• Title/Summary/Keyword: 행(行)

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The Etymological Study in Synonyms of Chinese Character 'Xing(行)' (『광아소증(廣雅疏證)』의 '행(行)'의자(義字) 훈고(訓詁)에 보이는 성동성근자(聲同聲近字)에 대한 고찰)

  • 서한용
    • Journal of Sinology and China Studies
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    • v.78
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    • pp.47-65
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    • 2019
  • Guang-ya(廣雅) compiled by Zhang Ji(張揖), in about A.D. 227, is a dictionary of synonyms. Wang Nian-sun(王念孫) discriminated among synonyms by Guang-ya-shu-zheng(廣雅疏證) in about A.D. 1795. In his book, Wang Nian-sun(王念孫) annotated synonyms of Chinese characters in Guang-ya(廣雅). At the same time, he also tried to find out the homophonic and synonymic relationship in Chinese characters. These are the foundation of the graphonomy of Chinese characters. So we can say, Wang Nian-sun(王念孫) made the greatest contribution to the theoretical construction to the etymology of Chinese characters. The outstanding dictionaries of Chinese characters were Shuo-wen(說文) by Xu-shen(許愼), Shuo-wen-jie-zi-zhu(說文解字注) by Duan Yu-cai(段玉裁) and Shuo-wen-tong-xun-ding-sheng(說文通訓定聲) by Zhu Jun-sheng(朱駿聲). These books described Chinese characters and also analyzed the homophonic and synonymic relationship in Chinese characters. The representative dictionaries in the etymology of Chinese characters was Wen-shi(文始) by Zhang Tai-yan(章太炎). The homophonic and synonymic relationship in Chinese characters was described and analyzed in this book. This report consists of five chapters. The first chapter gives the purpose of the etymological study in synonyms of Chinese character 'Xing(行)'. The second chapter gives analysis of the Yi-ti-zi(異體字) in synonyms of Chinese character 'Xing(行)' in Guang-ya-shu-zheng(廣雅疏證). The third chapter gives analysis of the Jia-jie-zi(假借字) in synonyms of Chinese character 'Xing(行)' in Guang-ya-shu-zheng(廣雅疏證). The fourth chapter gives analysis of the Tong-yuan-zi(同源字) in synonyms of Chinese character 'Xing(行)' in Guang-ya-shu-zheng(廣雅疏證). This report also gives analysis of the etymological study in synonyms of Chinese character 'Xing(行)' in Shuo-wen(說文), Shuo-wen-jie-zi-zhu(說文解字注), Shuo-wen-tong-xun-ding-sheng(說文通訓定聲). The concluding chapter provides the summary of the preceding chapters and the description of conclusion.


