• Title/Summary/Keyword: 프라지콴텔

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Infectivity of the sparganum treated by praziquantel, gamma-irradiation and mechanical cutting (프라지콴텔, 감마선 조사 및 기계적 절단으로 처리한 스파르가눔의 마우스에 대한 감염력)

  • 손운목;호성태
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.135-140
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    • 1993
  • An experimental study was performed to observe the infectivlty of sparganum (plerocercold of Spirometra erinncel) treated by prazlquantel, gamma-irradiation and mechanical cutting. The spargana were obtained from the naturally Infected European grass snake, Rhabdophis tigrina, or from the expenmentally infected mice. A total of 83 mice (ICR straine were divided Into 3 experimental groups by the source of the damage, fed each UH 5 spargana, and sacnaced 1 month later for worm recovery. In the praziquantel group, the worms were incubated In the concentration of 10㎍/ml (control: Tyrode for 4 hours) for 0.5. 1.2 and 4 hours at 36℃. and fed to mice. The recovery rate from mice in prazlquantel group was not different from that (80%) of control poop and in the range of 76-100%. In the gamma-Irradiation group, the worms were irradiated by 10-1000 Gy with Csl37. The average recovery rates of 69-100% were not different from that of control up to 100 Gy. The rate was 56% under 150 Gy, and 5% by 1000 Gy. In the mechanical cutting group, the worms were cut at 0.5, 1, 2 and 3 m from the anterior end of the scolex. The average recovery rates In each group were 70-90% and that of control was 90%. The present folding suggests that the sparganum be highly resistant to prazlquantel, gamma- irradiation and mechanical cutting. The vitality center of the sparganum must be at the anterior end of Its scolex.

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A human case of Stellantchasmus falcatus infection (Stellantchasmus falcatus에 의한 인체 감염 1례)

  • Son, Un-Mok;Chae, Jong-Il;Lee, Sun-Hyeong
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.277-280
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    • 1989
  • A human case infected with Stellantchasmus falcatus(Heterophyidae) is reported based on the adult worms collected after praziquantel treatment. The patient is a 33-year old male residing in Seoul. For several moths he experienced vague abdominal discomfort and hunger pain. Praziquantel at a single dose of 600mg was given followed by purgation with magnesium salt, and 17 adult S. falcatus pecimens were collected from the diarrheal stools. He recalled he had eaten raw flesh of several kinds of brackish water fishes. This is the 4th human case of S. falcatus infection in Korea.

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Serologic follow-up Study in neurocysticercosis patients by ELISA after praziquantel treatment (프라지콴텔 치료후 효소면역측정법에 의한 뇌 유구낭미충증 환자의 혈청학적 추적검사)

  • Cho, Seung-Yull;Kim, Suk-Il;Kang, Shin-Yong
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.159-170
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    • 1986
  • A total of 69 patients of confirmed neurocysticercosis was followed serologically by ELISA up to 22 months after praziquantel treatment. The intervals and numbers of follow-up were variable by patient. Serially collected samples of serum and CSF were examined simultaneously for their specific IgG antibody levels by ELISA, using cystic fluid, saline extracts of bladder wall and scolex as antigen. Within 4 months after praziquantel treatment, the antibody levels were elevated temporarily in both serum and CSF in most patients. In some cases antibody levels exhibited steady declining tendency after the treatment. Concomitant administration of dexamethasone appeared to suppress the elevation of antibody levels. The rate of mean absorbance of antibody changed more in serum than in CSF. The rate of elevation was greater in antibodies to parenchymal antigens than that to cystic fluid, but absolute difference of antibody levels was greater in antibody to cystic fluid. Previously negative samples for IgG antibody may become positive after the praziquantel treatment, which could be used as a complementary tool (provocation test) in serodiagnosis. One month was considered to be sufficient interval for the follow-up test for that purpose. In the follow-up of up to 22 months, only few cases of chronic neurocysticercosis showed declining tendency of IgG antibody levels below negative range. During acute encephalitic attacks in chronic patients, IgG antibody to parenchymal antigen were elevated in CSF temporarily. These results indicated that serologic follow-up of every year was recommendable to differentiate the cured patients from chronic patients with slowly calcifying lesions.

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Public Health Measures in Trematode Control in Asia (아세아(亞細亞)에 있어서 흡충류감염(吸蟲類感染) 방어(防禦)를 위한 공중보건학적(公衆保健學的) 조치(措置))

