• Title/Summary/Keyword: 환기량

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Measurement of Dust Concentration in a Mechanically Ventilated Broiler House and Analysis of Dust Generation from Ground Beds (강제환기식 계사의 공기 중 분진 농도 측정 및 바닥재로부터의 분진 발생량 분석)

  • Kwon, Kyeong Seok;Jo, Ye Seul;Lee, In Bok;Ha, Tae Hwan;Hong, Se Woon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.56 no.6
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    • pp.31-43
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    • 2014
  • Confined and mechanically ventilated broiler house has been recently come into wide use to increase productivity and control rearing conditions. However, high dust concentration inside facility can threaten respiratory welfare of farmers and broilers. In Korea, there is no regulation in terms of air quality control inside agricultural facilities and sufficient data is not available. To cope with these, periodic monitoring of inhalable and respirable dust concentration were conducted according to season, broiler's activity and specific events such as shipment work for broilers in mechanically ventilated broiler house. Chamber experiment was also designed to analyze mechanism of dust generation from ground beds according to water contents and surrounding wind environment. Results showed that significant increase of inhalable (p=0.002) and respirable (p=0.03) dust were observed when activity of broilers was high according to entrance of the workers. Even shipment work for matured broilers, high level of dust were observed; inhalable dust was exceeded the threshold limit over maximum 303 % and respirable dust was over maximum 1,550 %, implying that acute respiratory symptoms could be manifested for the workers. From the chamber experiment, critical water contents for interrupting of dust generation were measured; about 45 % for inhalable dust and about 50 % for respirable dust. These results can be a trigger for designing plan of dust control however it still needs consideration of various environmental conditions, hygiene problems, etc.

Analysis and Improvement of Experiments for Electrolysis of an Aqueous CuCl2 Solution in High School Science Textbooks (고등학교 과학 교과서에 제시된 염화구리(II) 수용액의 전기분해 실험의 분석 및 개선)

  • Park, Guk-Tae;Jo, Yeong-Ja;Lee, Ji-Yeong;Park, Gwang-Seo
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.328-337
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    • 2006
  • purpose of this study was to find out problems in experiments for electrolysis of an aqueous CuCl2 solution in high school science textbooks and to suggest an improved experiment considering students' capability of experimenting and laboratory safety in high schools. For this study, the experiments for electrolysis of an aqueous CuCl2 solution presented in 11 high school science textbooks were classified by their experimental methods. After high school chemistry teachers performed the experiments as presented in the high school science textbooks, an analysis was performed on problems of the experiments, and an improved experiment was devised. According to the results of this study, in the experiments for electrolysis of an aqueous CuCl2 solution using a U type tube and a U type tube with branch, reaction velocity of the electrolysis was slow, therefore, a side reaction was generated. In the experiment using a beaker, reaction of each electrode could not be observed separately. And in the experiment using an electrolysis instrument, it was difficult to identify property of the reaction product. In the improved experiment using a reaction vessel of ㅂshape, reaction velocity of the electrolysis was fast, reaction of each electrode could be observed separately, and the side reaction decreased. From these results, it was suggested that the improved experiment would help high school students understand scientific conception regarding electrolysis.

Analysis of Natural Ventilation Rates of Venlo-type Greenhouse Built on Reclaimed Lands using CFD (전산유체역학을 통한 간척지 내 벤로형 온실의 자연환기량 분석)

  • Lee, Sang-Yeon;Lee, In-Bok;Kwon, Kyeong-Seok;Ha, Tae-Hwan;Yeo, Uk-Hyeon;Park, Se-Jun;Kim, Rack-Woo;Jo, Ye-Seul;Lee, Seung-No
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.57 no.6
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 2015
  • Recently, the Korean government announced a new development plan for a large-scale greenhouse complex in reclaimed lands. Wind environments of reclaimed land are entirely different from those of inland. Many standard books for ventilation design didn't include qualitative standard for natural ventilation. In this study, natural ventilation rates were analyzed to suggest standard for ventilation design of venlo type greenhouse built on reclaimed land. CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation models were designed according to the number of spans, wind conditions and vent openings. The wind profile at a reclaimed land was designed using ESDU (Engineering Sciences Data Unit) code. Using the designed CFD simulation model, ventilation rates were computed using mass flow rate and tracer gas decay method. Additionally computed natural ventilation rates were evaluated by comparing with ventilation requirements. As a result of this study, ventilation rates were decreased with increasing of the number of spans. Ventilation rates were linearly increased with increasing of wind speed. When the wind speed was $1.0\;m{\cdot}s^{-1}$, only side vent was open and wind direction was $45^{\circ}$, homogeneity of ventilation rate at 0~1 m height is the worst. Finally, chart for computing natural ventilation rate was suggested. The chart was expected to be used for establishing standard of ventilation design.

