• Title/Summary/Keyword: 환자의 접근

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The Effect of Theratainment Swiss Ball Exercise on the Upper Limb Function, Pain and disability, Daily Activities of a Patient with Axillary Nerve Injury: Single Subject (테라테인먼트 스위스 볼 운동이 겨드랑신경 손상 환자의 상지기능, 통증 및 장애, 일상생활활동에 미치는 영향 : 개별대상연구)

  • Son, Bo-Young;Bang, Yo-Soon
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.431-442
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the effect of the theratainment swiss ball exercise on the upper limb function, pain, and daily activities of a patient with axillary nerve injury. The research duration was from November 5th, 2019 to February 25th, 2020. The research subject was a 23-year-old female patient living in the metropolitan city of G in South Korea, and the A-B-A' type of single-subject experimental research design was used. In this study, repeated training was provided to the patient in the form of exercises employing different directions and gradually increased weights. The training increased the structural stability and mobility of the shoulder and was effective for pain relief as it strengthened shoulder function. The training helped the subject improve her posture change adaptability and reaction ability in different environments and ultimately enabled her to increase and maximize her performance of independent daily activities. This study thus demonstrated the positive effect of the Swiss ball exercise on the upper limb function, pain and disability, daily activities of a patient with axillary nerve injury and confirmed the potential of the exercise as an intervention method. Continued investigation to develop and test the effect of the Swiss ball exercise will be required for it to be used professionally as a therapeutic approach by occupational therapists in treating a variety of patients.

Factors Associated With Post-Traumatic Growth in Patients With Cancer (암환자의 외상 후 성장에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Nam Pyo Lee;Jong Woo Kim;Myungjae Baik;Mi Ae Oh;A Ra Lee;Won Sub Kang
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2023
  • Objectives : Cancer diagnosis causes significant distress while it may also bring positive change: post-traumatic growth. This study was conducted to analyze factors that affect post-traumatic growth. Methods : Medical records of 52 cancer patients who received psychiatric treatment at a university hospital in Seoul were reviewed and the correlation between post-traumatic growth and following factors were analyzed: Resilience, Anxious thoughts and tendencies, Mindful attention awareness, Acceptance attitude Results : Using Multiple Generalized Linear model, a positive correlation was found between post-traumatic growth and resilience (B=1.45, p<0.0001), mindful attention awareness (B=0.58, p=0.0030) and acceptance attitude (B=1.29, p=0.0003), while anxious thoughts and tendencies (B=-0.84, p<0.0001) had negative association. Conclusions : Factors that have a positive impact on post-traumatic growth were resilience, mindful attention awareness, acceptance attitude and a factor with a negative impact was anxious thoughts and tendencies; Factors that impact post-traumatic growth need to be taken into account, when approaching the treatment of cancer patients.

Comparison of the Injury Mechanism, Pattern and Initial Management Approach for Orthopedic Injuries According to the Injury Severity in Moderate-to-Severe Injured Patients (중등도 이상의 손상 환자에서 손상 중증도에 따른 정형외과적 손상에 대한 수상기전, 손상유형, 초기 치료적 접근의 비교)

