• Title/Summary/Keyword: 학습 효능감

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  • Lee, Soo-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.12-25
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    • 2003
  • Objectives:As increasing number of new antidepressants have been being introduced in clinical practice, pharmacological understanding has been broadened. These changes mandate new information and theories to be incorporated into the treatment process of children with depressive disorders. In light of newly coming knowledge, this review intended to recapitulate the characteristics of new antidepressants and to consider the pivotal issues to develope guidelines for the treatment of depression in childhood and adolescence. Methods:Searching the Pub-Med online database for the articles with the key words of 'new', 'antidepressants' and 'children' ninety-seven headings of review articles were obtained. The author selected the articles of pertinent subjects in terms of either treatment guideline or psychopharmacology of new antidepressants. When required, articles about the clinical effectiveness of individual antidepressants were separatedly searched. In addition, the safety information of new antidepressants was acquired by browsing the official sites of the United States Food and Drugs Administration and Department of Health and Human Services. Results:1) For the clinical course, treatment phase, and treatment outcome, the reviews or treatment guidelines adopted the information from adult treatment guidelines. 2) Systematic and critical reviews unambiguously concluded that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors(SSRIs) excelled tricyclic antidepressants( TCAs) for both efficacy and side effect profiles, and were recommend for the first-line choice for the treatment of children with depressive disorders. 3) New antidepressants generally lacked treatment experiences and randomized controlled clinical trials. 4) SSRIs and other new antidepressants, when used together, might result in pharmacokinetic and/or pharmacodynamic drug-to-drug interaction. 5) The difference of the clinical effectiveness of antidepressants between children and adults should be addressed from developmental aspects, which required further evidence. Conclusion:Treatment guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of childhood and adolescence depression could be constructed on the basis of clinical trial findings and practical experiences. Treatment guidelines are to best serve as the frame of reference for a clinician to make reasonable decisions for a particular therapeutic situation. In order to fulfill this role, guidelines should be updated as soon as new research data become available.

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Evaluating the Strategic Reaction of Labor Union Movement toward Labor Reforms: The Two National Centers' Reaction toward Park, Guen-Hye Government's Labor Market Restructuring (노동개혁국면에 있어 노조운동의 대응전략에 관한 평가: 박근혜정부의 노동시장 구조개혁에 대한 양노총의 대응을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Byoung-Hoon
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2016
  • This study evaluates the strategic capacity of Korean labor union movement by examining policy alternatives and strategic steps that the Federation of Korean Trade Unions and the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions have shown in response to Park Geun-Hye government's labor market structuring policies. While the government-led labor reform was carried out as intended, organized labor has not simply failed to achieve progressive labor reforms to enhance employment security, but also to exert their strategic capacity effectively for preventing Park's labor market flexibilization policies. The two national centers have not been able to exert their strategic capacity (such as intermediating, framing, articulating, learning) for mobilizing the resources of internal solidarity, network embeddedness, narrative discourse, and organizational infrastructure. In particular, the formation and diffusion of public discourse is a significant part of strategic capacity of labor unions dealing with the labor politics of labor market restructuring, since organized labor, which is under the unfavorable constraints of limited movement resources and power imbalance with the business circle, needs to mobilize massive support and participation from union members and civil society organizations. In this light, it becomes of more importance for labor union movement to exert their strategic capacity toward internal solidarity and network embeddedness in the stage of labor market reforms. Under the recent stage of labor reforms, however, the labor unions has not harnessed their movement resources effectively, but undertaken their protest in a traditional manner, thereby losing its public efficacy from inside and outside. Moreover, it is necessary to build and activate the network of organic solidarity among organized labor, civil society organizations and progressive political parties, in order to cope with the pro-business coalition of power elites for accomplishing pro-labor reforms.

