• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한라산국립공원

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Studies on the Structure of Abies koreana Community at Subalpine Zone in Hallasan (한라산(山) 아고산지대(亞高山地帶) 구상나무림 군집구조(群集構造)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Gab-Tae;Choo, Gab-Chul;Um, Tae-Won
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.161-167
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    • 2007
  • To investigate the structure and the conservation strategy of Korean native species, the Abies koreana forest at sub-alpine zone centering on the Witsaeorum(1,714m) shelter in Hallasan National Park was selected for a survey subject with 20 plots $(10{\times}10m)$ set up with random sampling method. Mean importance percent(MIP) of Abies koreana showed the highest numerical value-57.7%, and that of faxus cuspidata was the next value-16.2%. High positive correlations were shown between Taxus cuspidata and Prunus maximowiczii, Euonymus alatus; Betula ermani and Berberis amurensis var. quelpaertensis, Prunus sargentii; Prunus maximowiczii and Euonymus alatus; Berberis amurensis var. quelpaertensis and Prunus sargentii. Vigor of Abies koreana was so low that as much as 6.44% of total number of Abies Koreana investigated were dead. DBH of dead individuals ranged mainly from 5cm to 15cm.

Species Diversity of Spontaneous Mushrooms on Jeju Island (제주도 자생버섯의 종다양성)

  • Ko, Pyung Yeol;Seok, Soon Ja;Lee, Hyang Burm;Ko, Hyo Soon;Jeun, Yong Chull
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.104-132
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to survey the diversity and distribution of mushrooms growing spontaneously on Jeju Island in the last eight years. Approximately 2,000 specimens of mushrooms were collected in Gotjawal, Hallasan Natural Park, and Oreum, the habitats where a rich diversity of mushrooms was expected, from 2006 to 2013. They were identified as 74 families, 213 genera and 511 species. Thus, including 69 families, 99 genera and 561 species from the previous study conducted in 2005, a total of 83 families, 257 genera and 740 species of wild mushrooms have been recorded. This study would support new information for fungal flora in Korea and preliminary data for further studies on mushroom diversity.

Conservation Measures and Distribution of Vulnerable Species for Climate Change in Gayasan National Park (가야산국립공원 기후변화취약종의 분포 및 보전방안)

  • Kim, Yoon-Young;Leem, Hyosun;Han, Seahee;Ji, Seong-Jin;So, Soonku
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.167-175
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    • 2017
  • We conducted a total of 28 surveys from March to October 2016 in Gayasan National Park, to identify threatened plants for climate change, as well as for the effective management of biological organisms and resources against climate changes in Korea. Regarding threatened plants for climate change, we identified a total of 39 taxa, with 11 northern, 2 southern, and 26 taxa of concern. Among these taxa, 33 were identified as wild species. The species threatened by climate change located in the subalpine regions of Gayasan National Park were Abies holophylla Maxim., Abies koreana Wilson, Pinus koraiensis Siebold & Zucc., Betula ermanii Cham., Berberis amurensis Rupr., Rhododendron tschonoskii Maxim., Vaccinium hirtum var. koreanum (Nakai) Kitam., Primula modesta var. hannasanensis T.Yamaz., Trientalis europaea var. arctica (Fisch.) Ledeb., Thymus quinquecostatus Celak., Parasenecio firmus (Kom.) Y.L.Chen, and Lilium cernuum Kom. These species are expected to be particularly vulnerable to the effects of global warming, since they were confirmed to have a very narrow vertical distribution range. Moreover, although the following species are not included in the list of plants threatened by climate change, it is assumed that the endemic species that grow at the summit, and Grade V floristics special plants, such as Pedicularis hallaisanensis Hurus., Allium thunbergii var. deltoides (S.O.Yu, S.Lee & W.Lee) H.J.Choi & B.U.Oh, Heloniopsis tubiflora Fuse, N.S.Lee & M.N. Tamura, Aletris glabra Bureau & Franch, and Gymnadenia cucullata (L.) Rich., will also be extremely vulnerable to climate change. Therefore, we believe that measures for the conservation of these species are urgently needed, and also that the definition of species threatened by climate change should be broadened to include more objective and valid taxa through the long-term monitoring of species distributed around the summit area.

