 0.622 for ${\beta}-LG^A$ and ${\beta}-CN^B$. According to the results of analysis of variance, the genotypes of the ${\alpha}S1-CN$, ${\beta}-CN$, ${\kappa}-CN$ and ${\beta}-LG$ were significantly difference for fat, protein and total solid percentage in milk compositions. On milk compositions, the ${\kappa}$-CN BB genotype was very high fat and protein percentage more than ${\kappa}$-CN AA and AB genotypes, and ${\beta}$-LG AA genotype was very high fat percentage more than ${\beta}$-LG AB and BB genotype at 5% level of significant difference, respectively. As a consequence, the fat and protein percentage may be improved to select to ${\kappa}$-CN BB and ${\beta}$-LG AA genotypes.

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A study on Palpation of the back-shu points (배유혈(背兪穴) 안진(按診)에 관(關)한 고찰(考察))

  • Hong, Mun-Yeup;Park, Won-Hwan
    • The Journal of Dong Guk Oriental Medicine
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.155-173
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    • 2000
  • The diagnosis in Oriental medicine is done by inspection, auscultation and olfaction, interrogation, four diagnostics of pulse feeling and palpation, and various system of identification like identification according to Qi(vital energy), Xue and body fluids, identification according to fair principles, identification according to principles of Wei, Qi, Ying and Xue, identification according to Sanjiao(the triple heater), identification according to four type physical constitution. Sometimes, symptoms and diagnosis techniques according to symptoms is selectively applied for the diagnosis. Among them the pulse feeling and palpation diagnosis technique using the sense of finger and palm of the hand is divided into feeling of pulse and palpation and pressing maneuver. Pressing maneuver is a diagnosis technique pressing and rubbing the affected part in order to attain data of identification including inside and outside condition of the body with regard to the nature, condition and relative seriousness of disease. There are palpation of the skin, palpation the hand and foot, palpation the chest and the abdomen, palpation shu points in pressing maneuver. The diagnosis of the Back Shu points is a technique to examine the change of disease condition from pressure ache, spontaneous ache, tension, relaxation, solidification revealed through channels and collaterals. I investigates starting disease and an attack of disease of twelve pulse and pulse condition through the study relative to the substance and technique of pressing maneuver, and adjusts diagnosis techniques of a region for acupuncture and matters to be attended. The conclusions are as follows. 1. The Shu or stream points in which pathogenic factors go are important to medical treatment of dormant diseases like bowels disease, cold symptom complex and insufficiency symptom complex. 2. Disease classified by system is diagnosed by the condition of process part like pro-trusion, cave-in, tension, relaxation, pressure ache through palpating the Shu or stream points, that is pressing upward or downward left and right sides of the backbone process by hands. 3. In real clinic pressing maneuver of one's back side is very important to patient's diagnosis treatment. Thus, pressing maneuver of one's back side have to be done without omission. 4. Diagnosis must be accomplished through the perception about the diversity of diagnosis technique of bowels disease, the exact knowledge about pressing maneuver of one's back side for enlargement of treatment range and rising of treatment rate, and pressing maneuver of the Shu or the stream points.

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체질별(體質別) 식품표(食品表)에 근거한 태음인(太陰人), 소음인(少陰人), 소양인(少陽人) 당뇨식단(1800kcal)의 초보(初步)적 제시

