• Title/Summary/Keyword: 항생제 치료

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Clinical Study of Corrosive Injury of the Esophagus (식도부식증의 임상적 고찰)

  • 박철원;송기준;이형석;안경성;김선곤
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1981.05a
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    • pp.5.3-6
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    • 1981
  • There are too many kinds of esophageal corrosive agents, such as sodium hydrochloride, acetic acid, hydrochloric acid, etc. Esophageal burn due to above chemical agents are decreasing recently, but still many patients visited to the hospital because of swallowing corrosive agents for the purpose of suicide or accidentally. Among the treatment of corrosive injury of the esophagus, prevention of esophageal stricture is the key point. Recently various methods are using as the treatment of corrosive esophagitis and prevention of esophageal stricture. 51 cases of corrosive injury of the esophagus who had been admitted and treated at the Dept. of Otolaryngology, Han Yang University Hospital during past 9 years (from May 1972 to Dec. 1980) were evaluated and report the result about age distribution, sex incidence, monthly distribution, cause of swallowing, swallowing agents, arriving time at hospital after swallowing, changes on oral and pharyngeal mucosa, laboratory findings, emergency treatment and treatment during admission, treatment follow up results and complications with review of liter ature. Following results were obtained; 1. Female patients 27 cases (52.9%) were more than male patients 24 cases (47.1%) and its ratio was 1.13 : 1. 2. Age distribution showed predilection for age of 21-30 with 20 cases(39.2%), and 11-20 with 11 cases (21.6%), 31-40 with 7 cases(13.7%), over 50 with 7 cases (13.7%) were following. 3. Monthly distribution showed predilection for March with 8 cases(15.7%), and April, July with 7 cases (13.7%), September with 6 cases(l1.8%), October 5 cases(9.8%) were following. 4. For the purpose of suicide was the most cause of swallowing with 40 cases(78.4%), and accidentally swallowing 11 cases(21.6%). 5. Acetic acid was the most swallowing agent with 24 cases (47.0%), and hydrochloric acid 11 cases (21.5%), lye 8 cases(15.7%), iodine 2 cases(3.9%) were following. 6. Arriving time at the hospital after swallowing showed predilection for within 12 hours with 42 cases (82.4%), and from 12 hours to 24 hours with 4 cases(7.8%) was next. 7. Moderate change with injection and swelling was the prevalent change on oral and pharyngeal mucosa with 20 cases(39.2%) and severe cases with ulceration 18 cases (35.3%), mild cases with injection 10 cases (19.6%) were following. 8. Leukocytosis was seen on 40 cases (78.4%), and increased Hct. was seen 31 cases (60.8%). On urine analysis, 14 cases(27.5%) showed over 1.030 S.G., and proteinuria was seen on 25 cases(49.0%), glycosuria was seen on 5 cases(9.8%) and hematuria was seen on 6 cases(11.8). 9. Gastric lavage was done on 30 cases (58.8%) as emergency treatment and on 3 cases(5.9%) tracheostomy was done for the airway keeping. 10. As methods of treatment during admission, L-tube insertion was done on 50 cases (98.0%), antibiotics was given to 49 cases (96.1%), steroid and antacid were given to 46 cases(90.2%). 11. 36 cases(70.6%) were in favorable condition after proper treatment, but 2 cases (3.9%) were expired during admission, 4 cases (7.8%) showed esophageal stricture in-spite of treatment, and 1 case(2.0%) showed pyloric stenosis. 12. Complications were observed in 8 cases (17.7%). Renal failure (4 cases), aspiration pneumonia (2 cases), upper G-I bleeding (1 cases), and diabetic coma (1 cases) were seen in order of frequency.

