• Title/Summary/Keyword: 학자

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A Study on the History of IS Development Methodology (정보시스템 개발 방법론 발달사에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Jahng, Jung-Joo;Kwon, Sun-Dong;Koh, Seok-Ha
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.211-234
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    • 2008
  • The history of information system (IS) development methodology in Korea is less than 30 years. Korea introduced the structured development methodology in the public fields in 1980s, introduced the information engineering methodology in 1990s, and accepted and developed the objected oriented development methodology and the component based development methodology in 2000s. The history of IS development methodology in Korea is shorter than that of the world. Korea's IS development methodology started 10 year later compared with the world level. But it developed rapidly in 1990s and then grew to the world level in 2000s. This paper is the first research that it investigated the history of IS development methodology in Korea. This paper will give the people of IT industry the historical insights about IS development methodology and will help make a current and future strategic plan for IS development methodology. And it will provide researchers and policy makers with the insights and research ideas of future direction of information system development.

Study of English Edutainment Animation for Preschoolers (영.유아를 위한 영어 에듀테인먼트 애니메이션 고찰)

  • Kim, Han-Jae
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.24
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    • pp.107-133
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    • 2011
  • As importance of English has been getting more important with globalization, English education for preschoolers has drawn more attention from parents who were born in 1970's and 1980's. Demands for English education are very intense mainly because parent generation has experienced importance of English through own career and they have only one or two children, resulting parents' willingness to invest more on children's education. In order to response high demands for English education, Korean public education system has introduced more intense English education curriculum for younger children and put more weights on English education even for preschoolers. Even though there are numbers of studies to support effectiveness of English education for pre-school age children, adaption of English education for them without through preparation may cause unwanted results on children's learning experience. Hence, it is imperative to develop guideline for English education targeting pre-school age children based on through studies. The purpose of this paper is to justify English education for preschoolers based on various theories for language acquisition, research effectiveness of edutainment animation for English education, and provide basic guideline to develop edutainment animation in the future. To achieve this goal, this study visits how each theory emphasizes importance of language education in preschool age children and analyzes well-known edutainment animation titles by comparing them per characteristics. Furthermore, specifically from participation-inducing animation for education, each component, such as characters, story structure, & story telling methods, has been discussed. Based on the findings from this paper, basic guidelines to develop edutainment animation are developed by suggesting teaching tools for English education for preschoolers.

A Study on Utilization of Fonts for Headline of Newspaper Advertising (신문광고 헤드라인 서체 활용사례 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Kook;Won, Jong-Youn
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.5 s.67
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2006
  • The advertisement is an informative product in which a company or an organization has made a substantial capital investment in order to achieve their goals based on their carefully thought-out plans. David Ogilvy maintaned that making a headline of an advertisement is worth 80 percent completion of the advertisement. As he insisted, a headline is also the most important element in the printing advertisement. Therefore, the importance of selecting headline's font style is increased because, while creating a headline, it is necessary to consider the emotional aspects of the advertising object that attract the attention of people. Many researchers call 'typography' as 'frozen sound' or 'written sound' because typography not only works as a letter but also provide people with an emotional pleasure. An appropriate selection of headline's font style in the advertisement production makes both the client and the audience for the advertisement satisfied because it reduces the communication risk and makes design results more reasonable. It is difficult to find many decision-making methods for selecting headline's font style. Therefore, the author of this paper investigated the trend of the use of headline's font style in order to help the designer understand headline's font style as one of design factors. As a result of the research, it is possible to conclude that, while selecting the headline's font style, the attributes of a font consist of limited style, and more objective and systematic font selection methods are necessary.

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Comparing Elements of Inquiry in Field Geology by Learner Groups: Focusing on Cases of Geologic Fieldwork Education (교육 대상에 따른 야외 지질학 탐구 요소 특성 비교 : 지질 답사 교육 사례를 중심으로)

