• Title/Summary/Keyword: 혈관 석회화

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The Clinical Study on the Characteristics of Pulmonary Lesions Which Should Be Differentiated from Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Lung Resection Cases (폐절제 예에서 결핵과 구별해야 할 질환의 특성에 관한 임상적 고찰)

  • 정황규;정성운;박서완
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.11
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    • pp.1232-1240
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    • 1996
  • From January 1990 through June 1995, we operated on 121 patients who were suspected for pulmonary tuberculosis without definite final diagnosis. After operation the final pathologic diagnoses were as follows: 68 pulmonary tuberculosis in which 29 were tuberculoma, 23 lung cancer, 16 bronchiectasis, 6 aspergilloma, 2 lung abscess, 2 benign cyst and 4 others. In 121 cases, 81 were male and 40 were female and the peak age incidence was 4th decade in tuberculosis (39.7%) and 6th and 7th decade in lung cancer (69.6%). The diagnoses in 44 cases presented roentgenographically as pulmonary nodules were pulmonary tuberculosis(29 cases) and lung cancer(15 cases). Tuberculous nodules tended to be smaller in size with calcification and satellite lesions compared to carcinomas. Indications for operation were solitary nodules 44 cases (36.4%); destroyed lobe 31(25.6%); hemoptysis 25 (20.7%); cavitary lesion 11(9.1 %); bronchostenosis 3 (2.5%); destroyed lung 5(4.1 %) and destroyed lung with empyema 2(1.7%). We conclude that preoperatively suspected pulmonary tuberculosis should be distinguished from various pulmonary lesions such as carcinoma, bronchiectasis, aspergilloma, lung abscess and benign cyst. For the possibility of carcinoma, pulmonary nodules of size greater than 3cm, non-calcified, non satellite lesion, newly developed nodule even under the anti-tuberculous medication, negative PPD skin test with elevated CEA level are recommended for an early resectional surgery and follow-up and delayed surgery is recommended in cases such as pulmonary nodules less than 3 cm in size with calcification, satellite lesion, positive PPD skin reaction and elevated ESR, CRP, ALP levels.

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Spontaneous Resolution of Iatrogenic Calcinosis Cutis after Parenteral Calcium Gluconate Therapy in Neonates (신생아에서 비경구적 칼슘 글루코네이트 요법 이후의 의인성 피부 석회침착증 후 자연관해)

  • Song, Kwang Soon;Lee, Si Wook;Kim, Du-Han;Min, Kyung-Keun;Yon, Chang Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.192-196
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    • 2019
  • Iatrogenic calcinosis cutis is due to the intravenous administration of calcium gluconate or calcium chloride to treat hypocalcemia. The arthors report three cases of calcinosis cutis with calcifications involving the upper or lower extremities in neonates following the extravasation of calcium gluconate. Three neonates, a 2-week-old girl, 4-week-old boy, and a 4-week-old girl, were consulted for indurated nodules after the intravenous administration of calcium gluconate at the intensive care unit. Complete remission of palpable nodule and calcification was observed on the radiograph at three weeks, four weeks and six months after the initial presentation in each. All three neonates with iatrogenic calcinosis curtis were resolved spontaneously without functional and cosmetic complications. According to enhancement of the patient's cognition about benign disease, a suitable explanation of the disease and avoiding unnecessary treatment through an early diagnosis of iatrogenic calcinosis cutis will reduce a number of potential medical malpractice disputes.