Development of A Parent Education Program to Improve Anger Control Ability of Parents of Elementary School Children (초등학생 부모의 분노조절능력 향상을 위한 부모교육 프로그램 개발)

  • Lee, Jae-Taek
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.668-685
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    • 2016
  • When the parents are unable to control anger properly, it can have a negative effect on their children. Therefore, parents need anger control ability very much. The purpose of this study is to develop a parent education program to improve anger control ability of parents of elementary school children so that it could help them to perform their parental role. The development of the program followed the procedure of analysis, design, development, execution, and assesment. In the analysis stage, previous studies were examined to explore in depth the ways to improve anger control ability. In the design stage, the goals were confirmed and learning objective for each session was defined, and according to this, the contents of education were selected. In the development stage, 8 sessions of education activities were formulated with 2 hours for each session and experts were consulted to examine the validity of the contents. In the execution stage, the operating method was proposed and the program was applied with a total of 8 sessions, 1 session for a week. In the final assessment stage, the effect of the program was assessed. Assessment of the program was carried out by both quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative method was verified by pre-and-post comparison, and analyzed by Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. For the qualitative method, questionnaire and interview were used. After the program was implemented, the pre-and-post comparison was carried out. The result shows there was significant improvement in both anger control ability of parents and parenting efficacy. Also, participants reported the program was very helpful for increasing parenting skills in many aspects. Lastly, the researcher of this study proposed the direction for further development of the program.

Factors Affecting Mental Health and Behavioral Problems in High School Students: Based on a Social Cognitive Career Theory (고등학생의 정신건강 및 문제행동에 영향을 미치는 요인: 사회인지진로이론에 근거하여)

  • Son, Hae Kyoung;Lee, Hyejung;Kim, Miyoung
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.314-321
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to identify factors affecting mental health and behavioral problems among high school students through the lens of a Social Cognitive Career Theory. Methods: A descriptive study was carried out with 384 high school students in Seoul, Korea. A self-administrative questionnaire was used. It consisted of items on person background variables, career-related variables including career barriers, learning experiences, self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and career indecision, and mental health and behavioral problems. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were performed using the SPSS 21.0 program. Results: The results showed that perceived stress (t=5.12, p<.001), perceived health status (t=-4.08, p=.002), and school record (t=5.46, p<.001) were statistically significant variables. Also, career barriers (t=10.57, p<.001) was a significant factor influencing mental health and behavioral problems. Conclusion: These findings indicate that among career-related variables, career barrier needs to be considered for preventive and therapeutic approach to mental health and behavioral problems in adolescents. Furthermore, the results suggest that career-related stress level should be assessed in high school students on a regular basis.

Self-archiving Motivations across Academic Disciplines on an Academic Social Networking Service (학술 소셜 네트워킹 서비스에서의 학문 분야별 연구자의 셀프 아카이빙 동기 분석)

  • Lee, Jongwook;Oh, Sanghee;Dong, Hang
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.313-332
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to compare motivations for self-archiving across disciplines on an academic social networking site. We carried out an online survey with ResearchGate(RG) users, testing 18 motivational factors that we developed from a previous study (enjoyment, personal/professional gain, reputation, learning, self-efficacy, altruism, reciprocity, trust, community interest, social engagement, publicity, accessibility, self-archiving culture, influence of external actors, credibility, system stability, copyright concerns, additional time, and effort). We adapted Biglan's classification system of academic disciplines and compared motivations across different categories of discipline. First, we compared motivations across the four combined categories by the two dimensions - hard-pure, hard-applied, soft-pure, and soft-applied. We also performed a motivation comparison across each dimension between soft and hard disciplines and between pure and applied disciplines. We examined investigated statistical differences in motivations by demographic characteristics and RG usage of participants across categories as well. Findings showed that there were differences of motivations, such as enjoyment, accessibility, influence of external actors and additional time and effort, and personal/professional gains, for self-archiving across disciplines. For example, RG users in the hard-applied were more highly motivated by enjoyment than others; RG users in the soft-pure were more highly motivated by personal/professional gains than others. It is expected that findings could be used to develop strategies encouraging researchers in various disciplines contributing to share their data and publications in ASNSs.

