• Title/Summary/Keyword: 행동중재

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Evaluation of the sodium intake reduction plan for a local government and evidence-based reestablishment of objectives: Case of the Seoul Metropolitan Government (지자체의 나트륨 섭취 감소 계획 평가 및 근거 기반 목표 재설정 : 서울시 사례를 중심으로)

  • Lim, A-Hyun;Hwang, Ji-Yun;Kim, Kirang
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.664-678
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: To identify the effectiveness of policy evaluation, consistent monitoring is necessary. This study aimed to carry out mid-term evaluation of objectives and programs related to comprehensive plans for sodium intake reduction by 2020 for Seoul city and then reestablish the objectives of the sodium intake reduction plans. Methods: Literature reviews, data analysis, and reviews of expert focus-groups were performed to evaluate objectives, to develop a new goal, and to identify the priority subjects of the sodium intake reduction programs. In order to examine target populations for the programs, awareness and behaviors related to sodium intakes among Seoul citizens were examined by sex, age, and income level using the 2008~2013 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data. Results: Current objectives of the sodium intake reduction plan by 2020 for Seoul city were not appropriate, so objectives were reset to 3,600 mg of sodium intake by 2020 among Seoul citizens with 2% reduction per year. Although sodium intake showed a decreasing trend by year, it was still high, especially in men. The sodium intake reduction programs currently in progress have not been assessed at multiple levels across multiple sectors and have only been assessed fragmentarily. For dietary behavior related to sodium intakes by sex, age, and income level, sodium intake was higher in the group with less than 100 g of fruit intake compared to the group with 100 g or more. Subjects aged 30~59 years and the low household income group showed relatively higher sodium intakes. Based on the data analysis and the expert review, the priority subject of the sodium intake reduction programs was determined to be adult men. In terms of a program strategy for sodium intake reduction, multi-level and setting approaches, including work sites, home, and restaurants, were suggested to reduce sodium intakes of the target subject. Conclusion: The suggested objectives should be consistently monitored by data analysis, and the determined programs need to be phased in over 5 years.

A Study for Developing Music Therapy Activity Program for Development of Rudimentary Movement Phase of Spastic Cerebral Palsied Infant : Applying the techniques of Neurological Music Therapy (경직형 뇌성마비 유아의 초보운동단계 발달을 위한 음악치료활동 프로그램 개발 - 신경학적 음악치료의 기법을 활용하여)

  • Lee, Yoon Jin
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.84-105
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    • 2007
  • Cerebral palsy is a collection of motor disorders resulting from damage to the central nervous system that arise in multiple handicaps including cognitive disorders, speech disorders, epilepsy, perception disorders, and emotion disorders. Today spastic cerebral palsy has become more prevalent because intensive care for newborns has resulted in higher survival rates for very small premature babies. Since the children grow the fastest in order for a development during one year after birth, the therapeutic intervention is provided as early as possible to the children with cerebral palsy. After seven year old, there is no effect of intervention. So, the necessity of early intervention to spastic cerebral palsied infants is increasing. The purpose of this study is to develop the music therapy activity program using the techniques of neurological music therapy(NMT), the therapeutic application of music to dysfunctions due to neurologic disease of the human nervous system, for rudimentary movement phase of spastic cerebral palsied infant. This music therapy activity program was developed on the basis of the major developmental tasks of the rudimentary movement phase, the period that children can acquire the most basic movement function at the 0 to 2. Then the developmental characteristics of spastic cerebral palsy were applied to this music therapy activity program. This music therapy activity program was classified to three domains, those are stability, locomotion, and manipulation. This study has been consisted of three steps, those are the development of the activities, the evaluation of the activities by th panels, and the adjustment and complement of the activities. Reviewing literatures and interviews were done for the development of the activities, and the evaluation the activities was done by seven music therapists. In the evaluation steps, the questionnaire was used for estimating the content validity and application efficiency. The adjustment and complement of the activities were evaluated by the panels who were participating in the music therapy for cerebral palsied children in the clinical setting, and the results of the adjustment and complement were confirmed by the panels. The evaluation was presented in a mean value with the comment of the panels. In conclusion, the music therapy activity program for the spastic cerebral palsied infants using the techniques of NMT was developed on the basis of the major developmental tasks of the rudimentary movement phase. The program is comprised of 38 activities, those are 14 activities for developing the stability, 10 activities for developing the locomotion, and 14 activities for developing the manipulation. The programed activities would bring out the answers in the affirmative for the conformance with infants' development phase, the harmony between the objective and the activity, the conformance with the cerebral palsied infants, the properness of the music and the instruments, and the utility in the clinic field. This results mean that this developed music activity program is appropriate to help spastic cerebral palsied infants progress their movement development by stages.