  • Kim, Ji-Yeong;Go, Byeong-Hui
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.395-411
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    • 1996
  • 1. 연구배경 사상체질의학(四象體質醫學)을 창시하여 개인(個人)의 차별성(差別性)을 강조한 동무(東武) 이제마(李濟馬)는 양생(養生)의 방법(方法)에서도 체질별(體質別) 요법(療法)을 말하고 있는데 체질별(體質別)로 과소지장(過小之臟)의 기능(機能)이 정상적(正常的)으로 이루어지는 상황을 완실무병(完實無病)의 조건으로 제시(提示)하였고 이를 위한 수단(手段)으로 성정(性情)과 함께 약물(藥物), 식품(食品) 등을 이용하였다. 특히 식이요법(食餌療法)에 있어서도 체질(體質)에 따른 구별(區別)의 필요성(必要性)을 말하고 있는데 식품(食品)이라 하더라도 그 음식(飮食)을 섭취하여 과대(過大)한 장기(臟器)의 기능(機能)은 유제(柳制)하고 과소(過小)한 기능(機能)은 보완(補完)받음으로써 불균형(不均衡)을 조정(調整)한 것이다. 당뇨병의 식단 작성은 평생동안 열량(熱量)과 영양소(營養素) 필요치(必要置)을 맞출 것을 권장하고 당뇨병학회에서 편집한 식품교환표(食品交換表)를 사용(使用)하는 것이 일반적(一般的)인데 식품교환표(食品交換表)는 많은 식품(食品)들중에 같은 영양소를 가진 식품(食品)들을 한 그룹으로 묶어 환자(患者)의 기호(嗜好)에 따라 교환(交煥)해 가면서 먹을 수 있도록 고안(考案)한 것이니 이에 지시한 수량(數量)만 섭취해도 저(低)cal식(食)으로 관양(管養)의 균형(均衡)이 잘 이루어진다. 본 연구는 체질별로 이로운 식품표에 근거하여 식이요법(食餌療法)이 특히 강조되고 하루 섭취열량이 제한되는 성인병중의 하나인 당뇨병(糖尿病)의 식단(1800kcal)을 식단작성법에 따라 구성(構成)하여 몇가지 예를 제시해 보았다. 구체적으로 태음인(太陰人), 소음인(少陰人), 소양인(少陽人)의 당뇨 환자 1800kcal에 대한 식단을 구성하여 제시했는데 즉, 태음인(太陰人)의 식단은 태음인(太陰人)에 유리(有利)한 식품(食品)들로 구성하고 해(害)로운 식품(食品)들은 제외시키는 방법(方法)을 이용하였다. 이 식단은 다분히 이론적(理論的)인 식단으로 임상(臨床)에 이용(利用)하여 본 바는 없으나 동량(同量)의 열량(熱量)을 섭취(攝取)하더라도 체질(體質)에 적합(適合)한 식품(食品)으로 구성된 식사(食事)가 각 체질의 섭생(攝生)에 더 유리(有利)하지 않올까 하는 단순(單純)한 사고(思考)에 바탕을 둔 것이다. 2. 연구방법 1) 후세가(後世家)가 주장(主張)한 체질별(體質別) 식품(食品) 분류(分類)를 종합, 정리한 체질별(體質別) 식품표(食品表)를 제시한다. 박석언의 동의사상대전, 박인상의 동의사상요결, 송일병의 알기 쉬운 사상의학, 홍순용의 사상진료보원, 홍순용, 이을호의 사상의학원론에서 체질별로 유익한 식풍을 조사하여 곡류, 과일류, 채소류, 어패류, 육류로 분류하여 살펴본다. 2) 당뇨병(糖尿病) 식이요법의 식단 작성법의 개요(槪要)를 제시한다. 3) 1)의 체질별(體質別) 식품표(食品表)로 태음인(太陰人), 소음인(少陰人), 소양인(少陽人)의 당뇨 식단 1800kcal을 작성해 제시(提示)한다. 