  • Lee, Eui-Sup;Sohn, Hoon-Sang;Kim, Younghwan;Shon, Min Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.383-396
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study compared the injury mechanism, site, type, initial management approach of orthopedic injury, and outcomes according to the injury severity in moderate-to-severe injured patients. Materials and Methods: During 57-month, excluding the period when the authors' emergency/trauma center was not operating, from 2014 to 2019, a retrospective study was conducted on 778 patients with orthopedic injuries among patients with an Injury Severity Score (ISS)>9 scored. The patients were classified into moderate-injured group (group-1, 679) and severe-injured group (group-2, 99) according to the injury severity based on the ISS and physiologic parameters. The injury mechanism and non-orthopedic injury were evaluated. Orthopedic injuries were assessed according to the injury pattern and the number of anatomical regions and bone sites involved. The management approach for the orthopedic injuries in two groups was compared. Outcomes (hospital stay, systemic complications, and in-hospital mortality) were evaluated, and the risk factors for mortality were analyzed. Results: In group-2, the incidence of younger males, high-energy mechanisms, and accompanying injuries was significantly higher than in group-1. The number of anatomical regions and bone sites involved increased in group-2. The involvement of the pelvis, spine, and upper extremity was significantly higher in group-2, whereas group-1 was involved mainly by the lower extremities. Depending on the patient's condition, definitive or staged management for orthopedic injuries may be used. Group-1 was treated mainly with definite fixation after the physiological stabilization process, and group-2 was treated with staged management using temporary external fixation. The hospital stay was significantly longer in group-2. The overall systematic complications and in-hospital mortality was approximately 4.9% and 4.5%. A higher injury severity was associated with higher in-hospital mortality (2.9%, 15.2%; p<0.0001). Increasing age and high ISS are independent risk factors for mortality. Conclusion: A higher severity of injury was associated with a higher incidence of high-energy mechanism, younger, male, accompanying injuries, and the frequency and severity of orthopedic injuries. Severe polytrauma patients were treated mainly with a staged approach, such as external fixation. The hospital stay, systematic complications, and in-hospital mortality were significantly higher in severe-injured patients. Age and ISS are strong predictors of in-hospital mortality in polytrauma.

Surgical Clues of Distal Anterior Cerebral Artery(DACA) Aneurysms (원위부 전대뇌 동맥류 수술의 실마리)

  • Kim, Sung Bum;Yi, Hyeong Joong;Kim, Jae Min;Bak, Koang Hum;Kim, Choong Hyun;Oh, Suck Jun
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.29 no.12
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    • pp.1555-1562
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    • 2000
  • Objects : Surgical management of the distal anterior cerebral artery(DACA) aneurysms presents several unique problems to surgeons, such as difficulty in early identification of parent arteries, high incidence of rebleeding and premature rupture, and requirement of unfamiliar approach other than conventional frontotemporal craniotomy. Therefore, preoperative anatomical knowledge of anterior interhemispheric fissure and entry point of dissection is prerequisite. Authors utilized a frontobasal approach for DACA aneurysms by using consistent external landmark for guidance to the deep structure. Materials and Methods : From Nov. 1995 to Jun. 1999, a surgical clipping of DACA aneurysms was carried out in 9 patients among a total 131 patients with intracranial aneurysms. In each case, the clinical and aneurysmal features were carefully reviewed through the angiograms, medical records, and intraoperative findings. Results : The incidence of DACA aneurysms was 6.9% from our series. All cases were arisen from juxtacallosal por-tion ; 6 cases from pericallosal-callosomarginal(PC-CM) junction and 3 from pericallosal-frontopolar(PC-FP) junction. Associated vascular anomalies were noted in 3 cases and multiple aneurysms in 3 cases, respectively. The preoperative clinical grades were generally poor. An early surgery was performed in 7 cases and frontobasal interhemispheric approaches in 7 cases. Postoperatively, two patients died of complications ; one delayed ischemic vasospasm and one aspiration pneumonia but remaining patients recovered well. Conclusion : The frontobasal interhemispheric approach was useful for DACA aneurysms in early surgery. Division of superior sagittal sinus(SSS) enabled a minimal retraction of brain on both sides, and prevention of intraoperative rupture was possible. Authors suggest the frontopolar(first frontal bridging) vein as a constant external landmark for approaching the genu of the corpus callosum and juxtacallosal DACA aneurysms.