노인환자의 보존치료

  • Im, Seong-Sam
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.20 no.12 s.163
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    • pp.1011-1013
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    • 1982
  • 년령이 증가함에 다라 치아도 신체 다른부위와 같이 노화현상이 나타나는데, 특히 보존영역에서는 상아질 및 치수의 노화에 대한 지식은 매우 중요하다고 생각된다. 일반적으로 상아질 및 치수의 노화는 치수강이나 치근관내 석회화된 조직의 양이 증가하고 세포나 혈관의 수가 감소되는 현상으로 나타나며, 임상에서는 흔히 치수강이나 치근관내 pub stone이나 dystrophic calcification을 발견하게 된다. 이러한 노화현상은 년령이 증가한다는 요소외도 우식, 마모, 교모, 또는 치과시술등이 그 원인이 된다고 알려져 있으며 실제 젊은환자에서도 상아질 및 치수가 노화되어 있는 치아를 볼 수 있다. 그러나 대개 년령적으로는 50세에서 60세사이의 환자에서는 치아의 노화가 있을수있는 가능성이 많다고 알려져 있으므로 임상에서 이점을 고려해야될 것으로 생각되며, 또 한가지는 상아질 및 치수에 이와같은 치유의 능력이 저하된다는 사실이다. 이러한 사실은 우리가 광범위한 충전물을 가진 치아에서 치수복조술을 시행할때는 충전물이 없고 우식이 생긴 치아에서 시술여부를 결정할 때 매우 중요한 점이 되고있는것 처럼 보존시술시 고려되어야 할 중요한 점으로 생각된다. 노인에서 보존치료의 결과는 환자가 신장질환이나 위장병, 폐결핵, 당뇨병등 만성적인 전신 질환을 가지고 있는 경우에는 그 치유가 지연되는 경우가 있기는 하나 시술시에 이러한 사실과 년령증가에 따른 치수 및 상아질의 형태학적 변화나 생리적변화등을 고려해서 치료술식을 약간 달리하면 젊은 환자에서와 똑같은 결과를 가져 올수 있다는 확신 또는 중요하다고 보겠다. 본 난에서는 노인환자의 보존치료시에 임상에서 고려해야할 사항들을 충전시술시와 근관치료시로 나누어서 각 시술 별로 간단히 살펴보조져 한다.

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Effect of Phosphate Binders on Vascular Calcification and Mortality in Korean Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (만성신부전 환자의 혈관 석회화와 사망률에 미치는 인결합제의 영향)

  • Sin, Hye Yeon
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.199-205
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: Current studies are debating on the association of vascular calcification and the benefit of treatment to lower serum phosphorus level in patients with chronic kidney disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of mortality and risk of vascular calcification in patients with CKD who were taking phosphate binders. Methods: This study was conducted through retrospective medical chart review for 420 patients aged 18 years and older who were admitted for chronic kidney disease. Results: Vascular calcification was not statistically significantly associated with increased mortality in patients with CKD [16.7% vs. 19.2%; 95% CI; 0.388 to 1.818 (p=0.656)]. Intervention of calcium-based phosphate binders was not significantly associated with vascular calcification in patients with CKD [9.1% vs. 12.5%; 95% CI; 0.364 to 1.358 (p=0.292)]. Ca x P product ${\geq}55mg^2/dL^2$ was not significantly associated with increased 1 year mortality in patients with CKD [25.4% vs. 17.5%; 95% CI; 0.851 to 3.013 (p=0.142)]. Intervention of sevelamer was significantly associated with reduced 1 year mortality in patients with CKD than that of patients who did not take sevelamer [6.3% vs. 25.3%; 95% CI; 0.044 to 0.880 (p=0.020)]. Conclusion: There was not a statistically significant association between vascular calcification and phosphate binder's use. But phosphate binder use was significantly associated with decreased mortality in patients with CKD.

Inhibitory Effect of Fermented Spanish Extract on Inorganic phosphate-induced Vascular Calcification in ex vivo Aortic Rings (발효 시금치 추출물의 무기인산염에 의해 유도된 혈관 석회화 저해 효과)

  • Lee, Sang Hee;Hong, Sun Mi;Sung, Mi Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.248-255
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    • 2022
  • Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), a green leafy vegetable, is well known as a functional food due to its biological activities. Vascular calcification is associated with several disease conditions including atherosclerosis, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease (CKD), and is known to raise the risk of cardiovascular diseases related morbidity and mortality. However, there are no previous studies that have investigated the effects of fermented spinach exract (FSE) against aortic and its underlying mechanisms. Therefore, this study investigated the effects and action of possible mechanisms of FSE on inorganic phosphate (PI)-induced vascular calcification in ex vivo mouse aortic rings. PI increased vascular calcification through calcium deposition in ex vivo aortic rings. FSE inhibited calcium accumulation and osteogenic key marker, runt-related transcription factor 2 (Runx2), and bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 (BMP-2) protein expression in ex vivo aortic rings. And, FSE inhibited PI-induced extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and p38 phosphorylation in ex vivo aortic rings. These results show that FSE can prevent vascular calcification which may be a crucial way for the prevention and treatment of vascular disease association with vascular calcification.

