• Title/Summary/Keyword: 환자체위변동

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The Differences of Anthropometric and Polysomnographic Characteristics Between the Positional and Non-positional Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (체위 의존성 및 체위 비의존성 폐쇄성 수면 무호흡증후군의 신체계측인자 및 수면구조의 차이)

  • Park, Hye-Jung;Shin, Kyeong-Cheol;Lee, Choong-Kee;Chung, Jin-Hong;Lee, Kwan-Ho
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.956-963
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    • 2000
  • Backgrounds : Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome(OSA) can divided into two groups, positional(PP) and non-positional(NPP) obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, according to the body position while sleeping. In this study, we evaluated the differences of anthropometric data and polysomnographic recordings between the two types of sleep apnea syndrome. Materials : Fifty patients with OSA were divided two groups by Cartwright's criteria. The supine respiratory disturbance index (RDI) was at least two times higher than the lateral RDI in the PP group, and the supine RDI was less than twice the lateral RDI in the NPP group. This patients underwent standardized polysomnographic recordings. The anthropometric data and polysomnographic data were analyzed, statistically. Results : Of all 50 patients, 30% were found to be positional OSA. BMI was significantly higher in the PP group(p<0.05). Total sleep time was significantly longer in the PP group (350.6$\pm$28.2min, 333.3$\pm$46.0min, (p<0.05). Sleep efficiency was high in the PP group(89.6$\pm$6.4%, 85.6$\pm$9.9%, p<0.05). Deep sleep was significantly higher and light sleep was lower in the PP group than in the NPP group but no difference was observed in REM sleep between the two groups. Apnea index(AI) and RDI were significantly lower( 17.0$\pm$10.6, 28.5$\pm$13.3, p<0.05) and mean arterial oxygen saturation was higher in the PP group(92.7$\pm$1.8%. p<0.05) than in the NPP group. Conclusion : Body position during sleep has a profound effect on the frequency and severity of breathing abnormalities in OSA patients. A polysomnographic evaluation for suspected OSA patients must include monitoring of the body position. Breathing function in OSA patients can be improved by controlling their obesity and through postural therapy.

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A Study on the Efficiency of Hand-Knee Position in GB Stone Ultrasonography (담낭결석 초음파검사에서 Hand-Knee position의 효율성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Soung-Ock;Do, Yun-Su
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.267-274
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    • 2006
  • The evaluation of GB stones with ultrasound has proved to be useful procedure in patient with symptoms of cholelithiasis. GB is evaluated for size, wall thickness, presence of internal reflections within the lumen and posterior acoustic shadowing or enhancement in Ultrsonography. The patient position should be shifted during procedure to demonstrate further the presence of stone within the GB. Patient scanned at the Rt. subcostal region in supine, right lateral, Lt. down decubitus, and upright sitting position. So GB stone should shift to dependent area of GB. Often, GB is not markedly distended in the presence of cholethiasis, and so the diagnosis becomes more difficult. One of the more difficult areas for detection of a GB stones are embeded in the cystic duct region. And since the GB is adjacent to the duodenum and hepatic flexure, its may be difficult to visualizing a GB stone. When patient study position changes frome supine to other position, stones displaced the site. But if its are polyps, not changes the site whatever patient positions. It is very important to what make different GB stones or polyps. We have studied about mobility of GB stones according to the patients position(supine, Lt. down decubitus, $30^{\circ} LAO. sitting and hand-knee). So we have a result, stones wherever localized within the GB, changed 100% its position in the hand-knee position and the others appeared at least 90%. In this study, when a large stones are located through fundus-body and body-neck, does not changing the stones position in spite of varied patient's positions. But hand-knee positions can identified GB stones, because its make changed the position of stons from posterior wall to anterior wall within the GB. We recommend the hand-knee position for differentiation GB stones from polyps.

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Cardiovascular Effects of Free Movement of Abdominal Muscle in Prone Positioning during General Anesthesia (전신마취동안에 복와위시 자유로운 복근 움직임이 심혈관계에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Ji-Yoon;Lee, Dong-Won;Seo, Il-Sook;Kim, Sae-Yeon
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.206-215
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    • 2007
  • Background : The prone position is often used for operations involving the spine and provides excellent surgical access. The complications associated with the prone position include ocular and auricular injuries, and musculoskeletal injuries. In particular, the prone position during general anesthesia causes hemodynamic changes. To evaluate the cardiovascular effects of the prone position in surgical patients during general anesthesia, we investigated the effects on hemodynamic change of the prone position with the Jackson spinal surgery table. Materials and Methods : Thirty patients undergoing spine surgery in the prone position were randomly selected. After induction of general anesthesia, intra-arterial and central venous pressures (CVP) were monitored and cardiac output was measured by $NICO^{(R)}$. We measured stroke volume, cardiac index, cardiac output, mean arterial pressure, heart rate, CVP and systemic vascular resistance (SVR) before changing the position. The same measurements were performed after changing to the prone position with the patient on the Jackson spinal surgery table. Results : In the prone position, there was a significant reduction in stroke volume, cardiac index and cardiac output. The heart rate, mean arterial pressure and CVP were also decreased in the prone position but not significantly. However, the SVR was increased significantly. Conclusion : The degree of a reduced cardiac index was less on the Jackson spinal surgery table than other conditions of the prone position. The reduced epidural pressure caused by free abdominal movement may decrease intraoperative blood loss. Therefore, the Jackson spinal surgery table provides a convenient and stable method for maintaining patients in the prone position during spinal surgery.