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Patient's 'Right Not to Know' and Physician's 'Duty to Consideration' (환자의 모를 권리와 의사의 배려의무)

  • Suk, HeeTae
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.145-173
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    • 2016
  • A patient's Right to Self-Determination or his/her Right of Autonomy in the Republic of Korea has traditionally been understood as being composed of two elements. The first, is the patient's Right to Know as it pertains to the physician's Duty to Report [the Medical Situation] to the patient; the second, is the patient's Right to Consent and Right of Refusal as it pertains to the physician's Duty to Inform [for Patient's Consent]. The legal and ethical positions pertaining to the patient's autonomous decision, particularly those in the interest of the patient's not wanting to know about his/her own body or medical condition, were therefore acknowledged as passively expressed entities borne from the patient's forfeiture of the Right to Know and Right to Consent, and exempting the physician from the Duty to Inform. The potential risk of adverse effects rising as a result of applying the Informed Consent Dogma to situations described above were only passively recognized, seen merely as a preclusion of the Informed Consent Dogma or a denial of liability on part of the physician. In short, the legal measures that guarantee a patient's 'Wish for Ignorance' are not currently being understood and acknowledged under the active positions of the patient's 'Right Not to Know' and the physician's 'Duty to Consideration' (such as the duty not to inform). Practical and theoretical issues arise absent the recognition of these active positions of the involved parties. The question of normative evaluation of cases where a sizable amount of harm has come up on the patient as a result of the physician explaining to or informing the patient of his/her medical condition despite the patient previously waiving the Right to Consent or exempting the physician from the Duty to Inform, is one that is yet to be addressed; that of ascertaining direct evidence/legal basis that can cement legality to situations where the physician foregoes the informing process under consideration that doing so may cause harm to the patient, is another. Therefore it is the position of this paper that the Right [Not to Know] and the Duty [to Consideration] play critical roles both in meeting the legal normative requirements pertaining to the enrichment of the patient's Right to Self-Determination and the prevention of adverse effects as it pertains to the provision of [unwanted] medical information.

