• Title/Summary/Keyword: 호분

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Use of Visible Storage for Display and Conservation Treatment of a Large-sized Jar Coffin (대형 옹관의 보존처리 과정과 이를 활용한 개방형 수장고의 운용)

  • Kwak, Eungyung;Lee, Hyejin;Yu, Sohyun
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.19
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    • pp.41-52
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    • 2018
  • This paper describes the restoration and display of a large jar coffin at the Naju National Museum. Excavated from Tomb No. 3 at Bokam-ri, Naju, the large jar is 194 cm in height and its rim diameter is 108 cm. The jar had been broken into approximately forty fragments prior to its restoration, and a supporting structure was installed to ensure the safety of the relic during the restoration process. The restoration was conducted inside a visible storage for large jar coffins for approximately three weeks from February 5 to February 27, 2018. Over two weeks during this period, the restoration efforts inside the storage were visible to the public in the permanent exhibition space so that visitors could observe the process in person. This was planned to help visitors understand and arouse their interest in large-sized relics such as jar coffins and the restoration process. This study also investigates the practices of overseas institutions in order to suggest plans for raising public awareness of conservation treatment at conservation science centers.

Evaluation of Fungicidal, Anti-sapstain and Termiticidal Efficacy of Dan-Chung Treated Blocks (단청처리재의 방부.방미.방의(흰개미)효력 평가)

  • 이명재;이동흡;손동원
    • Journal of Korea Foresty Energy
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.36-43
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    • 2003
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the fungicidal, anti-sapstain and termiticidal efficacy of commercial Dan-Chung which are currently being used for painting to decorate and to provide durability with structures of temples. Two binders (Polysol and Gelatine), and eleven pigments (Iron Oxide Red, Lead Red, Toluidine Red, Chrome Yellow, Titanium Dioxide, Ultramarine Blue, Chrome Oxide Green, Permanent Black, Cyanine Green and Ho-bun(Chalk)) were applied for the evaluation. The fungicidal and anti-sapstain activity of each pigment were depended on the types of binders. When the Polysol was used as a binder, the fungicidal efficacy of Toluidine Red treated specimen was close to the standard value (above 80) with grater than 70 against to two wood decay fungi (T. palustris and T. versicolor). The anti-sapstain efficacy of Lead Red treated specimens was excellent against to three sapstain fungi (P. funiculosum, T. viride and R. nigricans), and that of Ultramarine Blue treated specimens was also excellent to T. viride. The other pigments had little efficacy to these micro-organisms. Although there were some different trends of the effectiveness depending on the types of binders, the anti-termite effectiveness of Chrome Oxide Green and Chrome Yellow was outstanding to termite tests.

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The genetic analysis on ancient human bone in jar coffin excavated from Naju Bokam-ni 3rd tumulus (출토 인골의 유전자분석-나주 복암리 3호분 옹관 인골을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Kyu-Sik;Chung, Yong-Jae;Han, Sung-Hee;Lee, Myong-Hee;Han, Myun-Soo;Choi, Dong-Ho
    • 보존과학연구
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    • s.20
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    • pp.5-20
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    • 1999
  • We have analyzed the allele and genotype frequencies from 10 fractions of ancient human skeleton in 3 pieces of Jar coffin excavated from Naju Bokamni3rd tumulus by PCR amplification, high resolution polyacrylamide gelelectorphoresis and silver staining. We could isolate human genomic DNA from 3 bone fractions but the rest of them could not be used as materials due to being decayed. We could detect sex determination as male and 3 genotypes of STR system, HUMTHO1, HUMTPOX and HUMC5F1PO from the bone fraction of left side in Jar coffin 3 and see the slightly reaction suggesting the sex as male from the bone fraction of the left side in Jar coffin 2 and female from the right side in Jar coffin 3.We have also analyzed the genotype frequencies of mitochondria from the bone fractions of the left side and the right side in jar coffin 3, respectively. From the result of indetifiying at nucletide position between 16018 and 16378of the base of hyper variable region(HV1) in the control region, We can presume that the both bones have the same maternal inheritance.

