• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 전통 당의

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A Foreign Visitors Recognition with Respect to Koreaness of 'Seoul Garden' in Berlin, Germany (베를린 서울정원 이용객의 한국성 인지 양상)

  • Yun, Young-Jo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2018
  • This study investigated the recognition of Koreanesss, preference factors and the difference of recognition from adjacent Chinese and Japanese gardens for foreign visitors of Seoul gardens, a Korean traditional garden located within the Marzahn garden in Berlin, Germany. Overall, the Chinese garden and the Japanese garden were better known to most visitors than the Seoul garden due to their earlier construction. The awareness of the specialty to the Korean garden was at an average level indicating most visitors did not recognize the difference among the traditional gardens constructed from other countries. These less awareness on the Korean garden was because the traditional gardens of the three countries are located adjacent to the park in a continuous landscape with similar plant species created through natural planting techniques. This means the Korean garden is required for considering diversity and representativeness of planting species, uniqueness in space composition and recognition of Korean oriental garden culture in an initial design project stage. Visitors without prior information has better understanding on Korean garden and higher revisit intention resulting in increasing publicity and understanding of Korean traditional garden. Among the preference factors representing Koreaness of the Seoul gardens, the waterfall, stream, pavilion and natural stone within the water landscape were visitors favorite interests due to design concept with a representative Korean stream scenery of Dokrack-dang and Byeolseo garden resulting in differences from the landscape displaying technique for other oriental gardens. These stylistic differences in the dominant landscaping of garden architecture from surrounding the physical environments, the garden displaying technique derived from Korean natural landscape can be recognized as an unique garden element for foreign visitors.

Interior Design of 'Y' Chinese Restaurant in Bundang (분당 'Y' 중식당 실내디자인)

  • Ryu, Hye-Ji
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.241-242
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    • 2005
  • Due to the change in modern lifestyle and social pattern, food service industry has steadily grown recently. Especially, in terms of familiarity, chinese restaurant can be most popular type of dining alternative to Korean. The project was aiming to establish a new branch of the existing restaurant which has a main location in Kangnam area and has been famous for it's food quality, kind services and good interior design. This restaurant is located in Seohyoun-Dong, Bundang-Gu, Kyoungki-Do and this area is very crowded by both residential apartments and commercial offices. Considering the complexity in regional characteristics, this restaurant has basically targeted frequent dining-out family groups. In addition, the floor design was flexibly developed to be able to accomodate large office dining customers. The overall design was intended to keep very elegant and simple atmosphere, developed to express eco-friendly image by adopting the 'Water' component in the floor plan.

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Features of the Costumes of Officials in the King Jeongjo Period Seojangdaeyajodo (정조대 <서장대야조도(西將臺夜操圖)>의 관직자 복식 고증)

  • LEE, Eunjoo;KIM, Youngsun;LEE, Kyunghee
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.78-97
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    • 2021
  • Seojangdaeyajodo is a drawing of military night training on February 12th (lunar leap month), 1795. Focusing on the Seojangdaeyajodo, the characteristics and of the costumes worn by various types of officials were examined. There were 34 officials located near King Jeongjo in and around Seojangdae, with 27 Dangsanggwan and 7 Danghagwan. They wore three types of costumes, including armor, yungbok, and military uniforms. All of the twelve armor wearers and the five officials wearing yungbok were dangsanggwan, and the military uniform wearers included eleven dangsanggwan and six danghagwan. For the shape of the armor, the armor relics of General Yeoban, suitable for riding horses, and the armor painting of Muyedobotongji were referenced, and the composition of the armor was based on practicality. The armor consists of a helmet, a suit of armor, a neck guard, armpit guards, arm guards, and a crotch guard. The color of the armor was red and green, which are the most frequently used colors in Seojangdaeyajodo. The composition of yungbok was jurip, navy cheollik, red gwangdahoe, socks made of leather, and suhwaja. The composition of the military uniform was a lined jeolrip, dongdari, jeonbok, yodae, jeondae, and suhwaja. There were differences in the fabrics used in dangsanggwan and danghagwan military uniforms. Dangsanggwan used fabric with depictions of clouds and jewels, and danghagwan used unpatterned fabric. Moreover, jade, gold, and silver were used for detailed ornamental materials in dangsanggwan. The weapons included bows and a bow case, a sword, a rattan stick, wrist straps, and a ggakji. In the records of the King Jeongjo period, various colored heopsu were mentioned; the colors of the dongdari and jeonbok of dangsanggwan and danghagwan were referenced in various colors. It was presented as an illustration of costumes that could be used to produce objects accurately reflecting the above historical results. The basic principle of the illustration was to present the modeling standards for 3D content production. Samples of form, color, and material of the corresponding times and statuses were presented. The front, the side, and the back of each costume and its accessories were presented, and the colors were presented in RGB and CMYK.

