• Title/Summary/Keyword: 피해구제 제도

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돼지 옴의 예방과 박멸 대책

  • Jang, Hwan
    • The Korea Swine Journal
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    • v.17 no.8 s.192
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    • pp.154-158
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    • 1995
  • 개선충증의 발생을 예방하기 위해서는 1년에 가을과 봄 2회에 걸쳐 구제제를 투약하는 것이 좋다. 개선충증이 이미 발생한 뒤 치료하는 경우는 예방을 목적으로 정기적으로 구충하는 경우보다 경제적인 손실이 더욱 크다. 돈군내 개선충이 전혀없거나 개선충으로 인한 피해가 전혀없는 경우를 제외하고는 개선충으로 인한 경제적 손실을 예방하기 위해서 규칙적인 예방적 치료를 행하는 것이 더욱 좋다

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Protective Way Improvement of a Crime Victim's Rights of Portrait (범죄 피해자의 초상권보호 개선방안)

  • Joen, Chan-Hui
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.286-298
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    • 2009
  • Became large a problem we were productive movement of information became large and occurring to diffusions of development of public media and Internet use. While the Internet became a generalization, public media had more influences and risks, and a crime to abuse anonymity became large in cyber space. In addition, damage is becoming expanded reproduction that infringe of ' crime victim's rights of portrait'. The point that is most important in order to improve these points is recognition regarding the special situation of crime victim, and the ethic consciousness and independent operation regulation and regulation system that these point was taken into consideration in the public media and Internet operation that are an information producer is necessary, and Internet portal shall be included like Internet newspapers to the arbitration object of the Press Arbitration Commission. Also, a legal system regarding personal responsibility shall have for protection of a crime victim's rights of portrait by personal information activity for protection in cyber space. Suggest to a portrait of a crime victim, and an individual and social rights security effort are required for activation regarding an infringement relief system.

공정거래법상 손해배상제도의 현황과 과제

  • 홍대식
    • Journal of Korea Fair Competition Federation
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    • no.98
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    • pp.10-16
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    • 2003
  • 손해배상제도가 활성화되면 공정거래법 위반행위로 피해를 입었다고 주장하는 당사자들은 공정위에 시정조치의 발동을 촉구하는 것과 별도로 법원에 손해배상청구를 하여 신속한 권리 구제를 받을 수 있고, 동일한 사안에 대하여 공정위와 법원이 관여하게 되는 기회가 확대됨에 따라 현재와 같은 양 기관 사이의 판단 과정의 괴리도 좁혀질 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 다만 개정안에도 불구하고 손해배상소송에서 입증이 어려운 영역인 인과관계와 손해액에 관한 피해자의 실질적인 입증부담은 여전히 남아 있으므로 개정안에 따른 제도개선이 소 제기 활성화라는 효과를 얼마나 가져 올 것인지는 더 지켜볼 문제이다.

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A Comparative Legal Study on Safety and Transportation Convenience of Mobility Disadvantaged Persons (항공교통약자 안전 및 이용편의를 위한 비교법적 연구)

  • Hwang, Ho-Won;Cho, Jeong-Hyeon
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.63-97
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    • 2016
  • Ago the passenger who using a wheelchair was denied boarding from the airline. The ACT ON THE PROHIBITION OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST DISABLED PERSONS prohibits discriminatory treatment of persons with disabilities in transportation. But there are situations that limits the movement on persons with reduced mobility. The international community promote to protect disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility against discrimination and to provide them with assistance when travelling by air. According to news report, the governing Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has established new global core principles on air transport consumer protection. The principles cover three phases of a customer's experience: before, during and after travel, and will now be considered by ICAO's 191 Member States when they develop or review their applicable national regimes. The international community are recognizing that passengers can benefit from a competitive air transport sector, which offers more choice in fare-service trade-offs and which may encourage carriers to improve their offerings, passengers, including those with disabilities, can also benefit from consumer protection regimes. In accordance with these we will also be provided to regulations that can prevent and protect the air passenger. In this paper analyze the regulations of the international air passenger rights, point out the lack of policy.

