• Title/Summary/Keyword: 플라스틱 결함

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Development of Ftheta Lens for Laser Scanning Unit (Laser Scanning Unit용 FΘ 렌즈 개발)

  • Jeong, In-Sook;Ban, Min-Sung;Son, Kwang-Eun;Lee, Byoung-Bag
    • Transactions of the KSME C: Technology and Education
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2013
  • Ftheta Lens, whose image height is proportional to its field view angle, is one of the most important parts in Laser Scanning Unit(LSU). In this paper $f{\theta}$ lens design, mold production and modification method of lens design and mold are introduced. Lens design was carried out with Zemax and Special Toric surfaces were applied for lens surfaces to minimize distortion both in main and sub scanning directions. And a high precision machine with 1nm resolution was used to fabricate lens mold cores. After injection the lens was evaluated and the difference from design was examined. This difference was compensated by modifying lens design and new lens mold cores were made according to modified lens design to obtain the quality of original design.

Self-Diagnosis for Fracture Prediction of Concrete Reinforced by New Type Rib CFGFRP Rod and CF Sheet (신형 리브재 CFGFRP 보강근 및 CF 보강시트로 보강된 콘크리트의 파괴예측 자가진단)

  • Park, Seok-Kyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2007
  • For investigating self-diagnosis applicability, a method based on monitoring the changes in the electrical resistance of carbon fiber reinforced concrete has been tested. Then after examining change in the value of electrical resistance at each flexural weight-stage of carbon fiber in CFGFRP (carbon fiber and glass fiber reinforcing plastic) with new type rib and carbon sheet for concrete reinforcing, the correlations of electrical resistance and load as a function of strain, deflection were analyzed. As the results, it is clarified that when carbon fiber rod, rib and sheet fracture, the electrical resistance of it increase largely, and specially in case of CFGFRP, afterwards glass fiber tows can be resist the load due to the presence of the hybrid (carbon and glass) reinforced fiber. Therefore, it can be recognized that reinforcing bar and new type rib of CFGFRP and sheet of CF could be applied for self-diagnosis of fracture in reinforced FRP concrete.

Effect of Wallastonite, Potssium chloride and Potassium sulphate on the mineraligation of Urea (규회석 분말, 염화칼륨 및 황산칼륨이 요소질소의 유효화에 미친 영향)

  • Oh, Wang-Keun;Kim, Jea-Yeang
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.293-296
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    • 1990
  • The effect of wallastonite, potassium chloride and potassium sulphate on the ammonification and nitrification of urea was studied in a non-planted green house experiment, filling with 500g soil in plastic pot and incubating for 17 days. Potassium sulphate gave superior effect on the neutralizing soil acidity of wallastonite than potassium chloride and raised soil pH which promoted ammonification and subsequent nitrification of urea. Less than 20% $NO_3-N$ against the sum of $NH_4-N$ and $NO_3-N$ was accumulated in soils incubated bellow pH 6.0. It seemed that pH 5.2 to 6.0 was the critical range for the nitrification of ammonium, or raising the concentration of ammonia in soils to the toxic level to the nitrification. It appeared that the nitrification could be occuring in low moisture, air dried, conditions of soil.

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A study on aging characteristics of epoxy resins for conservation treatment of cultural heritage by adding UV stabilizer (자외선 안정제 첨가에 따른 문화재 보존처리용 에폭시계수지의 노화특성 연구)

  • Jeong, Se-Ri;Cho, Nam-Chul
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.336-344
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    • 2011
  • The study attempted to find out any effect to prevent photo aging of epoxy resin used for conservation by way of adding UV stabilizer, one of plastic additives. Specimens were made by adding HALS and UVA UV stabilizer as each concentration to 3 kinds of epoxy resin, which are most frequently used for artifacts joining and restoration process, and aging effects were investigated through Color change, SEM, contact angle, FTIR analysis during UV aging experiments. Last, usage suitability was checked when UV stabilizer was added through Universal Tensile strength tester. In result, it is impossible to prevent decomposition of chemical structure in spite of adding UV stabilizer but in the case of epoxy A and R, it is believed that photo aging such as yellowing or crack can be minimized without giving a big influence to adhesive strength of epoxy resin through adding less than 0.1% of UVA. It is expected that above will solve photo aging problem of epoxy resin used for joining and restoration of artifacts and will extend its life as joining and restoration materials.