A Study on the Spatial Composition of Heungwon(興園) - From the Myo(墓) to the Won(園) - (흥원(興園)의 공간 구성에 관한 연구 - 묘(墓)에서 원(園)으로 -)

  • Paek, Chong-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2020
  • Heungseon Daewonwang Lee Ha-eung was the father of King Gojong, who appointed as Daewongun in December 1863. On February 2, 1898, after the death of Heungseon Daewongun, he was buried in the Asodang in Gongdeok-dong, Mapo-gu, where he normally enjoyed. On August 24, 1907, he was promoted to Daewonwang. After being promoted to Daewonwang, the Asodang tomb was relocated to Daedeok-dong, Paju, and the tomb was promoted to Won. In the Wonchim space promoted to the facilities suitable for the original were created, and through this, it was possible to analyze the characteristics of the Wonchim and the Wonchim space of the tomb on the Heungwon. In addition, by comparing and analyzing the spatial composition between Myo and Won, it was possible to derive the spatial composition characteristics of the Joseon Dynasty Won(園), and Myo(墓). Looking at the research results derived through the analysis of 『Heungwon Cheonbong Registration』, tomb of Heungseon Daewongun, located in Asodang, Mapo-gu, was promoted to Heungseon Daewonwang, and was relocated as Jangneung in Uncheon-ri, Paju, the former tomb of King Injo. The promoted of tomb was also promoted from Myo to Won. In addition, the storehouses and facilities used in Mapo Asodang were moved to Uncheon-ri, Paju, and reused. Newly constructed monuments, Biseog, Chimgak, Jemulgo, Subokcheong, Hongsalmun, and Wells according to the promoted of the Won. It was confirmed that there is a difference in the spatial composition of Won and Myo when looking at the difference in the composition of the ornament objects and the facility.

글로벌 리서치 1 - 경쟁과 지식재산권에 관한 정책간의 인터페이스 : 경쟁당국의 역할

  • Singham, Shanker A.
    • Journal of Korea Fair Competition Federation
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    • no.162
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    • pp.68-85
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    • 2012
  • 이 글은 2012년 3월 9일 '무역 및 경쟁 정책에 관한 국제 원탁회의(International Roundtable on Trade and Competition Policy) 비공개전문가회의'에서 Shanker A. Singham이 발표한 자료와 참석자들의 토의내용을 발표 이후 정리, 이를 요약문 형식으로 번역(의역)한 것이다. 이 글의 주요 논지는 경쟁당국의 지식재산권에 대한 전통적 관점에 대한 재고찰로서, 필자는 "지식재산권 보호가 반드시 경쟁정책에 반하는 것은 아니고, 오히려 지식재산권 보호가 경쟁을 촉진하는 효과를 가진다"는 점을 강조하고 있다. 저자는 자신의 논지를 설명하면서 의약산업의 예시를 상당부분 들고 있다. 이 글 중에는 국내 사정과 정서에 일부 부합하지 않는 내용도 있을 수 있지만, 국내외 경쟁정책에 대한 다양한 관점을 경험할 수 있다는 점에서 의미가 있다고 생각한다.