  • Rim, Han-Jong
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.82-87
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    • 1988
  • 사람의 흡충류감염(吸蟲類感染)은 대부분(大部分) 열대(熟帶) 및 동부아세아지역(東部亞細亞地域) 여러 국가(國家)에서 발생(發生)한다. 주혈흡충증(住血吸蟲症), 간흡충증(肝吸蟲症), 태국간흡충증(泰國肝吸蟲症), 간흡충증(肝吸蟲症), 요꼬가와흡충증(吸蟲症), 이형이형흡충증(異型異型吸蟲症) 및 폐대흡충증(肺大吸蟲症)등은 어떤 일부(一部) 아세아국가(亞細亞國家)에 있어서 공중보건상(公衆保健上) 중요(重要)한 문제(間題)가 되어 있다. 이와 같은 패류매개성기생충감염(貝類媒介性寄生蟲感染)은 풍토병(風土病)을 일으키고 있다. 사람들의 생활습관은 풍토병을 일으키게될 원인이 될 뿐만 아니라 때로는 그 질병(疾病)을 유행(流行) 전파(傳播)시키는 기본적 요소가 되기도 한다. 주혈흡충을 제외한 흡충류감염은 우리가 중간숙주(中間宿主)을 먹었을때 그곳에 있었던 피낭유충(被囊幼蟲)에 의하여 감염이 이루어 진다. 식물(植物)의 생식(生殖)(간질(肝蛭), 폐대흡충(肺大吸蟲)), 게 및 가재 생식(폐흡충), 민물고기 생식(간흡충, 요꼬가와흡충, 이형이형흡충), 또는 우렁이 생식(극구흡충(棘口吸蟲)), 기타(몇가지 우연적감염(偶然的感染))등은 사람의 흡충류감염의 주 원인이 되는 것이다. 한편 주혈흡충 감염은 요염수원(汚染水源)에 접촉한 피부을 뚫고 들어온 쎌카리아 유충(幼蟲)에 노출되기 때문에 일어난다. 흡충류감염에 대하여 예방과 방어에 관한 공중보건학적 조치는 많다. 이들의 조치중에는 화학요법에 의한 감염원을 감소시키는 것, 패류숙주의 박멸, 만족할만한 위생시설의 비치, 급수시설, 보건교육, 진단기술의 보급, 환경관리 및 개선 등이 포함된다. 그러나 감염자들에 대한 화학요법은 가장 빠르고 효과적인 억제방법인 것으로 나타나고 있다. 흡충류감염을 예방하는데 있어서 가장 중요한 변화는 프라지콴텔과 같은 신약의 개발이었다. 프라지콴텔은 모든 종류의 주혈흡충, 간흡충, 폐흡충 및 여러가지 장내기생 흡충류등 사람의 병원성흡충류에 대한 치료제로서 가장 좋은 특효약이다. 흡충류감염이 중요한 보건문제가 되어 있는 곳에서는 그 예방과 억제책에 있어서 장단기계획(長短期計劃)을 수립하는 것이 좋을 것 같다. 단기는 집단화학요법을 조기에 실시하여야 하고 자기는 "비특이성 기구"로써, 예를들면 위생시설 및 급수시설의 설치, 보건교육등으로 감염을 감소시켜 감염유지 수준이하로 보지(保持)시키는 것이다. 이와같은 억제조치를 착실히 수행하기 위하여 많은일이 있다. 예를 들면 집단참여, 역학적 조사, 약물의 공급, 환경관리, 보건교육, 지역사회관련, 일차보건 진료와의 협조 및 재정후원등에 대하여 검토하고 연구하여야 할 것이다.

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Immune reactions between excretory-secretory antigens and specific antibodies of Clonorchis sinensis before and after praziquantel treatment in experimentally infected rabbits (간흡충 감염 토끼에서 프라지콴텔 치료 전후의 특이항체의 간흡충 분비배설항원에 대한 면역반응양상)

  • 김석일
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 1994
  • This study was designed to evaluate the humoral immune reactions in clonorchiasis before and after praziquantel treatment. Rabbits were infected with 150 or 450 metacercariae, treated on 4 and 8111 months after infection, and observed for 13 months of posttreatment. Infection controls were maintained for 22 months. Antigen was the metabolic product of worms incubated in physiologic saline. The immune reactions of anti-clonorchis IgG were observed using SDS-PAGE/immunoblot. During the Infection and Posttreatment, the antigenic Proteins of 66, 63, 54, 52, 50,47,42, 40, 38, 34,33,30, 27, 25, 23, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12.5 and 11.5 kDa were detected. Of them, 33,27, 13, and 12.5-kDa antigens were highly antigenic and observed predominently in infection controls. After the treatment, 13 and 12.5-kDa antigens faded in 6 months after the second treatment, but 33 and 27-kDa antigens were detected until 13 months of posttreatment. The results clearly demonstrate that 13 and 12.5-kDa antigens represent attenuated host immune reactions by praziquantel treatment. As the 12.5-kDa antigen had a large amount of protein in SDS-PAGE, it was designated as'K2-Ag'of C. sinenis.

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Two cases of Gymnopholloides seoi infection accompanied by diabetes mellitus (당뇨병과 동반된 참굴큰입흡충증 2례)

  • 이순형;채종일
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.61-64
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    • 1995
  • Gymnopholloides seoi, a new intestinal trematode of humans transmitted by oysters on a southwestern island of Korea, dry medical attentions because of its possible relationship with evoking pancreatitis or other pancreatic diseases. We experienced ho interesting cases of G. seoi infection who were accompanied with diabetes mellitus. In routine stool examination, eggs of a gymnophallid were detected from two patients, and after treatment with praziquantel and purgation, 772 and 10 adult flukes were recovered respectively. They were identified as G. seoi The first patient was a 62-year old man who lived in Mokpo, nearby the known endemic area, and the second patient, a 54-year old woman who lived in Inchon. They used to eat raw oysters. It should be ruled out that G. seoi infection has some relationship with pancreatic diseases.