VOC/HAPs Emission Characteristics & Adsorption Evaluation for Paint Products in Busan Area (부산지역 페인트제조시설의 VOC/HAPs 배출특성 및 흡착능 평가)

  • Song, Bok-Joo;Lee, Seung-Min;Cho, Gab-Je;Cho, Jeong-Gu;You, Pyung-Jong;Kim, Gi-Gon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.316-325
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    • 2012
  • In this study, we suggested adequate control technology by analyzing emission process and main chemical of VOC/HAPs generated from four paint factories in Busan area. And we estimated whether Kapok fiber, which is a natural material, can be commercially used for an absorbent by testing adsorption ability. As a result of this sturdy, above 60% of VOC/HAPs was volatilized and dispersed inside the working place without conducting control system of facilities during manufacturing paints. Concentration profile of VOC/HAPs, which is volatile naturally outside the factories, is surveyed above 70% at Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylene. And a result of evaluation of odor attribution level about the component whose Odor Threshold is known, it is estimated that major cause material of A, B, C factories is Toluene and that of D factory is m/p-Xylene. And that result presented design arguments such as facilities specifications, activated carbon filling volume, and replace cycle of activated carbon as control technology. Also, that result presented emission process improvement such as adsorption of central-controlled ventilation device, installation of inlet flenge, and potable cleaning process. The rate of pollutant adsorption of Kapok fiber, which is natural material, is indicated about 91.9%, 66.7%. That result validated the possibility as replacement of activated carbon.

Risk Factors of Primary Lung Cancer and Spirometry (원발성 폐암의 위험인자와 폐활량 측정)

  • Rhee, Yang-Keun;Hwang, Keum-Man;Lee, Yong-Chul
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.646-652
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    • 1993
  • Background: Lung cancer and chronic obstructive lung disease often coexist in the same person who are elderly and cigarette smoking. There are several reports that the presence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease constitutes an independent risk factor for the development of lung cancer. Moreover, the association between mucus hypersecrtion and lung cacer has been reported. Method: In 72 cases with primary lung cancer which were confirmed histopathologically at Chonbuk University Hospital from August 1986 to July 1991, We evaluated the relationship between spirometry and lung cancer characteristics. Results: Six cases(8.3%) showed normal lung function, 16(22.2%) cases showed pure restrictive lung disease, 46(63.9%) cases showed moderated obstructive lung disease and 4(5.6%) cases showed severe obstructive lung disease. $FEV_1$(%) was lower in central type than in peripheral type, lower in advanced non-small cell cancer and lower in subjects with phlegm. $FEV_1$/FVC(%) was higher in small cell cancer than in squamous cell cancer and higher in patients without previous pulmonary disease than with previous pulmonary disease. But there was no statistically significant difference in lung function according to histologic types and smoking history. Lung cancers with $FEV_1$/FVC less than 75% consisted of 35 cases of squamous cell cancer, 7 of small cell cancer(14%), 5 of adenocarcinoma(10%), 2 of large-cell carcinoma and 1 of unclassified carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma occured more in patients with $FEV_1$/FVC<75% than with $FEV_1$/FVC$\geq$75%(p<0.05). Conclusion: It was suggest that low $FEV_1$/FVC, as reflection of obstructive lung disease, may be at greater risk for squamous cell carcinoma in cigarette smoker.

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An analysis on Flicker Phenomenon of a Fluorescent lights for the commercial operating EMU (영업운행 전동차 객실형광등의 플리커(Flicker) 현상에 관한 분석 연구)

