• Title/Summary/Keyword: 화성 분석

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High Temperature Oxidation Corrosion of Mg, Mg+5wt%.Ca, Mg+5wt%.Ca+1wt%.Zn alloys (Mg, Mg+5wt%.Ca, Mg+5wt%.Ca+1wt%.Zn 합금의 고온 산화 부식 연구)

  • Ji, Gwon-Yong;Park, Sang-Hwan;Park, Sun-Yong;Kim, Min-Jeong;Jeong, Seung-Bu;Lee, Dong-Bok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.126-127
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    • 2015
  • 주방 상태의 Mg, Mg+5wt%.Ca, Mg+5wt%.Ca+1wt%.Zn 합금의 발화 실험 및 TGA를 통해 $450{\sim}600^{\circ}C$에서 고온산화실험을 실시하였다. Ca의 첨가로 내발화성 및 고온산화특성이 향상되었으며, Zn의 첨가는 내발화성과 고온산화특성 모두에 악영향을 미쳤다. 산화시킨 시편의 SEM/EDS, XRD, 및 TEM 분석을 통하여 고온산화 특성을 조사하였다.

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A Study on the Modality-Central Melodic Techniques in K-Pop -Focus on the title song of the BLACKPINK- (K-Pop에서 사용된 모드중심의 선율기법연구 -블랙핑크 타이틀곡을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, jin-seon;Chung, jae-yoon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.21-22
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    • 2019
  • 본 연구는 K-Pop에서 보컬과 악기의 선율이 모드(Mode)를 중심으로 어떻게 사용되었는지 분석하고 활용기법에 대해 제시한다. 음악의 분류는 크게 화성을 중심으로 만들어진 조성음악(Tonal Music)과 모드를 중심으로 만들어진 선법음악(Modal Music)으로 나뉜다. 현재 K-Pop에서 화성을 바탕으로 하여 선율을 표현하는 수단을 목소리와 악기로 분류했을 때 두 개의 사용비율은 비슷하다. 선율의 표현영역이 넓어지면서 블랙핑크 타이틀곡에 모드와 음계를 활용한 특징이 나타났다. 첫 번째, 노래의 기능적 형식에 따라 사용한 모드가 구분된다. 두 번째, 목소리를 통해 표현하는 선율보다 악기의 선율이 리듬적으로 부각되었다. 마지막으로 화음을 적게 사용하고, 화음의 성질을 결정짓는 3음을 생략하는 방식이 화음과 선율에 나타난다.

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Realized Genetic Gains and Heritabilities for Growth Traits in Open-Pollinated Progenies of Abies holophylla Max. (전나무 수형목 풍매차대의 생장특성에 대한 유전력 및 개량효과)

  • Han, Sang-Urk;Oh, Chang-Young;Kim, Chang-Soo;Yi, Jae-Seon
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.41-46
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    • 2008
  • Progeny tests of Abies holophylla were established with 32 open-pollinated families at Hwaseong and Gangneung in 1994. Growth characteristics (height, DBH and volume index) were measured at the age of 15, showing that Gangneung site showed in general better performance than Hwaseong site. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the growth characteristics showed that there was a significant difference among families in Gangneung but not in Hwaseong, and Hwaseong site showed that DBH and volume index were statistically different among replications. At Gangneung site, family ${\times}$ replication interaction was significant in DBH and volume index. Based on the combined analysis of both sites, all characteristics except height showed highly significant differences between sites and among families. On the other hand, family ${\times}$ replication interaction was not significant, implying that growth pattern of families could be similar at Gangneung and Hwaseong. Individual heritabilities ($hi^2$) at Gangneung were 0.485 in height, 0.611 in DBH and 0.538 in volume index, and the values of $hi^2$ at Hwaseong were 0.121 in height, 0.054 in DBH and 0.080 in volume index, respectively. Based on both sites, $hi^2$ was estimated as 0.204 in height, 0.326 in DBH and 0.238 in volume index. Individual heritabilities (0.054~0.611) were lower than family heritabilities (0.089~0.723) for all growth characteristics. Realized gain was estimated to be 2.5% in height, 9.2% in DBH and 23.6% in volume. When inferior families (about 50% of all families) are genetically thinned from a seed orchard, genetic gain would be 9.55% in height, 17.0% in DBH and 46.8% in volume.

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Extraction and Component Sugar Analysis of Polysaccharides from Buckwheat (메밀의 다당류 추출과 구성당 분석)

  • Lee, Jung-Sun;Ra, Kyung-Soo;Son, Heung-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.860-865
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    • 1995
  • This study was conducted to extract and isolate the polysaccharides from buckwheat. Also the sugar composition of the polysaccharides was investigated. The soluble and indigestible polysaccharides were isolated from supernatant and residue after enzyme treatment of raw, roast and steam buckwheat. The yields of low molecular weight soluble polysaccharides(LMS-P: MW<10 Kda) and high molecular weight soluble polysaccharides(HMS-P: MW>10 Kda) were $74.9{\sim}84.2%$ and $5.5{\sim}9.4%$, respectively. The yields of indigestible polysaccharides were low molecular weight insoluble polysaccharides; $0.8{\sim}4.2%$, crude hemicellulose; $3.2{\sim}9.6%$, alcohol insoluble hemicellulose; $0.9{\sim}1.7%$, residue; $2.0{\sim}2.4%$, respectively. The free sugars were detected in the soluble polysaccharides and low molecular weight insoluble polysaccharides but were not detected in the crude hemicellulose, alcohol insoluble hemicellulose and residue. The protein of all fraction were detected and the content was $1.0{\sim}18.9%$. The main sugar of soluble polysaccharides was glucose and the indigestible polysaccharides were composed of glucose, arabinose, rhamnose, xylose, mannose and galactose.

