• Title/Summary/Keyword: 형성이상

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The Corrosion Behavior of Hydrogen-Charged Zircaloy-4 Alloys (수소 장입된 Zircaloy-4 합금에서의 부식거동)

  • Kim, Seon-Jae;Kim, Gyeong-Ho;Baek, Jong-Hyeok;Choe, Byeong-Gwon;Jeong, Yo-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.268-273
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    • 1998
  • Standard Zircaloy-4 sheets, charged with 230-250ppm hydrogen by the gas-charging method and homogenized at $400^{\circ}C$ for 72hrs in a vacuum, were corroded in pure water and aqueous LiOH solutions using static autoclaves at $350^{\circ}C$. Their corrosion behaviors were characterized by measuring their weight gains with the corrosion time and observing their microstructures using an optical microscope and a scanning electron microscope. The elemental depth profiles for hydrogen and lithium were measured using a secondary ion mass spectrometry(S1MS) to confirm their distributions at the oxidelmetal interface. The normal Zircaloy-4 specimens corroded abruptly and heavily at the concentration of Li ions more than 30ppm in the aqueous solution. This is due to accelerations by the rapid oxidation of many Zr- hydrides formed by the large amount of absorbed hydrogen, resulting from the increased substitution of $Li^{+}$ ions with $Zr^{4+}$-sites in the oxide as the Li ion concentration increased. The specimens that had been charged with amounts of hydrogen greater than its solubility corroded early with a more rapid acceleration than normal specimens, regardless of the corrosion solutions. At longer corrosion times. however, normal specimens showed a rather accelerated corrosion rate compared to the hydrogen-charged specimens. These slower corrosion rates of the hydrogen-charged specimens at the longer corrosion times would be due to the pre-existent Zr-hydride in the matrix, which causes the hydrogen pick- up into the specimen to be depressed, when the oxide with an appropriate thickness formed.

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Anatomical Studies on Tumorous Tissue Formed in a Stem of Ailanthus altissima Swingle by Artificial Banding and Its Subsequent Removing Treatment - Characters of Tissue Structures - (인위적(人爲的)인 밴드결체(結締) 및 해체처리(解締處理)로 형성(形成)된 가죽나무(Ailanthus altissima Swingle) 수간(樹幹)의 종양조직(腫瘍組織)에 관한 해부학적(解剖學的) 연구(硏究) - 조직구조상(組織構造上) 특성(特性) -)

  • Eom, Young-Geun;Lee, Phil-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 1989
  • 가죽나무 (Alianthus altissima Swingle) 수간(樹幹)의 지항고(地上高) 180cm 부위(部位)에 19mm 너비의 플라스틱 밴드를 결체(結締)하여 1년간(年間) 방치(放置)한 후 이 밴드를 결체(結締)하여 주므로써 수가(樹幹)을 둘러싸는 원반형태(圓盤形態)의 과대(過大)한 비대생장(肥大生長) 조직(組織)인 종양상조직(腫瘍狀組織)(tumorous tissue)이 형성(形成)되고 이러한 종양상(腫瘍狀) 조직(組織)의 원반(圓盤)과 상하(上下)에 위치(位置)한 정상형태(正常形態)의 원반(圓盤)을 채취(採取)하여 해부학적(解剖學的) 차이(差異)를 조직학적(組織學的) 특성(特性)면에서 조사(調査) 비교(比較)하였다. 종양상(腫瘍狀) 부위(部位)에서는 이상적(異常的)으로 넓은 연륜폭(年輪幅)을 지니는 중양재(腫瘍材)(tumor wood)가 밴드 해체(解締) 다음 해인 제(第)3연륜(年輪)에서 형성(形成)되었으며 밴드 결체기간(結締期間)중에 생장(生長)한 제(第)2연륜내(年輪內)에서는 내부(內部)로 발달(發達)된 변색재(變色材)(discolored wood)와 외부(外部)로 발달(發達)한 정상재색(正常材色)을 구분하는 방어대(防禦帶)(barrier zone)가 형성(形成)되어 있었으며 이 종양상(腫瘍狀) 부위(部位)의 상하(上下)에 위치(位置)한 정상형태(正常形態)의 부위(部位)에서는 정상재색(正常材色)을 나타내는 제(第)2연륜내(年輪內)에 방어대(防禦帶)에 해당하는 위연륜상대(僞年輪狀帶)(false ring-like zones)가 형성(形成)되어 있었는데 이러한 방어대(防禦帶)와 위연륜상대(僞年輪狀帶)는 비정상적(非正常的)으로 과다한 이상형태(異常形態)의 유세포(柔細胞)와 상해(傷害)검구(溝) 및 검강(腔)으로 구성되어 있는 특징(特徵)을 나타내고 있다. 종양상(腫瘍狀) 부위(部位)에 있어서 종양재((腫瘍材)인 제(第)3연륜(年輪)과 방어대(防禦帶)후에 발달(發達)한 제(第)2연륜부분(年輪部分)은 불규칙(不規則)한 연륜계(年輪界), 매우 불규칙적(不規則的)인 구조(構造)를 지니는 이상조직(異常組織), 비정상적(非正常的)인 형태(形態)를 나타내는 목섬유(木纖維) 및 도관요소(導管要素), 비정상적(非正常的)인 형태(形態)를 지니는 방사조직(放射組織)을 가지며 추재부(秋材部)에 고립관공(孤立管孔) 및 복합관공(複台管孔)이 발달(發達)하며 스트랜드유세포(柔細胞)와 방사유세포(放射柔細胞)에 결정(結晶)이 존재(存在)한다는 면에서 서로 유사(類似)하였다. 그리고 제(第)3연륜(年輪)인 종양재(腫瘍材)의 춘재부(春材部) 관공(管孔)의 수(數)는 정상재(正常材)보다 작은 것으로 나타났다.