  • Ha, Jong-Eun;Han, Seon-Ho;Park, Jae-Hong;Lee, Dae-Won
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2006.11b
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    • pp.1240-1246
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    • 2006
  • Generally, there are two types of main factors to affect output power quality of a auxiliary power supply an EMU(electric multiple unit). One is a voltage flicker by amplitude modulation of short time and air compressors. The other is repetitive motion of large capacity motor such as air compressors, HVAC unit etc. in main factors. This paper compared two kinds of fluorescent lamp, 32W (after remodeling interior) and 40W(before remodeling interior) and measured the light output varying input power(AC220V) for a flicker phenomenon related power supply of lamps in EMU. Also, we analyzed a flicker considering EMU operating time and density in order to grasp main factors of a load change to cause a voltage change. As a results of test, a 40W fluorescent lamp was more insensitive with 20.26% degree an eye recognition degree sides about changes of the input power and lower with 19.9% voltage side generating flicker compare with fluorescent lamp 32W. Also, we confirmed the fact which the fluorescent lamp flicker was generated by varying fluorescent lamp output voltage when the commercial EMU was in high driving density and at the busy time. Additionally, we confirmed the frequency band which an EMU passenger could feel sensitively blinking of a fluorescent lamp was visually $8Hz{\sim}15Hz$.

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Mechanism improvement of the heat exchanger and the ventilator for the thermal efficiency increment of hot-air heater (온풍난방기의 열이용효율 증대를 위한 열교환부 및 송풍기 구조개선)

  • 이기명;박규식;최성우
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2002.02a
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    • pp.558-563
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    • 2002
  • 시설원예에서 난방장치를 사용하는 겨울철 재배 농산물의 생산비 중 난방 연료비가 30%~37% 정도를 차지하여 비중이 가장 높다. 따라서 시설원예 농가에서는 난방비를 절감하는 것이 농가소득과 직결되므로, 난방장치의 선정이 대단히 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 겨울철 재배 농산물의 생산비 중 30%-37% 정도를 차지하는 연료비를 절감하기 위해 기존의 온풍난방기와 다른 새로운 방식의 열교환기와 원심식 송풍블로워를 사용하는 블로워 송풍방식의 온풍난방기를 개발하고 개발된 온풍난방기의 가동으로 인한 난방 연료비 절감효과와 온실내의 균일한 온도분포를 획득하기 위해 8연동 비닐온실에서의 시험을 실시하였으며 얻어진 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 가. 저 정압용의 전동기 축직결식 송풍팬을 대신하여 고 정압용의 블로워 송풍팬을 장착하고 열교환 면적을 크게 한 지그재그식 환류의 열교환실을 채용한 온풍난방기를 개발하였다. 나. 공시한 온실에서 기존 온풍난방기의 2일 가동시 DH당 연료 사용량이 평균 1.082$\ell$/$^{\circ}C$.hr 이며, 블로워 송풍방식 온풍난방기의 3일 가동시 DH당 연료 사용량은 평균 0.854$\ell$/$^{\circ}C$.hr로써 21%의 난방 연료비 절감효과가 나타났다. 다. 블로워 송풍방식 온풍난방기는 동일시간대 3$^{\circ}C$의 경시적 온도변화가 발생하였고, 기존의 은풍난방기의 동일시간대 온도변화는 최대 6.1$^{\circ}C$로 나타나 개발된 블로워 송풍방식 온풍난방기가 동일시간대 온실내의 온도변화를 크게 줄일 수 있었고 온도분포를 비교적 균일하게 하는 효과가 있음을 확인하였다.도 33$^{\circ}C$를 기준으로 한 열 회수 시간은 유입공기 온도가 52$^{\circ}C$ 및 64$^{\circ}C$ 일 각각 120분 및 140분으로 나타났다. (3) 제 3종 자갈: 축열조로 공급되는 공기의 온도가 52$^{\circ}C$와 64$^{\circ}C$ 일 때, 축열조 출구의 공기온도가 33$^{\circ}C$에 도달될 때까지 가열되는데 소요된 시간은 가열공기의 온도가 52$^{\circ}C$와 64$^{\circ}C$ 일 때 각각 180분과 150분이었고, 방열에 소요된 시간은 각각 240분 및 270분으로 나타났다. 방열과정 동안 축열조 출구의 최고 공기온도는 가열 공급공기의 온도가 52$^{\circ}C$$65^{\circ}C$일 때 각각 35.5$^{\circ}C$ 및 39.5$^{\circ}C$였다. 출구 공기온도 33$^{\circ}C$이상을 기준으로 한 에너지 회수시간은 유입공기 온도가 52$^{\circ}C$ 및 64$^{\circ}C$일 때 각각 140분 및 160분으로 나타났다. 이와 같이 자갈이 작을수록 축열조 출구의 공기온도가 기준온도 33$^{\circ}C$에 도달되는 시간이 길었으며, 이것은 축열조내의 공극이 작고 비중량이 커 자갈층을 가열시키는 축열시간이 길어지기 때문인 것으로 사료된다. 또한 작은 자갈일수록 방열시간도 다소 길어져 회수 가능 열에너지가 큰 것으로 나타났다