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Effects of Curing & Formation Conditions on the Capacity of Positive Plate for Automotive Vehicles VRLA Batteries (양극판의 숙성과 화성조건이 자동차용 VRLA 배터리 성능에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong, Soon-Wook;Ku, Bon-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2016
  • We studied the effect of battery deep cycle according to the way of active materials formation and the creation condition of electrode material, 3BS ($3PbO{\cdot}PbSO_4{\cdot}H_2O$) and 4BS ($4PbO{\cdot}PbSO_4$), in order to develop the batteries for Idle Stop & Go system. During the curing with active materials of anode and cathode, we found that the final creased active material was deformed by temperature control and it effects the durability of batteries. AGM battery and Flooded battery with 3BS active materials have excellent initial performance. And AGM battery with 4BS active materials shows the lower performance relatively. To compare and analyze of the formation efficiency of active materials, we tested the formation chagging steps with 3 steps and 9 steps differently. The results are that AGM battery with 4BS active materials is better on initial performance than AGM battery with 3BS. After the comparison of durability by DOD 17.5% life test, AGM battery is more suitable than flooded battery for the ISG system which needs the frequent deep cycle. In conclusion, AGM battery is the most suitable for ISG system and the life performance shows 80% difference according to the way of formation and curing of AGM batteries.

Characteristics of Nd Isotopic Compositions of the Phanerozoic Granitoids of Korea and Their Genetic Significance (한국 현생 화강암류의 Nd 동위원소 조성 특성과 성인적 의미)

  • Park, Kye-Hun;Lee, Tae-Ho
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.279-292
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    • 2014
  • Nd isotopic compositions analyzed from the Phanerozoic granitoids of Korea are integrated and discussed. Variations in Nd isotopic compositions can be explained either by temporal trend or by regional differences. Among the three active periods, first two periods during the Permian-Triassic and Jurassic seem to show variations from rather high ${\varepsilon}_{Nd}(t)$ values at the beginning to lower ${\varepsilon}_{Nd}(t)$ values during the later stages. Such trends probably reflect melting of the subducting oceanic crust and producing magma with higher proportion of depleted mantle derived materials during the early stage of subduction process, and subsequent magmas with greater proportion of old continental crust with progress of subduction. However, the Cretaceous-Paleogene period of active magmatism displays higher ${\varepsilon}_{Nd}(t)$ values during the advanced stage of the igneous activities, which is opposite to the previous active periods. The other explanation is that such differences in ${\varepsilon}_{Nd}(t)$ reflect regional differences, based on the observations that such high-${\varepsilon}_{Nd}(t)$ granitoids distribute in the northeastern Gyeongbuk Province and Gyeongsang Basin. If this is the case, the regions with highr ${\varepsilon}_{Nd}(t)$ values may have distinct crustal evolution histories, e.g. younger average age. The choice between the two hypothesis could be made through further studies.

Quality Characteristics of Makgeolli of Rice Cultivars with Different Starch Compositions (전분 조성이 다양한 벼 품종별 막걸리 품질 특성)

  • Chun, Areum;Kim, Dae-Jung;Yoon, Mi-Ra;Oh, Sea-Kwan;Choi, Im-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.50-58
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    • 2014
  • Makgeolli, known as takju, is a traditional alcoholic beverage which is native in Korea. It is made from various rice and other cereals. This study is carried out to compare the physicochemical characteristics and functional quality of makgeolli from various rice cultivars according to different amylose contents and amylopectin compositions. The 'Goami2', 'Goami3', and 'Goami4' have high amylose contents and lower proportional degrees of polymerization (DP) 6~12 and higher proportions of DP 13~24 in amylopectin of milled rice. Various variations are shown in pasting properties (viscosities) and gelatinization characteristics, and it is supposed to be related to both the amylose contents and the amylopectin compositions of raw rice. The makgeolli is being manufactured by using the 2-step-brewing method. The makgeolli is analyzed for alcohol contents, pH levels, total acids, Hunter color values and organic acid compositions. The makgeolli of 'Goami2', 'Goami3', and 'Goami4' have showed higher makgeolli yields, lower ethanol contents and less sweetness than other cultivars, and they also have high non-digestible carbohydrates contents which are derived from their high non-digestible carbohydrates contents in milled rice. Therefore, we are able to suggest that it is necessary to improve the makgeolli fermentation processes of 'Goami2', 'Goami3', and 'Goami4'.

Descent Dataset Generation and Landmark Extraction for Terrain Relative Navigation on Mars (화성 지형상대항법을 위한 하강 데이터셋 생성과 랜드마크 추출 방법)

  • Kim, Jae-In
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.6_1
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    • pp.1015-1023
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    • 2022
  • The Entry-Descent-Landing process of a lander involves many environmental and technical challenges. To solve these problems, recently, terrestrial relative navigation (TRN) technology has been essential for landers. TRN is a technology for estimating the position and attitude of a lander by comparing Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) data and image data collected from a descending lander with pre-built reference data. In this paper, we present a method for generating descent dataset and extracting landmarks, which are key elements for developing TRN technologies to be used on Mars. The proposed method generates IMU data of a descending lander using a simulated Mars landing trajectory and generates descent images from high-resolution ortho-map and digital elevation map through a ray tracing technique. Landmark extraction is performed by an area-based extraction method due to the low-textured surfaces on Mars. In addition, search area reduction is carried out to improve matching accuracy and speed. The performance evaluation result for the descent dataset generation method showed that the proposed method can generate images that satisfy the imaging geometry. The performance evaluation result for the landmark extraction method showed that the proposed method ensures several meters of positioning accuracy while ensuring processing speed as fast as the feature-based methods.