Extraction of Representative Emotions for Evaluations of Tactile Impressions in a Car Interior (자동차 인테리어의 촉감 평가를 위한 대표감성 추출)

  • Park, Nam-Choon;Jeong, Seong-Won
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.157-166
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    • 2013
  • There are few that evaluate tactile emotion as it pertains to car interior parts, while studies on visual evaluations of car interiors as well as usability tests in a visual sense are numerous. The purpose of this study is to determine typical in-vehicle tactile emotions so that they can be used to evaluate tactile impressions of car interior parts. 52 words related to tactile impressions of car interiors were gathered from a survey in conjunction with an in-vehicle test, interviews with the car salespersons, and an analysis of car reviews. After a factor analysis with 52 words, 10 categories of major tactile emotions were clustered. These were roughness, toughness, friction, comfortability, stiffness, softness, temperature, sleekness, familiarity, and flexibility. These representative tactile emotions regarding a car interior can be used to evaluate tactile impressions of surfaces such as leather, plastic, metal and wood when used as parts in car interiors.

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Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Cross-Flow Plastic Air Heater for a Cooling Tower (냉각탑용 직교류형 플라스틱 공기가열기의 열전달 및 압력손실)

  • Kim, Nae-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.6072-6081
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    • 2013
  • In this study, experiments were performed on air heater samples with three different shapes (chevron, wave and dimple type) to reduce the plumes from cooling towers. The tests were conducted for a range of frontal air velocities of 1~3 m/s and water flow rate 0.19~0.33 kg/s. The results showed that the heat transfer rate increased with increasing air velocity or water flow rate. The air-side pressure drop also increased with increasing air velocity. At the same frontal air velocity, the highest heat transfer rate was obtained for the chevron sample (1.5~1.7 times compared to that of the plate sample), followed by the dimple, wave and plate samples. The heat transfer rate per unit power consumption was also 15% larger than that of the dimple sample. On the other hand, there was no noticeable difference between the other samples.

고습도 유닛쿨러를 사용하는 저온저장고의 배 저장효과

  • Yoon, Hong-Sun;Lee, Won-Ok;Jung, Hoon;Lee, Hyun-Dong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Postharvest Science and Technology of Agricultural Products Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.140-140
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    • 2003
  • 신선한 채소나 과일은 무게의 74~94%에 상당하는 수분을 함유하고 있는데, 이러한 수분은 자칫하면 빠져나가기 쉽다. 품질이 우수한 채소나 과일이라도 수분손실이 생기면 다시는 보충할 수 없기 때문에 겉껍질을 마르고 쭈글쭈글하게 되어 품질등급과 가격결정에 손해가 된다. 또 무게의 5~l0%까지 수분이 줄어들면 상품성을 잃게되고, 무게단위로 판매되는 채소와 과일은 수분손실이 곧 무게감소이므로 총수입도 줄어드는 원인이 된다. 따라서 채소나 과일을 수확 한 후에 수분손실이 생기지 않도록 잘 관리하는 것은 농가소득과 직결되는 중요한 일이다. 그러나 기존의 저온저장고들은 저장고 내의 상대습도가 70~85%의 범위로 조성되고 있으며, 이러한 저습도의 문제를 해결하기 위하여 저장고의 바닥에 물을 뿌리는 등의 작업을 하고 있으나 문제가 해결되지는 않는다. 이에 따라 농업기계화연구소에서는 저온저장고 내의 상대습도를 90% 이상으로 유지할 수 있는 유닛쿨러를 '01년에 개발하였고,'02~'03년에 이것을 실제로 농가의 저온저장고에 설치하여 그 효과를 실증하였는데 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 현장연구에 사용된 저온저장고는 천안시에 있는 이진기 농가의 25평형 배 저온저장고 2동이었으며, 한 동은 시험구로 한 동은 대조구로 사용하였다. 2. 배의 저장온도는 0~-0.2$^{\circ}C$이었고, 상대습도는 대비 저온저장고의 경우 75~90% 범위에 있었으나 신기술투입 저온저장고에서는 98%로 유지되었다. 또 냉각기에 생기는 얼음을 제거하기 위해 작동되는 전기히터의 작동시간은 대비 저온저장고에서는 하루에 7회, 회당 45분 씩 이었고, 신기술 투입 저온저장고에서는 하루에 1회, 회당 30분 씩 이었다. 3. 배를 플라스틱 상자에 담아 저장할 때 대비 저온저장고에서는 111일 동안에 11.7%의 중량감모가 발생하였으나, 신기술투입 저온저장고에서는 5.6%의 중량감모만이 발생하여 약 50%의 중량감모를 줄일 수 있었으며, 배의 색깔이나 경도도 대비구 보다 우수하였다. 4. 배를 비닐로 포장하여 대비 저온저장고에 저장한 경우와 비닐로 포장하지 않고 신기술투입 저온저장고에 저장한 경우를 비교할 때 11월~다음해 1월 까지는 중량감모, 과피색깔 및 경도에 큰 차이가 없었으나, 2월부터는 비닐로 포장하여 대비 저온저장고에 저장한 배의 품질변화가 급격히 증가되어 중량감모, 과피색깔 및 경도가 신기술 투입시 보다 급속하게 나빠졌다.

