• Title/Summary/Keyword: 하청구조

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Design of Integration Process for JIT System in Construction Schedule Management (건설 공정관리에서의 적시생산을 위한 통합 프로세스 설계)

  • Jin You-Na;Lee Sang-Beom
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • autumn
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    • pp.517-520
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    • 2003
  • Recently there is a used a word-outsourcing-in the corporation circumstance. Continuous recession impelling with IMF permitted restructuring measures downsizing unnecessary organization and offered opportunity to breakup structure of 'High cost and Low efficiency' -inefficient and uneconomic production method- in our corporation. Due to the effect of such circumstance change, the construction industry have already introduced and implemented outsourcing in many parts. For successful outsourcing in the construction industry, a mutually close relations and the cooperation are preceded and JIT system is needed to improve these relations. The study recognizes the importance and proportion that outsourcing is occupyed in the construction industry, and suggests the method to improve the productivity by evaluating the factors and usefulness for JIT system to apply to the construction industry.

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R & D Networks Structure and Spatial Characteristics of Consumer Electronic Industry in Qingdao, China: The Case Study of Qingdao Haier Group in China (중국 가전산업의 연구개발 네트워크 구조와 공간적 특징 - 청도 하이얼(海爾, Haier) 그룹 사례 연구 -)

  • Quan, Guang-Ri;Ryu, Ju-Hyun;Lee, Sung-Cheol
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.292-303
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    • 2012
  • The main purpose of this study is to analyze R&D networks and spatial implications in Qingdao consumer electronics industry agglomeration in China. The characteristics of R&D networks in Qindao consumer electronic industry are as follows. There is a cluster central around large enterprises led by the government and their subcontracting enterprises. However, the degree of collaborative networks in intra-firm, inter-firm, firm-research institutes(including university lab.) is relatively low. Therefore, Large enterprises in Qingdao has stimulated research collaborations with firms and research institutes located in other regions rather than within region. It is likely to show that R&D networks of consumer electronics industry has not been stimulated in Qingdao. Therefore, collaborative R&D networks among firms, research institutes and governments should be stimulated to build regional innovation systems central around consumer electronics industry in Qingdao.

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Design of Integration Process for JIT System in Construction Schedule Management (건설 공정관리에서의 적시생산을 위한 통합 프로세스 설계)

  • Jin You-Na;Lee Sang-Beom
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.5 no.5 s.21
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    • pp.117-125
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    • 2004
  • Recently, the word 'outsourcing' is used frequently in the corporation circumstance. Continuous recession with IMF caused restructuring measures which made unnecessary organization be downsized, and offered opportunity to breakup structure of $^{\circ}A$EHigh cost and Low efficiency, which is inefficient and uneconomic production method' in our corporation. Due to the effect of such circumstance change, the construction industry have already introduced and implemented outsourcing in many parts. For successful outsourcing in the construction industry, close relation and mutual cooperation should be preceded and JIT system is needed to improve the relation. In this study, the importance and proportion in which outsourcing is occupied in the construction industry are recognized, and the method for improving the productivity is suggested through evaluating the factors and usefulness of JIT system which can be applied to the construction industry.

A Study on the Fatigue Strength Evaluation for Fillet Weldment including Stress Singularity using Structural Stress with Virtual Node Method (응력 특이점을 갖는 필릿 용접구조물의 피로해석을 위한 가상절점법을 이용한 구조응력 계산 기법 고찰)

  • Ha Chung-In;Kang Sung-Won;Kim Myung-Hyun;Kim Man-Soo;Sohn Sang-Yong;Heo Joo-Ho
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2006
  • Structural stress approach is well known as a mesh-size insensitive fatigue assessment method by using finite element analyses. It is, however, difficult to estimate the structural stress (SS) at weld end points due to stress singularities when shell elements are used. In this study, fatigue evaluations with longitudinal load carrying box fillet weldment under out-of-plane bending load have been performed by using virtual node method (VNM) in order to avoid the problem, which is called the weld end effect. Various combinations of virtual node parameters, such as reference point and virtual node locations, are investigated for the estimation of proper structural stress values applying VNM in a systematic manner. The appropriate guidance of virtual node parameter has been offered for the fillet weldment considered in the study. The structural stress values obtained by VNM have also been validated by comparing the result with finite element model including weld bead. Moreover, the fatigue strength of the fillet weldment based on the equivalent structural stress is shown to be consistent with the master S-N curve.

An Activated Analysis of the Development of Animation in Taiwan (대만애니메이션의 발전과 그 동향 분석)

  • Jo, Jeong-Rae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.40-47
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    • 2014
  • Animation in Taiwan has been profoundly influenced by the production of labor intensity for American and Japanese in the early days of its development. This phenomenon of the labor intensity reached peak in the 1980s. Information Bureau of Taiwan began to establish a system of supportive funding for its animation industry in the 1990s. During this period, the animation industry in Taiwan gave special emphasis to the theme of the local culture and to the creative works of the animation. By the 2010s, the elements of Chinese culture were introduced in the animation production in Taiwan. Through cross-national cooperation in production with other advanced countries, the Taiwan-made animation was successfully expended to the international market. However, the animation industry in Taiwan is facing the following problematical challenges: Firstly, the Taiwan government gives special attention to the financial support of animation industry rather than training university students to become professional experts in animation production. Secondly, there is no professional higher institution established to train specialized professional animation film-makers. Thirdly, Due to the lack of the cultural inspiration and the original mind, the form of its creative animated production is primarily imitated from other advanced countries. And fourthly, despite the fact that there is a cooperation and exchange programs between Taiwan and other foreign animation industries.

