• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국이미지

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  • 임재각
    • Food Industry
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    • s.181
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    • pp.10-37
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    • 2004
  • 식용유지는 식용으로 이용할 수 있는 가시적인 상태의 액상(oil) 또는 고체상(fat)의 식용기름을 말하지만 식품산업 측면에서는 가시적인 상태의 유지(가시지방)뿐만 아니라 유지가공 식품이나 기타의 식품에 함유되어 섭취되는 비가시적인 상태의 유지(비가지 지방)도 포함될 수 있다. 식용유지는 생명을 유지하는데 없어서는 안될 영양소로서 탄수화물 단백질과 함께 3대 영양소 중의 하나이며 1g당 9kcal를 내는 고도로 농축된 에너지원이면서 필수지방산의 공급원이고 비타민 A, D, E 등의 지용성 비타민과 기타 특수한 영양성분의 운반체로서 높은 영양적 가치를 갖는다. 지방성분은 음식물로부터 섭취가 불가능할 경우에는 체내에서 탄수화물이나 단백질을 기질로 하는 대사과정에서 합성되어 지질 또는 필수지방산과 지용성 비타민은 식품으로 지방질과 함께 흡수되어야 하므로 식품의 한 성분으로 지방의 중요성을 인정받고 있다. 1960년대 이후 국민소득의 증가와 함께 식생활도 다양화되고 서구화 간편화되면서 지방 함량이 높은 식품과 유지를 이용한 식품의 소비가 증가하였고 전체적인 유지 소비량도 늘어나는 추세에 있다. 60년대 초에는 총열량 중 지방이 차지하는 비율이 $6\%$ 정도였으나 최근에는 급격히 증가되어 2000년말 현재 $25.5\%$로 증가하였다. 97년까지 계속 증가하던 공급 에너지량은 98년 IMF의 영향으로 2,799 kcal까지 감소했으나 99년 들어 IMF 이전 수준으로 회복되었다. 또한 연간 일인당 순 식용유지류 공급량은 1990년대 까지 급격히 증가하였으나 이후로는 소폭 증가하는 추세이다. 2000년말 현재 식용유지 총 공급량은 76만2 천톤으로써 99년 73만5 천톤에 비해 2.7만톤이 증가하였다. 1998년 IMF 시기를 제외하고는 공급물량은 계속해서 증가 추세이다. 특히 1998년도에 비하여 2000년도에 식물성 유지는 2배 가까이 증가하였으나, 동물성 유지는 절반 이하로 감소되는 추세이며 공급물량으로 보면 대두유, 팜유가 주요 유종으로 식물유지 전체에서 차지하는 비중이 $72.3\%$로 압도적이다. 라면용 튀김기름과 마가린 쇼트닝의 원료로서 대부분 사용되는 팜유를 제외하고 가정용 식용유의 대부분을 차지하는 대두유가 이처럼 식용유지 시장의 대부분을 차지하게 된 이유는 첫째, 90년대 초반 수입 자유화 이후 타 유종 대비 낮은 가격을 형성하여 유지업체가 수입을 늘린 것이고 둘째로는 국내에서 대두유와 대두박을 생산하는 대두가공업체의 안정적 대두유 공급이 주요 원인이라고 할 수 있다. 식용유지의 시장규모는 식품공전상 식용유지로 분류된 제품들의 2000년도 출하액으로 보면 약 6,616 억원 정도이다. 한편 유종이 단순했던 가정용 식용유지 시장이 최근 새로워지고 있다. 주로 조리용으로 사용했던 것에서 건강을 생각하는 품목으로 바뀌는 경향이다. 아직은 가정용에서 대두유가 가장 많지만 옥배유나 채종유 더 나아가 건강이미지의 식용유인 홍화유 올리브유 해바라기유등이 증가하고 있는 추세이다. 한편 기존 식용유가 비만의 원인인 것 때문에 기피되던 것에서 새롭게 다이어트용 식용유 제품이 출시되어 시장에 새 바람이 불고 있다. 일본 식용유지 시장규모는 물량으로 172 만톤, 금액으로는 2,786 억엔(약 2조7860 억원) 수준이다. 지난 10년간 증가율은 물량 측면에서 약 $5\%$정도 신장하고 금액으로는 큰 증감이 없었다. 식용유는 조리의 기초 소재로서 안정한 수요를 갖고 있지만 주요 유종인 샐러드유의 가격이 하락하여, 전체적으로 시장이 물량이 증가하면서도 매출액이 신장하지 못하여 시장규모는 축소되었다고 할 수 있다. 일본 식용유지 업계의 제품동향을 보면 거의 모든 업체가 가정용 시장에서 건강 기능성 식용유지를 출시하고 있다는 점이다. 물론 일본은 건강기능성 식품에 대한 제도적인 뒷 받침이 되어 있어 기능성 식품의 시장출시가 용이한 점이 가정용 시장에 큰 영향을 미쳤다고 볼 수 있다. 유지 산업의 고부가가치화를 위해서는 전통적인 산업의 제품과 기술만으로는 달성하기 어렵다. 국내와 일본 식용유지 업계의 경향을 참고해 볼 때 차별화된 식용유지 제품과 기술의 개발이 절실히 필요하다. 앞서 언급한 고부가가치 제품과 기술 관련 사향을 바탕으로 국내 유지분야가 중점적으로 연구할 분야를 선정해 보면 리파제의 고정화 연구, 생물공학 기술을 활용한 효소의 개발과 이를 이용한 유지 가공 기술 연구, 유지성분의 유화 안정화 기술 연구, 식용유지의 선택적 수소경화 기술 연구 트랜스 지방산 저감기술연구, 효소 반응조 설계기술 연구, 지질 분자구조 분석기술 연구 분야 등이 유망하다. 상기와 같은 연구 분야를 육성하기 위해서는 유지 전문 인력의 육성, 해외 네트웍의 구축, 산학연 공동연구 추진, 국가적 차원의 정책 및 지원 등이 절실하다.