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Clinical Study of Corrosive Esophagitis (부식성 식도염에 관한 임상적 고찰)

  • 이원상;정승규;최홍식;김상기;김광문;홍원표
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1981.05a
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    • pp.6-7
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    • 1981
  • With the improvement of living standard and educational level of the people, there is an increasing awareness about the dangers of toxic substances and lethal drugs. In addition to the above, the governmental control of these substances has led to a progressive decrease in the accidents with corrosive substances. However there are still sporadic incidences of suicidal attempts with the substances due to the unbalance between the cultural development in society and individual emotion. The problem is explained by the fact that there is a variety of corrosive agents easily available to the people due to the considerable industrial development and industrialization. Salzen(1920), Bokey(1924) were pioneers on the subject of the corrosive esophagitis and esophageal stenosis by dilatation method. Since then there had been a continuing improvement on the subject with researches on various acid(Pitkin, 1935, Carmody, 1936) and alkali (Tree, 1942, Tucker, 1951) corrosive agents, and the use of steroid (Spain, 1950) and antibiotics. Recently, early esophagoscopic examination is emphasized on the purpose of determining the way of the treatment in corrosive esophagitis patients. In order to find the effective treatment of such patients in future, the authors selected 96 corrosive esophagitis patients who were admitted and treated at the ENT department of Severance hospital from 1971 to March, 1981 to attempt a clinical study. 1. Sex incidence……male: female=1 : 1.7, Age incidence……21-30 years age group; 38 cases (39.6%). 2. Suicidal attempt……80 cases(83.3%), Accidental ingestion……16 cases (16.7%). Among those who ingested the substance accidentally, children below ten years were most numerous with nine patients. 3. Incidence acetic acid……41 cases(41.8%), lye…20 cases (20.4%), HCI……17 cases (17.3%). There was a trend of rapid rise in the incidence of acidic corrosive agents especially acetic acid. 4. Lavage……57 cases (81.1%). 5. Nasogastric tube insertion……80 cases (83.3%), No insertion……16 cases(16.7%), late admittance……10 cases, failure…4 cases, other……2 cases. 6. Tracheostomy……17 cases(17.7%), respiratory problems(75.0%), mental problems (25.0%). 7. Early endoscopy……11 cases(11.5%), within 48 hours……6 cases (54.4%). Endoscopic results; moderate mucosal ulceration…8 cases (72.7%), mild mucosal erythema……2 cases (18.2%), severe mucosal ulceration……1 cases (9.1%) and among those who took early endoscopic examination; 6 patients were confirmed mild lesion and so they were discharged after endoscopy. Average period of admittance in the cases of nasogastric tube insertion was 4 weeks. 8. Nasogastric tube indwelling period……average 11.6 days, recently our treatment trend in the corrosive esophagitis patients with nasogastric tube indwelling is determined according to the finding of early endoscopy. 9. The No. of patients who didn't given and delayed administration of steroid……7 cases(48.9%): causes; kind of drug(acid, unknown)……12 cases, late admittance……11 cases, mild case…9 cases, contraindication……7 cases, other …8 cases. 10. Management of stricture; bougienage……7 cases, feeding gastrostomy……6 cases, other surgical management……4 cases. 11. Complication……27 cases(28.1%); cardio-pulmonary……10 cases, visceral rupture……8 cases, massive bleeding……6 cases, renal failure……4 cases, other…2 cases, expire and moribund discharge…8 cases. 12. No. of follow-up case……23 cases; esophageal stricture……13 cases and site of stricture; hypopharynx……1 case, mid third of esophagus…5 cases, upper third of esophagus…3 cases, lower third of esophagus……3 cases pylorus……1 case, diffuse esophageal stenosis……1 case.

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Characteristics and Recurrence Risk Factors of Urinary Tract Infection in Early Infancy (6개월 미만 영아 요로 감염의 특성과 재발의 위험 인자)

