• Title/Summary/Keyword: 항공 테러

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A Study on Change of Aviation Law and System to Aviation Security for Major Countries after 9. 11 Aviation Terror (주요국가의 항공보안 관련 법 및 제도의 변화 연구)

  • Lee, Kang-Seok
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.123-155
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    • 2006
  • 2001. 9. 11 aviation terror showed us that there are lots of problems in aviation security and we need efficient counter-plans. According to this event, many countries are coming up with various countermeasures. After first hijacking in 1950, the aviation terror is occurring with more various methods until these days. And the scale is bigger than former so they're making much bigger damages. Especially, the case of 9.11 terror attracted people's eye of the world because of enormous casualties and damages. It aroused many people's self-awakening therefore as an important factor the security is given much weight in the aviation safety. In order to keep the step like this tendency and the development of aviation security, beginning with America lots of countries of the world are pursuing diverse aviation security's counter-plans of new side. At this point of time, for our development in aviation industry we should make efficient aviation security countermeasures. In this study, We compared our aviation security activities with major countries after 9.11 terror.

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A Study on Trend of Aviation Terrors and Countermeasures (항공테러의 추세와 대응에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, M.S.;Choi, Y.C.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.117-128
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    • 2005
  • Since terrorist attacks on the United States in 9/11, the aviation terror has been rapidly reduced while having an enormous amount of expenses invested in the aviation terror prevention. The aviation terror indicates itself the problem, and by the same token, the aviation terror prevention requires a huge investment. However, the available resources are limited, which raises concern over the effective use of the limited resources. Therefore, in order to contribute to the establishment of effective aviation security measures, this study examines and analyses the aviation terror types and changes, with the forecast of the aviation terror types with high occurrence potentiality, and suggests the countermeasures for the aviation terror prevention.

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A Study on the Modernization of the Rome Convention and its Issues - Focusing on the recent ICAO Legal Committee's Discussion (로마조약의 현대화와 쟁점에 관한 고찰 - 최근 ICAO법률위원회의 논의를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jong-Bok;Maeng, Sung-Kyu
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.33-54
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    • 2008
  • The damage to the third parties caused by aircraft in flight shall be fully compensated to the extent that the damage didn't occur unless the damage is caused by innocent victims. However, related international Conventions limit operator's liability of compensation to certain levels, which is one of the main reasons that such international Conventions have not been ratified by many aviation leading States. However, international community has agreed, since 9/11, that the accidents caused by terrorists and the protection of the third parties need to be addressed more actively. And the amendment of the related Rome Conventions has been drafted under the ICAO leadership by the special committee that was organized to modernize the related international Conventions. This study addresses the issues related to the draft Conventions, the draft Convention for Damage caused by Aircraft to Third Parties, in case of Unlawful Interference and the draft Convention on compensation for Damage caused by Aircraft to Third Parties. It is expected that it takes considerable time to reach an agreement on all the issues from appropriate apportionment of liability between the government and operator to the details regarding the management of Supplementary Compensation Mechanism. Under the circumstances where the needs for the air transportation as well as threats of terrorism increase, the new international Convention should be prepared taking into consideration the balance between the protection of the innocent third parties and that of air transport industry including air carriers. Along with this, the Republic of Korea should actively participate in the process of amendment to the related international Conventions to protect the life and property of the people from anticipated damages.

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An Introduction to Behavior Detection in Aviation Security (공항 특수경비원의 비정상 행동탐지기법 도입방안)

  • Kim, Joon-Seong;Park, Choong-Min;Park, Hyun-Ah
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Disaster Information Conference
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    • 2016.11a
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    • pp.334-338
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구에서는 한국공항의 테러방비와 특수경비원들의 효율적 보안검색을 위하여 비정상 행동탐지기법과 관련한 각 국의 프로그램 및 자료를 조사 분석하였다. 그리고 우리나라의 상황에 적합한 한국형 행동탐지기법 프로그램을 개발을 제시하였다. 우선 한국공항 특수경비원들의 비정상 행동탐지기법 도입을 위하여 각국의 프로파일링의 유형과 행동탐지기법을 조사 분석하고 한국형 행동탐지기법 프로그램을 자체 개발하는 연구를 수행하였다. 이를 통하여 국내 항공 테러방비를 위한 비정상행정탐지기법 도입의 필요성과 특수경비원의 보안검색 효율화와 항공보안의 학문적 도약을 위한 기초적 자료를 제시하고자 한다.