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Sleep-Related Respiratory Disturbances (수면과 관련된 호흡장애)

  • Moon, Hwa-Sik
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 1995
  • During sleep, relatively major respiratory physiological changes occur in healthy subjects. The contributions and interactions of voluntary and metabolic breathing control systems during waking and sleep are quite different Alterations of ventilatory control occur in chemosensitivity, response to mechanical loads, and stability of ventilation. The activities of intercostal muscles and muscles involved in regulating upper airway size are decreased during sleep. These respiratory physiological changes during sleep compromise the nocturnal ventilatory function, and sleep is an important physiological cause of the nocturnal alveolar hypoventilation. There are several causes of chronic alveolar hypoventilation including cardiopulmonary, neuromuscular diseases. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is an important cause of nocturnal hypoventilation and hypoxia. Coexistent cardiopulmonary or neuromuscular disease in patients with OSAS contributes to the development of diurnal alveolar hypoventilation, diurnal hypoxia and hypercapnia. The existing data indicates that nocturnal recurrent hypoxia and fragmentation of sleep in patients with OSAS contributes to the development of systemic hypertension and cardiac bradytachyarrhythmia, and diurnal pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale in patients with OSAS is usually present in patients with coexisting cardiac or pulmonary disease. Recent studies reported that untreated patients with OSAS had high long-term mortality rates, cardiovascular complications of OSAS had a major effect on mortality, and effective management of OSAS significantly decreased mortality.

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The Blood Disappearance Rate of $^{198}Au$-Colloid and Changes of Hepatic Blood Flow During Position Change in Normal Persons and in Patients with Various Hepatic Diseases (정상인(正常人) 및 각종(各種) 간질환(肝疾患) 환자(患者)에서 $^{198}Au$교질(膠質)의 혈중소실율치(血中消失率値)와 체위변동(體位變動)에 따른 간혈류량변화(肝血流量變化)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Cho, Bo-Yeon;Hong, Kee-Suck;Koh, Chang-Sun;Lee, Mun-Ho
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.33-37
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    • 1977
  • To evaluate the diagnostic significance of the blood disappearance rate of $^{198}Au$-colloid and to evaluate the change of hepatic blood flow during position change from supine to erect, we measured the half time of blood disappearance rate of $^{198}Au$-colloid using external counting method in 94 normal persons and in 77 patients with various hepatic diseases. The results obtained were as follows: 1. In normal control, the mean blood disappearance half time of $^{198}Au$-colloid in supine position was $2.7{\pm}0.4$ minutes. There was no significant difference of hepatic blood flow in age and sex. 2. In acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis and hepatic cirrhosis, the mean blood disappearance half times in supine position were $3.0{\pm}0.45,\;3.5{\pm}0.74,\;7.2{\pm}3.6$ minutes respectively. The hepatic blood flow of the patients with chronic hepatitis and hepatic cirrhosis were significantly decreased than that of normal control. 3. In the normal control and acute hepatitis, the decreaces of the hepatic blood flow during the position change from supine to erect were 27.7% and 22.6% respectively.

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CT Simulation Technique for Craniospinal Irradiation in Supine Position (전산화단층촬영모의치료장치를 이용한 배와위 두개척수 방사선치료 계획)