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Condition of Storage and Growth Characteristics on Bulb Propagation of Nerine by Tissue Culture (네리네 대량증식을 위한 분구방법 및 생육조건)

  • Han Soo-Gon;Kang Chan-Ho;Lim Hoi-Chun;Ko Bok-Rai;Choi Joung-Sik;Choi In-Young
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.88-92
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    • 2006
  • Nerine was originated from South Africa and around 30 kinds of species are distributed in worldwide. In present study we have characterized the division methods and growing conditions for the bulb propagation of Nerine. Result indicated that new bulb formation, and growth of N. bowdenii cultivars was better after dormancy stage compared to post-harvest and dormancy stages, under twin-scale method at $20^{\circ}C$ Similarly, new bulb tissue density was higher at $20^{\circ}C$ compared to other temperatures. Moreover, N. bowdenii 'Favourite' exhibited better growth than N. bowdenii 'Stepanii' and vermiculite was found to be most suitable growing medium for Nerine bulb propagation.

An Exploratory study on Student-Intelligent Robot Teacher relationship recognized by Middle School Students (중학생이 인식하는 학습자-지능형로봇 교사의 관계 형성 요인)

  • Lee, Sang-Soog;Kim, Jinhee
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2020
  • This study aimed to explore the relationship between Intelligent Robot Reacher(IRT)-student by examining the factors of their relationship perceived by middle school students. In doing so, we developed questionnaires based on the existing teacher-student relationship scale and conducted an online survey of 283 first graders in middle school. The collected date were analyzed using exploratory factor analyses with SPSS 23 and confirmatory factor analysis with Amos 21. The study findings identified four factors of IRT-student relationship namely "trust", "competence", "emotional exchange", and "tolerance". It is expected that the study can be used to discuss ways to enhance educationally significant interaction between students-IRT and teaching methods using intelligent robots(IRs). Also, the study will contribute to the understanding and development of various services using IRs. Based on the study finidngs, future studies should investigate the perception of various education stockholders (teachers, parets, etc) on IRT to elevate the Human-Robot Interaction in the education field.

Gamma Radiation Sensitivity and Quantitative Characters in M1 Generation of Heteropappus hispidus (Thunb.) (갯쑥부쟁이(Heteropappus hispidus (Thunb.))의 감마방사선 감수성과 M1 세대 형질변동 특징)

