• Title/Summary/Keyword: 환자체형

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Classification of Sasang Constitutions Using Weighted Fuzzy Classifier (가중치 퍼지 분류기를 이용한 사상 체질 분류)

  • Shin, Sang-Ho;Beum, Soo-Gyun;Woo, Young-Woon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2009.10a
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    • pp.314-316
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    • 2009
  • 본 논문에서는 사상체질분류검사 설문지를 이용하여 사상체질을 진단할 때, 진단의 정확도를 향상시키기 위한 사상체질 분류 함수를 개발하기 위하여 퍼지 분류기를 이용한다. 본 연구에서 사용하는 데이터는 9개 한의과대학의 10개 부속한방병원에서 치료를 받은 환자들 중 각 병원의 사상체질전문의로부터 체질진단을 받고 최소한 4주 이상 사상체질 처방을 사용한 후 주 증상이 전반적으로 호전되어 체질이 확인된 환자 1,914명을 대상으로 하고 있다. 본 연구는 사상체질의학의 광제설을 토대로 환자의 성별을 분리 하였을 뿐만 아니라, 비만도를 추가적으로 분류하였으며, 체형기상, 용모사기, 성질재간, 병증약리 중 체형기상을 토대로 분류하였으며, 사상체질을 판별할 수 있도록 설계되고 구현되었다.

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Haplotype-Based Association and Linkage Analysis of Angiotensin-I Converting Enzyme(ACE) Gene with a Hypertension (일배체형에 기초한 고혈압과 ACE 유전자의 연관성 분석)

  • Kim Jinheum;Nam Chung Mo;Kang Dae Ryong;Suh Il
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.297-310
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    • 2005
  • In this study we investigate the association between the haplotype block of 4 SNPs in ACE genes and hypertension with a case-control dataset of size of 277 and 40 families data collected from Kangwha studies. To this end we perform a haplotype-based case-control association study and a haplotype-based TDT study. We do the same analysis with tag-SNPs that can identify the haplotype block. Through a cladogram analysis we make the evolution-tree of haplotypes and then classify the haplotypes into a few clades by collecting haplotypes exposed to the disease to the same extent. We also discuss the association between these clades and hypertension.

Estimation of Haplotype Proportions in Single Necleotide Polymorphism Group Using EM Algorithm (EM 알고리듬을 이용한 단일염기변이 (SNP;SINGLE NUCLEOTIDE POLYMORPHISM)군의 일배체형 (HAPLOTYPE) 비율 추정)

  • 김선우;김종원;이경아
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.195-202
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    • 2003
  • Haplotype analysis in SNP is very useful for the study of complex genetic disease due to low cost and high efficiency comparing to individual analysis of each SNP, and is functionally important in biological view. But, the gametic phase of haplotypes is usually unknown in SNP group, and it is difficult to predict haplotype proportions. In this study, haplotype proportions were estimated using EM algorithm from diploid data of SNP group in solid tumor group and normal group. From these results, linkage disequilibrium among SNPs was analyzed.

The Effect of Sling Lumbar Stabilization Exercise to Muscle Body Type and Subjective Pain Degree of Men Who Have Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome (8주간의 슬링을 이용한 요부안정화 운동이 천장관절 증후군 남성의 근체형 및 주관적 통증정도에 미치는 효과)

  • Baek, Soon-Gi
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.651-658
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to see how the sling lumbar stabilization exercise affects muscle body type and subjective pain degree of 17 middle-age men who are diagnosed with sacroiliac joint syndrome and investigate the effectiveness. The subjects of this study are patients who have been diagnosed with sacroiliac joint syndrome through tests like X-ray in S Orthopedics in C City and have had chronic lumbar pain for more than 6 months and the before and after results about subjective pain degree through three dimension Moire Muscle Body Type Tester and subjective pain degree through VAS Pain Awareness after sling lumbar stabilization exercise 3 times a week, 30 minutes a time, total 24 times for 8 weeks have revealed the following: The change of muscle body type has been comprehensively improved in the statistics before and after the exercise and the subjective pain degree has also comprehensively decreased in the statistics. Therefore, sling lumbar stabilization exercise is proved to give positive affect to muscle body type and pain improvement of the patients with sacroiliac joint syndrome.

