• Title/Summary/Keyword: 환형 연소기

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Acoustic Analysis in an Annular Gas Turbine Combustor (GT24) Network Modeling Approach (네트워크 모델링 기법을 이용한 환형 가스터빈 연소기(GT24)에서의 음향장 해석)

  • Jaewoo Jang;Hyungu Roh;Daesik Kim
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.119-125
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    • 2023
  • In this research, a network model was developed to predict combustion instability in an annular gas turbine combustor (GT24) for power generation. The model consisted of various acoustic elements such as several ducts and area changes which could represent a real combustor with a complex geometry, applied mass, momentum, and energy equations to each element. In addition, a one-dimensional network model through a cylindrical coordinate system has been proposed to predict various acoustic modes. As a result of the analysis, the key resonant frequencies such as longitudinal, circumferential, and complex modes were derived from the EV combustor of GT24, and the reliability of the current model was verified through comparison with the 3D Helmholtz solver.

Flow Symmetry Breaking Effect According to Instability in Annular Combustor Part.I : Characteristics of Nozzle Arrangement (환형연소기에서 불안정성에 따른 유동적인 대칭성파괴 효과 Part I : 노즐 배치의 특성)

  • Huido Lee;Keeman Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.62-73
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    • 2022
  • This research proposes a method to control combustion instability in a gas turbine combustor having an annular combustor form and compares the effect of flow symmetric braking through nozzle arrangement and the corresponding change in equivalent ratio. To this end, the symmetry breaking effect was confirmed through mode analysis of FFT, Time signal, and phase trajectory. In addition, the unstable area and the stable area were identified through mode analysis, and this was shown on the contour map. The present research shows that instability occurs when the equivalent ratio and the arrangement of the nozzles are symmetry or when the nozzles are continuously arranged, but if the arrangement and equivalent ratio are not symmetry, the combustion instability decreases dramatically even if the difference in the equivalent ratio is small.

3-D LES for Reacting and Non-reacting Flow Characteristics on a Swirl Stabilized Annular Combustor (스월 환형연소기의 반응 및 비반응 유동 특성 연구를 위한 3차원 Large Eddy Simulation)

  • Kim, Jong-Chan;Sung, Hong-Gye;Cha, Bong-Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.449-452
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    • 2008
  • Flow difference between reacting and non-reacting case in a swirl stabilized annular combustor is investigated using 3D Large Eddy Simulation with flamelet turbulent combustion model. The combustor of concern is the LM6000, lean premixed dry low-NOx annular combustor, developed by GEAE. Boundary conditions are based on experimental data. Heat release as a result of combustion put the dilatation of density in primary combustion zone highly increased so that the main swirl stream behind of a swirl cup stretched further downstream than that of non-reacting case. The oval shape of core flow in cross-section to flow direction, which clearly observed in non-reacting case, tends to be circle, and small vorticities in wide range in non-reacting case disappears, but the size of iso-vorticity increase in reacting case.

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Test and Evaluation for the Mixing Quality in the Premixer of DLE Combustor (DLE(Dry Low Emission) 연소기 예혼합기의 혼합성능 예측에 대한 시험평가)

  • 우유철;최장수;박동준
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 1998.04a
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    • pp.2-2
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    • 1998
  • 현대우주항공(주)가 미국의 AlliedSignal사와 함께 국제 공동 개발중인 10MW급의 ASE120 엔진은 항공용 엔진을 산업용으로 개조한 개조형 엔진으로서 희박 예혼합 예기화(Lean Premix prevaporization) 방식의 연소기를 쓰고 있다. 이 연소기는 연소에 관여하는 공기량을 부하에 따라 가감하여 일정 공연비를 유지하는 air staging법을 사용하고 있으며 이로써 연소화염온도를 일정치로 조절하여 연소중 생성되는 유해가스의 양을 목표치 이하로 제어한다. 연소화염온도 설계치는 2912$^{\circ}$F이며 배기가스 발생량은 NOx, CO모두 궁극적으로 10ppmv 이하를 목표로 하고 있다. 이러한 건식 저 배기가스(Dry Low Emission) 연소기가 그 역할을 다하기 위하여는 양호한 혼합기를 확보하는 것이 선결 문제이다. 본 연구소에서는 두 개의 혼합기(mixing can)가 180$^{\circ}$ 간격으로 환형 연소기(annular type)에 접선 방향으로 설치되어 대칭을 이루고 있고 혼합기의 혼합성능을 측정하기 위하여 제작된 시험장치에는 하나의 혼합기만을 쓰고 있다.