  • Kang Hee-Gyung;Kim Nam-Hee;Kang Ju-Hyung;Ha Il-Soo;Cheong Hae-Il;Choi Yong
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.223-228
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    • 2004
  • Purpose and Methods: Urinary tract infection(UTI) is one of the most important diseases of childhood, especially for young infants. To characterize the patients diagnosed with febrile UTI in their first 6 months of life and to explore the risk factors of recurrent UTI, a retrospective study was performed. Results: Among the 90 patients studied, 77 were boys(86%). First episodes of UTI were diagnosed at the age of $2.5{\pm}1.4$ months. These patients underwent ultrasonographic evaluation of urinary tract(n=90) and voiding cystourethrography(n=81) where 53 and 35 studies showed abnormal findings respectively, and a total of 45 cases of urinary tract anomaly including vesicoureteral reflux(VUR, n=35) were diagnosed. Normal findings on ultrasonography indicated decreased risk of VUR in boys of 1-3 months of age(n=30). 53 patients were followed up more than 6 months and 45 episodes of subsequent UTI developed in 29 patients during the first 6-month period. Patients with relapse were older than patients without relapse at the diagnosis of first UTI, but other clinical parameters including abnormal findings on the imaging studies and prophylactic antibiotics prescription were not different between the two groups. Conclusion: UTI in early infancy occurred mainly in male infants and half of the patients had structural anomalies. USG was of clinical value in detecting anomalies requiring surgical intervention, and to rule out high grade VUR in 1-3 months old boys. Results of the imaging study or prophylactic antibiotics could not modify the risk of recurrent UTI. (J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol 2004;8:223-228)

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The Etiology and Clinical Features of Acute Osteoarthritis in Children; 2003-2009 (최근 6년간 소아청소년기 급성 화농성 골관절염의 원인균과 임상 양상; 2003-2009)

  • Choi, Jin Hyoung;Choe, Young June;Hong, Ki Bae;Lee, Jina;Yoo, Won Joon;Kim, Han Soo;Park, Moon Seok;Cho, Tae Joon;Chung, Chin Youb;Lee, Hoan Jong;Choi, In Ho;Choi, Eun Hwa
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2011
  • Purpose : This study was performed for the purpose of finding causative organisms and clinical features of septic arthritis or acute osteomyelitis in children. Methods : The study involved a retrospective review of the medical records of 63 microbiologically confirmed cases of acute pyogenic arthritis and osteomyelitis. All of the cases were brought about by community-associated infections and managed at the Seoul National University Children's Hospital or Seoul National University Bundang Hospital from June 2003 to July 2009. Results : The median age of all cases was 60 months and there were 35 males and 28 females. Major involved joints included the hip joint (15 cases), knee joint (7 cases), shoulder joint (4 cases), and elbow joint (4 cases). Also, major involved bones included the femur (20 cases), tibia (13 cases), humerus (7 cases), and radius (7 cases). Staphylococcus aureus was the most commonly identified causative organism, accounting for 49 cases (77.8%). Of the 49 isolates of S. aureus, methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) accounted for 8 cases (16.3%). Group B streptococcus spp. (GBS) and Salmonella spp. accounted for 3 cases, respectively. Nafcillin or cefazolin was often prescribed as an initial empirical antibiotic. There were 9 cases that were managed by a regimen that included vancomycin as the first choice. Fifty four cases (85.7%) recovered without any complications. Methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA), responsible for 41 cases, caused chronic complications in 3 cases. Of 8 cases caused by MRSA, 1 case showed chronic complication. There were no fatal cases. Conclusion : S. aureus remains the most common organism causing acute pyogenic arthritis and osteomyelitis of childhood acquired in the community. The high prevalence of methicillin resistance among S. aureus should be considered carefully in the selection of initial empirical antibiotics.

Prevalence of CTX-M-type Extended-Spectrum $\beta$-Lactamases Producing Escherichia coli and Klebsieilla pneumoniae Isolates in General Hospitals in 2005 (임상에서 분리된 CTX-M형 Extended-Spectrum $\beta$-Lactamases를 생산하는 Escherichia coli와 Klebsiella pneumoniae의 유행)