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3-Dimensional Printing for Mesh Types of Short Arm Cast by Using Computed Tomography (전산화단층영상을 이용한 그물형 손목 부목의 3D 프린팅)

  • Seoung, Youl-Hun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.308-315
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study, using 3D printer, was tried to fabricate the short arm cast of mesh types that can be hygienic and adequate ventilation with a good radiography. We used the multi channel computed tomography (MDCT) with three dimension printer device of the fused deposition modeling (FDM) techniques. The material is used a degradable plastic (poly lactic acid, PLA). Three-dimensional images of the short arm were obtained in the MDCT and then make the three-dimensional volume rendering. Three dimension volume rendering of the short arm is implemented as a tomography obtained in MDCT. Virtual mesh type cast model was output as three-dimensional images is designed based on the three-dimensional images of the short arm. As a results, the cast output by 3D printers were able to obtain excellent radiograph images than the conventional cast, and then it can decreased itching with unsanitary, and can break down easily to the cast. In conclusion, the proposed virtual mesh type cast output by 3D printers could be used as a basis for future three-dimensional printing cast productions and offered help to patients in the real life.

A Noncontact Optical Sensor Development for Measuring the Thickness of Transparent Plates (투명판의 두께 측정용 비접촉식 광센서 개발)

  • Ryu, Young-Kee;Oh, Choonsuk;Lee, Seoyoung
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.43 no.1 s.307
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2006
  • The noncontact optical sensor using the hologram laser and automatic power controller is developed to measure a thickness of transparent objects and achieve excellent performance. Due to the contact between the tip of the sensor and the surface of objects, the tip is abraded. In addition the casting glass under high temperature results in extending the size of sensor body. The accuracy of the sensor is degraded due to these reasons. In this paper, to overcome these problems, we proposed a low cost non-contact optical sensor that is composed of a hologram laser unit used for optical pickup of CD player and a plastic lens. Therefore the problems caused by the contact sensor are solved by using the noncontact sensor. The noncontact sensor has to move toward the objects and obtain the focus error signal to measure a position of transparent objects. While the internal temperature of the sensor is controlled under ${\pm}0.1^{\circ}$, many trials shows ${\pm}2{\mu}m$ measurement error as excellent performance.

Reflectivity characteristics of Ag nano-crystals grown by electroless plating (무전해 도금에 의해 성장되어진 은 나노결정의 반사율 특성)

  • Kim, Shin-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.218-223
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    • 2013
  • In this study, the reflectivity characteristics of Ag nano-coating grown by electroless plating were investigated in order to use as the reflecting plate of BLU (Back Light Unit) in the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) or LED (Light Emitting Diode) display equipment. The microstructure of Ag nano-coating was polycrystalline nano-structure that consisted of Ag nano-crystals to be reduced and precipitated, and the size of reduced nano-crystals increased as the thickness of nano-coating increased. The reflectivity of Ag nano-coating in the visible light decreased as the thickness of nano-coating increased and the reduction of reflectivity was more severe in the short wavelength region of visible light. The decrease of reflectivity was closely related to the size of Ag nano-crystal and was thought to be due to the larger surface roughness of larger nano-coating thickness. Therefore, the finer Ag nano-crystals and thinner nano-coating thickness could be favorable for the higher reflectivity of Ag nano-coating grown by electroless plating.