Structural Safety Evaluation for 75,000 TDW Chemical Tanker Applied Common Structural Rules (CSR을 적용한 75,000 TDW 화학제품 운반선의 구조 안전성 평가)

  • Sim, Ye-Eun;Haa, Chung-In;Nam Gung, Mun;Kim, Gi-Jae;Lee, Kyung-Seok;Kim, Man-Soo
    • Special Issue of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • 2013.12a
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2013
  • In past decades, a maximum standard vessel size for chemical tankers is not normally larger than 55,000 TDW due to the characteristic of chemical product shipment which is so variable but small quantity unlike single product carries such as crude oil tankers. These days, as demand of very large chemical tanker is rising due to the change of market trend of chemical product shipment, 75,000 TDW class chemical tanker has been developed. The newly developed vessel's structure has been designed based on CSR (Common Structural Rule) for double hull oil tankers (hereafter CSR) published by IACS (International Association of Classification Societies). However, due to the large difference from typical oil tankers, many items should be specially considered such as on deck transverse and corrugated bulkheads. In addition, two longitudinal bulkheads without upper stool have been constructed in order to maximise the number of cargo tanks and the volume of each cargo tanks. In this study, key word of the vessel has been briefly reviewed and the structural reliability of the proposed vessel has been investigated.

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Strategic Plans for The Production System of Korean Animation Industry followed by Analyses of Deficiencies on Current System (한국 애니메이션 제작 및 지원시스템의 구조적 모순점 분석 및 국가 기간사업으로의 활성화 방안 연구)

  • 오근재;신성순
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.389-398
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    • 2002
  • With the awareness that the world market of animation industry is large enough to be concerned as our next generation industry and worthy enough to invest our resources, many animated films have been made and are still being made in these days. These animated films are no more a OEM based production that Korean animation industry have depended on for a long time. This is very positive situation we make our own animated films from plaining to final output. Nevertheless one thing we should aware here is these animations are behind in quality and contents compared to those in advanced country. There should be many reasons in this matter, but the most fundmental problem that the Korean animation industry is facing is lack of its central force like Walt Disney in United States. This study will research the problems of our animation production system and show alternative plans by comparing and analyzing those in advanced country.

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Globalization of Korean Textile Design (한국텍스타일디자인의 세계화 방안)

  • 차임선
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 2002
  • The Korean textile industry contributed much to the country's economic success during the 1970s-80s. Since the end of the 1980s, however, most of the Korean textile industry has begun to suffer from both high labor costs and skilled-labor shortage. During this period, such countries as China, Indonesia, and Malaysia began to gain strong foothold in the global textile market, mainly owing to considerably low label costs. To maintain competitiveness in the global textile market, the Korean textile industry should undergo a structural change. It should switch from the mass production of low quality design to selective praction of high quality and well-designed textiles. An cement of high value-added should be put into the textile product.: Usage of functional material, new processing technology, automation, pro-environmental dye shes, and strategic marketing is required. In this appear, I suggest ways and means to make the Korean textile design be good enough to compete in the global market.

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An analysis on the factor and types of plagiarism of Korean animation (한국 애니메이션의 표절요인과 유형분석)

  • Lee, Hyun-Seok
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.327-335
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    • 2019
  • In the 1970s, Korea actively produced so many animated works which is called the "golden age" of korean animation. However, Korea imported and subcontracted foreign animations than creating original works and, there has been a constant controversy that many of the korean animations imitated foreign works. Therefore, this paper aims to analyze the factors that caused this and its patterns, focusing on works suspected of plagiarism in Korean animation during the 1970s and 1980s. First, the focus will be on the definition and composition of plagiarism in art creation, secondly, on the political-ideological, industrial-administrational, production-structural, and copyright awareness aspects of the factors of plagiarized animation. Thirdly, 30 korean animations produced at the time will be analyzed on the degree of design theft and plagiarism based on six criteria focusing on characters' shapes and color arrangements. By analyzing the social factors and patterns of plagiarism, this study aims to provide a social and cultural understanding of academic value about the process of korean animation's development.

A Study on the Business of the Korean OTT in North American Market : Focusing on scenario analysis based on cash flow estimation (국내 OTT 사업자의 해외시장 진출의 사업성 연구 : 현금흐름 추정에 의한 시나리오 분석을 중심으로)

  • Byun, Sangkyu;Park, Chun-il;Wee, Kyeong Woo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.274-287
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    • 2022
  • Competition in the broadcasting market is intensifying as OTT services are spreading. And Korea is positioned as a competent international contents supply base. This can be helpful for the domestic contents production industry. However, it can result in being incorporated as a subcontractor in the global video industry. Therefore, it is necessary for Korean OTT operators to expand their market upto overseas and maintain competitiveness by linking content competitiveness to the sales expansion. This study was conducted to reduce the risk and encourage implementation through feasibility analysis of overseas business of domestic OTT operators. The North American market was selected as a region with high potential through in-depth interviews with experts and literatures review. And it was confirmed that the partnership with local platform is effective. Then, the sales and input costs were estimated, and business was evaluated using the net present value method. Totally 18 scenarios were created using multiple estimates for copyright cost, subscribers, and rate, which are highly uncertain. From the analyses, 8 scenarios were found to be acceptable. And copyright cost has the greatest impact on business success, followed by rates and subscribers.