• Title/Summary/Keyword: 호응도

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Design and Implementation of a Virtual MCU Based on SystemC to Provide the Implementation Environment of MAC Layer Software (MAC 계층 소프트웨어의 구현 환경을 제공하기 위한 SystemC 기반의 가상 MCU 모듈의 설계 및 구현)

  • Jeong, Yoo-Jin;Park, Soo-Jin;Lee, Ho-Eung;Park, Hyun-Ju
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.7-17
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    • 2009
  • The development of wireless communication MAC layer is usually released as SoC which is a combination in hardware and software. In this system development environment, an environment for software development and verification is necessary because the hardware development takes a lot of time priori to completion. In integrated development of hardware and software, simulation environment of hardware and software provided by hardware modeling using HDL at RTL and ISS respectively. By increasing the development complexity of system, ESL design modeling systems at higher abstraction level than RTL has already prompted. The ESL design is divided untime model and time model. This paper present design and implementation of MCU for untime model simulation, not time model. Proposed MCU can optimize the system at early step of system development and move up the development completion time by verifying the system function easily and rapidly than part required exact time in untime model. In this paper, we present an MCU module based on SystemC and UC/OS-II Module providing real-time operate system.

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대화방식(對話方式)의 특징(特徵)을 가진 SDI 시스팀의 성능(性能)

  • Saskova, V.;Kosik, J.
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.130-140
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    • 1975
  • 이용자(利用者) 중심(中心)의 대화방식(對話方式) 시스팀을 개발(開發)하고 시험(試驗)하였다. 2년(年)동안 280개의 프로파일로 CA - Condensates 데이터 베이스내에서 정보(情報)를 검색(檢索)해 보았다. 그 시스팀의 작업능률(作業能率)을 사용(使用)한 데이터 베이스와 하드웨어의 구조(構造), 소프트웨어 패키지, 이용자(利用者)의 수(數), 그리고 정보(情報)센터에서 제공(提供)한 보조(補助)에 따라 평가(評價)하였다. 대화식(對話式) 검색방법(檢索方法)이나 이용자(利用者)의 요구(要求)를 양화(量化)하는 것, 그리고 여러가지 분야별(分野別)로 검색(檢索)하는 방법(方法) 등 이용자(利用者)의 요구(要求)를 보다 충실(充實)하게 만족(滿足)시킬 수 있는 여러가지 방법(方法)들을 논의(論議)하였다. 모든 정보(情報)시스팀의 목적(目的)은 적시(適時)에 올바른 정(情)보를 적자(適者)에게 제공(提供)하는 것이라고 잘 알려져 있다. 다시 말해서, 정보(情報)시스팀의 주요목적(主要目的)은 이용자(利用者)의 요구(要求)를 충족(充足)시켜 주는 것이다. 이러한 관념(觀念)의 변화(變化)는 정보처리(情報處理)에 큰 변화(變化)를 가져와 정보(情報)시스팀의 적응성(適應性)을 증가(增加)시키기 위해 여러 가지 새로운 방법(方法)들이 개발(開發)되었다. 정보(情報)시스팀들 사이의 상호작용(相互作用), 사람과 컴퓨터와의 대화(對話), 그리고 컴퓨터의 조력(助力)으로 이용자(利用者)의 프로파일을 작성(作成)하는 것 등은 이용자(利用者)의 요구(要求)를 존중(尊重)하고, 필요(必要)한 정보(情報)를 쉽게 찾기 위해서 고안(考案)된 것이다. 한편, 우리들은 이용자(利用者)의 특성(特性)이나 배경(背景), 그리고 문헌(文獻)에 대한 그의 습성(習性) 등에 대해서 얼마나 모르고 있는가를 깨닫게 된다. 상기(上記)의 내용(內容)을 요약(要略)하면, 근대정보(近代情報) 시스팀은 다음의 필요조건(必要條件)을 만족(滿足)해야 한다. 1) 이용자(利用者)의 요구(要求)에 호응(呼應)하기 위해서 적합(適合)한 일련(一連)의 정보(情報)를 제공(提供)해야 한다. 2) 이용자(利用者)와의 관계(關系)에서 시스팀은 적극적(積極的)이어야 한다. 즉, 프로파일 검색공식(檢索公式)에서 유발(誘發)되는 잘못을 지시(指示)하고 지적(指適)할 수 있어 야 한다. 나아가서 컴퓨터의 조력(助力)으로 프로파일을 작성(作成)하고 쉽게 수정(修正)할 수 있는 바람직하다. 우리들은 상기(上記)한 필수조건(必須條件)에 일치(一致)하도록 노력(努力) 하고 Bratislava에 위치(位置)하고 있는 슬로박 과학원(科學院)의 무기화학연구소(無機化學硏究所)와 화학공업경제연구소(化學工業經濟硏究所)가 공동(共同)으로 개발(開發)한 시스팀이 상기(上記)의 특수성(特殊性) 최소(最少)한 몇가지 도입(導入)하였다. 시스팀은 CACS라는 작업명하(作業名下)에서 운영(運營)되었다. 대략 15개월동안 280여개의 프로파일로 CA- Condensates 데이터베이스에서 정보(情報)를 검색(檢索)하여 이용자(利用者)들에게 최신정보(最新情報) 주지사업(周知事業)을 해 보았다. 우리들은 시스팀의 작업능률(作業能率)을 평가(評價)하고 이용자(利用者)의 요구(要求)를 만족(滿足)시키는 최선(最善)의 방법(方法)을 모색(摸索)하였다. 우선 이용자(利用者)와 시스팀사이를 밀접(密接)하게 연결(連結)하는데 중점(重點)을 두었다. 작업능률(作業能率Z)을 분석(分折)해 보고 우리들은 효율(效率)에 영향(影響)을 주는 인자(因子)는 다음의 4가지 주요분류(主要分類)에 속한다는 결론(結論)을 얻었다. (1) 검색(檢索)하는 데이터 베이스 (2) 情報시스팀, 소프트웨어 패키지 그리고 하드웨어 구조(構造) (3) 이용자(利用者)의 특성(特性)과 그의 요구(要求) (4) 정보(情報)센터가 이용자(利用者)에게 제공(提供)하는 보조(補助)