The Role of Cartilage Canals in Osteogenesis and Growth of the Vertebrae in the Human Fetuses (인태아 척추 골화과정에서 연골관의 역할)

  • Jung, Sung-Taek;Nam, Kwang-Il;Kim, Baik-Yoon;Yoon, Jae-Rhyong
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.287-305
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    • 2001
  • To investigate a role of cartilage canals in osteogenesis and growth of the vertebrae, in human fetuses ranging from 50 mm to 260 mm crown rump length were studied by electron microscopy. The initial appearance of cartilage canals of the vertebral body was observed at 60 mm fetus. In 80 mm fetus, primary ossification center in the vertebral body was first noted. The vertebral body showed calcified chondrocytes surrounded by a tone of hypertrophied chondrocytes and deep canals which terminated in calcified matrix. Most hypertrophied chondrocytes in the centrum showed in various stage of degeneration in disorderly arrangement. At the blind end of deep canal, osteogenic cells, osteoblasts and chondroclasts were observed. Resorption of unmineralized cartilage septa was undertaken by perivascular cells within cartilage canals. The ruffled border of the chondroclast was restricted to resorption site of calcified cartilagenous matrix. The periosteal bone formation was followed by the appearance of primary center of the centrum at 120 mm fetus. The osteoblasts of the perichondrium started to lay down a thin membranous bony lamella on the outer surface of the osseous trabeculae of the centrum. The processes of bone formation in the vertebral bodies were found to possess morphological similarities to that occurring at secondary center of the epiphysis of a long bone. These results indicate that the connective tissue cells within the cartilage canals proliferate and differentiate into osteoblasts at the site of endochondral ossification of the vertebrae.

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Endovascular Aortic Balloon Clamping for Various Heart Disease (대동맥 내 풍선 차단법을 이용한 여러 가지 심장수술)

  • Choi, Jin-Ho;Park, Pyo-Won
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2008
  • Background: Conventional ascending aortic cross clamping is often limited. This study was carried out to evaluate the safety and efficacy of an endovascular aortic clamping technique with an intraaortic balloon catheter. Material and Method: From April 2004 to January 2007, surgery with endoaortic clamping was performed in seven patients. A retrograde access perfusion (RAP) catheter was used in six patients and a Pruitt's balloon catheter in two patients. The indication for the operation was a retrosternal pseudoaneurysm of the aortic root in six patients, diffuse calcification of the ascending aorta with aortic regurgitation in 2 patients and an atrial septal defect in one patient. Five patients had at least two prior cardiac surgeries. Result: Successful insertion of the catheter and endoaortic clamping was achieved in all patients. Conclusion: The endovascular aortic clamping technique with a balloon catheter was a useful alternative method for patients in whom conventional cardiac surgery was limited.

The Differences between Ruptured and Unruptured Mediastinal Teratoma (파열된 종격동 기형종과 단순 기형종과의 차이)

  • Cho, Suk-Ki;Lee, Eung-Bae
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.355-360
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    • 2009
  • Background: Benign teratoma is mostly asymptomatic, but this tumor rarely ruptures into the adjacent structure such as the pleural space, pericardium, lung parenchyma or tracheobronchial tree. Thus, it is important to differentiate ruptured teratoma from unruptured teratoma. This study evaluated the difference between ruptured and unruptured benign teratoma. Material and Method: Twenty-four cases of surgically resected benign teratomas were reviewed retrospectively. The clinical symptoms, chest CT findings and operative findings of the ruptured teratoma were compared with those of the unruptured teratoma. Especially, the tumor size, wall thickness, location of the mass, internal septation, homogeneity, calcification and ancillary findings were evaluated on CT. Result: Of the 24 patients, 7 patients were diagnosed with ruptured teratoma. Severe symptoms were more commonly found for ruptured teratoma than for unruptured teratoma. The ruptured teratoma had a tendency to display calcification and such ancillary findings as collapse or consolidation of the lung parenchyma. For the ruptured teratoma, the resection was performed by sternotomy or thoracotomy, and more lung resection was included. Conclusion: Calcification within the mass and changes in the lung parenchyma on the preoperative CT findings can be diagnostic signs of a ruptured teratoma. The demonstration of ruptured teratoma is important not only for making the early diagnosis, but also for the surgical planning.

Improving Diagnostic Accuracy for Malignant Nodes and N Staging in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Using CT-Corrected FDG-PET (비소세포폐암에서 CT-보정 양전자단층촬영술을 이용한 악성 림프절 평가 및 N 병기 결정 성적 향상)