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A case of echinostomiasis with ulcerative lesions in the duodenum (십이지장 궤양을 동반한 호르텐스극구흡충 감염증례)

  • 채종일;홍성태
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.201-204
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    • 1994
  • Echinostomiasis is an endemic intestinal trematodiasis of humans in Korea We observed a human case of Echinostomn honense infection who had ulcerations on the duodenal mucosa. A 55-year old man living in Hamyang-gun, Kyongnam, complained of epigastric pain with hematemesis In April 1994. Endoscopy revealed lesions of early gastric cancer and duodenal ulcerations. A penetrating parasite into the duodenal mucosa was picked out, and identified as E. honense. As the patient was treated 10 praziquantel 10 mg/kg single dose,3 more E. hofene and 7 Metogonimw worms were recovered. This case demonstrates that echinostomiasis causes gross ulcerations in the duodenum.

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A human case of invasive fascioliasis associated with liver abscess (간질증 초기 침습기에 발견된 간농양 예)

  • KIM, Jin-Bong;KIM, Dong-Joon;HUH, Sun;CHO, Seung-Yull
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.395-398
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    • 1995
  • A 56 year-old Korean housewife/farmerlgoat keeper suffered from right upper quadrant pain and fever with chills. In the abdominal sonogram and computerized tomography, multiple, 2-3 cm, irregular shaped cavities were observed in the right lobe of liver. A liver biopsy revealed extensive central necrosis with Characot-Leyden crystals surrounded by palisading histiocytes, eosinophil-rich inflammatory infiltration. Worm was not observed. However, the serologic test for Fusciola-specific IgG antibody by micro-ELISA was positive. Prior antibody levels did not differ and eosionophilia persisted 6 and 16 months after praziquantel treatment although the cavitaxy lesions in the liver disappeared 6 months after the treatment. Reported herein is a human case of invasive fascioliasis diagnosed clinically by a combination of radiological, histopathological and serological studies.

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Efficacy of Praziquantel ($Cesocide^{\circledR}$ injection) in Treatment of Cestode In(ections in Do%erotic and Laboratory Animals (가축 및 실험동물의 비충류 감염에 대한 프라지관열($Cesocide^{\circledR}$ 주) 주사제의 치료효과)

  • Eom, Gi-Seon;Kim, Seung-Ho;Im, Han-Jong
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.121-126
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    • 1988
  • Efficacy of praBiquantel (CesocideB injection) by intramuscular (1.M.) route against cestode infections was evaluated. Total 93 domestic or laboratory animals such as dogs, cats, rats, mice, goats, deers and chickens were used. Animals were infected with Dipylidium caninum, Spirometra sp. , Taenia pisiformis, Taenia taeniaeformis, Hymenolepis nana, Moniegia expanse, Moniexia sp. or Raillietina sp. A single dose of prasiquantel, 6 mg/kg of body weight, was highly effective (97.9%) against cestodes of various kinds disregarding the host species or their intensity of infection. At higher dose above 6 mg/kg, the cure rate was 100%. All the cestodes treated were expelled from the host within 48 hours. The discharged proglottides were damaged severely except Hymenolepis nana and Moniegia expanse. Intramuscular injection of this drug evoked a brief pain response in a dog, but no other side reactions were observed.

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Studies on Intestinal Trematodes in Korea XIX. Light and Scanning Electron Microscopy of Fibricola seoulensis collected from Albino Rats Treated with Praziquantel (한국의 장흡충에 관한 연구 XIX. 프라지콴텔 투여 흰쥐에서 수집한 Fibricola Seoulensis의 광학 및 주사 전자현미경적 관찰)

  • 서병편;차인려
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 1985
  • An experimental study was performed to observe the in vivo effects of praziquantel on the light and scanning electron microscopic morphology of Fibricola seoulensis. The metacercariae were obtained from the snakes and 1, 000 in each number was orally given to total 15 albino rats; 5 controls and 10 treatment group. Seven days later the 10 rats were treated with 10 mg/kg praziquantcl and sacrificed 1~24 hours later to search for the worms from their small intestines. The major light microscopic changes in the drug-exposed worms were early contraction followed by relaxation of especially their forebody, vacuolization of the tegument and subtegumental parenchymal layers, and narrowing of the intestinal lumens. The scanning electron microscopic findings were characterized by formation of numerous blebs followed by rupture and subsequent destruction of their whole teguments. These results show that the change in worm body is not confined to the tegument but extends to deeper parenchymal portions and also occurs in their intestines. It is suggested that the drug uptake by the worms should be either through their tegument or through the digestive tract.

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