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Characteristics of Subsurface Movement and Safety of the Songsanri Tomb Site of the Baekje Dynasty using Tiltmeter System (경사도변화 계측을 통한 백제 송산리 고분군의 지하 벽체거동특성과 안정성)

  • 서만철;박은주
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.191-205
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    • 1997
  • Measurements on subsurface movement of the Songsanri tomb site including the Muryong royal tomb was conducted using a tiltmeter system for the period of 15 months form July 7, 1996 to September 30, 1997. Two coordinate tilt monitoring data shows the biggest movement rate of 2.3mm/m/yr toward south in the frontal wall(N-S tilt) of the Muryong royal tomb. Southward tilting of bricks above the southern fire place in the western wall of the Muryong royal tomb is a proof of southward tilting of the royal tomb since its excavation in 1971. The eastern wall of the Muryong royal tomb is also tilting toward inside the tomb with the rate of 1.523mm/m/yr. Furthermore, tilting rate of wall increases twice in rainy season. It is interpreted tbat infiltration of water into the tomb and nearby ground in rainy season results in dangerous status for the safety of tomb structure. On the whole, normal component tilting of the walls of the 5th tomb is large than its shear component. It shows a small displacement toward one direction without no abrupt change in its direction and amount of tilting. The tilting rate of walls of the 6th tomb is about 8.8mm/m/yr in the dry season which is much bigger than those of other tombs in rainy season. Deformation events of walls of the tombs are closely related to amount of precipitation and variation of temperature. In comparison with different weather conditions, tilting is much bigger during the period of rainy weather than sunny weather. It is interpreted that rainwater flew into the turm through faults and nearby ground. High water content in nearby ground resulted strength of ground. The tilting event of walls shows a hysterisis phenomenon in analysis of temperature effect on tilting event. The walls tilt rapidly with steep rising of temperature, but the tilted walls do not come back to original position with temperature falling. Therefore, a factor of steep increase of the temperature must be removed. It means the tomb have to be kept with constant temperature. The observation of groundwater level using three boreholes located in construction site and original ground represented that groundwater level in construction site is higher than that of original ground during the rainy season from the end of June to August. It means that the drainage system of the Muryong royal tomb is worse than original ground, and it is interpreted that the poor drainage system is related to safety of tomb structure. As above mentioned, it is interpreted that artificial changes of the tomb environment since the excavation, infiltration of rainwater and groundwater into the tomb site and poor drainage system had resulted in dangerous situation for the tomb structure. According to the result of the long period observation for the tomb site, it is interpreted that protection of the tomb site from high water content should be carried out at first, and the rise of temperature by means of the dehumidifier inside the tomb must be removed.

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The Effects of Various Vegatable Pesticides on Materials of Cultural Property - Dyed and Undyed Silk Fabrics, Cotton Fabrics and Korean Papers, Undyed Ramie Fabric, Pigments, Painted Plates - (식물에서 추출한 살충.살균제가 문화재 재질에 미치는 영향 - 견직물, 면직물, 저마직물, 한지, 안료분말, 채색편 -)

  • Oh, Joon-Suk
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.20
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    • pp.9-22
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    • 2007
  • Three kinds of natural pesticides extracted from plants which are being sold in the Korean markets, were estimated effects on materials of art of museum. Tested samples were 1) silk fabrics : undyed, dyed(amur cork tree, gallut, gallut(alum post mordancy), gallut(copperas post mordancy), gardenia, turmeric, acorn, acorn(copperas post mordancy), gromwell, madder, madder(alum post mordancy), safflower, sappanwood, sappanwood(alum pre mordancy, post mordancy), indigo, indigo+amur cork tree, indigo+sappanwood) 2) cotton fabrics : undyed, dyed(amur cork tree, gallut, gallut(alum post mordancy), gardenia, acorn, acorn(copperas post mordancy), gromwell, madder, madder(alum post mordancy), safflower, sappanwood, sappanwood(alum pre mordancy, post mordancy), indigo, indigo+sappanwood) 3) undyed ramie fabric 4) Korean papers : undyed, dyed(sappanwood, indigo, gardenia, amur cork tree, safflower) 5) pigments : azurite, malachite, red lead, litharge, orpiment, hematite, iron oxide, cinnabar, vermilion, indigo, lake indigo, kaolin, lead white, oyster shell white 6) painted plates : azurite, malachite, red lead, litharge, orpiment, hematite, iron oxide, cinnabar, vermilion, indigo, lake indigo, kaolin, lead white, oyster shell white. Conditions of tests were that after samples were exposed to 10 times of promoted concentration for 9 months in relative humidity $55{\pm}1%$ and temperature $20{\pm}2^{\circ}C$, they were compared with standards. Items of estimation were color difference(${\Delta}E^*$) and tenacity. After exposure to pesticides, undyed silk cotton ramie fabrics and Korean papers were not nearly changed in their colors, but colors of most of dyed samples were clearly changed by pesticides except for partial samples(acorn- and madder-dyed fabrics etc, gardenia-dyed samples). Especially changes of colors of turmeric-dyed silk fabrics were most distinct. And colors of pigments and painted plates containing lead, copper, arsenic, mercury and vegetable pigments, were clearly changed. Tenacities of yams of undyed silk fabrics were not nearly changed and undyed cotton fabrics were a little reduced as compared with standards. But tenacities of yams of dyed silk and cotton fabrics were clearly reduced or increased as compared with standards. Especially, madder-dyed silk fabrics were increased 10% or more and indigo-dyed silk fabrics were reduced 10% or less in all pesticides. Also madder- and sappanwood(alum post mordancy)-dyed cotton fabrics were increased 10% or more in all pesticides.