  • Kim, Yun-Tae;Kim, Tae-Un
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.342-351
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    • 2006
  • The aim of this study was to survey susceptibilities of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates against cefotaxime and to determine the prevalences of CTX-M type extended-spectrum $\beta$-lactamases (ESBLs) producing E. coli and K. pneumoniae in Korea. During the period of February to July, 2005, 153 E. coli and 52 K. neumoniae isolates were collected from 2 hospitals in Busan. Antimicrobial susceptibilities to cefotaxime were tested by the disk diffusion method. ESBL production of E. coli and K. pneumoniae was determined by the double disk synergy test. MICs of $\beta$-lactam antibiotics were determined by the agar dilution method. Blac$_{CTX-M}$ genes of the organism were detected by PCR. Among 153 isolates of E. coli and 52 isolates of K. neumoniae, 27 (17.6%) and 25 (48.0%) were intermediate or resistant to cefotaxime, respectively. Twenty-three (15.0%) isolates out of 153 E. coli and 13 (25.0%) out of 52 K. neumoniae isolates showed positive results for ESBL by the double disk synergy test. Twenty isolates out of 23 ESBL producing E. coli and 12 out of 13 ESBL producing K. neumoniae isolates harbored biacTx-M gene,11 of ESBL producing E. coli and 12 of ESBL producing K. neuinoniae isolates harbored bla$_{CTX-M}$ gene, 11 of the ESBL producing E. coli and 2 of ESBL producing K. neumoniae isolates harbored bla$_{TEM}$ gene, and 1 of the ESBL producing E. coli and 12 of ESBL producing K. neumoniae isolates harbored bla$_{SHV}$ gene. E. coli and K. neumoniae isolates producing CTX-M-type ESBLs were not uncommon in Korea. It is thought that continuous survey are necessary for inspecting the spread and novel variants of CTX-M-type ESBL genes. Further me]'e investigation and research on ESBL producing strains are needed in order to prevent the spread of resistant bacteria.

Clinical Characteristics of Pneumococcal Bacteremia in Adults : The Effect of Penicillin Resistance on the Mortality of Patients with Pneumococcal Bacteremia (폐렴구균 균혈증에서 폐렴구균의 페니실린 내성 여부가 사망률에 미치는 영향)

  • HwangBo, Bin;Yoon, Ho-Il;Lee, Sang-Min;Choi, Seung-Ho;Park, Gye-Young;Yoo, Chul-Gyu;Lee, Choon-Taek;Kim, Young-Whan;Han, Sung-Koo;Min, Kyung-Up;Kim, You-Young;Shim, Young-Soo
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.184-194
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    • 1999
  • Backgrounds : The advent of penicillin has led to the marked reduction in the mortality from pneumococcal bacteremia, however, the mortality is still relatively high in this post-antibiotic era. Actually the prevalence of infection due to penicillin-resistant penumococci is increasing worldwide, and it is especially high in Korea due to irrelevant use of antibiotics. So, the high mortality of pneumococcal sepsis might be related to the emergence of penicillin-resistant strains, however, many other antibiotics, which eradicate pneumococci effectively, are available in these days. This has led us to suspect the role of penicillin-resistance in the high mortality rate. In this study, we evaluated the effect of penicillin resistance on the mortality of patients with penumococcal bacte remia. Methods: The study population consisted of 50 adult patients with penumococcal bacteremia who were admitted between Jan, 1990 and July, 1997. Medical records were analyzed retrospectively. Results: Most of the patients (96%) had underlying diseases. The most common local disease associated with pneumococcal bacteremia was pneumonia (42%), which was followed by spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (14%), cholangitis (10%), meningitis (8%), liver abscess (4%), pharyngotonsillitis (4%), sinusitis (2%) and cellulitis (2%). While the overall case-fatality rate in this study was 24%, it was higher when peumococcal bacteremia was associated with pneumonia (42%) or meningitis (50%). The rate of penicillin resistance was 40%, which was increased rapidly from 1991. The rate of penicillin resistance was significantly higher in patients with the history of recent antibiotics use and hospitalization within 3 months respectively. The clinical manifestations, that is, age, severity of underlying diseases, nosocomial infection, associated local diseases, and the presence of shock or acute renal failure were not statistically different between the patients with penicillin-resistant and -sensitive pneumococcal bacteremia. The mortality of patients infected with penicillin-resistant pneumococci was not statistically different from those with penicillin-sensitive pneumococcal bacteremia. Conclusion: Penicillin resistance is not associated with high mortality in adult patients with pneumococcal bacteremia. As the overall mortality is high, active penumococcal vaccination is recommended in patients with high risk of infection.