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Production of Candida utilis Biomass on Chinese Cabbage Juice (배추즙액을 기질로 이용한 Candida utilis 균체의 생산)

  • Lee, Nam-Seok;Kyung, Kyu-Hang
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.221-225
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    • 1992
  • The possibility of using Chinese cabbage juice as a substrate for the production of Candida utilis cell mass was explored. Dry cell weight production and cell yield coefficient were 1.35-1.45 g/100 ml undiluted juice and 47-50%, respectively, when C. utilis was grown by shake flask culture at $30^{\circ}C$ for 24 hr on more than three-fold diluted Chinese cabbage juice to make the final sugar content be equal to or less than 1.0%. Supplementation of glucose(2%), $KH_2PO_4(0.2%)$ and $(NH_4)_2SO_4(0.2%)$ to three-fold diluted Chinese cabbage juice did not enhance the dry cell weight yield or the protein content of the yeast cell, while supplementation of yeast extract(0.2%) and peptone(0.2%) increased dry cell weight production and protein content but not as much as the amount of each nutrient added. It was found that Chinese cabbage juice was an excellent substrate for the cultivation of C. utilis.

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A Modern Translation of Chinese Traditional Garden Space - Focusing on Qujiang Pool Heritage Park - (중국(中國) 전통원림(傳統園林) 공간(空間) 조영(造營) 원리의 현대적 탐구(探究) - 곡강지(曲江池) 유적공원(遺蹟公園)을 중심으로 -)

  • Wei, Tian-Tian;Kim, Jeong-Moon;Tian, Chao-Yang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.93-107
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this paper is to explore the application of Chinese traditional garden space construction principle studied by predecessors in modern park landscape, and to find more methods of traditional garden space construction inheritance and innovation through research. Tian Chaoyang's book "Fifteen Lectures on Chinese Classical Gardens and Modern Translation" mentions that Chinese traditional gardens are combining time and space, so he draws a brief pattern diagram containing the principle of the space construction. According to this principle of space construction, the researchers chose Qujiang Pool Heritage Park, which combines modern and traditional, then analyzed its spatial structure and and space elements. The results are as follows. The complex spatial structure of the park is composed of spatial boundary lines and spatial routes. The complex boundary space is composed of bridges, squares, plants, rows of buildings and other elements. The water space in the center of the park is designed in accordance with the traces of the historical water system, and its natural zigzag shoreline expands the water space. The central water space is divided into the big pool and the small pool, the Yanbo island and Bird island are created respectively. The building at the park boundary connects the park's interior and exterior. Most of the buildings in the park are located in the convex corner of the route or space. Through this research, it can be concluded that Qujiang park also applies the space construction principle combining time and space. And then, the garden elements of Qujiang park are recreating the history and culture of Qin, Han, Sui and Tang dynasties with modern methods, thus creating a park with Chinese regional characteristics. Since the Tang dynasty was the most prosperous period in Qujiang, the park was dominated by Tang culture. Through the research of this paper, we can see that the space construction principle of Qujiang Pool Heritage Park is the inheritance of the space construction principle of Chinese traditional garden. And the landscape element of Qujiang park is the landscape created by combining traditional history and culture, which is the innovative part of modern garden. Through this study, the creation of modern landscape with Chinese characteristics can provide some hints on the direction of inheritance and innovation.