  • Oh, Sungjin;Kinoshita, Z
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.255-277
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    • 1987
  • 부정교합(不正交合)의 발생요인(發生要因)의 하나로서 비인두강(鼻咽頭腔)의 협착(狹窄)이 거론(擧論)되어 왔다 본(本) 연구(硏究)는 안면골격(顔面骨格)의 형태결정(形態決定)에 비인두강(鼻咽頭腔)의 기여정도(寄與程度)를 파악(把握)하고자 함에 있다 연구자료(硏究資料) 및 방법안(方法安) 한국인(韓國人) 성인(成人) 남녀(男女) 156 명(名)의 측모두부X선규격사진(側貌頭部X線規格寫眞)을 사용(使用)하여 NEC PC-9801 VM2 Personal Computer와 Oscon GT-4000 Digitizer에 의한 data 입력(入力)을 행(行)한 후 통계처리(統計處理)를 행(行)하였다 통계처리(統計處理)로서는 각계측치(各計測値)에 대하여 남녀별(男女別)로 평균치(平均値), 표준편차치(標準偏差値)를 산출(算出), Student's t-test를 행(行)하고, 비인두강(鼻咽頭腔) 계측항목(計測項目)과 안면골격(顔面骨格)의 각(各) 계측치간(計測値間)의 상관관계(相關關係)의 검토(檢討)를 행(行)하였다 결(結) 과(果) 1 남녀(男女)의 성차(性差)로서, 여자(女子)보다 남자(男子)가 상악골(上顎骨)에 대해 하악골(下顎骨)이 돌출(突出)되어 있었으며, 안면고(顔面高)가 컸다 2 Ba-S-PNS와 S-PNS-Ba간(間)에 부(負)의 상관(相關)이 인정(認定)되어, 이 두 계측치간(計測値間)애 상호작용(相互作用)이 있는 것으로 판단 되었다 3 비인두강(鼻咽頭腔)의 깊이는 하악(下顎)의 전후위치관계(前後位置關係)와 유의(留意)한 상관관계(相關關係)를 보였다 4 비인두강(鼻咽頭腔)의 깊이와 안면(顔面)의 깊이와는 관련성(關聯性)이 없는 것으로 판단 되었다 5 비인두강(鼻咽頭腔)의 깊이와 안면고간(顔面高間)에 유의(有意)한 부(負)의 상관(相關)이 시사(示唆)되었다 6 비인두강(鼻咽頭腔)의 고경(高經)과 안면고간(顔面高間)에 유의(有意)한 상관관계(相關關係)가 인정(認定)되었다.

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On Simjae Cho Eon-yu's Theory of Learning (심재(心齋) 조언유(趙彦儒)의 학문론(學問論))

  • Cho, Hoon-young
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.28
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    • pp.331-362
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    • 2010
  • Simjae defined the relationship between Learning of Classics and Learning of the Mind-and-Heart as mutually interdependent. Clarifying "righteousness and principle" lies within the purview of "knowledge" and cultivating the mind-and-heart based on such knowledge lies within the realm of "action." Learning of Classics and Learning of Controlling the Mind-and-Heart thus can be understood as relationship between knowledge and action. If Simjae's theory of knowledge and action is applied to the relationship between Learning of Classics and Learning of the Mind-and-Heart, we can derive the following conclusion. His assertion that "knowledge precedes action" indicates that classical studies to explore the principle of goodness must precede mind-and-heart studies to cultivate the mind. In fact, only when we know what is the right principle can we cultivate our mind based on that principle. However, Simjae attached importance to action in terms of its significance. This means that the Learning of the Mind-and-Heart is "eventually more important" than the Learning of Classics which explores the principle of goodness. Thus, when linked to his theory on knowledge and action, Simjae 's philosophy founded on the twin pillars of classical studies and mind-and-heart studies can be summarized: "One must first delve into the principle of goodness through Confucian classical studies and then rectify one's mind based on knowledge thus gained."

Interpretation of 'Hakyibulsajang (學而不思章)' on Analects of Confucius (『논어』 '학이불사장(學而不思章)' 고석(考釋) - 특히 수양방법을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Young-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.58
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    • pp.279-305
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    • 2018
  • Confucius stressed both 'study (學)' and 'thinking (思)' but the two notions are complementary. To precisely measure the importance of the two, however, 'study' outweighs 'thinking.' Yet Confucius primarily states three steps on Analects of Confucius. In other words, Confucius mentioned two steps on 'Haksajang (學思章)' on the surface but it is actually composed of three steps. Then what is the step three? It is a critical issue to grasp the core of Confucius' idea. The ultimate goal of Confucius' idea is, as stressed by Cheng Yi (程伊川), to 'reach the realm of saint by learning,' which refers to a saint as an ideal human character. This paper is to examine three steps of 'oneness of study and thinking (學思合一)' as a way of Confucius' academic methodology to be the saint along with its structure. Saint, in a word, is characterized as 'communication (通).' It means communication through learning and thinking, which are the three steps of study(學)-thinking (思)-communication(通). Confucius emphasizes that this step also is a process itself (知) but it can be truly completed (dual structure) only by practice (行). Eventually, Confucius' academic methodology is of learning scriptures (學), thinking based on this learning (思) and practicing (行) based on this entire procedure (通). In other words, it is of a dual structure with three steps of 知 (study(學)-thinking(思)-communication(通))-practice(行).