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A Study on 21st Century Fashion Market in Korea (21세기 한국패션시장에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Hye-Young
    • The Journal of Natural Sciences
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.209-216
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    • 1998
  • The results of the study of diving the 21st century's Korea fashion market into consumer market, fashion market, and a new marketing strategy are as follows. The 21st consumer market is First, a fashion democracy phenomenon. As many people try to leave unconditional fashion following, consumer show a phenomenon to choose and create their own fashion by subjective judgements. Second, a phenomenon of total fashion pursuit. Consumer in the future are likely to put their goals not in differentiating small item products, but considering various fashion elements based on their individuality and sense of value. Third, world quality-oriented. With the improvement of life level, it accomplishes to emphasize consumers' fashion mind on the world wide popular use of materials, quality, design and brand image. Fourth, with the entrance of neo-rationalism, consumers show increasing trends to emphasize wisdom, solidity in goods strategy pursuing high quality fashion and to demand resonable prices. Fifth, concept-oriented. Consumers are changing into pursuing concept appropriate to individual life scene. Prospecting the composition of the 21st century's fashion market, First, sportive casual zone will draw attention more than any other zone. This is because interest in sports will grow according to the increase of leisure time and the expasion of time and space in the 21st century, and also ecology will become the important issue of sports sense because of human beings's natural habit toward nature. Second, the down aging phenomenon will accelerate its speed as a big trend. Third, a retro phenomenon, a concept contrary to digital and high-tech, will become another big trend for its remake, antique, and classic concept in fashion market with ecology trend. New marketing strategy to cope with changing fashion market is as follows. First, with the trend of borderless concept, borders between apparels are becoming vague, for example, they offer custom-made products to consumers. Second, as more enterprises take the way of gorilla and guerrilla where guerrillas who aim at niche market show up will develop. Basically, they think highly of individual creative study, and pursue the scene adherence with high sensitiveness. However this polarization becomes mutually-supplementing relationship showing gorilla's guerilla movement, and guerilla's gorilla high-tech. Third with the development of value retailing, enterprises pursuing mass merchandising of groups called category killers are expanded and amplified to new product fields, and expand business' share. Fourth, using outsourcing, the trend to use exterior function leaving each enterprise's strength by inspecting its own work is gradually strong. Fifth, with the expansion of none store sale, the entrance of the internet and the CD-ROM sales added to communication sales such as catalogues are specified. An eminent American think tank expect that 5-5% of the total sale of clothes and home goods in 2010 will be done by none store sale. Accordingly, to overcome the problems, First international, global level marketing, Second, the improvement of technology, Third, knowledge-creating marketing are needed.