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Development of Traffic Accident Index Considering Driving Behavior of a Data Based (데이터 기반의 도로구간별 운전자의 통행행태를 고려한 교통사고지표 개발)

  • LEE, Soongbong;CHANG, Hyunho;CHEON, Seunghoon;BAEK, Seungkirl;LEE, Young-Ihn
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.341-353
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    • 2016
  • Highway is mainly in charge of middle-long distance of vehicular travel. Trip length has shown a growing trend due to increased commute distances by the relocation of public agencies. For this reason, the proportion of driver-driven accidents, caused by their fatigue or sleepiness, are very high on highways. However, existing studies related to accident prediction have mainly considered external factors, such as road conditions, environmental factors and vehicle factors, without driving behavior. In this study, we suggested an accident index (FDR, Fatigued Driving Rate) based on traffic behavior using large-scale Car Navigation path data, and exlpored the relationship between FDR and traffic accidents. As a result, FDR and traffic accidents showed a high correlation. This confirmed the need for a paradigm shift (from facilities to travel behavior) in traffic accident prediction studies. FDR proposed in this study will be utilized in a variety of fields. For example, in providing information to prevent traffic accidents (sleepiness, reckless driving, etc) in advance, utilization of core technologies in highway safety diagnostics, selection of priority location of rest areas and shelter, and selection of attraction methods (rumble strips, grooving) for attention for fatigued sections.

Characteristics of Radon Reduction of Small-scale Water Supply System (소규모수도시설 지하수의 라돈저감 특성)

  • Cho, Byong-Wook
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.37-50
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    • 2019
  • It is possible that radon removal in groundwater of small-scale water supply system (SWSS) is caused by atmospheric storage and aeration facilities installed in the water tank. Radon removal rates at water tank and tap of the 32 SWSS during summer season ranged from -69.3% to 62.7% (average 25.7%) and from -64.3% to 83.1% (average 30.3%) while those of 16 SWSS during autumn season ranged from 21.3% to 78.0% (average 42.8%) and from 17.7% to 66.9% (average 44.8%). The reason of higher radon removal rate in the autumn season compared with the summer season is due to higher atmospheric storage effect by lower groundwater use rate. The radon removal rates at the water tank from 12 SWSS were 47.4~94.0% (average 78.9%), in which the removal rates at the atmospheric storage are also included. Atmospheric storage and aeration can be used to reduce radon concentration in SWSS groundwater. For more efficient use of radon reduction, further studies are necessary to assess the radon removal rate considering variation conditions of radon concentration in groundwater, size and forms of water tank, change in groundwater usage rate, aeration capacity and ventilation facilities.

Measuring Attitudes and Satisfaction Level towards Military Foodservices (군 급식소의 이용실태 및 만족도 조사)

  • Kang, Bo-Kyoung;Lee, Young-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.40 no.7
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    • pp.1032-1042
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the attitudes and satisfaction level towards military foodservices as well as suggest effective ways to increase foodservice quality. A questionnaire survey was administered to 413 subjects, which included 400 soldiers and 13 foodservice managers. The survey period was from August 6 to August 25, 2008. The collected data were statistically treated using SPSS V12.0. Most of the investigated soldiers were 20~25 years old. The foodservice managers were male general officials and the majority of them had no prior food service training. None of the foodservice managers had a dietician certificate. Menu was planned through a local foodservice conference, and most food materials were delivered in the form of center-type and military unit-type. Deficiency and deterioration of food service facilities (28.6%) as well as deficiency in the number of cooking personnel (14.3%) increased the difficulty of operational management. Soldiers expressed a desire for increases in Western (25.7%) and Korean traditional foods (21.5%), which meant menu diversity. To increase the quality of military foodservices, taste of food (40.6%), increased portion size (30.4%), and improvement in hygienic conditions (13.6%) were demanded by the soldiers. Food taste (30.8%), improvement in hygienic conditions (23.1%), and better job management were all demanded by the foodservice managers. After factor analysis, quality attributes were rearranged into five dimensions, including facilities, food, menu, service, and sanitation most attributes were over 4 points out of 5 total in importance, but only 3 points in performance. The importance score was higher than the performance score. Soldiers' overall satisfaction level was on average 3.43 points out of 5 points.