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Evaluation of Uricult Trio Test as a Rapid Screening of UTI in Children with Fever (소아 요로감염 진단에 있어 신속배양검사(Uricult Trio)의 유용성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jin;Kim, Eun Jin;Lee, Taek Jin;Chang, Jin Keun;Cha, Sung-Ho
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.74-82
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    • 2010
  • Purpose : The Dipslide culture test is a rapid method for diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI). The aim of this study is to determine the diagnostic availability of a urine Dipslide test for evaluation of UTI in febrile children. Methods : Urine specimens from 151 febrile infants were inoculated by a routine blood agar urine culture method and the Dipslide test at the same time. Following incubation for 16-24 hours, the results of the Dipslide test were read at the next visit. Both results of Dipslide and those of routine culture were compared. Results : The mean age of subjects was 15${\pm}$10.6 months. There were 150 infants (99.3%) who had fever with a mean duration of 2.6${\pm}$2.6 days. Thirty two infants (21.2%) were diagnosed as having UTI. Sensitivity and specificity of Uricult Trio CLED medium were 59.4% and 84.8%, respectively. Sensitivity and specificity of Uricult Trio E. coli medium were 60.0% and 96.2%, respectively. The Pearson correlation coefficient between results of Uricult Trio CLED medium and urine culture was 0.438 (P=0.01). Correlation between results of Uricult Trio E. coli medium and urine culture was 0.617 (P=0.01). Conclusion : The Dipslide test requires only 16-24 hours with high specificity in terms of UTI caused by E. coli without the problems associated with specimen delay. This test seems to be helpful for exclusion of UTI in febrile infants and it may reduce unnecessary hospitalization and antibiotic use. However, further studies are required before the product can be recommended as a routine diagnostic tool.

Serotype Distribution of Pneumococcus Isolated from the Ear Discharge in Children with Otitis Media in 2001-2006 (중이염 환아의 이루에서 분리된 폐구균의 혈청형 분포(2001-2006))

  • Lee, Teak Jin;Chun, Jin-Kyong;Kim, Ki Hwan;Kim, Khi Joo;Kim, Dong Soo
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.45-51
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : Better understanding of the epidemiology of Streptococcus pneumoniae affects preventive and therapeutic strategies for children with otitis media. This study was undertaken to examine the prevalence of pneumococcal serotypes causing otitis media in children. Methods : Pneumococcal isolates obtained from the ear discharge of children with otitis media between January 2001 and December 2006 were characterized by serotyping and antibiotic susceptibility testing. Results : There were 54 pneumococcal isolates from 54 children with otitis media. The median age of patients was 13 months, and the proportion of children <5 years old was 81%. The predominant serotypes, in order of decreasing frequency, were 19A (44%), 19F(28%), 6B (7%), 6A (4%), 9V (4%), and 1 (4%); 23 isolates (43%) belonged to types included in the heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV7). The proportion of serotype 19A and 19F accounted for 72% of overall pneumococcal isolates, which accounted for 84% of pneumococcal isolates from otorrhea of children <5 years old (vs 20% in children ${\geq}5$ years old, P<0.001). All serotypes isolated from 3 vaccinees of PCV7 were 19A. There was no significant diminution in otitis media caused by pneumococcal vaccine serotypes after the introduction of PCV7. The frequency of nonsusceptibility to penicillin, erythromycin, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole was higher in serotype 19A than in other non-vaccine serotypes, respectively. The frequency of multiple drug resistance was 96% in serotype 19A, compared with 29% in other non-vaccine serotypes (P=0.001). Conclusion : 19A was the most common pneumococcal serotype causing otitis media and represented a large proportion of strains with multiple drug resistance in children younger than 5 years of age.

