• Title/Summary/Keyword: 학생과 학생 간의 연결

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Effects of Collaborative Argumentation and Self-Explanation on Text Comprehension in a Concept Mapping Context (텍스트이해를 위한 개념도사용의 효과적 활용전략:협력적 논쟁과 자기설명의 상호작용 효과)

  • Kim, Jong Baeg
    • (The) Korean Journal of Educational Psychology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.461-478
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    • 2008
  • This study attempted to test whether or not students' collaborative argumentation and explanation activity while using concept mapping did improve understanding on texts. Total of 52 college students participated in this study. They were randomly assigned to one of four experimental conditions. The experiment lasted for two or three weeks and students were tested on comprehension level of a text material that they have studied over the period. As a result, with two independent factors of explanation and collaboration, there was a significant interaction effect without main effects. That is, individual did better when they did have to explain what they were doing. However, this is not the case when students collaborate. Students in the paired condition, they did better when they do not have to explain what they were doing with concept maps. This study showed efficiency with using computerized software does not always guarantee higher understanding on text materials. Instructional contexts and variables, collaboration and explanation, needs to be considered. Collaborating with others and explaining their own learning processes should be carefully designed when they are combined with concept mapping contexts. How to minimize learning obstacles from discussing ideas with others are a critical issue for future research.

Using a Learning Progression to Characterize Korean Secondary Students' Knowledge and Submicroscopic Representations of the Particle Nature of Matter (Learning Progression을 적용한 중·고등학생의 '물질의 입자성'에 관한 지식과 미시적 표상에 대한 특성 분석)

  • Shin, Namsoo;Koh, Eun Jung;Choi, Chui Im;Jeong, Dae Hong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.437-447
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    • 2014
  • Learning progressions (LP), which describe how students may develop more sophisticated understanding over a defined period of time, can inform the design of instructional materials and assessment by providing a coherent, systematic measure of what can be regarded as "level appropriate." We developed LPs for the nature of matter for grades K-16. In order to empirically test Korean students, we revised one of the constructs and associated assessment items based on Korean National Science Standards. The assessment was administered to 124 Korean secondary students to measure their knowledge and submicroscopic representations, and to assign them to a level of learning progression for the particle nature of matter. We characterized the level of students' understanding and models of the particle nature of matter, and described how students interpret various representations of atoms and molecules to explain scientific phenomena. The results revealed that students have difficulties in understanding the relationship between the macroscopic and molecular levels of phenomena, even in high school science. Their difficulties may be attributed to a limited understanding of scientific modeling, a lack of understanding of the models used to represent the particle nature of matter, or limited understanding of the structure of matter. This work will inform assessment and curriculum materials development related to the fundamental relationship between macroscopic, observed phenomena and the behavior of atoms and molecules, and can be used to create individualized learning environments. In addition, the results contribute to scientific research literature on learning progressions on the nature of matter.

Spatial Ability, Its Relationship to Mathematics Achievement, and Strategic Choices for Spatial Tasks Among Engineering Freshmen, and Gender Differences (공과대학 신입생들의 공간 시각화 능력의 수학 성취도와의 관계와 문제해결 전략 및 성별 차이에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yon Mi
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.149-171
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    • 2017
  • In this research, based on the fact that spatial ability is important for the achievement in the STEM fields, and technological innovation, Purdue Spatial Visualization Test-Rotation has been used to investigate engineering freshmen's spatial ability and gender differences. Students who have taken advanced mathematics courses in high school(those who have taken type B math test in Korean SAT test) and students with general math courses(those who have taken type A in Korean SAT-Math test) are included in this study to find out the relationship between mathematics achievement and spatial ability. Finding out the strategies taken by students was another aim of this study. This strategic differences between high achievers and lower achievers, male and female students were analyzed from students' self report. Spatial ability test score was highest in the SAT-Math type B male students, decreased in the order of type A male students, type B female students, and lastly type A female students. There was no substantial difference between second and third groups. In each group, male students' average score was 8~10% higher than female students, which affirms 2015's results. The correlation between spatial ability and mathematics achievement was negligible in each group, but male students' math score and spatial ability score were higher than that of female students. This can be interpreted that there is some correlation between these two. Strategic choices can vary in the continuous spectrum with analytic method and holistic method at both ends. From students' self report, using Mann-Witney test, it turned out that there exists strategic differences between male and female students. Male students have a tendency to use holistic strategy more often than female students. I also found that the strategy choice did not vary greatly among all score groups. For the perfect score groups, both female and male students used holistic strategy most frequently. For low achieving groups, there is an evidence that these students overuse one method compared to average or high achieving groups, which turned out to be less effective. Based on these, I suggest that low achieving students need to have more chances to adopt efficient strategies and to practice challenging problems to improve their spatial abilities.