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A Study on Status Quo and Problems of Cultural Exchange of Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor from the Perspective of Soft Power

  • Sun, Xiqin;He, Hongmei;Zhou, Yunsong;Zhou, Yuting
    • Korea and Global Affairs
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.183-220
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    • 2019
  • Nowadays, soft power is playing a more important role in international communication and cooperation, and as cultural exchange in regional cooperation is deeply influenced by national soft powers, the development is usually unbalanced. Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar are adjacent to each other with a long history of intercourse. In the year 2013, initiation of constructing Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor advocated by China and India was responded positively by Bangladesh and Myanmar. Since then, the world has witnessed an increasing connection of these four countries. Being the critical bond connecting the southwestern areas of China and Bangladesh, India as well as Myanmar, Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor is characterized by multiple regional cultures along with frequent connections in cultural products and activities. However, cultural exchange now is dominated by imbalanced development due to potent soft power of China and India that these two countries export more cultural products to the rest, which has an impact in many fields of Bangladesh and Myanmar. Priority should be given to coordinated development in cultural exchange regarding the construction of Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor. Only by developing a sustainable development mechanism for cultural exchange, to coordinate the influences of soft powers of these four countries, then a fine complexion of "all flowers are in bloom" can be created, returning to five original intention of the construction of this economic corridor: "Policy Communication" and "Strength People-to-people Ties", etc.

Analysis and Improvement of Utilization Status through GPS Data Analysis of Shared Electric Kickboard in Wirye New Town (위례 신도시 공유 전동 킥보드 GPS데이터 분석을 통한 이용실태 분석 및 개선사항)

  • Hong, Seok-Do;You, Yen-Yoo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.471-476
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    • 2021
  • Personal mobility (PM) is a new concept of transportation used by one or two people using electricity. Personal transportation aims to move quickly and conveniently over an ambiguous distance that is too close to the destination and too far to walk. In particular, as electric kickboard sharing services have become more common in recent years, they are receiving great popularity from citizens. However, it is necessary to come up with an alternative solution as it is acting as a risk not only to users but also to pedestrians and road drivers. Therefore, in order to present measures to establish and improve a safe personal mobility utilization environment, this research was conducted as follows. First, based on GPS data from shared electric kickboards, the usage status in everyday life was examined and analyzed in detail. Second, it is convenient to rent and return shared electric kickboards directly to applications regardless of time, and it is highly accessible to rent them from their location and reach their destination. Based on these findings, this study suggests that careful access to rental and return could have a more positive effect on users and pedestrians by installing a cradle in a place where there is more use than disorderly device placement and expansion.