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우리나라 직장 정신보건제도의 방향과 전망

  • Baek Do-Myeong
    • 대한예방의학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2002
  • 우리 사회에서 일정 정도 이상의 사회와 가정에서의 기능상의 부적응을 초래하는 정신적 문제는 경제활동인구에 있어 가장 흔한 보건의료상의 문제일 것으로 추측되고 있으나, 현재까지는 정신보건제도 마련에 있어 가장 극심한 부적응을 보이는 정신적 장애를 지닌 환자를 위주로 수용시설과 지역사회에서의 재활과 관리에 그 초점을 두어 왔다. 즉 직업스트레스와 같은 일시적인 사회심리적 갈등으로 인한 신체증상의 호소나 알을 및 약물중독으로 인한 사고의 발생으로부터 일생동안 관리되어야 하는 지능저하나 학습장애와 같은 만성적인 문제에 이르기까지 다양한 스펙트럼을 보이는 사업장과 지역사회에서의 정신적 문제들 중 그 일부만이 제도적으로 관리되어 왔다. 실제 그 동안 직장 내 정신보건문제에 대한 행정적 관심은 일부 장애인의 취업 문제를 제외하고는 없었다고 하여야 할 것이다. 그러나 한편으로 우리 사회의 산업구조와 경제사회적 조건의 변화에 따른 노동내용과 조건상 유연화의 증대가 많은 직장에서 노동강화로 이어진다는 점, 그리고 가족 및 교류집단을 비롯한 전통적인 사회적 지지구조가 와해되고 있다는 점과 정신적 문제로 인한 기능상 부적응의 척도가 한편으로 사회적 가치관의 변화에 따라 계속 그 영역이 넓어지는 방향으로 변화하고 있다는 점등에서 직장 내 정신보건 문제는 앞으로 더욱 그 비중이 커질 것으로 판단되고 있다. 문제의 심각성에 대한 관심이 요구되는 현재의 시점에서 제도적 접근에 대한 검토 또한 시작되어야 할 것으로 판단되고 있다. 현재까지 기업 내에서 이루어지고 있는 정신보건관리의 현황을 단편적으로 파악해 보았을 때, 단지 일부 기업에서 취업시 내지는 부서 배치시 성격검사를 비롯하여 적성검사를 실시하고 있으며, 기업윤리확보 차원에서 비정규적으로 사기앙양을 주목적으로 하는 집단적인 교육이나 단체훈련이 이루어지고 있으나, 정신심리적 문제를 개인적 차원에서 그리고 또한 조직적 차원에서 체계화된 프로그램으로 관리하고 있는 사례는 아직 없다. 앞으로 직장 내 정신보건문제에 대하여 제도적인 접근을 하기 위하여서는 다음과 같은 세가지 조건들이 구비되어야 할 것으로 판단된다. 첫 번째로 문제점 그 자체의 내용과 그 규모에 대한 정확한 파악과 예측이 가능하여야 한다. 즉 제도 전체의 운영을 객관적으로 평가하고 개선할 수 있는 기제가 함께 있어야 제도가 실제적인 기능을 할 수 있다는 최소한의 목적이 달성될 수 있다. 두 번째로 문제점의 관리를 위한 효과적인 개입내용 및 개입지점의 확보가 가능하여야 한다. 특히 직장 내에서 수행할 수 있는 프로그램이 개발되어야 하며, 이는 시범사업과 시장을 통한 소비자, 즉 사업주들의 자발적인 선택을 통하여 검토되고 걸려져야만 한다. 마지막으로 제도 운영의 대상, 특히 정신보건문제를 안고 있는 노동자들의 자발적인 동의가 확보될 수 있어야 한다. 이는 정신적 문제가 안고 있는 편견과 그로 인한 차별이 가져다주는 문제를 함께 고려하면서 제도가 운영되어야 하며, 이에 있어 제도 운영상 노동자들의 주체적인 참여가 필요하기 때문이다. 이상 고려되는 직장 내 정신보건문제에 대한 제도적 접근을 담기 위하여서는 프로그램 개발이나 전문가 집단의 양성과 같은 단순한 기술적 접근과 이들의 인허가 및 사업화에 따른 적용기준 및 의무의 설정과 같은 제도적 접근에 그쳐서는 그 실효성을 담보하지 못할 것으로 판단된다. 보다 중요한 것은 이러한 정신보건문제에 대한 노사의 공감대를 이루어 내는 것이며, 사회 전반적인 인식의 확산과 더불어 바람직한 관리모습에 대한 사회적 가치관을 도출해 내는 것이 제도적인 접근의 성공을 보장할 수 있는 기반 조건이 될 것이다. 이러한 점에 있어 정신보건문제를 바라보는 기존의 가치관이 부정적이고 고착화된 모습만을 강조하였으나, 이제는 점차 긍정적이 사회활동에 수반되는 역동적인 모습으로서 비추어지는 것이 많아진다는 측면에서 그 전망을 밝게 하여 주고 있다.

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Bare-Metal Stent in Dysfunctional Hemodialysis Access: An Assessment of Circuit Patency according to Access Type and Stent Location (혈액투석 접근로 기능부전에서의 비피복형 스텐트: 접근로 종류와 스텐트 위치에 따른 개통률 평가)