Foot-and-mouth Disease Information Using Android (안드로이드를 이용한 구제역 정보제공)

  • Choi, Eun-Gyu;Kim, Chi-Ho;Lee, Sang-Yoon;Song, Joo-Hwan;Ha, Yun-Hae;Hwang, Gun-Soon;Kim, Tae-Hyeung;Son, Won-Geun;Kim, Ki-Youn;Kim, Hyeon-Tae
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.137-141
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    • 2012
  • The foot and mouth disease(FMD) was occurred from Andong city on November 23, 2010 and spread out the whole country except Jeju island and Jeolla-do. About 3.4 million livestock such as cow and pig was buired at 4,200 sites during preventive measures of FMD. Government did not effectively respond to the FMD crisis management so FMD spread out the whole country. To Prevent the spread FMD, Farms have to fast approaching and respond directly to smartphones and Tablet PC applications. Resolve the difficulties of using smart devices and easy to operate for the effective utilization of the development of simple applications. This application of FMD, developed for the prevention and alarm applications, foot and mouth disease will be caused, farmers around the farm in case of risk and the seriousness of the FMD will notify smartphone, FMD prevent additional damage due to be interested in preventing further that allows your application is for development purposes.

특집 II - 동북아시아 구제역 발생상황과 국내 발생 바이러스의 특징

  • Park, Jong-Hyeon
    • Journal of the korean veterinary medical association
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.527-543
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    • 2010
  • 구제역은 소 돼지 사슴 면양 산양 고라니 노루 등 우제류 동물에서 발생하는 제1종 가축전염병으로 빠른 시간내에 동물의 입 발굽 젖꼭지 등에 수포를 형성하는 것이 특징이다. 감염된 소의 혓바닥, 잇몸, 입술, 입 내부점막, 주둥이에 크기가 다양한 수포가 형성된다. 심한 경우에 혀 전체 넓은 부위에서 궤양이 형성될 수 있다. 수포는 24시간이내에 정상적으로는 파열되며, 그 수포액은 $10^8/ml$의 역가를 갖는 바이러스를 함유한다. 상피가 떨어지고, 유연이 심해지며, 타액이 입 주변에 흔건히 흘러내린다. 입 주변 병변과 동시 또는 이어서 수포가 발굽에 형성되며, 부분적으로 발굽갓띠 또는 제부의 갈라진 틈에서 생성되어 통증과 파행의 원인이 된다. 수포는 보통 유두와 유방에 발생되며, 때로는 세균성 유방염을 발생시킨다. 생산성의 감소는 보통 25% 정도로 추정된다. 돼지는 초기에 파행, 발열, 의기소침, 식욕부진이 있다. 소 보다 발굽에서 더욱 증상이 심하다. 유두, 유선, 콧등에 수포가 형성된다. 혀의 병변은 소보다 심하지 않다. 잠복기가 2~14일 (소에서의 약 6.2일, 돼지에서는 약 10.2일)로 짧고, 전파가 매우 빠르며 경제적 피해가 크기 때문에 국제 교역에서도 규제대상이 되는 질병이다. 구제역의 병인체는 피코르나바이러스과 아프토바이러스속에 속하는 구제역 바이러스로 현재까지 7개의 혈청형(A, O, C, Asia 1, SAT 1, SAT 2 및 SAT 3)이 알려져 있다. 이 전염병은 동물전염병 중에서 가장 악명 높은 전염병이다. 세계동물보건기구 (OIE)에서도 각 국간에 국제적인 위협을 최소화하기 위하여 질병의 발생을 보고해야 하는 질병으로 특별 관리하고 있다. 2006년 이후 최근까지 아시아 지역에서 지속적으로 많은 발생을 보이고 있다. 금년 들어 중국, 대만, 일본, 몽골, 우리나라까지 발생되어 이 질병의 위험성에 대하여 다시 한번 생각하게 하였다. 구제역의 재발방지를 위하여 최근 동북아시아 지역의 발생상황과 향후 구제역의 발생억제 또는 발생시 긴급 대응을 위하여 해야 할 일은 무엇인지 알아보자.

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The Study on Arbitration of Contents Dispute in Mobile Game (모바일게임 관련 콘텐츠분쟁조정 현황 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Hong
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.121-130
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    • 2013
  • This paper aims to grasp the status of dispute and relevant issues, focusing on cases resolved by the Contents Dispute Resolution Committee. In consequence, this paper reviewed and addressed many issues like the mobile game of pre-school children, game disputes between telecommunication service providers and other domestic companies, responsibility of game-developing companies, necessity of efforts (led by the service providers) for establishing the system to prevent damage, and increase of awareness on damage redeemed by companies. Additionally, this study enables us to understand that the system of dispute resolution pays a pivotal role to help disputers resolve issues in a reasonable way and that self-imposed confidence is absolutely required in the mobile open market.