  • Lee, Suk;Kim, Yong-Bae;Kwon, Soo-Il;Chu, Sung-Sil;Suh, Chang-Ok
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.165-171
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : In order to perform craniospinal irradiation (CSI) in the supine position on patients who are unable to lie in the prone position, a new simulation technique using a CT simulator was developed and its availability was evaluated. Materials and Method : A CT simulator and a 3-D conformal treatment planning system were used to develop CSI in the supine position. The head and neck were immobilized with a thermoplastic mask in the supine position and the entire body was immobilized with a Vac-Loc. A volumetrie image was then obtained using the CT simulator. In order to improve the reproducibility of the patients' setup, datum lines and points were marked on the head and the body. Virtual fluoroscopy was peformed with the removal of visual obstacles such as the treatment table or the immobilization devices. After the virtual simulation, the treatment isocenters of each field were marked on the body and the immobilization devices at the conventional simulation room. Each treatment field was confirmed by comparing the fluoroscopy images with the digitally reconstructed radiography (DRR)/digitally composite radiography (DCR) images from the virtual simulation. The port verification films from the first treatment were also compared with the DRR/DCR images for a geometrical verification. Results : CSI in the supine position was successfully peformed in 9 patients. It required less than 20 minutes to construct the immobilization device and to obtain the whole body volumetric images. This made it possible to not only reduce the patients' inconvenience, but also to eliminate the position change variables during the long conventional simulation process. In addition, by obtaining the CT volumetric image, critical organs, such as the eyeballs and spinal cord, were better defined, and the accuracy of the port designs and shielding was improved. The differences between the DRRs and the portal films were less than 3 mm in the vertebral contour. Conclusion : CSI in the supine position is feasible in patients who cannot lie on prone position, such as pediatric patienta under the age of 4 years, patients with a poor general condition, or patients with a tracheostomy.

3-D Conformal Radiotherapy for CNS Using CT Simulation (입체조준장치를 이용한 중추신경계의 방사선 입체조형치료 계획)

  • 추성실;조광환;이창걸
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.90-98
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : A new virtual simulation technique for craniospinal irradiation (CSI) that uses a CT-simulator was developed to improve the accuracy of field and shielding placement as well as patient positioning. Materials and Methods : A CT simulator (CT-SIM) and a 3-D conformal radiation treatment planning system (3D-CRT) were used to develop CSI. The head and neck were immobilized with a thermoplastic mask while the rest of the body was immobilized with a Vac-Loc. A volumetric image was then obtained with the CT simulator. In order to improve the reproducibility of the setup, datum lines and points were marked on the head and body. Virtual fluoroscopy was performed with the removal of visual obstacles, such as the treatment table or immobilization devices. After virtual simulation, the treatment isocenters of each field were marked on the body and on the immobilization devices at the conventional simulation room. Each treatment fields was confirmed by comparing the fluoroscopy images with the digitally reconstructed radiography (DRR) and digitally composited radiography (DCR) images from virtual simulation. Port verification films from the first treatment were also compared with the DRR/DCR images for geometric verification. Results : We successfully performed virtual simulations on 11 CSI patients by CT-SIM. It took less than 20 minutes to affix the immobilization devices and to obtain the volumetric images of the entire body. In the absence of the patient, virtual simulation of all fields took 20 min. The DRRs were in agreement with simulation films to within 5 mm. This not only reducee inconveniences to the patients, but also eliminated position-shift variables attendant during the long conventional simulation process. In addition, by obtaining CT volumetric image, critical organs, such as the eyes and the spinal cord, were better defined, and the accuracy of the port designs and shielding was improved. Differences between the DRRs and the portal films were less than 3 m in the vertebral contour. Conclusion : Our analysis showed that CT simulation of craniospinal fields was accurate. In addition, CT simulation reduced the duration of the patient's immobility. During the planning process. This technique can improve accuracy in field placement and shielding by using three-dimensional CT-aided localization of critical and target structures. Overall, it has improved staff efficiency and resource utilization by standard protocol for craniospinal irradiation.

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A Clinical Review of Primary Tracheal Carcinoma (원발성 악성기관종양의 임상적 고찰)

  • Ryu, Jeong-Seon;Cho, Hyun-Myung;Yang, Dong-Gyoo;Lee, Hong-Lyeol;Kim, Se-Kyu;Chang, Joon;Ahn, Chul-Min;Shin, Kye-Chul;Kim, Sung-Kyu;Lee, Won-Young
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.766-775
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    • 1997
  • Background : Primary malignant tumors of the trachea are extremely rare entities and account for a mere 0.1 per cent of all malignancies of the respiratory tract. Because of vague localizing signs, symptoms and a usually negative routine chest film, the patients with tracheal tumors are often treated for asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease for considerable period of time before correct diagnosis. Method : We have made a review of the 17 cases of primary tracheal tumors in recent 15 years. We reviewed the clinical features including history of smoking and respiratory symptoms, the official readings of initial routine chest film, the cytologic examination of sputum, the time of delay in diagnosis, and the response according to the therapeutic modalities. Results : Eight out of 9 patients with squamous cell carcinoma(SCC) were above 50 years old, five out of 6 patients with adenoid cystic carcinoma(ACC) were below 50 years old. The most common location of primary tracheal tumors was the upper one-third of trachea in 8 cases(47%). The most frequent symptoms were dyspnea in 13/17 cases(76%) and then stridor or wheezing, cough. and sputum in order. The routine chest roentgenographic examinations were not helpful to diagnose tracheal carcinoma and the cytologic examinations of sputums were helpful to diagnose tracheal carcinoma in only one case with adenocarcinoma. The mean times of delay in diagnosis of patients with sec and ACC were 5 months and 24.9 months respectively. We had bronchial asthma in 8 cases(47%) and tracheal tumors in 4 cases(23%) as initial clinical impression. Conclusion : We would like to perform more comprehensive diagnostic tools(high KVP technique, the fibroptic bronchoscopic examination, chest CT scan etc.) in patients who had the suggestive points for the tracheal tumorse(1. unexplained hemoptysis or hoarsness, 2. inspiratory wheezing or stridor, 3. wax and waning of dyspnea according to changes of position, 4. progressive asthmatics unresponsive to antiasthmatic therapy) and radical resection of tumor or external radiation therapy with curative aim as possible.