  • Oh, Byung-Kwon;Hong, Kyung-Ae;Song, Sung-Jun;Lee, Sun-Joo;Lee, Young-Il;U., Zang-Kual
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.294-299
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    • 2003
  • The seeds of naturally growing Heteropappus hispidus (Thunb.) were treated by nine different doses (0, 10, 20, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200, 300, 400 Gy) of gamma rays to investigate their germination rate and to quantity the characteristics of their germinated plants as like as leaf appearance and length, the formation rate of anthocyanin color in stem 30 days after germination, the formation rate of rosette leaf and multi-shoot, the flowering and seed-bearing, and shoot length. The germination rate at least up to 120Gy was not greatly affected but was rapidly decreased at over 160Gy. It seemed that lethal dose ($LD_{50}$) of germination was 160Gy. The leaf appearance and growth was also inhibited, but the formation rate of anthocyanin color in the flower stem was enhanced up to 30% with dose. The rosette plants were observed in plants irradiated with higher than 40Gy. Multi-shoots were developed over 80Gy. For a short shoot length and bundle of thin stem, it was considered that they can be selected as the potential pot flower plants, through genetic fixation. In particular, it was suggested that the formation of anthocyanin color in flower stem, rosette and multi-shoot plants induced by the high dose of gamma rays could be utilized as the morphological markers for the mutant selection of Heteropappus hispidus (Thunb.).

Monthly Gonadal and Sex Hormonal Changes of Indoor-Reared Seabass, Lateolabrax japonicus during Annual Reproductive Cycle (실내사육 농어, Lateolabrax japonicus의 생식소 및 성호르몬의 주년 변화)

  • Kang Duk Young;Han Hyoung Kyun;Baek Hea Ja
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.614-620
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    • 2002
  • The sea bass, Lateoiabrax japonicus is a highly valued fish in aquaculture in South Korea. For establishment of seedling production of sea bass,1 japonicus, we examined change of gonadal development and plasma steroid levels of sea bass reared in indoor tank. Male matured unsimultaneously faster than females and spawning of females took place between the end of January and March. After the spawning period, and until the following January, all the females were in preyitello genesis and in some males, spermatogenetic activity restarted gradually. In October, under reducing photoperiod, cortical alveoli appeared in growing oocyte and the development of spermatogenesis greatly increased. Between October and february, vitellogenesis and spermatogenesis occurred respectively in female and male and gonadosomatic index increased from 4.31 to $24.07\%$ in female and upper 6o/o in male. Also, two sex hormones were analyzed during the course of a reproductive cycle in the sea bass: plasma levels of the gonadal steroid testosterone (T) and estradiol-l7$\beta$ (E_{2}). Variation of the plasma concentrations of T and E, appeared to depend on gonad stages. Plasma T and E, levels were high from November to January, suggesting that an sufficient gonadal stimulation by both hormones may undergoing a processes for the formation of sperm and oocyte.

Plant regeneration from suspension-cultured cell clusters of Arabidopsis thaliana (애기장대(Arabidopsis thaliana)의 현탁배양세포괴로부터 식물체 재분화)

  • 김명덕;김준철;진창덕;임창진;한태진
    • Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.195-200
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    • 1998
  • Callus induction from leaf and stem explants of Arabidopsis thaliana was successfully obtained when leaf explants were cultured on MS medium containing 2.0 mg/L 2,4-D in the dark and also, when stem explants were cultured on CP medium containing 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D and 0.1 mg/L BAP. Explant-derived sliced calli were suspension-subcultured every week in CP liquid medium with 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D and 0.1 mg/L BAP in the dark, and shoot-forming cell clusters of nodular, pale yellow and knobby type were selected after 7-8 weeks of culture. Shoots were initiated from the green spots of the selected shoot forming calli cultured on MS regeneration medium containing 0.05 mg/L IAA, 7.0 mg/L 2-iP and 30 g/L sucrose under continous illumination for four weeks. Shoot regeneration frequency (calli regenerating at least one shoot) was more than 50%. For plant regeneration, excised shoots were trnasferred to hormone free medium for root initiation after 4 weeks of culture. The regenerants were bolting after 2 weeks of culture and formed in vitro flowering buds within bracts after 4 weeks of culture.

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Optimal conditions for the formation of cyst-zygote for stable artificial seed production of Capsosiphon fulvescens (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta) (매생이(Capsosiphon fulvescens)의 인공종자 생산을 위한 구상체 형성 및 생장 조건 분석)