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Clinical Manifestations of PFAPA (Periodic Fever, Aphthous Stomatitis, Pharyngitis, and Adenitis) Syndrome from a Single Center (단일기관에서 진단한 PFAPA (Periodic Fever, Aphthous Stomatitis, Pharyngitis, and Adenitis) 증후군의 임상양상)

  • Shin, Minsoo;Choi, Eun Hwa;Han, Mi Seon
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.179-187
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: Periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, and adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome is a leading cause of periodic fever in children. This study describes the clinical characteristics of PFAPA syndrome in patients from a single center. Methods: Thirteen children diagnosed with PFAPA syndrome at Seoul National University Children's Hospital were included in this study. Retrospective medical chart reviews were performed. Results: Among the 13 patients, 8 (61.5%) were male. The median follow-up duration was 3.3 years (range, 10 months-8.3 years). The median age of periodic fever onset was 3 years (range, 1-6 years). All patients had at least 5 episodes of periodic fever and pharyngitis, managed with oral antibiotics, before diagnosis. The median occurrence of fever was every 3.9 weeks and lasted for 4.2 days. All patients had pharyngitis and 12 (92.3%) had cervical lymphadenitis. Blood tests were performed for 12 patients, and no patients had neutropenia. Both the C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate were elevated at medians of 4.5 mg/dL (range, 0.4-13.2 mg/dL) and 29 mm/hr (range, 16-49 mm/hr), respectively. Throat swab cultures and rapid streptococcal antigen tests were negative. Nine (69.2%) patients received oral prednisolone at a median dose of 0.8 mg/kg, and in 6 (66.7%) patients, fever resolved within a few hours. Three (23.1%) patients received tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. Conclusions: PFAPA syndrome should be considered when a child presents with periodic fever along with aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, or cervical lymphadenitis. Glucocorticoid administration is effective for fever resolution and can reduce unnecessary use of antibiotics.

Distribution and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Bacteria in the Oral Cavity of Smokers or Non-Smokers (흡연자와 비흡연자간의 구강 내 세균 분포 및 항균제 감수성)

  • Jeong, Hyun-Ja;Kim, Su-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.334-340
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    • 2010
  • It is well known that smoking as well as drinking is a factor of stomatopathy, however there are few investigations about comparison of oral flora between smokers and non-smokers. In this study, we isolated the oral flora of 30 smokers and 30 non-smokers and cultured them on blood agar plates. The isolated pathogenic microorganisms were tested for antibiotic susceptibility and resistance using the Kirby-Bauer antibiotic testing method. Each colony was stained using the Gram staining method and was identified by an automatic identifier, known as the VITEK system. We isolated 41 colonies from smokers' oral cavity, and they were sorted as 63% of Gram-positive cocci, 29% of Gram-negative cocci, 3% of Gram-positive bacilli, and 5% of Gram-negative bacilli by gram staining, whereas 38 colonies were isolated from non-smoters' oral cavity, and their proportions were 55% of Gram-positive cocci, 26% of Gram-negative cocci, 3% of Gram-positive bacilli, and 16% of Gram-negative bacilli. The VITEK system revealed specific distribution of bacteria species that Streptococcus mutans (6/41), Gemella morillorum (6/41), Streptococcus oralis (2/41), Streptococcus pneumoniae (1/41), Staphylococcus aureus (3/41), Streptococcus anginosus (1/41), Streptococcus intermedius (1/41), Streptococcus uberis (1/41), and Streptococcus sanguinis (1/41) in smokers oral cavity whereas Streptococcus sanguinis (8/38), Staphylococcus aureus (1/38), Staphylococcus auricularis (1/38), Streptococcus uberis (1/38), Streptococcus intermedius (1/38), Streptococcus mutans (1/38), and Streptococcus oralis (1/38) in those of non-smokers'. Three cases of Staphylococcus aureus from smokers produced Beta-lactamase and were identified methicillin-resistance Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). However one case of Staphylococcus aureus from non-smoker did not produce Beta-lactamase and was sensitive to methicillin. In conclusion, the distribution of oral flora was different between smokers' and non-smokers' oral cavity, especially Gemella morillorum and MRSA were predominantly found in smoker's oral cavity. These results are useful in the treatment and prevention of patients with stomatopathy caused by smoking.