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The Character of Bogamni group and trends in the surrounding area seen through the stone chamber (석실로 본 나주 복암리 세력과 주변 지역의 동향)

  • Kim, Nak jung
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.44-67
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    • 2016
  • This article studied the character of Bogamri group and trends in the surrounding area through recently excavated stone chambers. The first type of stone chamber constructed at Bogamni cemetry was Northen Kyushu style stone chamber tomb with corridor. However, According to recent survey Wa style vertical stone lined tomb had constructed earlier than these stone chamber along the southwest cost. It is likely that the background of these Wa style stone tomb was the beginning of formal diplomatic relations between Baekje and Wa. At first, grave goods as well as burial had been Wa style, but gradually local burial element and mortuary practices added. And large tomb had beginning to appear. The representative tombs are Yeongam Okyari Jangdong tomb and Naju Gaheugni Shinhueng tomb. They were built in the middle of the fifth century. It is most likely that the location was selected with regard to the use or securing of inland waterway. But the next step, Yeongsangang river style stone chamber with corridor had constructed at Jeongchon tomb. That tomb is very close to Bogamni tombs and structure and grave goods are very similar also. So these two groups were considered to be the same community. Hereby, It is believed that the inland waterway using power had been turned over to Bogamni group. Bogamni group had constantly constructed stone chamber until seventh century. This represent that Bogamni group had thrived as a leading force in the Yeongsangang river basin. After under the direct control of Baekje, Bogamni group had continued the close relationship with Wa. For this reason, Bogamni group had influenced southwest cost as well as Yeongsangang river basin. It can be estimated by the Bogamni style stone chamber founded at islands of Shinan.

Re-conservation of the Iron Sword with Ring Pommel with Three-Pointed Leaf Decoration Excavated from Tomb No. 55 at the Dalseong Ancient Tomb Complex in Daegu and a Study of Its Production Method (대구 달성 55호분 출토 삼엽문이자태도의 재보존처리와 제작 기법 연구)

  • Lee, Huisung;Huh, Ilkwon;Ro, Jihyun;Park, Seungwon
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.24
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2020
  • This paper presents the process of re-conservation and the results of research on the production method of the Iron Sword with Ring Pommel with Three-Pointed Leaf Decoration, one of the excavation findings from Tomb No. 55 in the Dalseong Ancient Tomb Complex in Daegu. This iron sword is a double weapon with two large swords housed within a single sheath. Four smaller swords are attached to the surface of the sheath, two on the upper portion and the other two below. It is the only such two-in-one weapon excavated intact thus far from an ancient Korean tomb. The records show that it underwent conservation treatment twice in the past. In this study, it was subjected to conservation treatment again to replace the stiffener in some cracking areas, and its material, composition, and production method were analyzed by CT, XRF analysis, and stereoscopic microscopy. The sword is mainly made of copper, but the golden component contains both gold and mercury, which suggests that the copper was plated in gold using mercury amalgamation. The examination of the production methods indicates that it was intended more to demonstrate the authority of its owner rather than to serve any practical use. The two upper small swords on the sheath were made in the same manner as the main swords, and the two small lower swords were cut from a single metal sheet. The sheath was made by cutting two metal sheets. Supports were used to attach the two small swords to the upper portion of the sheath, while the lower portion of the sheath was slit to allow the other two small swords to be inserted into it. The ring pommels of the main swords have a three-pointed leaf decoration. As for the other designs, the handle of the main sword features a series of semicircles, the decorative bands on the sheath have waves in dots, and the fish tail of the sheath shows diagonal lines of dots.

Re-examination of the Latest Dates of the Brick Chamber Tombs in the Western Region of North Korea: A Focus on Dated Inscribed Bricks (서북한 지역 전축분(塼築墳) 연대의 하한 재검토 -기년명전(紀年銘塼)을 중심으로)