A Study on the Development and Validation of Digital Literacy Measurement for Middle School Students

  • Hee Chul Kim;Ji Young Lim;Iljun Park;Myoeun Kim
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.9
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    • pp.177-188
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to develop and validate a scale for measuring digital literacy by identifying the factors consisting of digital literacy and extracting items for each factor. Preliminary items for the Delphi study were developed through the analysis of previous literature and the deliberation of the research team. As a result of two rounds of the expert Delphi study, 65 items were selected for the main survey. The validation of the items was carried out in the process of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, reliability test, and criterion validity test using the data collected in the main survey. As a result, a 4-factor structure composed of 31 questions(factor 1: digital technology & data literacy- 9 questions, factor 2: digital content & media literacy- 8 questions, factor 3: digital communication & community literacy- 9 questions, factor 4: digital wellness literacy - 5 questions) was confirmed. Also, the goodness of fit indices of the model were found to be good and the result of reliability test revealed the scale had a very appropriate level of Cronbach's alpha(α=.956). In addition, a statistically significantly positive correlations(p<.001) were found between digital literacy and internet self-efficacy and between digital literacy and self-directed learning ability, which were predicted in the existing evidence, therefore the criterion validity of the developed scale was secured. Finally, practical and academic implications of the study are provided and future study and limitations of the study are discussed.

Development and Evaluation of Family Life Culture Education Program in Preparation for the Reunification of Korea aimed at Pre-Service Home Economics Teachers (예비 가정과교사를 위한 통일대비 가정생활문화교육 프로그램의 개발과 평가)

  • Lee, Yoon-Jung;Kim, Yookyung;Song, Jieun;An, Soon-Hee;Lee, Yonsuk;Lee, Yhe-Young;Lee, Hana;Lim, Jung Ha;Chung, Soon Hwa;Jung, Min-Young;Han, Youngsun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.125-143
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    • 2017
  • This program aimed at preparing the pre-service teachers to teach about North Korean family life culture to secondary school students, by promoting the understanding and acceptance of cultural differences between the two Koreas. Based on the literature review, the educational contents were developed to reflect general aspects of North Korean family life. The program was implemented with 35 undergraduate students in a home economics teacher education program. The program consists of 15 units of 150-minute instructional sessions. The first three introductory sessions dealt with the definitions of family life culture and multiculturalism, as well as a historical review of South-North relationship. The following nine sessions were devoted to North Korean family life culture in five different domains: consumption and leisure, family and child-caring, food and dietary life, housing and neighborhood life, and clothing/fashion. During the final two weeks, pre-service teachers conducted mock-teaching. For evaluation, pre- and post-session scores on general teaching efficacy and understanding of cultural differences were compared using paired t-tests. The pre-/post-test results confirmed that the program was successful in promoting the understanding and acceptance of cultural differences between two Koreas of pre-service teachers.

A Study on Ecological Variables that Affect Runaway Youths at Risk in Preparation for a Independent Life - Centering on Youths at Shelters (가출위기청소년의 자립생활 준비에 영향을 미치는 생태 체계적 변인연구 - 쉼터 청소년을 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Soo-Saing;Byun, Sang-Hae
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.195-205
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    • 2012
  • This study examines runaway youths at risk in a youths' shelter who are preparing for an independent life and both the facilitating and adverse factors to personal characteristics and independence of runaway youths at risk with the aim to grasp their recognition of independence and level of desire for it and find out necessary factors for a successful independence in multidimensional perspectives including the economic independence, educational independence, psychological independence, and social independence for their sound growth. This will provide the basis for desirable interventions for youths runaway youths at risk to prepare for an independent life. The findings of this study on the factors that affect the preparation for an independent life are as follows: First, as a result of analyzing the effect of micro-systematic factors on the preparation for an independent life, it turned out that problem-solving abilities and self-efficacy had influence on the preparation for a career Second, as a result of analyzing the effect of mesoscopic-systematic variables on the preparation for an independent life, it turned out that the preparation for a career were affected by whether to participate in independence preparation programs and institutional supports, and that career maturity of runaway youths at risk were affected only by the relationship with teachers and participation in independence preparation programs. Third, as a result of analyzing the effect of macro systematic variables on the preparation for an independent life, it turned out that the preparation for a career were affected by participation of the local community and service network, and that participation of the local community was an predictor variable that would affect a career maturity of runaway youths at risk. Fourth, as a result of analyzing ecological systematic variables that might affect the preparation for a career, it turned out that intervening variables and macro systematic variables had the most powerful influence on the preparation for a career among runaway youths at risk. It is necessary, therefore, to provide education programs organized by policies in order to develop problem-solving abilities and vocational capabilities so that runaway youths at risk, and to train and appoint more professional teachers at shelters. Programs for independence preparation need to be developed actively and practically in consideration of the characteristics of shelters, and the network with the local community for support also need to be established in utilization of the human resources and service programs of the community. With the understanding of leaving home of runaway youths at risk as the previous stage of an independence, there should be a housing support for their stable settlement in the perspective of housing welfare until become adults. In addition, there should be education specialized programs for occupation and careers to train runaway youths at risk as professionals including such areas as health, mentality, learning, and voluntary work for their sound growth.