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The Patterns of Change in Arterial Oxygen Saturation and Heart Rate and Their Related Factors during Voluntary Breath holding and Rebreathing (자발적 호흡정지 및 재개시 동맥혈 산소포화도와 심박수의 변동양상과 이에 영향을 미치는 인자)

  • Lim, Chae-Man;Kim, Woo-Sung;Choi, Kang-Hyun;Koh, Youn-Suck;Kim, Dong-Soon;Kim, Won-Dong
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.379-388
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    • 1994
  • Background : In sleep apnea syndrome, arterial oxygen saturation($SaO_2$) decreases at a variable rate and to a variable degree for a given apneic period from patient to patient, and various kinds of cardiac arrythmia are known to occur. Factors supposed to affect arterial oxygen desaturation during apnea are duration of apnea, lung voulume at which apnea occurs, and oxygen consumption rate of the subject. The lung serves as preferential oxygen source during apnea, and there have been many reports related with the influence of lung volume on $SaO_2$ during apnea, but there are few, if any, studies about the influence of oxygen consumption rate of an individual on $SaO_2$ during breath holding or about the profile of arterial oxygen resaturation after breathing resumed. Methods : To investigate the changes of $SaO_2$ and heart rate(HR) during breath holding(BH) and rebreathing(RB) and to evaluate the physiologic factors responsible for the changes, lung volume measurements, and arterial blood gas analyses were performed in 17 healthy subjects. Nasal airflow by thermistor, $SaO_2$ by pulse oxymeter and ECG tracing were recorded on Polygraph(TA 4000, Gould, U.S.A.) during voluntary BH & RB at total lung capacity(TLC), at functional residual capacity(FRC) and at residual volume(RV), respectively, for the study subjects. Each subject's basal metabolic rate(BMR) was assumed on Harris-Benedict equation. Results: The time needed for $SaO_2$ to drop 2% from the basal level during breath holding(T2%) were $70.1{\pm}14.2$ sec(mean${\pm}$standard deviation) at TLC, $44.0{\pm}11.6$ sec at FRC, and $33.2{\pm}11.1$ sec at RV(TLC vs. FRC, p<0.05; FRC vs. RV, p<0.05). On rebreathing after $SaO_2$ decreased 2%, further decrement in $SaO_2$ was observed and it was significantly greater at RV($4.3{\pm}2.1%$) than at TLC($1.4{\pm}1.0%$)(p<0.05) or at FRC($1.9{\pm}1.4%$)(p<0.05). The time required for $SaO_2$ to return to the basal level after RB(Tr) at TLC was not significantly different from those at FRC or at RV. T2% had no significant correlation either with lung volumes or with BMR respectively. On the other hand, T2% had significant correlation with TLC/BMR(r=0.693, p<0.01) and FRC/BMR (r=0.615, p<0.025) but not with RV/BMR(r=0.227, p>0.05). The differences between maximal and minimal HR(${\Delta}HR$) during the BH-RB manuever were $27.5{\pm}9.2/min$ at TLC, $26.4{\pm}14.0/min$ at RV, and $19.1{\pm}6.0/min$ at FRC which was significantly smaller than those at TLC(p<0.05) or at RV(p<0.05). The mean difference of 5 p-p intervals before and after RB were $0.8{\pm}0.10$ sec and $0.72{\pm}0.09$ sec at TLC(p<0.001), $0.82{\pm}0.11$ sec and $0.73{\pm}0.09$ sec at FRC(p<0.025), and $0.77{\pm}0.09$ sec and $0.72{\pm}0.09$ sec at RV(p<0.05). Conclusion Healthy subjects showed arterial desaturation of various rates and extent during breath holding at different lung volumes. When breath held at lung volume greater than FRC, the rate of arterial desaturation significantly correlated with lung volume/basal metabolic rate, but when breath held at RV, the rate of arterial desaturation did not correlate linearly with RV/BMR. Sinus arrythmias occurred during breath holding and rebreathing manuever irrespective of the size of the lung volume at which breath holding started, and the amount of change was smallest when breath held at FRC and the change in vagal tone induced by alteration in respiratory movement might be the major responsible factor for the sinus arrythmia.

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