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Assessment of modifiable lifestyle factors for obese children and adolescents through questionnaires (소아청소년 비만상담에서 설문지를 이용한 중재 가능한 행동요인 탐색)

  • Seo, Jeong Wan;Jung, Ji A;Park, Hye Sook;Ko, Jae Sung;Kim, Yong Joo;Kim, Jae Young;Ryoo, Eell;Bae, Sun Hwan;Sim, Jae Geon;Yang, Hye Ran;Choe, Byung Ho;Cho, Ky Young
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.576-583
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : The identification of specific behaviors conducive to overeating or inactivity is the cornerstone of obesity management. The Committee on Nutrition of the Korean Pediatric Society developed parent and self-reporting questionnaires about eating behavior and physical activity in 2006. The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of the questionnaires in assessing modifiable lifestyle factors related to obesity. Methods : A retrospective chart review was performed for 177 children (6-11 years old) and 134 adolescents (12-16 years old) from 10 hospitals between May 2006 and January 2007 who had completed parent or self-reporting questionnaires. Cases were divided into normal and overweight groups at or above the age-gender-specific 85th percentile based on 2007 Korean national growth charts. Results : Compared to children, the adolescents tended to have a significantly more sedentary lifestvle and inappropriate dietary behaviors significantly (P<.05). Overweight mothers were significantly associated with overweight children and adolescents (P<.05). Being overweight was significantly associated with a family history of adult diseases for children and adolescents (P<.05). Inappropriate eating behaviors (strong appetite, eating fast, eating until they were full, binge eating, favoring greasy foods) were associated with being overweight in children and adolescents. Sedentary activity such as TV viewing and using a computer were significantly associated with overweight in children and adolescents (P<.05). Conclusion : Intervention to modify obesity-related lifestyle factors is needed before adolescence. These questionnaires are useful in identifying modifiable lifestyle factors and in individual counseling for overweight children and adolescents in pediatric clinics.

Development and Assessment of a Non-face-to-face Obesity-Management Program During the Pandemic (팬데믹 시기 비대면 비만관리 프로그램의 개발 및 평가)

  • Park, Eun Jin;Hwang, Tae-Yoon;Lee, Jung Jeung;Kim, Keonyeop
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.166-180
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    • 2022
  • Objective: This study evaluated the effects of a non-face-to-face obesity management program, implemented during the pandemic. Methods: The non-face-to-face obesity management program used the Intervention mapping protocol (IMP). The program was put into effect over the course of eight weeks, from September 14 to November 13, 2020 in 48 overweight and obese adults, who applied to participate through the Daegu Citizen Health Support Center. Results: IMP was first a needs assessment was conducted; second, goal setting for behavior change was established; third, evidence-based selection of arbitration method and performance strategy was performed; fourth, program design and validation; fifth, the program was run; and sixth, the results were evaluated. The average weight after participation in the program was reduced by 1.2kg, average WC decreased by 3cm, and average BMI decreased by 0.8kg/m2 (p<0.05). The results of the health behavior survey showed a positive improvement in lifestyle factors, including average daily intake calories, fruit intake, and time spent in walking exercise before and after participation in the program. A statistically significant difference was seen (p<0.05). The satisfaction level for program process evaluation was high, at 4.57±0.63 point. Conclusion: The non-face-to-face obesity management program was useful for obesity management for adults in communities, as it enables individual counseling by experts and active participation through self-body measurement and recording without restriction by time and place. However, the program had some restrictions on participation that may relate to the age of the subject, such as skill and comfort in using a mobile app.

The Effect of Light Stimulation on the Reduction of Unilateral Neglect of Stroke Patients: Single Subject Research Design (뇌졸중 환자에게 불빛 자극이 편측무시 감소에 미치는 영향: 단일 사례 연구)

  • Lee, Ho-Seung
    • The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2012
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of left visual stimuli for reducing the severity of unilateral neglect. Method : This research used a reversal design(ABAB) of single case study. The subject was a 60-year-old male patient who had left unilateral neglect. Remedial approach is more valuable method than compensatory approach in term of reducing the unilateral neglect. One of the method of remedial approach is controlled sensory stimulation. Result : I performed the line bisection test before and after the stimulation, and while doing that, put blinking lights to the patient from the left side. The average errors in the line bisection test decreased in B B', the intervention period, compared with A A'. The MVPT left response behavior score increased from 13 to 18. Conclusion : This shows that the light stimulation is effective in the reduction of unilateral neglect.