A Study on the issues and measures of the China's Anti-dumping law (중국의 반덤핑 제도 과제와 대응방안)

  • Oh, Moon-Kap
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.117-142
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    • 2014
  • China having largest market in the world, has been criticized by its trading partner countries due to its unfair trade practices, particularly in the field of anti-dumping regulation. The main reasons for such criticism seem to come from the incomplete anti-dumping law as instrument to protect the industry concerned. In 2001, though new anti-dumping law was established to replace the former one by revising it to meet the needs for economic development which should be secured for china to take part in the competition world as the new member of WTO. The provisions concerned have been evaluated not to be sufficient and efficient from the viewpoint of the safeguard mechanism, while are required to be modified to meet the real world of international trade law. I consider that as the biggest partner of chinese trade activity, we will need to maintain a well understanding of the Chinese anti-dumping regulations. So this report conducts the Chinese anti-dumping regulations, compares between the chinese regulations and the WTO agreement, and studies deeply in to the problems and the improvements of the Chinese anti-dumping regulations.

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The Bitter Counsel for Activation of the Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Agency (한국의료분쟁조정중재원의 활성화를 위한 고언(苦言))

  • Roh, Sang-Yup
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.169-208
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    • 2016
  • "Act on Remedies for Injuries from Medical Malpractive and Mediation of Medical Disputes)" has been enacted to solve medical dispute. In addition, mediation and arbitration procedures have started since April 8th, 2012 from the Establishment of Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Agency. The average initiation rate of mediation for the past three years turned out to be 43%. Hereupon, Establishment of Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Agency has created a solution for automatic initiation if relevant to particular conditions to improve initiation rate of mediation procedures and passed it through the Assembly plenary session in May, 2016 and promulgated on the 30th of the same month. However, even if mediation procedure initiation rate is increased, there is no guarantee for mediation establishment rate to be improved according to current law. If Establishment of Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Agency intends to increase aforementioned value, automatic initiation is not the only solution. Instead, it seems to be a major assignment to identify fundamental reasons for why major health care facilities have not participated in it and to restore reliability on them. In addition, among crimes specified on the Article 268 of Criminal Act in the Article $51^*$ of "Act on Remedies for Injuries from Medical Malpractive and Mediation of Medical Disputes)", revision must be made so that the clause of clue and death by occupational or gross negligence is applied. Furthremore, it is suggested to supplement previously insufficient policies with the operation so that mediation procedures created by Establishment of Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Agency are stably settled in the perspective of medical institutions including the establishment of new conditions for medical institutions founders or health and medical service personnel to claim the proxy payment for damage.

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기종저:발생정보 및 방역대책(氣腫疽:Blackleg)

  • 강영배
    • Journal of the korean veterinary medical association
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.253-257
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    • 1998
  • 동물에서 발생되는 질병의 수는 헤아릴 수 없이 많으며, 병인체도 다양하다. 이러한 질병을 효과적으로 관리하기 위하여, 우리나라의 가축전염병예방법(개정법률 제 4,885호; 1995. 1. 5)에는 제1종 전염병 26종과 제 2종 전염병 28종, 총 54종을 법정가축전염병(法定家畜傳染病)으로 지정해 놓고 있다. 최근에 들어, 1996년 3월에 영국에서 소해면형뇌증 (일병 광우병, BSE)이 인체에서의 변형 크로이츠휄트-야곱병 (v-CJD)과 관련하여 세계적인 주목을 받음은 물론 유럽연합 (EU)을 중심으로한 쇠고기의 국제교역에 크게 영향을 미치고 있으며, 지난해(1997) 3월에는 대만에 구제역 (口蹄疫, FAD)이 발생하여, 여러 양돈장에 급속히 퍼져, 대만의 수출주력 산업인 양돈업의 붕괴를 가져왔을 뿐만 아니라 국가적인 경제위기를 초래하였으며, 연간 약 9조원의 경제적인 손실이 예상되고 있고 양돈경기 회복을 위하여는 막대한 자금(약 40조원)과 긴 세월(최소 4-5년)이 필요할것으로 생각되고 있다. 한편, 국제적으로는 아주 전통적인 질병이며 한동안 자취를 감추었던 광견병과 기종저가 개발하여 피해를 입히고 있으며, 아주 최근에 알려진 새로운 원충성 유산증을 일으키는 네오스포라증도 확인되고 있다. 본 편에서는, 최근 국내에서 특히 문제시 되고 있는 풍토병인 기종저(blackleg)에 대하여 그 발생실태와 임상진단, 방역대책 등에 관하여 고찰해 보고자 한다.

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