  • Ji Woong Lee;Hyun Il Yoo;Eun Kyoung Hwang;Seung Oh Kim
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.325-331
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    • 2024
  • Among the different types of seaweed that are cultivated in Korea for food, Capsosiphon fulvescensis the filamentous green alga with the highest production value. However, its harvest yield varies significantly from year to year due to its dependence on the natural seeding method. The present study aimed to identify the conditions affecting the formation of cyst-zygotes that can be utilized as artificial seeds during the life cycle of C. fulvescens. Gametangia and zygotes of C. fulvescens were found to be highly developed at temperatures above 15℃, with a maximum gametangial development rate of about 35% observed after 7 days of culture. The formation of zygotes into cystzygotes was induced within 7 days in all temperature conditions, but after 30 days of culturing, cyst-zygotes germinated into filamentous thalli at temperatures above 20℃, while the most stable formation and stabilization were observed at 15℃. Cystzygotes formed at 15℃ showed high growth when they were transferred to 25℃ conditions, and zoospores matured inside the cells. The production of cyst-zygotes was mostly influenced by temperature, and a gradual increase in temperature was found to be necessary for the formation and growth of cyst-zygotes. The culture conditions facilitating the formation of cyst-zygotes reported in this study can be useful for the production of artificial seeds and breeding technology for the effective cultivation of seaweed.

A Geophysical Study on the Geotectonics and Opening Mechanism of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea (동해 울릉분지의 지구조 및 성인에 관한 지구물리학적 연구)

  • Suh, Man-Cheol;Lee, Gwang-Hoon;Shon, Ho-Woong
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.34-44
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    • 1998
  • Analysis of gravity, magnetic, and seismic reflection data from the Ulleung Basin, East Sea has provided some insights into the opening mechanism and crustal type of the basin. Free-air gravity anomaly data show positive anomalies of about 40~60 mgal near the Korea Plateau and Oki Bank and of about -20~20 mgal in the central basin. Bouguer gravity anomaly data exhibit NE-SW trending positive anomalies of about 150 mgal in the central basin which is interpreted to be related to high-density crustal material. Abrupt changes in both Free-air and Bouguer gravity anomaly profiles across the basin margins may be due to transition between continental and oceanic crusts. Magnetic anomalies in the basin are generally less than -400 nT. No stripe pattern is evident in the magnetic anomaly map but a NW-SE trending symmetric pattern is seen in some magnetic profiles. The symmetric pattern is probably associated with the high-density crustal material in the central basin suggested by Bouguer gravity anomaly. The acoustic basement in the deep part of the basin has only a small amount of local relief. No graben or half-graben structures are seen in the acoustic basement from which mechanical extension might be inferred. The lack of high-relief structures in the acoustic basement may suggest that the basin is underlain by oceanic crust or that the basement is overlain by thick volcanic layer which obscures the structures and relief of the basement. High-density crust in the central basin inferred from gravity data, abrupt changes in gravity anomalies across the basin margins, symmetric pattern seen in some magnetic anomaly profiles, and lack of relief in the acoustic basement may suggest sea-floor spreading origin of the Ulleung Basin.

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Developmental Abnormality in Agricultural Region and Toxicity of the Fungicide Benomyl on Korea salamander, Hynobius leechii (한국산 도롱뇽(Hynobius leechii)의 농경지에서의 배 발생 이상과 살균제 Benomyl의 독성효과)

  • Choi, Yeoung-Ju;Yoon, Chun-Sik;Park, Joo-Hung;Jin, Jung-Hyo;Cheong, Seon-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.35 no.3 s.99
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    • pp.198-212
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    • 2002
  • A numerical variation and abnormalities were studied on egg bags and embryos of Korean salamander, Hynobius leechii from agricultural habitat. The teratogenic and toxic effects of fungicide benomyl were also investigated with early embryos from non-agricultural habitat. We collected 144 egg bags from agricultural region, and 3418 of early embryos were contained. The lengths of egg bags were varied from 10 to 23 cm and the most frequent length was 19 cm. The number of embryos was varied from 7 to 43, and the most frequent range was 22 to 26. Spontaneous abnormalities were occurred in 406 embryos among 116 egg bags, and 24 kinds of external abnormalities were found. Individuals showing severe external defect were histologically studied and they showed optic dyspalsia, thyroid carcinoma, somatic muscular dysplasia, partial biaxial structure, decrease of red blood cells in the heart, cephalic degeneration and intestinal dysplasia. 385 embryos from non-agricultural region were exposed to 200 nM${\sim}$ 1 ${\mu}$M of benomyl at blastula or gastrula for 12 days. All embryo were dead in the concentration of 1 ${\mu}$M (LD$_{100}$) and 75% of embryos were dead in 800nM of benomyl. Speciflc effect due to benomyl was acrania or cephalic dysplasia and this restult suggests that the benomyl inhibit stongly to the development of neural tissue. These abnormal developments may be caused by antimitotic action, inhibition of tubulin complex, destruction of microtubule, inhibitions of neurulation and closing of neural fold, and by the inhibition of the movement of neural crest cells.