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A Study on the Development of Case Management Program for Arthralgia in Customized Visiting Health Care (맞춤형 방문건강관리사업에서의 관절통증 사례관리 프로그램 개발 연구)

  • Lee, Moo-Sik
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2009.12a
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    • pp.474-478
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    • 2009
  • 본 연구는 2008년 맞춤형 방문건강관리사업에 사용되고 있는 관절통증을 중심으로 한 사례관리를 수정 보안하여 우리나라 실정에 맞는 관절통증 사례관리 프로그램을 개발, 제안하며, 맞춤형 방문건강 관리사업의 활성화와 완성도를 높이는데 있다. 연구방법으로는 2007년 전국 12주 관절통증 사례관리 결과자료 분석하고, 전국 253개 보건소의 맞춤형 방문건강관리사업 인력에 대한 자료 분석과 전국 보건소 전문가 자문회의와 토론 결과를 통해 설문지를 수정 보완하여 2008년도 충청남도 관절통증 12주 사례관리를 실시하였다. 자료분석은 SPSS 12.0 통계 프로그램을 이용하여, p-value가 0.05 미만과 0.01미만인 경우를 통계적으로 유의한 것으로 판정하였으며, 전국자료는 빈도분석, wilcoxon 부호순위 검정과 McNemar's 검정을 실시하였으며, 12주의 관절통증 사례관리의 연구기간동안 수집된 자료를 1주와 8주간, 1주와 12주간, 8주와 12주간을 paired t-test 검정과 McNemar's 검정을 실시하여 유의성 평가를 실시하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 12주 기간 동안 사전 사례관리 방문간호사의 교육을 통한 사례관리 서비스의 강도의 조절 및 매주로 서비스의 횟수를 조절하여 사례관리를 실시한 결과 총 109개 항목에서 1주와 8주간에 유의한 항목은 TG(mg/dl)를 비롯한 51개 항목, 1주와 12주간에는 콜레스테롤(mg/dl)을 비롯한 53개 항목, 8주와 12주간에는 지난 48시간동안 관절통증 점수를 비롯한 3개 항목으로 유의한 차이를 볼 수 있었으며, 1주와 8주간은 유의하나 1주와 12주간은 유의하지 않게 나타나는 항목은 TG(mg/dl)를 비롯한 3개 항목, 1주와 8주간은 유의하지 않다가 1주와 12주간은 유의하게 나타나는 항목은 콜레스테롤(mg/dl)를 비롯한 6개 항목, 1주, 8주, 12주간의 모든 기간에서 유의한 항목은 지난 48 시간동안 관절통증 점수를 비롯한 3개 항목으로 조사되었다. 결론적으로 현재 우리나라에서 추진되고 있는 맞춤형 방문건강관리 사업의 사업지침에 대한 보완을 위해 관절통증사례관리 프로그램에 있어 중재 서비스 또는 프로그램의 기간은 12주간에서 8주간으로 조정 되어야 하며, 추가가 필요한 항목으로는 교육, 자기역량 강화, 운동처방, 물리치료, 약물치료, 대체요법, 식이, 영양, 생활지도 등이며, 어골도 분석을 위한 기본 틀 및 주요 구성요소를 제시 및 기여 요인 및 결정요인을 위한 논리적 모형 제시가 필요하며, 개선목표를 위한 유지증진 및 관리능력, 지기 관리 수행도 개선과 대상자별 맞춤형 사례관리를 위한 표준화된 행동 체크리스트 제작 보급 및 사례별 운동, 물리치료 지도 방법 계획 수립에 대한 인력 충원이 필요하다.