A Study of five elements in 『Hyupgiltongui』 Bonwon chapter one (『협길통의(協吉通義)』 본원일(本原一)의 5행(行)에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Yung-soo;Kim, Ki-Seung
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 2020
  • Five elements that form all things have been symbolized in that they are indispensable elements in human life. Moreover, each unique energy has been used to explain the existence of all creation and the origin of action. The theory of five elements can be changed and utilized into various forms, including co-existence and conflict of five elements, five elements itself, the combination of Ganji five elements, Wangsanhyususa(旺相休囚死), five elements and Yin-yang. Especially, 『Hyupgiltongui Bonwon chapter one covers five elements, five elements of Ganji, seasonal use of five elements, prosperity and decline of five elements depending on seasons, Union of 3 elements among Twelve Zodiac Signs(三合), Union of two elements among Twelve Zodiac Signs(六合), changes of Cheongan 5hab. Therefore, if you analyze and utilize them, you can tell someone's fortune by theory of five elements only and read fortune in detail by combining it with other theories.

신(新) 삼림정책추구(森林政策追求) - 삼림정책혁명(森林政策革命) -

  • 안근탁랑
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.57-69
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    • 1980
  • 본(本) 보고서(報告書)는 경도대학농학부교수(京都大學農學部敎授) 안근탁랑(岸根卓郞) 박사(博士)가 거년(去年) 칠월이오(七月二五), 육양일(六兩日)에 동경(東京)에 있는 일본(日本) 임구사업중앙연수회(林構事嶪中央硏修會)에서 행(行)한 특별강연(特別講演)의 내용(內容)인데, 동박사(同博士)는 새로운 시대(時代)를 지향(指向)한 과학적(科學的)인 새 임정학(林政學)을 제창(提唱)하는 유명(有名)한 교수(敎授)로서 평소(平素) 존경(尊敬)해 오던차(次), 동(同) 교수(敎授)의 양해(凉解)를 얻어서, 간략(簡略)하나마 이를 소개(紹介)하여 금후(今後)의 한국임정(韓國林政)에 새 시사(示唆)를 주었으면 다행(多幸)일까 생각되어 이 역문(譯文)을 한국임학회지(韓國林學會誌)에 기고(寄稿)하는 바입니다.

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The Sijo Strained by the Preceding Line: Focusing on the Works of Bang-yeon Wang (선행하는 행(行)에 의해 긴장되는 시조: 왕방연의 작품들을 중심으로)

  • Park, In-kwa
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.149-153
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to actively utilize the type of tension of Sijo in literary therapy programs. I will examine the Sijo of the Bang-yeon Wang. The Sijo of the Bang-yeon Wang is not known much yet, so we will discuss it. The Sijo of the Bang-yeon Wang has the effect of conveying the meaning while the modifier tensions the next sentence. This literary framework can be useful for literary therapy programs.

A Study on the Fixed Forms and Adsorption of Phosphorus in Citrus Orchard Soil Derived from Volcanic Ash (제주도(濟州道) 감귤원(柑橘園) 토양(土壤)의 인산형태(燐酸形態) 및 흡착(吸着)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Hyeong-Ok
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.219-234
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    • 1974
  • A series of experiments was conducted to study the behavior of the phosphorus added to the soils having the high phorphorus fixing capacity derived from volcanic ash in Cheju Island. Soil samples were taken from different depths of 0-10, 10-30, and 30-50cm in six citrus orchards where heavy application of phosphate fertilizer has been practised. Various forms of phosphorus were determined and phosphorus adsorption experiments were performed. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: 1. The content of inorganic phosphorus fractions determined by the method of Chang and Jackson was: water soluble P

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