체질별(體質別)로 유익(有益)한 식품(食品)은 1)의 식품표에 근거(根據)하고 체질별(體質別)로 해(害)로운 식품(食品)은 노정우(盧正祐), 한동석(韓東錫)의 주장에 근거(根據)한다. 3. 결과 체질별(體質別) 식품표(食品表)는 후세가의 연구를 종합하여 제시(提示)하였고, 식품(食品)을 분류(分類)한 후(後) 약명(藥名)과 성미(性味), 귀경(歸經)을 찾아 도표화 하였다. 체질별 식품들은 대부분 소음인(少陰人)의 경우 신감(辛甘) 온열(溫熱)하며 비위(脾胃)로 귀경(歸經)하고 태음인(太陰人)의 경우 감신(甘辛) 온열(溫熱)하며 폐간(肺肝)으로 귀경(歸經)하고 소양인(少陽人)의 산고(酸苦) 양한(凉寒)하고 신(腎)으로 귀경(歸經)함이 우세(優勢)함을 알 수 있다. 즉, 체질적으로 양성(陽性)인 소양인(少陽人)은 식품의 성질이 음성(陰性)인 것이 유리(有利)하고 체질적으로 음성(陰性)인 태음인(太陰人), 소음인(少陰人)은 식품의 성질이 양성(陽性)인 것이 유리(有利)하다. 다양한 식품(食品)을 섭취하고자 하는 환자의 욕구(慾求)에 맞추면서도 식품교환의 범위를 체질별로 유익한 식품들로 제한하여 동일(同一)한 열량(熱量)의 식단이라도 체질에 맞는 식품으로 차별성(差別性)을 두었는데 식단의 작성은 전문 영양사의 의견을 거쳤다. 제시된 식단은 다소 이론적(理論的)으로 작성(作成)된 단계이고 임상적(臨床的) 검증을 거친 바 없으나 활용하기에 따라 실용성을 얻을 수 있으리라 본다. <식단예> 태음인의 식단: 곡류 : 콩, 율무, 밀가루, 밀, 수수, 들깨, 고구마, 땅콩, 기장, 옥수수, 두부, 설탕등 태음인에 유리한 식품으로 교환한다 어때류 : 우렁이, 대구, 조기, 민어, 청어, 오정어, 낙지, 미역, 김, 다시마등으로 교환한다 육류 : 소고기, 우유등으로 교환한다 과일류 : 밤, 배, 호도, 은행, 잣, 살구, 매실, 자두등으로 교환한다 채소류 : 무우, 도라지, 연근, 토란, 마, 고사리, 더덕, 목이버섯, 송이버섯, 석이버섯등으로 교환한다 해로운 음식 : 닭, 돼지, 모밀, 배추, 사과, 염소고기, 조개, 계란, 곳감, 커피등은 피한다 * 아침 ; 콩나물죽, 대구포묶음, 우령이무침, 갓김치, 우유, 자두 점심 ; 기장밥, 콩나물두부찌게, 장어양념구이, 도라지나물, 열무김치, 배 저녁 ; 수수밥, 두부명란, 더덕양념구이, 깍두기 * 아침 ; 비빔국수, 토란국, 알타리김치, 두유, 살구주스 점심 ; 율무밥, 낙지전골, 김무생채, 느타리나물무침, 동치미, 귤 저녁 ; 콩밥, 감자북어국, 두부묶음, 열무김치 소음인의 식단: 곡류 : 찹쌀, 좁쌀, 차조, 감자등 소음인에 유익한 식품으로 교환한다 어패류 : 명태, 미꾸라지, 뱀장어, 뱀, 메기등 육류 : 닭, 개, 꿩, 염소, 양, 참새고기등 과일류 : 사과, 귤, 복숭아, 대추등 채소류 : 미나리, 파, 마늘, 후추, 시금치, 양배추, 생강, 고추, 당근, 양파, 감자, 쑥갓등 해로운 음식 : 메밀, 호도, 계란, 고구마, 녹두, 돼지고기, 밤, 배, 배추, 보리, 쇠고기, 수박, 오이, 참외, 팥등은 피한다. * 아침 ; 찰밥, 닭찜, 감자전, 쑥갓나물, 부추김치, 사과 점심 ; 감자밥, 메기매운탕, 명태조림, 미나리, 고들빼기김치, 사과주스 저녁 ; 좁쌀밥, 양배추감자국, 병어양념구이, 연근양념조림, 귤, 인삼차.

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