• Title/Summary/Keyword: 프랜차이즈 확산 전략

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Key Success Factors in the International Franchising - Cases of foreign Franchise firms entering Vietnamese Market (프랜차이즈 해외진출 성공요인 : 베트남 패스트푸드시장 진입사례)

  • Um, Sung Pil;Lee, Dong il
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.1-45
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    • 2011
  • Franchising is one of the most effective strategies in promoting business establishment, creating jobs and accelerating economic growth. Thus, many countries in the world foster franchise business and support the franchise industry by enacting relevant regulations and making development policies. Vietnam deregulated franchise market through making franchise-related laws on June, 2005 and after joining WTO in 2009, Vietnamese government opened up the franchise market by letting foreign investors acquire 100% share on their investment in Vietnam. In addition, Vietnamese consumer's rapidly growing income and increasing liking for western life style make Vietnamese franchise market attractive and profitable. For this reason, many global franchise firms are competing to get the best seats. However, there has been no Korean attempt to profoundly study over Vietnamese franchise market. The purpose of this study would focus on analyzing and evaluating cases of Korean and international firms which successfully entered Vietnamese market and on proposing effective strategies and key success factors. The result of this study indicates that the companies successfully settled down to the Vietnamese market have developed marketing strategies which fit their strengths, and their common key success factors are 1) making the best of first mover advantage, 2) adapting themselves to local tastes and behaviors via systematic and scientific market research, 3) making thorough supervision on safety and hygiene, 4) doing strategy of firstly directly being operated and settled down by franchisor, later being managed by franchisees, 5) benchmarking both successful and failed cases in other countries.

He Effects of Utilization Ability of FIS on the Intention of CRM Implementation (프랜차이징정보시스템 활용 능력이 CRM구축 의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Yong-Kil
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.523-528
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    • 2008
  • Franchising is a business sector which can be enlarged to a large scale in retailing business. Franchising has expanded its realm of business into realestate business and education business, starting from hospitality business. In franchising, the management of customers is a critical issue, so many franchising companies actively implement the CRM system to improve customer relationship. Therefore, this research focuses on the intention of franchising companies about the implementation of the CRM system. The information system used for managing franchising business is defined as Franchising Information Systems(FIS). In this research, the impact of technological level, educational level and utilization strategy of FIS on the ability of FIS use were analyzed. In addition, the impact of the ability of FIS use on the intention of franchising companies about the implementation of the CRM system was analyzed. The results from the research reveal that the utilization strategy of FIS does not affect the ability of FIS use, but technological level and educational level have an effect on the ability of FIS use. The ability of FIS use has influence on the intention of franchising companies about the implementation of the CRM system.

The Effects of Franchisor's Promotion Strategies on Food Service Franchisee Trust and Business Performance (외식 프랜차이즈 가맹본부의 프로모션 활동이 가맹점의 신뢰와 경영성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • An, Sang-Joon;Kim, Tae-Hwan;Chang, Jun-Suk
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.259-265
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    • 2017
  • This study reviewed the existing studies in order to set up a strategy that can achieve the trust and business performance of the franchisers, who are actually operating franchised business, breaking from the research trend centered around franchise headquarters and added the factors of the franchise headquarters' strategy for expanding franchises, including word-of-mouth communication and advertising & publicity and added the exercise of recruitment agency outsourcing, flagship store, recently utilized often as preceding variables to verify the causal relation between the trust of the franchiser and the business performance of the franchise. The implications of this study, it can be concluded that the government authority for the attraction of healthy franchises can continuously attract franchises and enter the market can continuously attract franchises by increasing the trust of the franchises, and powerfully investing and managing them for the effort through word-of-mouth marketing. It is expected that this study will be helpful in the establishment of a business strategy for forming a continuous relationship as well as the franchise head office's strategy for the recruitment of new franchises.

The Decision Factor of Franchisee Performance in Esthetic Store (피부관리 가맹점의 성과결정요인에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Yeung-kurn;Kim, Pan-jun;Lee, Bong-choon
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.141-160
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    • 2006
  • The esthetic center skips over the dimension of simply theoretical knowledge by the specialization, segmentation, and gentrification and the importance of the technical education which introduced into the spot experienceis raising its head. And the esthetic center's importance which copes with the environment changing actively is being cognized. The franchisee system of esthetic shows that while the domestic market is opened, the appearance of foreign famous brand-centered is increasing rapidly. According to this kind of trend, every kind of mediums will not stop the classified ad of franchisee and it will be recognized as the promising sector. Especially, the situation of franchisee is that franchisors and franchisees in the limited relationship and just plan the growth, so the success possibly can be very high. The diffusion of franchisee system and the study about the franchisee are developed on the diverse view points. But still now, the study is just formed from the enterprise's success and the franchisors view point, the study about the franchisees dimension is very small. But it is also very important to exam the decision factors of franchisees success because the franchisors result of franchisee system will come out with franchisee performance totally. In this paper, it will actually proof if the decisive factors that exert influence on the franchisee performance in the franchisee dimension, exert influence on the franchisee performance in substance; and exam what kind of relationship the franchisee performance have with the franchisors and recontract intention. According to this, we can draw out the rest decision factors of improving the franchisee performance, and also show the strategic implication of franchisee efficient marketing.