The Spider Fauna of Mt. Jiri, Cholla-namdo, Korea (지리산의 거미상)

  • Namkung Joon;Paik Woon Hah;Yoon Kyung Il
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.91-99
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    • 1972
  • 지리산은 해발 1915m인 남한 본토 최고인 명산이며 국립공원으로 지정된 바도 있으나 아직 그 동물상에 대한 조사는 불충분한 바 있다. 1972년 8월 11일-14일의 4일간에 걸쳐 남궁 윤은 한라산 거미상과의 비교 검토를 위하여 지리산의 제 2 고봉인 반야봉과 제 3고봉인 노고단을 중심으로 한 지리산 서남면인 "겉지리산"의 일부를 조사하였다. 한편 백외는 1971년 7일 하순 화엄사, 노고단 및 피아골의 거미상에 대해 조사한 바 있다. 광대한 지리산의 전체적인 면모를 파악하기에는 미급한 조사였지만 대치적인 특징을 추찰한 수 있었기에 이에 보고코져 한다. 지리산 거미에 대하여는 백 갑용(1942-1972), 백운하외 (1970) 등에 의해 18과 76종 (3미확정종포함)이 보고된 바 있으나 채집기록에 불분명한 바가 있고, 그 환경이나 수직분포 등에 대하여는 언급된 바가 없었다. 금번 조사한 장소를 고도별로 보면 다음과 같다. 연곡사(300-400m), 화엄사(400-600m), 피아골(500-900m), 화엄사골(600-900m), 용수바위 (900-1300m), 코재 (900-1300m), 임걸령(1400-1500m), 노고단(1400-1550m), 반야봉(1550-1750m) (1) 이 조사보고에서는 종전의 보고에서 기록이 분명한 것을 종합하여 21과 135종 (미확정종 6종 포함)의 목록을 작성하였다. (2) 지리산 추가종 56종을 확인하였으며 그 중에서 한국 미기록종은 16종이다. (목록에 *표를 한 것) (3) 미확정종은 개체특징이 분명한 것만 수록했으며 이들 중 금후 연구로써 신종으로 기재됨 것도 있다. (4) 이번 조사의 결과로는 지리산의 거미상은 북방종 26종$(20.2\%)$ 남방종 8종$(6.2\%)$ 세계공통종이 3종$(2.3\%)$으로 북방온대성 $(71.3\%)$의 경향이 짙으다. (5) 고도분포는 반야봉 (1550-1750m)에서 18종$(7.3\%)$, 1400-1550m가 38종$(15.5\%)$, 900-1400m에서 39종$(15.8\%)$, 600-900m에서 72종$(29.2\%)$, 600m이하에서 79종$(32.1\%)$으로 고도가 높아짐에 따라 종수가 점감되고 1300m 이상에 서식하는 것은 44종$(32.6\%)$에 불과하였다. (6) 지리산의 우점종은 대륙접시거미 (Prolinyphia emphana)로 600m 이상부터 산정부에 걸쳐 널리 분포하며, 개체수에 있어서도 가장 많았다. 깡충거미과(Salticidae), 늑대거미과(Lycosidae)가 극히 적은 것도 특징적이라 하겠다.

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Studies on the Distribution and Vegetation of Ambrosia artemisiifolia var, elatior Community Group in Jeju Island (제주도 돼지풀군락군의 분포와 식생에 관한 연구)

  • 양영환;김문홍
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2003
  • The study was performed to understand the actual vegetation by using the phytosociological method on the Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior community group in Jeju Island. The flora was composed of 48 families, 156 genera, 200 species, 28 varieties, 2 forma or 230 taxa. The Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior community group vegetation was classified into two communities and one association; Erigeron annuus - Conyza sumatrensis, Bromus tectorum - Bidens pilosa, Setaria viridis - Eleusine indica community and Lactuco indicae - Humuletum japonicae association. Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior community group was wide from the coastal areas up to the elevation of 1500 meter on Young sil of Mt. Halla. The highest dominance of the Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior is 345 meter which is located near Seoneheul-ri Jocheon-eup, on the other hand the lowest one is located 1020 meter near Young-sil of Mt. Halla.

Flora of Sumeunmulbaengdui wetland in Jeju-do, Korea (숨은물뱅듸 습지(제주도)의 식물 다양성)

  • Ko, Sung Chul;Son, Dong Chan;Park, Beom Kyun
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.222-232
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    • 2014
  • The flora of vascular plants in Sumeunmulbaengdui wetland located in Hallasan National Park was surveyed 9 times from September, 2010 to May, 2014. This survey resulted in 236 taxa in total composed of 202 species, 2 subspecies, 27 varieties and 5 forms of 148 genera under 69 families. They were categorized by their life forms into 8 groups of 37 megaphanerophytes, 26 nanophanerophytes, 2 epiphytes, 3 chamaephytes, 84 hemicryptophytes, 33 geophytes, 21 hydrophytes, 30 therophytes. Among them, 10 taxa of Korean endemic plants and 9 taxa of rare and endangered plants were included. In addition, the floristic regional indicator plants were 43 taxa comprised of 3 taxa of grade V, 7 taxa of grade IV, 12 taxa of grade III, 8 taxa of grade II and 13 taxa of grade I. 2 species of alien plants, Erechtites hieracifolia Raf. and Taraxacum officinale Weber were found. Sustainable interest and protective measures to Sumeunmulbaengdui wetland are required, since this area is comparatively larger in size and higher in plant diversity than other Ramsar wetlands in Jeju-do Province.

