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A Study on the Artistic Techniques of the Chinese Early Cartoons -Focusing on Lian Huan Hua(連環畵) and -  

Lurenjing, Lurenjing (한서대학교 만화애니메이션학과 대학원)
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Cartoon and Animation Studies / v., no., 2015 , pp. 451-472 More about this Journal
Lian Huan Hua(連環畵) has occurred in the history of China Cartoon was initially developed as a unique literary style of Chinese painting and narrative combined. Also Lian Huan Hua are also tend to form once the fusion 1920s was also a very creative fashion cartoon style. This is also referred to as chain cartoon. In 1950-1960, China 's Lian Huan Hua also mature a 'golden age' legal group reaches to indicate the unique formal features developed independently. This work is a dramatic expression of Lian Huan Hua narrative, shows a more realistic representation techniques and art forms such as portraiture is a very big breakthrough was achieved artistic maturity of the work increased significantly. by He You Zhi(賀友直) and by Hau San Chuan(華三川) is a masterpiece of artistry and maturity in the period leading side. Chapter 2 looked at the origin and development of Chinese Lian Huan Hua, it was seen by the fact that China achieved new progress in Lian Huan Hua upset every time the combination of content and form, In addition, the work of 1950-1960 in the development process of China's Lian Huan Hua confirmed the fact that they won the biggest achievement in artistry and maturity surface. Therefore, Chapter 3 how 'golden age' masterpiece of and the dramatic narrative of expression by analyzing a specific angle in the multifaceted image of the , realistic portraiture, such as the acquisition of Chinese concrete artistry Lian Huan Hua I want to show. Analysis of the figures depicting nature, landscape screens. consisted of highlights and background and techniques of utilization, production methods. The purpose of this research work is to identify two conditions of great Lian Huan Hua through analysis of concrete work and painting techniques such as framing and directing the Lian Huan Hua's artistic achievements is to investigate the influence of China in the early comics. These two works are focused on a realistic view of life and put out was to create a more effective representation of information it attempts to pass a new production techniques and will have the significance. Also completed was a new style absorbed throughout the aesthetic advantages are compelling own personality writers of Eastern and Western paintings are remarkable in that its performance. But the difference in the two works represent all types and painting techniques has a the mood of common China's lives.
Lian Huan Hua; Golden Age; Diversification;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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