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A Study on the Grounded Theory of Motivation in Clinical Music Therapy Practice for the Mental Rehabilitation Members (정신재활 회원을 위한 음악치료 임상실습에서의 동기부여에 관한 근거이론 연구)

  • Kang, Kyungsun
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.37-53
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    • 2012
  • This study is conducted to analyse the process and the pattern of motivation for musical expression in clinical music therapy for the adults in the mental health center. The participant were 8 adults purposive sampling who had more than one year music therapy experience in the mental health center and their age ranged from 27 to 53. A major category derived and analysed from the grounded theory method by Strauss and Corbin. The qualitative analysis indicated that motivation for musical expression in music therapy, which was the central phenomenon in this study, was determined by the music therapist and songs used in the sessions. The central phenomenon was caused by the therapist's friendly attitude, high musical capacity, the familarity of the selected songs and the significancy of the lyrics of selected songs. The levels of reliability about the therapist's personality and musical ability as a professional music therapist and the positive arousal of the songs used in sessions affected as the contextual condition. Spontaneous musical expression in music therapy brought the escape from reality, release of stress and sharing by the intervening condition 'empathy' and this resulted in mood regulation, the instillation of hope and group cohesion. It has been found that there were three types of motivation in music therapy: intrinsic motivation, relationship dependent extrinsic motivation and evasive motivation.

Study of Creative Musical Play Program for Increasing Peer Relational Skills of Children in Community Child Center (지역아동센터 아동의 또래 관계 기술 증진을 위한 창작 음악극 프로그램 효과 연구)

  • Hur, Hye Jin
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.37-59
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to examine how a creative musical play program affected peer relational skills of children in a community child center. The creative musical play program was implemented with six children in K Community Child Center for twenty (20) sessions. To investigate quantitative change, the Peer Relational Skills Scale and the Revised Social Skills Scale (for teachers) were filled out by children and teachers before and after the program. Also, to investigate musical and behavior changes related with peer relational skills in the creative musical program, the responses of children were categorized from the data of the children's responses according to previously identified sub-factors of peer relational skills. The results show that the participants' average scores presented an improvement in peer relational skills. Qualitative analysis of session logs presented that negative factors which had appeared in early sessions changed to positive traits as the sessions went on. In conclusion, the creative musical play program was effective in increasing peer relational skills of children in the community child center.

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Obesity in children and adolescents (소아청소년 비만)

  • Seo, Jeong Wan
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.52 no.12
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    • pp.1311-1320
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    • 2009
  • Childhood obesity has rapidly increased in Korea during the past 20-30 years. Approximately 1 of 10 children and adolescents is obese. Appropriate prevention and intervention measures urgently need. Obesity prevention starts early in life, i.e., obesity prevention and education begins during the period of fetal development in utero. Behavioral changes are the most positively reflected during pregnancy. Infants should be fed breast milk, and inculcated with healthy eating and behavioral habits during infancy to ultimately establish a healthy lifestyle in children. For achieving a lifestyle and behavior that successfully allow children to overcome obesity, although individual motivation is important, active support of parents and family members is also imperative. Health care providers should also make an effort to actively prevent obesity and take necessary intervention actions. Although the efforts of individuals, family, and healthy care providers are important to prevent the rapid increase in obesity, primary prevention should be encouraged at a higher level. Schools should specifically aim at improving nutrition and physical activity by allocating times for healthy eating, playing, and physical education. Moreover, local communities should provide support by funding for safe recreational environments, such as playgrounds and walking tracks. Public health strategies in community and national policies, such as city planning, food marketing, and advertisements, are required for primary prevention of obesity.

Normative Data of The Finger Strength Measured by Keyboard Playing with MIDI : Focusing on Adults (일반 성인의 키보드 연주 손가락 타력 MIDI 표준치 연구)

  • Han, Inhee;Kim, Soo Ji
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.79-97
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to obtain the normative data of finger strength using the keyboard and the MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface) software. A total of 92 college students (46 male and 46 female) were recruited from universities located in Seoul and Chungcheong province and an average age was 21.7(SD = 1.8). After the completion of demographic information, each participant asked to press the five keys both in ascending and descending manners with the maximum strength of individual finger. The velocity was obtained as an indicator for finger pressing force by using the MIDI software. Results showed that the individual finger velocity ranged between 77 to 97 (Maximum possible velocity = 127). Regarding male's velocity data, the maximum velocity was found in index finger of dominant hand(96.9), while the minimum strength was found in ring finger of nondominant hand(78.5). Female data appeared to be similar to male's one in terms of maximum strength in dominant index finger(92) and minimum strength in nondominant ring finger(77.5). It also found that the statistically significant differences(p < .05) on finger strength of all fingers between dominant and non-dominant hands except the thumbs(p < .05). The current findings serves as a "normative standard" that proves the validity and effectiveness of hand rehabilitation training program using the electronic keyboard connected with the MIDI software to enhance functional changes in hands.