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A Study of The planting Arrangement of Ornamental Trees And Shrubs in Intermane Buddhist Temples. (산지형 사찰에 있어 조경식물 배치형식에 관한 연구)

  • Shim, Jai-Sung;Bae, Jeong-Kwan;Seo, Byung-Key
    • The Journal of Natural Sciences
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.63-81
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    • 2004
  • It is the purpose of this study to arrange in ornamental trees and shrubs the planting that leads to an appropriate type of templescape. The study was designed primarily as an examples for each Buddhist temple which desires further decoration with several ornamental plants, doubles the effectiveness of the Sen-Buddhist meditation, and boosts tourists' attraction. To investigate the planting status and type of trees and shrubs in the precincts of Buddhism temples, We close three temples : They are Nagsansa, Boolgoogsa and Booseugsa, which are intermonatane area temples all together. The results investigated were summarized as follows :1. Planting status and pattern in temples Open spaces of the Daewoogjeon in all temples, a main Sanctuaries in temple buildings, where Buddha is enshrined in, we could not find any kind of trees of shrubs to be planted.Muryangsujeon, a symbol of "Future", which can be also found at Boosugsa temple, is living in Western Elysium world and takes mercy on mankind of this life. Taxus cuspidata was planted at this Muryangsujeon, known as an immeasurable bliss building, where an Amitabha is enshrined in.Total 25 species of trees and shrubs were planted around Birozani building of Buddhist temples, Birozani is enshrined at the Birojion of Boollgoogsa temple.The buddhist Goddess of Mercy which is a buddhist saint for pursuit of fortune and blessing to relieve the mankind is enshrined at Wonchonjeon, Daebijeon and Kwaneumjeon which are able to observe at both Boolgoogsa and Nagsnsa temples, where Euonymus japonicus trees including other 26 species could be found in common at both temples.2. Correlation between trees/shrubs and temple buildingsTrees and flowers symbolizing Buddha are often planted as material sources of gardening to decorate : They are Logerstroemia indica as Buddha's flower, Viburmum opulus var. calvescens resembling Buddha's head, Tilia mandshurica producing the beads of rosary, Gardenia jaminoides Ellis with white flower blade and flower of bliss, not flower to this day and Lotus flowering clearly in the pond filling with dirty water which is able to clarifies the world full of crime, infidelity and injustification. Among these Buddhist' plants, however, Logerstroemia indica could be found in all three temples, and Viburmum opulus var. calvescens at both Nagsansa and Boosugsa. Also, Lager stroemia indica was planted at all three temples and Viburmum opulus var. calvescens at both temples of Nagsansa and Boosugsa. Tilia mandshurica and Gardenia jasminoides Ellis were not found in any temples which might become the subject of investigation.In relation of the buildings of each temples as a sanctified space, the planting of trees and shrubs was not considered for the arrangement, templescape architecture or species. And, also, we could not find in the study any special relationship of trees/ shrubs with the characteristics of temples.With the results obtained through precise studies we presented here in this paper newly designed model of templescape in intermane buddhist temple which can be applied for planting and arrangement of trees or/and shrubs. Basic principles of model in mind are:To consider the correlation of the dominant between plants and temple buildings.To plant trees/shrubs for special functions as well as conditions of temple location.To make tree arrangement correlating to Buddhism spirit.To induce environment friendly plants to be planted, suitable to regional conditions.This redecorated model of templescape might be used as a canon of the tree planting and arrangement in the precincts of Buddhism temples.