The Life and Art Collection Activities of Pro-Japanese Collaborator Park Yeong-cheol During Japanese Occupation (『고박영철씨기증서화류전관목록(故朴榮喆氏寄贈書畵類展觀目錄)』을 통해 본 다산(多山) 박영철(朴榮喆, 1879~1939)의 수장활동)

  • Kim, Sang Yop
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.70-85
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    • 2011
  • The study of the modern art market and distribution differs in its research focus from that of traditional art history, which traces and analyzes the works of master artists, their schools and influence, in that it attempts to approach such issues as art and society, and distribution and consumption of works of art, based on new research methods and perspectives. This paper examines the life and art collection activities of Park Yeong-cheol, considered to be one of the earliest major modern Korean art collectors. He graduated from the Japanese military academy and served as both a solider of the Greater Korean Empire and a high level officer of the Japanese army. After being discharged, he served as Governor of Gangwon-do and then Hamgyeongbuk-do, and after his retirement from public office, he became a leading businessman. He is well-known as a Japanese sympathizer who approved of and advocated for the aggressive colonial policies of the Japanese empire. As a cultural enthusiast and art collector, however, Park Yeong-cheol published the most accurate edition of Yeonamjip, and donated his collection to Geyongseong University at the end of his life, thus providing the foundation for the Seoul National University Museum. All of these activities are highly commendable. His interest in growing his collection of paintings and calligraphies was largely motivated by his love of paintings and Chinese poems,but it also appears to have been the result of his active collaboration with the Japanese government's policy of trying to discover the distinct, non-western characteristics of traditional Eastern art.

The Kiho Academic and debate on the mind in the Late Joseon Korea - Focusing on the Situation of Kiho Academic and the Development of Debate (한말 기호학계와 심설논쟁 - 기호학계의 상황과 심설논쟁의 전개양상을 중심으로 -)

  • Yoo, JIwoong
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.59
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    • pp.39-63
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    • 2018
  • Kiho Academic in the late Joseon Korea, the negative effect of the Horak debate is amplified and the division within the academic is accelerated. However, the scholars of the Kiho Academic field put forth efforts to unify the academics with the same sense of responsibility to end the schism. Nevertheless, the scholars of the Kiho Academic have shown various differences in the process of accepting Neo-Confucianism, which creates new schools. Therefore, Kiho Academic in the late Joseon Korea coexisted with various schools with different academy positions. Some of the representative groups are Hwaseo, Nosa, Ganjae, Yeonjae, and Uuidang Schools. In addition, through the scholarly differentiation and the school division of the Kiho Academic, the debate on the mind that characterizes Neo-Confucianism of the late Joseon Korea has developed. However, there was a common value that everyone pursued in the middle of the debate: the construction of a moral ideal society, the ultimate goal of Neo-Confucianism. In conclusion, though the purpose they pursued was not fulfilled, it can be seen from the debate on the mind that they fiercely demanded that these requests were urgent in the late Joseon Korea This paper, therefore, the situation of the Kiho academic in the late of Joseon Korea, the problem consciousness of the scholars of the Kiho academic, and the issue and development of debate on the mind.

A Study on the Improvement of Local Bookstore Direct Loan Service for Users' Requests in Public Libraries: Focusing on Public Libraries in Gyeonggi-do (공공도서관의 희망도서바로대출제 개선방안에 관한 연구 - 경기도 공공도서관을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Yun-Jung;Chung, Yeon-Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.83-107
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    • 2022
  • The local bookstore direct loan service for users' requests in public libraries, which was launched in Gyeonggi Province, is a creative new service that has led to the revitalization of the local economy through the rise in sales of local bookstores and high user satisfaction. However, it is a service in which positive and negative reactions coexist as negative opinions are presented on the deterioration of the quality of public library books due to overlapping needs for desired books by users. Therefore, several ways of improving for local bookstore loan service in public libraries through a survey of public libraries, local bookstores, and users were suggested in this study. The local bookstore direct loan service for users' requests, which is a creative cooperation plan between public libraries and local bookstores, needs to constantly improve its services by increasing book purchase cost, organizing a steering committee for continuous communication and collecting plans through research on the book purchase cost. Also, it is necessary to improve its services by enacting regulations expanding reading culture services expanding the number of healthy users and fostering various local bookstores.