  • Jang Byungjin
    • Bangmulgwan gwa yeongu (The National Museum of Korea Journal)
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    • v.1
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    • pp.96-119
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    • 2024
  • Some inscribed bricks excavated from the western region of North Korea have been found bearing an era name used after 314 when the Nangnang and Daebang Commanderies had been completely ousted from the region. Others have been found with an era name used in the early fifth century. This indicates that the tradition of constructing brick chamber tombs was sustained for a century after the disappearance of the two commanderies. However, brick chamber tombs were never adopted as a burial system for the ruling class of the Goguryeo Kingdom. The Tomb of Jang Mui built in 348 and the Tomb of Dongni built in 353 both departed from the typical brick chamber tomb style of the region, and elements associated with stone chamber tombs were added to them. The Tomb of Dongsu (Anak Tomb No. 3), which is similar to the other two tombs in that its occupant is of Chinese descent, was constructed in 357 not as a brick chamber tomb, but as an earthen mound tomb with a stone chamber. Still, the continuation of brick chamber tomb tradition in the next half century has been somewhat puzzling. Although dated inscribed bricks have served as important evidence for understanding the continuation of the brick chamber tomb tradition, there has been a problem of continually repeating previous studies. It has also been pointed out that there was an error in the interpretation of era names in some of the dated inscribed bricks that had been believed to have been produced in or after 357. For example, "second year of Taean" (Taian in Chinese), which had been understood to correspond to 386 (during the Former Qin Dynasty), in fact refers to 303 (during the reign of Emperor Hui of the Western Jin Dynasty). In the case of "first year of Geonsi" (Jianshi in Chinese), which had been believed to indicate 407 (during the Later Yan Dynasty), it actually refers to 301. "Geonsi" is the era name used during the period when Sima Yun ousted Emperor Hui of the Western Jin Dynasty and briefly occupied imperial throne. Outside these two cases, the remaining dated inscribed bricks thought to have been produced in or after 357 are those dated to the "third year of Wonheung" (Yuanxing in Chinese). However, a reexamination of these bricks reveals that what is really "Yeongheung" (Yongxing in Chinese) has been misread as "Wonheung." The third year of Yeongheung corresponds to either 306 during the Western Jin Dynasty or 352 during the Later Zhao Dynasty, but it is highly probable that it refers to 306. This means that there is no conclusive evidence to support the hypothesis that brick chamber tombs were built in the area until the late fourth century and even into the early fifth. Accordingly, the Tombs of Jang Mui and Dongni should be viewed as the latest known brick chamber tombs to be constructed in the western region of North Korea. Moreover, brick chamber tombs appear to have been no longer built in the area around the time when the Tomb of Dongsu was constructed. These speculations accord with the historical circumstances of the time.

The Influence of the Commercial Flame Retardant to the Physical and Chemical Properties of Dancheong Pigments (시판용 방염제 도포에 의한 단청안료의 물리화학적 변화 연구)

  • Lee, Han Hyoung;Kim, Jin Gyu;Lee, Hwa Soo;Lee, Ha Rim;Chung, Yong Jae;Kim, Do Rae;Han, Gyu Seong
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.249-259
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    • 2016
  • Effect of the flame retardants on Dancheong is studied in the present work. Two kinds of flame retardants were applied on Dancheong specimens and compared with control groups on which distilled water was applied instead of the flame retardants. The flame retardants enhanced the hygroscopic property of the surface of Dancheong. Furthermore, the added flame retardants reacted with oyster shell white($CaCO_3$) and lead red($Pb_3O_4$), producing new chemical compounds like Calcium phosphate tribasic and Lead Phosphates which make the painted layer of Dancheong dissolving and whitening over certain period of time. When applied in excessive amount and exposed in repetitive wet and dry condition, especially, they aggravate the surface problems significantly. These results will provide a good reference on the study of the discoloring/whitening effect of Dancheong layers at many traditional wooden building in Korea.

Conservation Environmental Assessment and Microbial Distribution of the Songsan-ri Ancient Tombs, Gongju, Korea (공주 송산리 고분 내 미생물 분포 및 보존환경 연구)

  • Lee, Min Young;Kim, Dae Woon;Chung, Yong Jae
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.169-179
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    • 2014
  • After occurrence of Cyanobacteria in 1997, Songsan-ri tombs located in Gonju have been investigated to monitor for biological damage. The room temperature of Tomb No.6 was $18.6{\sim}19.8^{\circ}C$ and the relative humidity was 94.3~99.9%. The temperature of Royal Tomb of King Muryeong was $17.3{\sim}18.53^{\circ}C$ and the relative humidity was 73.2~96.45%. The variation of relative humidity increased after setting up air vents. If the outside temperature increases, dew condensation occurs on the floor and the north side. When conditioning equipment operates, the maximum temperature differences between walls is $2.8^{\circ}C$. Bacteria from the air of the tomb and on the surface of the walls outnumbered fungi. 20 species of fungi including Alternaria sp., Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp., and 19 species of bacteria including Pseudomonas sp., Arthrobacter sp., are identified. Microbes in the tombs may damage cultural heritage. The growth possibility of microbes should be estimated because the microbes in the tombs may damage mural painting. The interrelation between microenvironmental condition and biological damage of mural painting should be researched to come up with an long-term conservation method.