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A Study on Evaluation of Visual Factor for Measuring Subjective Virtual Realization (주관적인 가상 실감화 측정 방법에 대한 시각적 요소 평가 연구)

  • Won, Myeung-Ju;Park, Sang-In;Kim, Chi-Jung;Lee, Eui-Chul;Whang, Min-Cheol
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.389-398
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    • 2012
  • Virtual worlds have pursued reality as if they actually exist. In order to evaluate the sense of reality in the computer-simulated worlds, several subjective questionnaires, which include specific independent variables, have been proposed in the literature. However, the questionnaires lack reliability and validity necessary for defining and measuring the virtual realization. Few studies have been conducted to investigate the effect of visual factors on the sense of reality experienced by exposing to a virtual environment. Therefore, this study was aimed at reinvestigating the variables and proposing a more reliable and advisable questionnaire for evaluating the virtual realization, focusing on visual factors. Twenty-one questions were gleaned from the literature and subjective interviews with focused groups. Exploratory factor analysis with oblique rotation was performed on the data obtained from 200 participants(females: 100) after exposing to a virtual character image described in an extreme way. After removing poorly loading items, remained subsets were subjected to confirmatory factor analysis on the data obtained from the same participants. As a result, 3 significant factors were determined to efficiently measure the virtual realization. The determined factors included visual presence(3 subset items), visual immersion(7 subset items), and visual interactivity(4 subset items). The proposed factors were verified by conducting a subjective evaluation in which participants were asked to evaluate a 3D virtual eyeball model based on the visual presence. The results implicated that the measurement method was suitable for evaluating the degree of the virtual realization. The proposed method is expected to reasonably measure the degree of the virtual realization.

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A Study on Sensibility Evaluation of Ceramic Surface: Comparison between Tactility and Visual Tactility (세라믹 표면의 감성 평가 연구: 촉감과 시각적 촉감의 비교를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jihyun;Song, Min Jeong
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.101-112
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    • 2016
  • Selecting appropriate materials can be significantly important to make different image in the product and also give distinguished express to the users. A material for the ceramic product surface consists of the combination between a glaze and a body, and each attribution of materials and the way of the combination creates different texture and color. This study analyzes the difference between visually and tactually sensibility of ceramic surface to through the simulating both visual and tactual stimulation by verbal evaluation method. Totally 13 adjectives are selected from homepage of local and global ceramic product brand. And totally 12 ceramic samples are created with the consideration of color, glossiness and roughness. These 12 samples are the combination between four ceramic bodies (White porcelain, Celadon_c, Sancheong and Black soil) and three glazes (Transparent, Celadon_g, Black glaze). The respondents of first survey were asked to rub, touch and hold before evaluating the sensibility of ceramic surface and other respondents of second survey were asked to evaluate visual images of 9 samples which showed meaningfully difference from first survey. The surface which scored the highest sensibility with the first survey was 'pure' on a surface of White porcelain body with Transparent glaze, and the lowest was also 'pure' on a surface of Black soil body with Transparent glaze. The highest score in the second survey was the same result as the first survey, but the lowest scored 'casual' and the surface was Black soil body with Celadon glaze. By the comparison with two survey results, not every sensibility is same result shown as the first survey and the second survey, but the tactile sensibilities such as 'artistic', 'luxurious', 'sensuous', 'romantic' and 'mysterious' can be experienced by via visual materials of ceramic surfaces.

A Study on the Artistic Techniques of the Chinese Early Cartoons -Focusing on Lian Huan Hua(連環畵) and - (중국 초기 만화 예술기법 연구 - 연환화 작품 <산향거변>과 <백모녀>를 중심으로-)

  • Lurenjing, Lurenjing
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.39
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    • pp.451-472
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    • 2015
  • Lian Huan Hua(連環畵) has occurred in the history of China Cartoon was initially developed as a unique literary style of Chinese painting and narrative combined. Also Lian Huan Hua are also tend to form once the fusion 1920s was also a very creative fashion cartoon style. This is also referred to as chain cartoon. In 1950-1960, China 's Lian Huan Hua also mature a 'golden age' legal group reaches to indicate the unique formal features developed independently. This work is a dramatic expression of Lian Huan Hua narrative, shows a more realistic representation techniques and art forms such as portraiture is a very big breakthrough was achieved artistic maturity of the work increased significantly. by He You Zhi(賀友直) and by Hau San Chuan(華三川) is a masterpiece of artistry and maturity in the period leading side. Chapter 2 looked at the origin and development of Chinese Lian Huan Hua, it was seen by the fact that China achieved new progress in Lian Huan Hua upset every time the combination of content and form, In addition, the work of 1950-1960 in the development process of China's Lian Huan Hua confirmed the fact that they won the biggest achievement in artistry and maturity surface. Therefore, Chapter 3 how 'golden age' masterpiece of and the dramatic narrative of expression by analyzing a specific angle in the multifaceted image of the , realistic portraiture, such as the acquisition of Chinese concrete artistry Lian Huan Hua I want to show. Analysis of the figures depicting nature, landscape screens. consisted of highlights and background and techniques of utilization, production methods. The purpose of this research work is to identify two conditions of great Lian Huan Hua through analysis of concrete work and painting techniques such as framing and directing the Lian Huan Hua's artistic achievements is to investigate the influence of China in the early comics. These two works are focused on a realistic view of life and put out was to create a more effective representation of information it attempts to pass a new production techniques and will have the significance. Also completed was a new style absorbed throughout the aesthetic advantages are compelling own personality writers of Eastern and Western paintings are remarkable in that its performance. But the difference in the two works represent all types and painting techniques has a the mood of common China's lives.