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A Study on the Problems and Resolutions of Provisions in Korean Commercial Law related to the Aircraft Operator's Liability of Compensation for Damages to the Third Party (항공기운항자의 지상 제3자 손해배상책임에 관한 상법 항공운송편 규정의 문제점 및 개선방안)

  • Kim, Ji-Hoon
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.3-54
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    • 2014
  • The Republic of Korea enacted the Air Transport Act in Commercial Law which was entered into force in November, 2011. The Air Transport Act in Korean Commercial Law was established to regulate domestic carriage by air and damages to the third party which occur within the territorial area caused by aircraft operations. There are some problems to be reformed in the Provisions of Korean Commercial Law for the aircraft operator's liability of compensation for damages to the third party caused by aircraft operation as follows. First, the aircraft operator's liability of compensation for damages needs to be improved because it is too low to compensate adequately to the third party damaged owing to the aircraft operation. Therefore, the standard of classifying per aircraft weight is required to be detailed from the current 4-tier into 10-tier and the total limited amount of liability is also in need of being increased to the maximum 7-hundred-million SDR. In addition, the limited amount of liability to the personal damage is necessary to be risen from the present 125,000 SDR to 625,000 SDR according to the recent rate of prices increase. This is the most desirable way to improve the current provisions given the ordinary insurance coverage per one aircraft accident and various specifications of recent aircraft in order to compensate the damaged appropriately. Second, the aircraft operator shall be liable without fault to damages caused by terrorism such as hijacking, attacking an aircraft and utilizing it as means of attack like the 9 11 disaster according to the present Air Transport Act in Korean Commercial Law. Some argue that it is too harsh to aircraft operators and irrational, but given they have also some legal duties of preventing terrorism and in respect of helping the third party damaged, it does not look too harsh or irrational. However, it should be amended into exempting aircraft operator's liability when the terrorism using of an aircraft by well-organized terrorists group happens like 9 11 disaster in view of balancing the interest between the aircraft operator and the third party damaged. Third, considering the large scale of the damage caused by the aircraft operation usually aircraft accident, it is likely that many people damaged can be faced with a financial crisis, and the provision of advance payment for air carrier's liability of compensation also needs to be applied to the case of aircraft operator's liability. Fourth, the aircraft operator now shall be liable to the damages which occur in land or water except air according to the current Air Transport Act of Korean Commercial Law. However, because the damages related to the aircraft operation in air caused by another aircraft operation are not different from those in land or water. Therefore, the term of 'on the surface' should be eliminated in the term of 'third parties on the surface' in order to make the damages by the aircraft operation in air caused by another aircraft operation compensable by Air Transport Act of Korean Commercial Law. It is desired that the Air Transport Act in Commercial Law including the clauses related to the aircraft operator's liability of compensation for damages to the third party be developed continually through the resolutions about its problems mentioned above for compensating the third party damaged appropriately and balancing the interest between the damaged and the aircraft operator.

A Legal Study on the Countermeasures against Explosive Terrorism in the Airport Land-side: Case of Korea Airport (공항 Land-side에서의 폭발물 테러방지를 위한 법률적 연구: 한국공항을 중심으로)

  • Jeong Jin-Man;Shin Dong-Il
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Disaster Information Conference
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    • 2022.10a
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    • pp.407-411
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    • 2022
  • 공항 시설에서 통틀어 보안이 가장 취약한 곳은 Landside이다. 항공기 테러가 빈번하던 시절에는 X-ray를 비롯한 검색기술의 수준이 높지 않았던 탓에 Hijacking이나 폭발물에 의한 피해가 많았었다. 물론 기술이 발전한 현대에 와서도 Hijacking이나 항공기 폭파 같은 테러가 발생하고 있지만 9.11테러 이전보다는 훨씬 감소한 상황이다. 최근에는 보안수준이 높은 Airside 보다 상대적으로 보안이 취약한 Landside에 대한 보안 강화가 필요하다. 그 이유는 테러의 유형이 협상의 여지가 없는 최대피해와 최대공포를 주는 방식으로 변화하고 있기 때문이다. 따라서 상대적으로 부담이 덜하고 유동인구가 많은 Landside가 Soft Target이 되었다. 이런 상황에서 대한민국 공항이 어떻게 대응해야 하는지 관련된 법을 중심으로 본 연구를 진행해 보고자 한다.

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A Study on US Civil Aviation Security Legislations & Regulations (미국 민간항공보안 법규정에 대한 고찰)

  • Lee, Joo-Hyung;Hwang, Ho-Won
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.183-204
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    • 2014
  • US 911 incidents have changed all aviation security system in the world. Especially the US changed all existing system into new one. One of the most fundamental changes is aviation security acts, regulation and several programmes. Based on the new aviation security act enacted in 2001, several code of federal regulations have been amended to strengthen US aviation security system. These regulation also enable new aviation security programmes including several airline and airport security related programmes, K-9 programme, BDO programme and air marshall programmed. All the programmes enables US aviation security improvements. Also the creating of TSA based on the aviation and transportation security act has provided the enhancement of aviation security in US. The purpose of this thesis is studying the change of aviation security system in the US especiatly in terms of aviation security legislation perfective and comparing the system with Korean aviation security legal system and provides possible solution to enhance Korean aviation security legislation and structure.