  • Jung, Chan-Mi;Shin, Dong-hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.235-253
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to compare by learner groups(K-12, geology-related majoring students, science teachers) how geologic fieldwork education cases in domestic and foreign papers for recent 20 years reflect the elements of inquiry in field geology. The total number of analyzed cases is 53(58 for double counting), and the analysis was conducted on the elements of inquiry in field geology and their sub-element. As a result, there was a clear difference between the cases of geologic fieldwork education for K-12 and college students majoring in geology-related disciplines, in the way of reflecting elements of inquiry in field geology. Because most of K-12 target fieldworks were designed based on the curriculum, it mainly included 2-3 elements of observations, representations, and/or abductive reasoning. On the other hand, because fieldworks for geology-related major students aim to train geologic experts, it diversely contained four or five of the elements of inquiry in field geology, including spatial thinking and diachronic thinking in a high proportion, and also frequently used activities that require specialized skills such as geological mapping. Fieldworks for science teachers were found to have mixed features of K-12 and geology-related major students. Considering the diversity of included inquiry elements, similarities with the activities performed by geologists, and the autonomy of learners, it was analyzed that geologic fieldwork for geology-related major students was more close to authentic geologic inquiry than fieldwork for others. Based on the results of this study, we suggested implications for improving geological fieldwork as authentic science inquiry.

A Study on Activistic Construction of Number Concept in the Children at the Beginning of School Age (학령 초의 활동주의적 수 개념 구성에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Jung-Hwa
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.309-331
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    • 2007
  • Mathematics education starts from learning the concept of number. How the children at the beginning of school age learn the concept of natural number is therefore important for their future mathematics education. Since ancient Greek period, the concept of natural number has reflected various mathematical-philosophical points of view at each period and has been discussed ceaselessly. The concept of natural number is hard to define. Since 19th century, it has also been widely discussed in psychology and education on how to teach the concept of natural number to the children at the beginning of school age. Most of the works, however, were focused on limited aspects of natural number concept. This study aims to show the best way to teach the children at the beginning of school age the various aspects of natural number concept based on activistic perspective, which played a crucial role in modern mathematics education. With this purpose, I investigated the theory of the activistic construction of knowledge and the construction of natural number concept through activity, and activistic approaches about instruction in natural number concept made by Kant, Dewey, Piaget, Davydov and Freudenthal. In addition, I also discussed various aspects of natural number concept in historical and mathematical-philosophical points of view. Based on this investigation, I tried to find out existing problems in instructing natural number to primary school children in the 7th National Curriculum and aimed to provide a new solution to improve present problems based on activistic approaches. And based on activistic perspective, I conducted an experiment using Cuisenaire colour rods and showed that even the children at the beginning of school age can acquire the various aspects of natural number concept efficiently. To sum up, in this thesis, I analyzed epistemological background on activistic construction of natural number concept and presented activistic approach method to teach various aspects of natural number concept to the children at the beginning of school age based on activism.

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A Study on the Books Engraved under the Auspices of Yu Heui-Chun (유희춘이 판각을 주도한 서적에 관한 연구)

  • 배현숙
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.277-295
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this paper is to identify woodblocks which were engraved in the providences in the mid Chosun dynasty, especially ones engraved under the auspices of Yu Heui-chun(柳希春), but not listed in $\boxDr$Kosachwalyo 攷事撮要$\boxUl$. This could be done by the analyzing $\boxDr$The Diary of Miam 眉巖日記$\boxUl$ written by Yu Heui-chun. It is a book which recorded daily life of eminent scholar and official covering political, social and cultural aspects, books and family matters. There were two categories of books published under the auspices of Yu Heui-chun. One is the books written by his grandfather in law, Choi Bu(崔溥), which were $\boxDr$Keumnamjip 錦南集$\boxUl$ collective works of Choi Bu, and $\boxDr$Pyohaerog 漂海錄$\boxUl$, essays on travelling across China. The other is the books for children, $\boxDr$Sinjeung Yuhap 新增類合$\boxUl$ for teaching characters and $\boxDr$Sog Mong-gu 續蒙求$\boxUl$ for moral education. These woodblocks have to enlisted in the woodblock catalogs. The analysis shows that most of these woodblocks by Yu Heui-chun were not recorded in either of two $\boxDr$Kosachwalyo 攷事撮要$\boxUl$ editions published in 1575 and 1585. In this respect, $\boxDr$The Diary of Miam$\boxUl$ proved itself to be of great significance in terms of bibliography studies.