The Understanding for Acceptance of Kitsch and Vernacular concepts in Product Design (키치와 버내큘러 개념의 제품디자인 수용을 위한 이해)

  • Ryu, Seung-Ho;Moon, Charn
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.3 s.61
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    • pp.199-208
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    • 2005
  • This study analysis if the concepts of kitsch and vernacular remains as cultural elements for product design. Because their function and aesthetic value have vivid possibilities for general product design fields. For the purpose, this study limits its range within post modernism, kitsch, and vernacular, and analyzes their relationships. Against functionalism, post modernism had cultural pluralisms to approach into popular styles, and some of them was amusing design. That post modernism designs stimulated human beings' emotion by decorations or some symbolic forms from specific objects is similar to the symbolism, regionalism, or pluralism of kitsch or vernacular. Kitsch is a free style that is not limited in any specific trends. It is a Meta culture that has influenced into various fields including design, so kitsch does not have a parallel position with a product or design. In product design, kitsch is the behavior and result of imitating existing objects' images. It could have amusement according to which objects are imitated. So if human beings feel amusement by kitsch, it could be same as the direction of post modernism. Kitsch is determined by design atmospheres. They cannot be specified abjectly, and can be different according to people. With symbolism and regionalism, kitsch and vernacular appeared according to people's needs. While kitsch is consumer's tastes-oriented, vernacular is cultural tradition-oriented. Kitsch has symbolism that specifies products' functions or design concepts, and it is a communication method between human being and products. Because vernacular is province-oriented, it has a lot of styles according to regional living environments and cultural differences. So vernacular design reflects continued traditional lifestyles. By restorative memory, regionalism, cultural pluralism, amusement, and symbolism, kitsch and vernacular could be understood the sub or parallel concepts of post modernism. They might be easily miss-understood mixed concepts that have western and national characters. But in kitsch and vernacular concept, modernizing pas by using the pluralism of post modernism should be considered positive. So, the range of the further study is also supposed to be focused on more widened fields to, to establish cultural identification in design.

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A Study on a Quantified Structure Simulation Technique for Product Design Based on Augmented Reality (제품 디자인을 위한 증강현실 기반 정량구조 시뮬레이션 기법에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Woo-Hun
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.3 s.61
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 2005
  • Most of product designers use 3D CAD system as a inevitable design tool nowadays and many new products are developed through a concurrent engineering process. However, it is very difficult for novice designers to get the sense of reality from modeling objects shown in the computer screens. Such a intangibility problem comes from the lack of haptic interactions and contextual information about the real space because designers tend to do 3D modeling works only in a virtual space of 3D CAD system. To address this problem, this research investigate the possibility of a interactive quantified structure simulation for product design using AR(augmented reality) which can register a 3D CAD modeling object on the real space. We built a quantified structure simulation system based on AR and conducted a series of experiments to measure how accurately human perceive and adjust the size of virtual objects under varied experimental conditions in the AR environment. The experiment participants adjusted a virtual cube to a reference real cube within 1.3% relative error(5.3% relative StDev). The results gave the strong evidence that the participants can perceive the size of a virtual object very accurately. Furthermore, we found that it is easier to perceive the size of a virtual object in the condition of presenting plenty of real reference objects than few reference objects, and using LCD panel than HMD. We tried to apply the simulation system to identify preference characteristics for the appearance design of a home-service robot as a case study which explores the potential application of the system. There were significant variances in participants' preferred characteristics about robot appearance and that was supposed to come from the lack of typicality of robot image. Then, several characteristic groups were segmented by duster analysis. On the other hand, it was interesting finding that participants have significantly different preference characteristics between robot with arm and armless robot and there was a very strong correlation between the height of robot and arm length as a human body.

