• Title/Summary/Keyword: 해양수산우수인력

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Human Resource Training and Development in the Korean Marine and Fisheries Sector : Current Status, Prospects, and Recommendations (해양수산 분야 인력양성 실태와 개선방안 연구)

  • Park, Kwangseo;Kim, Ju-Hyeoun;Kim, Jeehye;Lee, Jeongmin;Lee, Sunryang
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2017
  • The youth unemployment problem has become a consistent issue with the number recently surpassing 1million. The marine and fisheries sector, being no exception, is having problems attracting outstanding individuals to the sector on the one hand, and in providing high quality jobs on the other, resulting in an imbalance in the supply and demand of the marine and fisheries sector workforce. In order to supply a workforce that meets the future and on the ground demands, addressing of the qualitative rather than the quantitative aspects of the imbalance issue is more important. Thus, the following strategies are recommended: 1) focus on developing a highly skilled workforce that corresponds to future and on the ground demands; 2) improve educational infrastructures such as training equipment, and enhance the professional capacity of school teachers; 3) establish an integrated system for the management of the education and re-education of human resources.

A Study on the Analysis of Reasons for Job Change and Countermeasures among Professionals in the Ship Management Industry (선박관리산업 전문인력 이직 원인 분석 및 대책 연구)

  • Tae-Ryong Park;Do-Yeon Ha;Yul-Seong Kim
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.146-154
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    • 2024
  • The ship management industry in South Korea has been growing steadily, leading the government to implement policies to support its development in response to changing environmental conditions. These policies aim to improve the competitiveness of South Korea's ship management industry by recognizing the importance of skilled professionals in determining its success. Plans and policies have been put in place to cultivate these professionals, but ship management companies are currently facing a serious shortage of manpower. To enhance the industry's competitiveness, it is essential to attract and retain competent ship management professionals. Therefore, this study investigates the reasons for turnover among these professionals. The research results identified four factors contributing to turnover: Work Environment, Economic Compensation and Welfare Benefits, Self-Development, and Promotion and Career Advancement. Subsequent multiple regression analysis based on these factors revealed the need to strengthen economic rewards and benefits in order to reduce turnover rates among ship management professionals. This study provides foundational data for the development of stable human resource management policies for the future of the ship management industry.

Design of an Automatic Winch System for Small Fishing Vessel (소형 어선의 자동 권양 윈치시스템 설계)

  • 이대재;김진건;김병삼
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2000
  • A small hydraulic winch system with an automatic tension control unit was designed to improve the work efficiency of coastal small vessels and the dynamic response characteristics of the winch system operated in the open loop condition was investigated. The inlet and the outlet pressures in hydraulic motor, the torque and the rotating speed of winch drum were measured as a function of time, and the behaviour in autotension mode for stepped load changes was analyzed. The results obtained are summarized as follows : 1. The developed winch system for coastal small vessels will result in better fishing with improved efficiency and lower manpower consumption by remote control of winch system. 2. The rotating delay times of winch drum for on/off operations of solenoid valve were 0.09 see at CW mode and 0.04 sec at CCW mode, respectively. After the solenoid valve was controlled, response characteristics were unstable slightly but showed good tracking behaviour over short time. 3. The driving torque of winch system in autotension mode was kept almost constant of 55.9 kgf·m, and 11.1 then the rotating speed of winch drum was kept almost constant of 5.1 rpm in the larger torque than 55.9 kgf·m and 11.1 rpm in the lower torque than that. 4. The 5% settling times in the transient response characteristics of autotension mode under rapid increasing and decreasing conditions of load were 0.12 sec and 0.2 sec, respectively, and then the rotating speeds were 11 rpm and 5.3 rpm, respectively. 5. The tracking behaviour of torque and rotating speed by remote control operation were stable within 0.23 sec at CW mode and 0.37 sec at CCW mode, respectively.

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Improvement of the Fishing Gear and Fishing Method of the East-Sea Trawl Fishery (동해구 트롤 어구어법의 개량)

  • 권병국;이주희;이춘우;김형석;김용식;안영일;김정문
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.106-116
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    • 2001
  • A serious of studies on the fishing gear and system of the East Sea trawl fishery was carried out to improve the fishing efficiency and the working conditions. As the first step of these studies, the fishing gear and system of the traditional East Sea trawl were checked in order to solve the some problems, such as the poor sheering efficiency of net mouth, the inconvenient fishing system of the side trawl and etc. And then the fishing system was reorganized from the side trawl into the stern trawl by setting up the net drum system on the stern deck, and introduction of two types of new designed nets, one for mainly the midwater trawl and the other for the bottom trawl. The results of the field experiment on the modified system and nets can be summarized as follows : 1. the modified system was well worked and could save the man-labour by about 80%. 2. The sheering efficiency of the improved net, A type was improved to 20 m height and 30 m width in the net mouth, and that of B type net, to 10 m height and 33 m width, compared with 1.5 m height and 15 m width in the traditional net. 3. Catch efficiency of pink shrimp in A or B type net was better about 3 or 5 times than that of traditional net, and in B net, for herring and other bottom fishes is better about 2 times than that of the traditional net.

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