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The Analysis of Two-phase Flow in a Lean Direct Injection Gas-turbine Combustor (희박연료 직접분사(Lean Direct Injection) 가스터빈 연소기의 이상유동 분석)

  • Lee, Kyobin;Kim, Jong-Chan;Sung, Hong-Gye
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.204-211
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    • 2019
  • The analysis on two-phase flow in a Lean Direct Injection(LDI) combustor has been investigated. Linearized Instability Sheet Atomization(LISA) and Aerodynamically Progressed Taylor Analogy Breakup(APTAB) breakup models are applied to simulate the droplet breakup process in hollow-cone spray. Breakup model is validated by comparing penetration length and Sauter Mean Diameter(SMD) of the experiment and simulation. In the LDI combustor, Precessing Vortex Core(PVC) is developed by swirling flow and most droplets are atomized along the PVC. It has been confirmed that all droplets have Stokes number less than 1.0.

Flow Characteristics of Annular Gas Turbine Combustor (환형 가스터빈엔진 연소기 유동 특성 연구)

  • Woo S. P.;Jeung I. S.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.36-40
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    • 2004
  • Experimental and numerical studies are carried out for inner flow of small gas turbine engine combustor at normal operating altitude and velocity. First of all inner flow and combustion phenomenon without a load is analyzed for understanding with various back pressure condition due to flight mode of smart UAV.

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Direct Observation of Premixed Flame Propagation Characteristics in an Annular Coaxial 5-Tubes Burner (환형 5중 동축관 연소기 내부에서의 예혼합 화염의 전파 특성 직접 관찰)

  • Cho, Moon Soo;Baek, Da Bin;Kim, Nam Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Combustion
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.24-30
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    • 2013
  • Flame stabilization characteristics of premixed flames in an annular coaxial 5-tubes burner (AC5TB) were investigated experimentally. The AC5TB was made of five quartz tubes, and the flame stabilization conditions in that burner were investigated with the variation of equivalence ratio and the flow velocities. Flame behaviors inside of narrow annular tubes could be observed directly. Overall flame stabilization conditions were similar to that of the previous study, while the flame behaviors and structures were different mainly due to the controlled uniform distribution of the velocities in channels. Flame flashback conditions were thought to be governed by the competition between heat release rate, heat loss and heat recirculation in each channel. Stationary flames at a fixed location were compared in its velocity distribution and burned gas temperature across the channel. This AC5TB can be a basic configuration for the development of flame stabilization model of porous media combustors, and it will help understand about the real behavior of flames in meso-scale combustion spaces.

Reactive Fields Analysis of End-Burning Hybrid Combustor Using Tangential Oxidizer Injectors with Various Momentum Ratio (접선형 산화제 주입기의 운동량비에 따른 End-Burning 하이브리드 연소기의 연소유동장 해석)

  • Min, Moon-Ki;Kim, Soo-Jong;Kim, Jin-Kon;Moon, Hee-Jang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2007
  • In this study, combustion fields of the end-burning hybrid combustor with tangential oxidizer injectors are examined. Momentum ratio of oxidizer is used as a main parameter to analyse the combustion efficiency with temperature, pressure, swirl velocity and mixture fraction field. It was found that as momentum ratio decreases the overall combustion efficiency is enhanced with the pressure field being insensitive to momentum ratio keeping quasi-uniform distribution. Irrespective to the momentum ratio, annular hot region commonly occurred in the upper combustion chamber where this phenomenon was left for a future improvement to be followed.