A Study on the Lay-out Type of Faculty Space in Library (초등학교 학교도서관 기능 공간의 배치유형에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Dong-Jun;Lee, Sang-Ho;Lim, Che-Zin
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.165-179
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    • 2009
  • The primary school library make high using convenience of teachers and students and support work of teachers efficiently because of transmission education and information fundamentally. Generally, the main purpose of space composition is economic Lay-out of space and furniture to connect faculty of between space and space. Therefore, to convenient for users and high effect of education, Lay-out of space and furniture, we survey and analyze Lay-out type of faculty space in primary school library. To this aspects, the purpose of this study is to understand state and analyze the occupancy character of space for students that user of primary school library then when we plan primary school library, accomplish more efficient space plan that specialization, pluralistic, individuality of primary school library and cope with environment of education and change of society actively.

An Analysis of Improvement and Compilation Issues of Mathematics Textbooks for Elementary Schools: Focusing on the 2015 Revised Elementary School Mathematics Textbook Government Published (초등학교 수학 교과서 개선과 편찬 상의 이슈 분석: 2015 개정 초등학교 수학 국정 교과용 도서를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hwa Young
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.411-431
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, implications for future curriculum compilation were sought by analyzing the process and results of compiling books for elementary school mathematics textbooks government published according to the 2015 revised curriculum. The 2015 revised elementary mathematics textbooks government published was operated with a systematic compilation system so that academia and school field experts across the country could demonstrate their expertise. As improvements in content, the unit and time to strengthen basic computational skills were increased, and the mathematical concept and principle introduction method and algorithm presentation method were improved, and the internal connection between contents was strengthened. The learning period was adjusted, such as moving and arranging contents that are difficult for students to understand to the upper semester or the upper grade. In the 1st and 2nd graders, the amount of reading was drastically reduced to suit the students' level of Korean, and sentences and vocabulary were improved, and instructions were briefly revised. As for editing and design improvements, illustrations of each unit's introduction and contextual pictures were presented in detail, and the characters in the textbook were consistently presented across all grades, giving children characters a role to actively participate in learning in the textbook. In the process of compiling, the media, the National Assembly, and civic groups raised opinions that sentences and vocabulary in first-year textbooks are more difficult than students' level of Hangeul education, that reducing textbooks makes it difficult for students to understand. Accordingly, efforts to improve textbook compilation and the results were viewed. Through the overall analysis as above, for future compilation of state-authored textbooks and certified textbooks, a plan to improve textbook compilation for students and teachers and a plan to operate compilation was proposed.

A Study on the Educational Methods of Self-Narrative Writing for University Students (대학생 자기 서사 글쓰기의 교육 방안 연구)

  • Hyun-ju Kim;Young-ha Yang
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.357-366
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    • 2023
  • In the purpose of this study, the college textbooks of self-narrative writing and examples of classroom practice are analyzed to find a way to educate it. The self- narrative writing subject with a learning of recognization, expression, and communication with oneself, emphasizes the necessity when they become college students through entrance exam-oriented education. The research methods are as follows. Firstly, three university textbooks which include a section on self-narrative writing were compared and analyzed. The analysis highlights the needs for a textbook covering self-narrative writing more extensively and comprehensively as what is offered by the existing textbooks is limited in facilitating students to fully develop the ability of self-reflection, which should be dealt as a long-term goal. Secondly, the current discussion on self-narrative writing and examples of real classroom practice were analyzed. It shows that a step-by-step approach is required to encourage the practice of deep self-reflection to be incorporated into writing. In addition, during the writing process, various correction and feedback activities should be carried out on a macro level and gradually while the communication and feedback should take place not only between a teacher and students, but also among students. As a result, it is expected that this study will help establish a teaching model of self-narrative writing by seeking complementary points and educational directions for self-narrative writing.

Reciprocal Peer Review and Revision in Writing (동료 간 상호리뷰와 글 수정행동)

  • Jeong, Hei-Sawn;Cho, Kwang-Su;Lee, Nam-Seok;Han, In-Sook;Lee, Jeong-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.47-71
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    • 2012
  • This study examined how students revised their writing after reciprocal peer review and how their revision activities were influenced by the review. Undergraduates in physics class wrote a laboratory reports, exchanged comments with peers, and revised their reports afterward based on the comments they received from their peers. The comparison between the original and the revised drafts showed that students were mainly concerned with micro-meaning revisions, focusing on making changes on individual words, clauses, and sentences. Revisions that dealt with macro-meaning of the texts were not as frequent. Giving and receiving comments influenced later revision activities. Receiving comments on micro-meaning of the texts led to a significant increase in both micro- and macro-meaning revisions. Receiving comments on macro-meaning of the texts, however, did not prompt relevant revision activities. Even when students engaged in macro revision, it was negatively related to writing performance gains in one subgroup, suggesting that even after peers point out macro-problems in their writing, students are not competent to solve the problems yet. The results of the study suggest that more efforts are needed to help them to understand and manipulate the macro-meaning structure of the texts.