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The Strategies of Francaise Business Model in Banking Services (소매금융을 중심으로 한 은행 창구 프랜차이즈화 전략)

  • Han, sun ho;Lee, jung kyu;Yu, jong pil
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.87-103
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    • 2010
  • Today, banks offer banking services to a large number of customers by a branch network spread all over the nation. The quantity and quality of services are advanced by fierce competition in their field. So they are attracting customers based on high confidence in the financial industry. In spite of these developments, the retail bank market currently does not satisfy customers demands and various desires. In this research, the problems with banking services were observed. It was proposed that the banking services apply a franchise business model. First, this proposal will reduce the business expenses by collaborating profits with head office of banks and affiliates. Second, it will offer greater satisfaction to the customers. Through the mutual collaboration with head office of banks and affiliates in this proposal, it is anticipated that banks will reduce their business expenses and improve services for customers by offering convenient and fast banking services. It is also expected that the banks will expand and make up their weakness through increased profit and customers will be provided additional services.

An Exploratory Study on the Application Method of Social Franchising by Franchisee's Characteristics (가맹점주 특성에 따른 Social Franchising 개념의 적용 방식에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyunsoon;Park, Ju-Young
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2012
  • In general, commercial franchisors prefer franchisees with high entrepreneurship and business capability. However, these entrepreneurial franchisees with high capability tend to depend less on franchisors. Although franchisees with less entrepreneurship and low capability need intensive care from franchisors, some of them result in business failure due to improper supports from incapable franchisors. This paper suggests several propositions regarding social franchising's role in supporting the low-income urban people on the premise that social franchising or micro-franchising provides implications for franchisor strategic orientations for franchisees with little capital. Through literature review about social franchising and micro franchising, some implications are drawn. Many social enterprises use franchising to get growth and sustainability, because franchising allow social enterprise to expand its scale and to achieve economies of scale despite of its non-commercial and social purpose. And continuous support and training undertake the most important role to achieve its social purpose. In commercial franchising, especially small business format franchising sector, franchisor have to consider not only commercial purpose but also social responsibility because of low capability and less entrepreneurship of franchisee. If franchisor pursue only own profit, this can increase the conflict and franchise system failure. So far many franchisors are concerned with own profit and external growth. But it is necessary to consider symbiotic relationship, social responsibility and sustainability more for the sake of desirable industrial growth in the future.

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A Case Study of Successful Strategy for Farm's Franchise Commercialization through Local Agricultural Products - Focusing on the case of Jung Donuts Co. Ltd., in Yeongju, Gyeongbuk - (지역농산물을 이용한 농촌프랜차이즈 사업화 성공 사례연구 - 경북 영주시 (주)정도너츠 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Seo, Min-gyo;Hwang, Bo-Jun;Song, Ji-Hyeon
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this work is to analyze the case that Yeongju Municipality Government of Gyeongbuk and Jung Donuts Co., Ltd., a franchise company, activated local economy through Farm's Franchise Commercialization (FCC) and to establish the concept of FCC. As a food service franchise company, Jung Donuts specializes in making and selling glutinous rice donuts. In cooperation with Commodity Dept. of Yeongju Municipality Government, the company cultivates raw materials under contract. Such farm's franchise business has the following advantages: First, it is meaningful in the point that it contributes to opening a new market of local agricultural products in a stable way. In short, by using most agricultural products of Yeongju as raw materials, the business serves as a stable market for farmers. Secondly, it is possible to set a reasonable price through stable supply of raw materials. It is to advantages of both producers and consumers. Thirdly, the business brings about the effect of employment rise. It can cause increases in employment of franchise head office and its agencies, and of the Commodity Dept.. Lastly, it produces the promotion effect of local special products. By expanding its agencies across the country, a franchise business can promote the items of raw materials in terms of marketing. The successful FCC needs to meet three requirements as follows. The first one is to establish systematic logistic system. Stable logistic system is required in order to directly distribute and deliver products to nationwide agencies by a producing place. The second one is constant R&D activity. Through the activity of R&D of raw materials and equipment, they should be used most effectively. The third one is to build mutual trust relationship. For long-term business achievements, it is required to establish mutual trust relationship in which relevant entities share their visions with each other and cooperate with each other.

A Study on Networking Effects of Financial Leverage in Middle-Sized Hospitals (네트워크 병원의 경영성과에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Hee-Tae;Kim, Kwang-Hwan;Park, Hwa-Gyu;Lee, Kyung-Soo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.339-347
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    • 2013
  • Recently, Korean medium-sized medical organizations require innovative strategies. Network-driven concerns in Korean medical organization have been a front burner issue to enhance economic and managerial efficiencies. Effective network-driven collaboration depends upon effective processes and economics strategies among medical providers group. From this motivation, we studied and provided the systems' theoretical background and networked hospital system structures. The aim of suggested research model in this paper is to overcome demerit of stand-alone medium-sized hospitals and analyze a system dynamics model to measure managerial performances. The developed system dynamics model is to quantify the effects of network strategy based on the historical financial data of real-life hospitals network experiences. The network effects are resulted in efficiencies and effectiveness enhancements in competitiveness through advertisement and effective education system. The simulations of system dynamics results can explain the improvement in financial outcome by joining in the network group. The network effects are shown more effective in dental hospital than other groups. In conclusion, it is expected that network effects have a critical influence of managerial, marketing, and medical collaboration performance for any type of medical hospitals.