A study on the Restaurant Total Coordination and Traditionality Expression Method of Japanese Restaurant in New york (뉴욕 소재 일식당의 레스토랑 토탈 코디네이션과 전통성 표현 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ji-Hyun;Oh, Hye-Kyung
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.140-147
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    • 2010
  • The objectives of this study are, first to define the concept of restaurant total coordination and establish its components as a design strategy for planning and managing all elements comprising a restaurant, and second, to survey the total coordination of Japanese restaurants in foreign countries and examine how traditionality, which is an element for globalizing Japanese restaurants, is expressed. This study was conducted through literature review for defining the concept of restaurant total coordination and extracting its components and a field survey for analyzing the current state of restaurant total coordination and traditionality expression methods. The results of this study are as follows. First, Japanese restaurants categorized into Type A with relatively high traditionality expression(3.3 or higher) were 25% of the surveyed restaurants. These restaurants showed the traditional characteristics of Japanese style as they are without contemporary adaptation for all components of restaurant. Second, 41.7% of the restaurants were categorized into Type B with traditionality expression between 1.7 and 3.3. They were mostly popular casual restaurants at which people can enjoy Japanese food comfortably. In visual and spatial design elements, traditional and contemporary styles appeared in the equal percentage, and decoration, table setting and food design were styled according to Japanese traditions. Third, 4 cases(33.3%) were categorized into Type C with traditionality expression below 1.7. Because they were fine dining restaurants that sold high priced dishes, formality and consistency were also high. Through all design elements including visual, spatial, table setting and food design elements, elegant and simple contemporary images were dominant. The results of this study will be used as basic materials to establish the concept of total coordination that views the visual, spatial, table setting and food design elements comprising a restaurant, which were approached separately in previous studies on restaurants, together from the viewpoint of integrative deigns, and to make design strategies for globalizing Korean restaurants based on Japanese restaurant cases.

Effect of Condiments on the Physicochemical Characteristics of Traditional Kochujang during Fermentation (양념류를 첨가한 전통고추장의 숙성중 이화학적 특성 변화)

  • Kim, Dong-Han;Lee, Jung-Seung
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.353-360
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    • 2001
  • Physicochemical characteristics of kochujang prepared with addition of garlic and onion, were investigated for 22 weeks of fermentation to obtain information on improving the quality of traditional kochujang. Moisture contents of kochujang increased during fermentation, but total nitrogen contents decreased slightly. The pH and titratable acidity of kochujang changed a little by addition of garlic or onion. Total sugar contents of kochujang decreased rapidly after 4 weeks, but reducing sugar contents increased until 2 weeks of fermentation. As the ratio of garlic increased, reducing sugar contents decreased. Ethanol contents increased during fermentation as mixing ratio of onion increased. Amino nitrogen contents of kochujang increased as mixing ratio of garlic or onion increased, but ammonia nitrogen contents decreased. Water activities of kochujang decreased slightly during fermentation, but consistency increased until 18 weeks. The color values of garlic or onion added kochujang were low in the L-values, but a- and b-values increased. Results of sensory evaluation showed garlic added$(2{\sim}4%)$ kochujang were more acceptable than onion added kochujang due to more favorable taste and flavor.

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Changes in Composition during Aging of Traditional Andong Sickhae (전통 안동식혜의 숙성과정중 성분변화)

  • Choi, Cheong;Lim, Seong-Il;Seog, Ho-Moon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.381-387
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    • 1991
  • Andong Sickhae is a traditional Korean fermented rice product which is made from glutionous rice, male, radish, ginger and red pepper. The changes in chemical composition, pH, amino nitrogen, amino acid, enzyme activity and free sugar of a traditional Andong Sickhae were monitored during the fermentation and storage at $4^{\circ}C$. The changes in ash, crude fat and moisture the contents during Andong Sickhae fermentation and storage were negligible. The pH of the product tended to decrease in the course of fermentation and storage and it showed the minimum value of 3.90 after 20th day of storage. On the other hand the maltose continued to increase up from 6.35g to 9.85g/100ml by 15th day of storage. The content of amino nitrogen in Andong Sickhae gradualy increase up to 22.40mg% by 3th day of fermentation. Glutamic aicd and aspartic acid were the major amino acid in water and salt soluble protein in Andong Sickhae.

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