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Collaboration Networks and Document Networks in Informetrics Research from 2001 to 2011: Finding Influential Nations, Institutions, Documents (계량정보학분야의 협력연구 네트워크 및 문헌네트워크 분석 : 국가, 기관, 문헌단위 분석)

  • Lee, Jae Yun;Choi, Sanghee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.179-191
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    • 2013
  • Since information scientists have begun trying to quantify significant research trends in scientific publications, '-metrics' research such as 'bibliometrics', 'scientometrics', 'informetrics', 'webometrics', and 'citation analysis' have been identified as crucial areas of information science. To illustrate the dynamic research activities in these areas, this study investigated the major contributors of '-metrics' research for the last decade at three levels: nations, institutions, and documents. '-metrics' literature of this study was obtained from the Science Citation Index for the years 2001-2011. In this analysis, we used Pathfinder network, PNNC algorithm, PageRank and several indicators based on h-index. In terms of international collaborations, USA and England were identified as major countries. At the institutional level, Katholieke University, Leuven and the University of Amsterdam in Europe and Indiana University and the Office of Naval Research in the USA have led co-research projects in informetrics areas. At the document level, Hirsch's h-index paper and Ingwersen's web impact factor paper were identified as the most influential work by two methods: PageRank and single paper h-index.

Children as psychologists: The development of folk psychology (심리학자로서의 아동: 심리지식의 발달)

  • Ghim Hei-Rhee
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.29-52
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out to examine whether children had the naive psychological knowledge that the mental states ate requited to understand the intentional actions, whether their psychological knowledge was organized as a theory, and in what aspects the knowledge changed as children get older. Three- to 11-year-olds were presented with two types of tasks. In action explanation tasks, children were presented with simple descriptions of two characters engaging in specific actions and then asked to explain the characters' action. In action prediction tasks, they were told stories depicting a character's desire and belief and then asked to predict the action of the character. Three-year-olds explained the action in terms of abstract construct such as emotion, intention, and desire, and they predicted the character's action on the basis of her/his desire and explicit belief but not on the basis of inferred false belief and traits. In addition when they were asked to explain one mental state, they explained in terms of other mental states, suggesting the coherence of their knowledge. The present results suggested that even 3-year-olds' psychological knowledge was organized as a theory, in that it was used as a causal device in explaining and predicting human actions, and it had abstractness and coherence. Older children's knowledge was different from 3-year-olds' in that older children explained the action in terms of more complicated mental states such as beliefs and traits. The nature of the developmental change in psychological knowledge was discussed.

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International technology cooperation of EU -FP and EUREKA- (EU의 FP과 EUREKA 국제기술협력에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Suk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.736-745
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    • 2011
  • The economy of the EU left behind the US economy in many aspects and the gap is widening. One major reason that promoted the EU's leading position, is the ability to continuously advancing industrial technology and it's high level of competitiveness. The role as a powerhouse of technological development is nurtured by a systematic attempt of the EU commission to stimulate international cooperation. Although the EU is focussing its efforts on international cooperation between EU-member states, nonmembers, namely Korea, can profit from this policy as well and generate win-win situations for both cooperating partners. Despite the enormous benefits for the Korean economy that would result from close ties with the EU in terms of technological cooperation, academic research in this area is very sparse. The main focus of the Korean academic community has been on the US and Japan so far; the cooperation between Korea and the EU was rather ignored. The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the potential of technological cooperation between Korea and the EU. After an introduction, chapter 2 explains the technology and innovation policy of the EU. Chapter 3 introduces the Framework Program for Research and Technological Development of the EU. Chapter 4 focuses on small and middle sized businesses and examines EUREKA, the EU’s effort to coordinate pan-european research cooperation.

An Algorithm for Spot Addressing in Microarray using Regular Grid Structure Searching (균일 격자 구조 탐색을 이용한 마이크로어레이 반점 주소 결정 알고리즘)

  • 진희정;조환규
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.31 no.9
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    • pp.514-526
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    • 2004
  • Microarray is a new technique for gene expression experiment, which has gained biologist's attention for recent years. This technology enables us to obtain hundreds and thousands of expression of gene or genotype at once using microarray Since it requires manual work to analyze patterns of gene expression, we want to develop an effective and automated tools to analyze microarray image. However it is difficult to analyze DNA chip images automatically due to several problems such as the variation of spot position, the irregularity of spot shape and size, and sample contamination. Especially, one of the most difficult problems in microarray analysis is the block and spot addressing, which is performed by manual or semi automated work in all the commercial tools. In this paper we propose a new algorithm to address the position of spot and block using a new concept of regular structure grid searching. In our algorithm, first we construct maximal I-regular sequences from the set of input points. Secondly we calculate the rotational angle and unit distance. Finally, we construct I-regularity graph by allowing pseudo points and then we compute the spot/block address using this graph. Experiment results showed that our algorithm is highly robust and reliable. Supplement information is available on http://jade.cs.pusan.ac.kr/~autogrid.