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A survey of the Necessity and Perceptions of Character Education of Health Science and Non-health Science University Students (일개 보건계열 및 비보건계열 학생들의 인성교육에 대한 필요성 및 인식도 조사)

  • Choi, Yong-Keum;Oh, Tae-Jin;Lee, Hyun;Lim, Kun-Ok;Hong, Ji-Heon;Kim, Eun-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.344-351
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to obtain the basic data for developing more advanced courses on character education by surveying and analyzing the perception and demands of character education of university students and further, to provide useful information for creating institutional protocol on character education. The study was conducted from April 2018 to May 2018 on students attending the departments of non-health science and health science university students. A total of 206 students participated in this study, and all the students in the non-health science and health science departments were found to be highly aware of the need for character education, its importance and the possibility of personality development through learning. Students from all the departments showed high levels on average in terms of self-understanding according to their personality abilities, and especially their high levels of 'consideration' and 'responsibility'. For the differences in perception of self-efficacy, the lowest level of recognition was for 'will' and the average values were not high. In their response to personality level, all students answered that their personality was 'high' (42.1%), and that the personality education courses at the schools they are currently attending were 'not satisfied' with both the non-health science and health science students. As a result, there were higher results overall for the health science students than that for the non-health science students, but there were not many significant differences. To this end, education institutes will have to prepare conditions for university students to cultivate their expertise in character, while at the same time helping them grow into human beings with the qualities demanded by society. In addition, the government should establish curriculums and content by accurately identifying the needs of character education and devising concrete measures for their implementation, and by more faithfully considering quantitative and qualitative context types for the content base of character education.

Trends in Pre-service Science Teacher Education Research in Korea (우리나라 예비 과학교사 교육 연구의 동향)

  • Lee, Gyeong-Geon;An, Taesoo;Mun, Seonyeong;Hong, Hun-Gi
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.127-147
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    • 2022
  • Pre-service science teacher education is important to elaborate the quality of science teaching and learning in schools. Therefore, many pre-service science teacher education researches have been done in Korea. However, almost no research has comprehensively reviewed those literatures including secondary teacher education context. This study reviewed 410 pre-service science teacher education researches in Korea, from 1995 to 2021 published by 17 journals in KCI. The trends were analyzed with respect to the number of article according to period, keyword frequency, and qualitative features. The qualitative features were coded in multiple aspects of pre-service teachers' type, major, subject-matter in research context, research approach, data type, and the number of participants. The results indicate that the number of research articles has increased by about 40 for every 5-year period. JKASE has published most articles, and the diversity of journals has increased since 2010. Keyword frequency revealed that scientific concepts, science teaching efficacy, nature of science, and other teaching and learning contexts were emphasized. In qualitative features, the most frequent pre-service type was secondary in 'general' science context. For research topic, 'pre-service teacher education program' and 'perception and cognitive domain' were the most frequent. Most of the articles have 'analyzed' the phenomena or consequence of educational issue. Most research was conducted with 11 to 30 participants. These patterns of qualitative features have differed according to period, and types of pre-service teacher. Suggestions for the future pre-service science teacher education research topic were explored, such as policy-administrative research, integrated science teacher education, teacher agency, and environmental education.