  • Lee, Eun-Jeong;Choi, Joon-Young;Lee, Kyung-Soo;Chung, Hyun-Woo;Lee, Su-Jin;Cho, Young-Seok;Choi, Yong;Choe, Yearn-Seong;Lee, Kyung-Han;Kwon, O-Jung;Shim, Young-Mog;Kim, Byung-Tae
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.231-238
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: We investigated prospectively whether the interpretation considering the patterns of FDG uptake and the findings of unenhanced CT for attenuation correction can improve the diagnostic accuracy for assessing malignant lymph node (LN) and N stage in non-small cell lung cancor (NSCLC) using CT-corrected FDG-PET (PET/CT). Materials & Methods: Subjects were 91 NSCLC patients (M/F 62/29, age: $60{\pm}9$ yr) who underwent PET/CT before in dissection. We evaluated the maximum SUV (maxSUV), patterns of FDG uptake, short axis diameter, and calcification of LN showing abnormally increased FDG uptake. Then we investigated criteria improving the diagnostic accuracy and correlated results with postoperative pathology. In step 1, in was classified as benign or malignant based on maxSUV only. In step 2, LN was regarded as benign if it had lower maxSUV than the cut-off value of step 1 or it had calcification irrespective of its maxSUV. In step 3, LN regarded as malignant in step 2 was classified as benign if they had indiscrete margin of FDG uptake. Results: Among 432 LN groups surgically resected (28 malignant, 404 benign), 71 showed abnormally increased FDG uptake. We determined the cut-off as maxSUV=3.5 using ROC curve analysis. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy for assessing malignant LN were 64.3%, 86.9%, 85.4% in step 1, 64.3%, 95.0%, 93.1% in step 2, and 57.1%, 98.0%, 95.4% in step3, respectively. The accuracy for assessing N stage was 64.8% in step 1, 80.2% in step 2, and 85.7% in step 3. Conclusion: interpreting PET/CT, consideration of calcification and shape of the FDG uptake margin along with maxSUV can improve the diagnostic accuracy for assessing malignant involvement and N stage of hilar and mediastinal LNs in NSCLC.

Synchronized Synergism Using Ethanol, L-lysine and $NaBH_4$ Glutaraldehyde Treated Porcine Pericardium (글루타르알데하이드 고정 돼지 심낭에서 Ethanol, L-lysine, $NaBH_4$ 병합 처치시 상승효과)

  • Kim, Kwan-Chang;Kim, Yong-Jin;Kim, Soo-Hwan;Choi, Seung-Hwa
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.685-695
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    • 2009
  • Background: Calcification is the most frequent cause of clinical failure of bioprosthetic tissues that are fabricated from Glutaraldehyde (GA)-fixed porcine valve or bovine pericardium. We recently used a multi-factorial approach of employing different mechanisms to investigate how to reduce the calcification of bioprosthetic tissues. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the synchronized synergism using ethanol, L-lysine and $NaBH_4$ in glutaraldehyde treated porcine pericardium from the standpoint of calcification and tissue elasticity. Material and Method: Porcine pericardium was fixed with 0.625% GA (commercial fixation). An interim step of ethanol (80%; 1 day at room temperature) or L-lysine (0.1 M; 2 days at $37^{\circ}C$) or $NaBH_4$ (0.1 M; 2 days at room temperature) was followed by completion of the GA fixation (2 days at $4^{\circ}C$ and 7 days at room temperature). The tensile strength and thickness of the samples were measured. The treated pericardiums were implanted subcutaneously into three-week old Sprague-Dawley rats for 8 weeks. The calcium content was assessed by atomic absorption spectroscopy and the histology of the samples. Result: The amount of calcium in the pericardium pretreated with ethanol (13.6${\pm}$10.0 ug/mg, p=0.008), L-lysine (15.3${\pm}$1.0 ug/mg, p=0.002) and both (16.1${\pm}$11.1 ug/mg, p=0.012) was significantly reduced compared with the control (51.2${\pm}$8.5 ug/mg). However, $NaBH_4$ pretreatment (65.7${\pm}$61.8 ug/mg, p=0.653) and combined pretreatment that including ethanol, L-lysine and $NaBH_4$ (92.9${\pm}$58.3 ug/mg, p=0.288) were not significantly different from the controls(51.2${\pm}$8.5 ug/mg). Both the combined pretreatment using ethanol and L-lysine (7.60${\pm}$1.55, p=0.76) and the combined pretreatment that included ethanol, L-lysine and $NaBH_4$ (7.47${\pm}$1.85, p=0.33) increased the tensile strength/thickness ratio compared with that of the controls (4.75${\pm}$1.88). Conclusion: The combined pretreatment using ethanol and L-lysine seemed to decrease the calcification of porcine pericardium fixed with glutaraldehyde, as compared to single pretreatment, and it increase the tissue elasticity, but to the degree that showed synchronized synergism. $NaBH_4$ pretreatment seemed to increase the calcification of porcine pericardium, irrespective of whether single or combined pretreatment was used.