  • Kyungmin Lee;Je Hwan Won;Yohan Kwon;Su Hyung Lee;Jun Bae Bang;Jinoo Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.84 no.1
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    • pp.197-211
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    • 2023
  • Purpose To evaluate the circuit patency after nitinol bare-metal stent (BMS) placement according to the type of access and location of the stent in dysfunctional hemodialysis access. Materials and Methods Between January 2017 and December 2019, 159 patients (mean age, 64.1 ± 13.2 years) underwent nitinol BMS placement for dysfunctional access. The location of stents was as follows: 18 brachiocephalic vein, 51 cephalic arch, 40 upper arm vein, 10 juxta-anastomotic vein, 7 arteriovenous (AV) anastomosis, and 33 graft-vein (GV) anastomosis. Circuit patency was evaluated by the Kaplan-Meier method, and cox regression model. Results A total of 159 stents were successfully deployed in 103 AV fistula (AVF) and 56 AV graft (AVG). AVG showed lower primary and secondary patency at 12-months compared with AVF (primary patency; 25.0% vs. 44.7%; p = 0.005, secondary patency; 76.8% vs. 92.2%; p = 0.014). Cox regression model demonstrated poorer primary patency at 12 months after stenting in the cephalic arch and GV anastomosis compared with the other sites. Conclusion AVF showed better primary and secondary circuit patency at 12 months following the placement of BMS compared with AVG. Stents in the cephalic arch and GV anastomosis were associated with poorer primary patency at 12 months compared to those in other locations.

Spiritual Needs of Hospice Patients (호스피스 환자의 영적 요구)

  • Han, Young-Mi
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2000
  • Purpose : The purpose of the study is to disclose the spiritual needs of hospice patients. Method : The questionaire survey was carried out on 49 hospice patients and 40 caregivers who were in the 9 hospice institutions from lune to August in 1999. Results : In the patients, mean scores of the spiritual needs were significantly higher in the group with stomach cancer, college education, christians, $8{\sim}14$ days of hospice care and the group thinking that religion was important, and in the caregivers in the group of religions besides christianity and lives under $3{\sim}5$ years of medical treatment. In the total average of the spiritual needs, the patients's average was significantly lower than the caregiver's. Among the different categories, the patient's needs were highest in the area of meaning of life and the hope, the caregiver's needs in the love and the concern. However, both groups were low in the religion area. In the items of the love and the concern, the patient was highly responding to the 'wanting someone to give warm concern in conversation' and the caregiver was highly responding to the 'giving a warm response to questions on the sad and hard time'. And also, the patient was lowly responding to the 'wanting more concerns to him than other patients', and the caregiver was low responding to the 'patients wanting warm response in conversation'. In the categories of religious area both group were highly responding to the 'wanting to be helped to relax out of all'. And they gave lowest response to the 'wanting to introduce a book to know God'. In the area of meaning of life and hope, the both groups gave highest response to the 'wanting to be guided to have the hope' and lowest to the 'wanting to have opportunity to reconcile the person with bad relationship'. Conclusion : Summing up the above results, personal in-depth conversation is necessary to understand more deeply the spiritual needs of hospice patient. Moreover the hospice team needs to have more systematic approach to find out the spiritual needs of hospice patients.

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  • Lee, Dong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.43-46
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    • 1995
  • Like each treatment for the psychiatric patients psychotherapeutic approach for the adolescent borderline patients is case by case. However some principles are derived from the characteristics of the adolescent psychology. As they put it adolescence is psychologically 'the second individuation period'. Both sexual dvive and aggressive drive are aggrevated, and 'the actual object' like parent are to be separated. Given that borderline patients are weak in their egos and show poor indentity formation 'analytic supportive psychotherpay' would be more effective than analysis itself.

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Anterolateral Surgical Decompression and Instrumentation in Thoracolumbar Bursting Fracture (외상성 흉요추접합부 파열골절의 전측방경유법에 의한 신경감압 및 기구고정술)

  • Bae, Jang-Ho
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.234-242
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    • 1996
  • Ten patients with a thoracolumbar spine fractures were treated with Kaneda internal fixation device through anterolateral approach during last 1 year. In all cases, spinal decompression, internal instrument fixation and hone fusion with rib were performed. No patient showed neurological deterioration after surgery and 6(60%) patients improved postoperatively with entering the next Frankel subgroup. Follwo-up patient evaluation showed the correction of the fracture deformity with good bony fusion, but 3 patient arc remained back pain. According to above results we concluded that anterolateral internal fixation combined with hone fusion using rib was good mechanical stability and decompression of protruding ventral bone fragments above conus medullaris level.

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