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A Design and Implementation of Web-based Reading Education System (웹기반 독서교육 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • 황미숙;장민석
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.791-794
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    • 2003
  • Today, knowledge increase explosively on a rapid growth of information technology due to computer and network. We got knowledge from a library before, but from internet substitute for a library now. In Web-based Reading System, it needs the interactional communication between students. This paper proposes Design and Implementation for Web-based Reading System, it is possible to integrate.

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Prospect of u-Learning based on consilience communication aspect between humans and media (인간과 매체 간 통섭적 커뮤니케이션 관점에 근거한 유러닝의 전망)

  • Moon, Chang-Bae;Park, Jung-Hwan;Cho, Jung-won;Ma, Ji-Sun;Kang, Young-Sik
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2010.11b
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    • pp.700-703
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    • 2010
  • 통합학문을 구성해야 한다는 시대적 요구가 점차 많아지고 있다. 이러한 요구는 둘 이상의 학문이 융합하여 시너지의 효과를 발생하거나 창의적인 문제해결 혹은 그 이상의 새로운 결과물을 창출하는 목적을 가지고 있다. 이는 궁극적으로 합침을 통하여 전혀 다른 새로운 것을 지향하는 통섭을 목적으로 하고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 교수 학습은 교수자와 학습자의 커뮤니케이션 과정이며 교사와 학생간의 원활한 커뮤니케이션이 이루어지지 않고는 교육의 본질적 목표를 달성하기 어렵다. 교수 학습의 연결은 커뮤니케이션이며, 이를 효율적으로 실행 가능하게 해 주는 것이 매체라 할 수 있다. 교수자와 학습자의 관계를 이어주는 커뮤니케이션, 매체와 인간이 하나로 통섭되는 매체의 인간화, 매체를 통한 커뮤니케이션의 확장을 통하여 사용자와 매체, 사용자와 사용자, 매체와 매체의 상호작용이 이루어지게 된다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 측면에서 인간 매체 간 통섭적 커뮤니케이션에 근거한 유러닝을 전망해 봄으로써 학습자 중심의 교육을 실현하는 관점을 제시하고자 한다.

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A study of DISC Behaviour Patterns on the satisfaction difference of Comic-Animation Department students : Focusing on satisfaction in the major and satisfaction of the university life (DISC 행동유형에 따른 만화애니메이션학과 대학생들의 만족도 차이 연구 - 전공만족도와 대학생활만족도를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Shin
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.47
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    • pp.217-239
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this research is to maximize the core competencies by objectively measuring the Behaviour Patterns of students in Comic-Animation major to understand the difference between individuals and to maximize one's merits which will improve the efficiency in education. Also through this research we could understand which aspects would be affected in both the satisfaction about the major based on Behaviour Patterns and the satisfaction of university life. According to the DISC Patterns, 41.7% of the students in Comic-Animation department shows that they were in Patterns I (Influence). And Patterns S (Steadiness) were 10% which was the lowest percentage in this survey. In the average of the subject's satisfaction aspect, the satisfaction of the professors' suggestion was 3.68 which was the highest. While the satisfaction of the administration service and welfare facility was 2.56 which was the lowest. The satisfaction rate based on DISC Behaviour Patterns shows a significant difference among the satisfaction of the department, the satisfaction of atmosphere in university and the satisfaction of the admin and welfare. Patterns I (Influence) was the highest the satisfaction in the major and the satisfaction of the university life while Patterns C(Criticalness) was the lowest. In particular, the importance of the I (Influence) is the most important factor, but it is essential that there is a slight decrease in the precision and accuracy of the work, and C(Criticalness) is shy and stressed, so they need to give positive communication and accurate advice. It is required to Comic-Animation department professor to analyse students' character based on Behaviour Patterns and a person's pros and cons for the career exploration and the employment consultation in order to have positive affect on employment rate. Also if the department's Behaviour Patterns construction were well utilized, it can improve the success rate of useful leadership and fellowship. it will improve the atmosphere in the department which will decrease the drop-out rate but increase the cohesion in the department which will lead to providing better result in the work and the project.