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The Evolution of Cyber Singer Viewed from the Coevolution of Man and Machine (인간과 기계의 공진화적 관점에서 바라본 사이버가수의 진화과정)

  • Kim, Dae-Woo
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.39
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    • pp.261-295
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    • 2015
  • Cyber singer appeared in the late 1990s has disappeared briefly appeared. although a few attempts in the 2000s, it did not show significant successes. cyber singer was born thanks to the technical development of the IT industry and the emergence of an idol training system in the music industry. It was developed by Vocaloid 'Seeyou' starting from 'Adam'. cyber singer that differenatiated typical digital characters in a cartoon or game may be subject to idolize to the music as a medium. They also feature forming a plurality of fandom. therefore, such attempts and repeated failures, this could be considered a fashion, but it flew content creation and ongoing attempts to take advantage of the new media, such as Vocaloid can see that there are expectations for a true Cyber-born singer. Early-Cyber singer is made only resemble human appearance, but 'Sciart' and 'Seeyou' has been evolving to becoming more like the human capabilities. in this paper, stylized cyber singer had disappeared in the past in the process of developing the technology to evolve into own artificial life does not end in failure cases, gradually led to a change in public perceptions of the image look looking machine was an attempt in that sense. With the direction of the evolution of the mechanical function to obtain a human, fun and human exchanges and mutual feelings. And it is equipped with an artificial life form that evolved with it only in appearance and function. in order to support this logic, I refer to the study of the coevolution of man and machine at every Bruce Mazlish. And, I have analyzed the evolution of cyber singer Bruce research from the perspective of the development process since the late 1990s, the planning of the eight singers who have appeared and design of the cyber character and important voices to be evaluated as a singer (vocal). The machine has been evolving coevolution with humans. cyber singer ambivalent development targets are recognized, but strive to become the new artificial creatures of horror idea of human desire and death continues. therefore, the new Cyber-organisms are likely to be the same style as 'Seeyou'. because, cartoon forms and whirring voice may not be in the form of a signifier is the real human desires, but this is because the contemporary public's desire to be desired and the technical development of this type can be created at the point where the cross-signifier.

Precise, Real-time Measurement of the Fresh Weight of Lettuce with Growth Stage in a Plant Factory using a Nutrient Film Technique (NFT 수경재배 방식의 식물공장에서 생육단계별 실시간 작물 생체중 정밀 측정 방법)

  • Kim, Ji-Soo;Kang, Woo Hyun;Ahn, Tae In;Shin, Jong Hwa;Son, Jung Eek
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2016
  • The measurement of total fresh weight of plants provides an essential indicator of crop growth for monitoring production. To measure fresh weight without damaging the vegetation, image-based methods have been developed, but they have limitations. In addition, the total plant fresh weight is difficult to measure directly in hydroponic cultivation systems because of the amount of nutrient solution. This study aimed to develop a real-time, precise method to measure the total fresh weight of Romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Asia Heuk Romaine) with growth stage in a plant factory using a nutrient film technique. The total weight of the channel, amount of residual nutrient solution in the channel, and fresh shoot and root weights of the plants were measured every 7 days after transplanting. The initial weight of the channel during nutrient solution supply (Wi) and its weight change per second just after the nutrient solution supply stopped were also measured. When no more draining occurred, the final weight of the channel (Ws) and the amount of residual nutrient solution in the channel were measured. The time constant (${\tau}$) was calculated by considering the transient values of Wi and Ws. The relationship of Wi, Ws, ${\tau}$, and fresh weight was quantitatively analyzed. After the nutrient solution supply stopped, the change in the channel weight exponentially decreased. The nutrient solution in the channel slowly drained as the root weight in the channel increased. Large differences were observed between the actual fresh weight of the plant and the predicted value because the channel included residual nutrient solution. These differences were difficult to predict with growth stage but a model with the time constant showed the highest accuracy. The real-time fresh weight could be calculated from Wi, Ws, and ${\tau}$ with growth stage.