Managerial Implications for Competitiveness Enhancement based on Perceptual Analysis of National Natural Heritages (자연유산 경쟁구조 분석과 관리적 시사점 -대학생 인식을 중심으로-)

  • Cho, Kyoung-shin;Um, Seo-ho
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.78-93
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze college students' perception of national natural heritages, including natural monumentsand scenic sites, in comparison with the similar concepts of national parks and eco-landscape preservation areas, to suggest managerial implications to enhance competitiveness. The first objective of this study is to measure their attitude toward traveling each type of natural heritage and to rate the relative importance of the four types of heritages in terms of preservation. Natural monuments were perceived as the most strongly preserved type, while scenic sites were perceived as the least strongly preserved type. The second objective is to conduct a correspondence analysis to match the concepts of four types of natural heritages with 10 tourist attractions representing the types. It was found that college students have difficulty appropriately identifying the types of 10 tourist attractions. In addition, multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) was implemented to identify the similarities and differences of the four types of natural heritages and to produce a positioning map matching the four types of natural heritages with the six attributes representing each type as a tourist attraction. Natural monuments were perceived very differently from scenic sites and not very differently from eco-landscape preservation areas. There were a few associations between the four types of natural heritages and the six tourism attributes, implying that little effort is made to promote and position each type of natural heritage in terms of tourism. In conclusion, a public awareness program is required to enhance the brand image of natural monuments and scenic sites in comparison to national parks and eco-landscape preservation areas. In addition, local residents who live near the natural heritages should be bolstered to play a managerial role as supporters and contents providers for sustainability.

Assessment of $^{137}Cs$ for Selection of Reference Site of In Situ Gamma Spectrometry in Some Areas of Jeju Island (현장 감마분광분석 참고지 선정을 위한 제주 일부 지역 $^{137}Cs$ 평가)

  • Kim, Chang Jong;Cho, Yoon Hae;Kang, Tae Woo;Ko, Seok Hyung;Yun, Ju Yong;Lee, Dong Myeong
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.167-172
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    • 2012
  • Jeju Island is a significant area as a reference site of in situ gamma spectrometry because there are a number of open spaces which includes $^{137}Cs$ above a certain level. In this paper, the pasture within the Hallasan National Park was selected as one of the open spaces of Jeju Island. The homogeneity of $^{137}Cs$ at the site was assessed by analysis of variance on count and by radioactivity concentration obtained through in situ gamma spectrometry. For this purpose, the count of a total of 79 points at 3 sites were measured with less than count uncertainty of 5% for 2000 seconds. In the results of the analysis of variance, the 2 sites were homogeneous, and the remaining 1 site can be specified to be homogeneous through the adjustment of measuring range. The distribution of radioactivity concentration calculated by in situ gamma spectrometry were $53.7{\sim}93.2Bq\;kg^{-1}$, $30.5{\sim}61.0Bq\;kg^{-1}$ and $48.8{\sim}102Bq\;kg^{-1}$ at each site.

The Distribution and Habitat Characteristic of Tscherskia triton (Rodentia; Cricetidae) in Jeju Island, Korea (제주도에 서식하는 비단털쥐(Tscherskia triton) (설치목; 비단털쥐과)의 분포 현황 및 서식지 특성)

  • Park, Jun-Ho;Kim, Kang Il;Kim, Man-Ho;Oh, Hong-Shik
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.412-423
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    • 2018
  • In this study, we investigated the distribution and habitat of Tscherskia triton from 2014 to 2016 in Jeju Island. Nine individuals of T. triton were observed and captured from four habitat sites. Most of the habitats were of the natural and rural type, and urban type coexisted in some of the areas. The natural type of habitat comprised of forests, shrubs, and grasslands. The habitat of T. triton ranged vertically from 102 m in lowland to 742 m in a mountainous area and was not observed in altitude over 1,000 m. Small brooks, dry streams or wetlands were found to be located nearby the habitat of T. triton. The T. triton was distributed mainly in areas with natural vegetation and artificial plantation in company with the upper story vegetation on the ground of intact or incomplete layer structure, or the area with the relatively large distribution of shrubs and long grassland. The presence of roads and forest paths in these habitats suggested that the T. triton can thrive in areas with human disturbance. The designation of Halla Mountain National Park in Jeju Island as a conservation area prevents damage or loss of the habitat due to any artificial development. However, frequent human disturbances occurring in grassland is tolerated by small mammals. Therefore, in order to help T. triton maintain a stable population density, it is essential that various types of the habitat should be conserved in the middle mountain areas and the grasslands in lowlands should be well protected.