Study on Effects of Population Stratification on Haplotype Trend Test in Case-Control Studies (환자-대조군 연구에서 인구집단 층화가 일배체형 경향성 검정에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jin-Heum;Kang, Dae-Ryong;Lim, Hyun-Sun;Nam, Chung-Mo
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.1085-1096
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    • 2009
  • Population stratification can cause spurious associations between genetic markers and disease locus. In order to handle this population stratification in haplotype-based case-control association studies, we added population indicators as covariates to the haplotype trend regression model proposed by Zaykin et al. (2002). We investigated through simulations how both population stratification and measurement error in the estimation of true population of each individual affect type I error probabilities of the association tests based on both Zaykin et al.'s (2002) model and the proposed model. Based on those results, in the situation that there exists population stratification but there is no error in population classification of each individual, our proposed model does satisfy a type I error probability whereas Zaykin et al.'s (2002) model does not. However, as the measurement error increases, a type I error probability of our model correspondingly becomes larger than a nominal significance level. It implies that as long as uncertainty in the estimation of true population of each individual still remains, it is nearly impossible to avoid false positive in case-control association studies based on haplotypes.

The Effect of 12Weeks Sling Exercise on the Change of Muscular Body Type in Patients with Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (12주간의 슬링운동이 작업관련성 근골격계 질환자의 근체형 변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Baek, Soon-Gi;Lee, Jong-Bok;Jeong, Hae-Cheon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.317-323
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    • 2014
  • This research has a purpose of providing base data to prevent musculoskeletal disorders, by analyzing the changes in muscle body due to sling exercises, of the industrial laborers with work-related musculoskeletal disorders. The subjects of this research are 20 volunteers who applied for musculoskeletal treatment exercises in hospitals, from region D industry H. 10 of the 20 subjects were involved in sling exercise program for 12 weeks, and the other 10 subjects were ordered to retain their common practices. We have used the statistics software SPSS ver.18.0 to analyze the data, and have offered a descriptive analysis of the measured variables. To discover the sling exercise effects, we have executed a t-test (paired sample t-test) comparing the before-after relationship of 12-week sling exercise program, and the level of significance were set to a=.05. With these set of research methods and procedures, we have concluded the following. As a result, we have concluded that 12-week sling exercise program does exert influence in changing muscle body of work-related musculoskeletal patients.

Dosimetric comparison for Prostate VMAT of weight and photon energy change (전립선 암 입체적세기변조방사선치료 시 체형 및 에너지 변화에 따른 선량 평가)

  • Jo, Guang Sub;Kim, Min Woo;Baek, Min Gyu;Chae, Jong Pyo;Ha, Se Min;Lee, Sang Bong
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.30 no.1_2
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2018
  • Purpose : To compare the radiation doses of prostate cancer patients according to changes in abdominal body shape and energy during Volumetric modulated arc therapy(VMAT). Materials and Methods : Seven patients with prostate cancer were enrolled in this study. VMAT treatment plan was established at 6, 10, and 15 MV while changing from -2.0 cm to 2 cm by 0.5 cm. Conformal index(CI), homogeneous index(HI), $D_{max}$, $D_{95%}$, $D_{50%}$ and $D_{2%}$ of PTV were examined in order to evaluate the change of dose in the target organ according to body shape change. Normal organ of the femoral head, rectum and bladder was analyzed to evaluate dose changes. Results : The dose of $D_{max}$ 6 MV in PTV increased to 107.2 % in 1.0 cm body shape reduction, and 10 MV and 15 MV dose increased to 107.1 % and 107.0 % in 1.5 cm body reduction, respectively. The dose of $D_{50%}$ 6 MV in PTV decreased to 99.64 % in 1.0 cm body shape increase, and in 10 MV and 15 MV dose decreased to 99.79 % and 99.97 % in 1.5 cm body increase, respectively. In 2.0 cm body type increase, the dose was decreased to 99.30 % and 99.52 %, respectively. Doses for rectum and bladder gradually increased with decreasing weight, and dose decreased with decreasing weight. 6 MV, and $V_{70Gy}$ at 10 MV increased from 11.50 % to 12.76 % when the external shape decreased by 2.0 cm. The bladder $V_{70Gy}$ also increased from 14.0 % to 15.2 %. It was also shown that the dose increased as the body weight decreased in the femoral head. Conclusion : In the treatment of VMAT, dose distribution can be changed according to the change of abdominal shape. SSD and CBCT were used to decrease the body shape by more than 1cm or more than 1.0 cm at 6 MV and the body shape by more than 1.5 cm or more than 1.5 cm at 10 MV or 15 MV. It is considered that a new treatment plan should be established through re-simulation.