A Study on the Regional Characteristics and Symbolic Elements of the Soccer World Cup Mascots (축구월드컵 행사 마스코트에 나타난 지역 특성과 상징 표현 요소 고찰)

  • Kim, Si-Bum
    • 지역과문화
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.183-208
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    • 2020
  • Presenting symbolic concepts consistent with the culture of the host country and international trends at international events will win the favor of the world and raise the image of the host country. The international event mascot symbolically represents the host country's unique culture, and is a good means to enhance the sense of belonging and pride of its members and to display the image of the host country in an outwardly. This study discussed the symbolic elements of the host country characteristics reflected in FIFA's World Cup event mascot. A total of 14 mascots of World Cup events were held from 1966 to 2018, and their materials can be divided into animals, plants, people and creations. The mascot was applied with the characteristic elements of regional specialties, the flag of the host country, symbolic attire, language of the hosting area, social issues and the mascot's dress, posture, props and expression characters of soccer events were used as symbolic elements. First of all, the implications of the research were that mascots were more strongly expressing the "football" signifying element, the theme of events, rather than regional characteristics. Second, the use of 'national flag' was highlighted among the elements of expressing regional characteristics. Third, 'animal' was preferred for mascot material. Fourth, mascots have become integrated with 'cultural perfumes' and play an extended role in raising social awareness. Implications derived from the classification of characteristics and symbol representation elements raised in this study will be used as a basis for the planning of international event mascots.

A Case Study of Untact Lecture on Albert Camus' La Peste using Big Data (빅데이터를 활용한 『페스트』(알베르 카뮈) 비대면 문학 강의 운영 사례 연구)

  • MIN, Jinyoung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 2021
  • This is a case study on the use of Albert Camus' La Peste, which has gained its popularity in today's generation of post-COVID as well as the use of big data analysis tools for major and elective classes. First, we asked students majoring in French to compare the use of vocabulary and the number of appearances for characters using big data analysis, for about 400 pages of the original text. As a result, we were able to confirm a similar relationship between Camus' Absurdism and the vocabulary used within La Peste, in addition to noting the heavy frequency of resistant characters. Students in elective classes were asked to read the literature in a Korean-translated version to determine the frequency of vocabulary and characters' appearances. Students were able to strongly relate to La Peste due to its commonality between COVID and the plague in the literature. We also received high levels of class satisfaction regarding the use of big data analysis tools. The students showed a positive response both towards choosing La Peste as the work of literature and using big data, the main tool in the Fourth Industrial Evolution. We were able to identify good results even in a non-contact environment, as long as the literature does not rely on traditional methods but rather lectures to reflect current situations.

The Analysis and Evaluation of the First Online Congress of 61st Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry in 2020 during COVID-19 (COVID-19으로 인한 2020년 대한소아치과학회 첫 온라인 제61회 종합학술대회 및 제54회 전공의 학술대회에 대한 설문조사를 통한 분석 및 평가)

  • Herr, Lan;Lee, Koeun;Kim, Mi Sun;Nam, Okhyung;Lee, Hyoseol;Choi, Sungchul
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.384-396
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    • 2021
  • The 61st Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry congress was hosted online for the first time in 2020 due to coronavirus disease-19. The congress was operated using the ZOOM platform. The aim of this paper is to analyze and evaluate the overall satisfaction and feedbacks from congress participants via anonymous Google Forms online survey. A test meeting was previously organized before the actual congress to facilitate the smooth process and the participants overall showed high satisfaction. Members who participated in test meeting compared to those who did not, found it significantly helpful, which contributed overall higher satisfaction with the online congress. Abstracts were accepted from the current pediatric dentistry residents and the oral presentations were also held online for the first time. The presenters and the judges were overall very satisfied. In an unguaranteed situation of termination of coronavirus disease-19, the decision to conduct an online congress was a favorable option.