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Abdominoplasty (복벽성형술)

  • Seol, Jeong-Hyeon;Jeong, Jae-Ho
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.287-297
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    • 1993
  • 생활수준의 향상과 식생활의 개선으로 복부지방의 과다축척은 여성에게 체형의 불균형을 초래하고, 심하면 요척추관절에 퇴행성병변이 유발되어 요통과 운동장애가 올 수 있다. 이러한 복부지방의 과다축척을 성형외과적 복벽 성형수술 방법으로는 지방흡인술(liposuction)과 피부지방절제술(dermolipectomy)의 2가지 방법이 있는데 적당한 환자의 선택, 적당한 수술방법의 선택 혹은 두가지 방법을 적당히 병용함으로 복부지방제거와 더불어 체형의 개선에 좋은 효과를 얻을 수 있다.

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Optimization of Tube Voltage according to Patient's Body Type during Limb examination in Digital X-ray Equipment (디지털 엑스선 장비의 사지 검사 시 환자 체형에 따른 관전압 최적화)

  • Kim, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.379-385
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    • 2017
  • This study identifies the optimal tube voltages depending on the changes in the patient's body type for limb tests using a digital radiography (DR) system. For the upper-limp test, the dose area product (DAP) was fixed at $5.06dGy{\ast} cm^2$, and for the lower-limb test, the DAP was fixed at $5.04dGy{\ast} cm^2$. Afterwards, the tube voltage was changed to four different stages and the images were taken three times at each stage. The thickness of the limbs was increased by 10 mm to 30 mm to change in the patient's body type. For a quantitative evaluation, Image J was used to calculate the contrast to noise ratio (CNR) and signal to noise ratio (SNR) among the four groups, according to the tube voltage. For statistical testing, the statistically significant differences were analyzed through the Kruskal-Wallis test at a 95% confidence level. For the qualitative analysis of the images, the pre-determined items were evaluated based on a 5-point Likert scale. In both upper-limb and lower-limb tests, the more the tube voltage increased, the more the CNR and SNR of the images decreased. The test on the changes depending on the patient's body shape showed that the more the thickness increased, the more the CNR and SNR decreased. In the qualitative evaluation on the upper limbs, the more the tube voltage increased, the more score increased to 4.6 at the maximum of 55kV and 3.6 at 40kV, respectively. The mean score for the lower limbs was 4.4, regardless of the tube voltage. The more either the upper or lower limbs got thicker, the more the score generally decreased. The score of the upper limps sharply dropped at 40kV, whereas that of the lower limps sharply dropped at 50kV. For patients with a standard thickness, the optimized images can be obtained when taken at 45kV for the upper limbs, and at 50kV for the lower limbs. However, when the thickness of the patient's limbs increases, it is best to set the tube voltage at 50 kV for the upper limbs and at 55 kV for the lower limbs.