• Title/Summary/Keyword: 품질개선방안

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Optimum Rheological Mixed ratio of Jumbo Squid and Alaska Pollock Surimi for Gel Product Process (대형오징어와 명태혼합 어묵의 가열겔화시 물성에 영향을 미치는 최적 혼합비)

  • LEE Nahm-Gull;YOO Seung-Geun;CHO Young-Je
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.718-724
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    • 1999
  • This study was investigated the changes of the properties of matter such as the gel formation of the combined fish based on the mixed rate between the ocean jumbo squid and Alaska pollock surimi, and compared the relationships between the gel formation and water holding capacity. The changes of the gel formation based on 20 min fish grinding time and $2.5\%$ salt concentration according to the mixed rate was thought as the optimal addition limit. There was no significant function of gel product more than $20\%$ Jumbo squid meat. The more squid meat in the mixed meat could make the lower breaking stress but 7:3 rate of pollock : squid could retain breaking strain. The effect of the moisture content on mixed fish meat was studied and the drastic decrease of the gel formation and water holding capacity was indicated in $78\%$.

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Consumption and Preference for Bokbunja (Rubus coreanus Miquel) Products (복분자 제품에 대한 기호도 및 이용실태 조사)

  • Lee, Jeong-Ae;Park, Geum-Soon
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the use and perception of adults concerning bokbunja (Rubus coreanus Miquel) products. Self-administered questionnaires were collected from 502 residents in the Daegu and Gyeongbuk area. According to the survey more females in their 20s responded than males (45.2 and 54.8%, respectively). In total, 82.6% of respondents had an income of under 4,000,000 won per month and most were living in the city. The results regarding knowledge about bokbunja products showed that the bokbunja wine score was highest (3.66), and intake frequency showed that over half of the respondents had never eaten bokbunja products. The preference for bokbunja wine by males was higher than that for females, whereas the others products showed higher scores for females than for males. When asked about how they knew about bokbunja products, 37.0% of males and 46.9% of females responded a family member or neighbor. When purchasing bokbunja products, males and females answered that they considered taste, country of origin, and manufacturer, and price. Approximately 48% of the respondents answered that they purchased bokbunja products in the grocery and department store. As a result, popularization of bokbunja products was based on product development and sales promotion, and the product development factor significantly influenced preference for bokbunja products.

Changes of Soil Properties through the Remediation Processes and Techniques for the Restoration of Remediated Soils (오염 토양 정화공정에 의한 토양의 특성 변화 및 정화토의 회복기술)

  • Lee, Sang-Woo;Lee, Woo-Chun;Lee, Sang-Hun;Kim, Soon-Oh
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.441-477
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    • 2020
  • There have been raised other environmental issues related to remediated soils piled up in numerous carry-out processing facilities because a considerable quantity of them have been produced every year, but most of them have not been relevantly reused or recycled. Thus, this article reports the trend of researches on the development of techniques to restore the quality of remediated soils to activate their reuse and recycling. Firstly, the tendency of change in soil properties through remediation processes was looked over, and then the degradation of soil quality was characterized according to the type of remediation processes. Besides, the direction of policy to promote the reuse and recycling of remediated soils was introduced, and finally, the future works needed were suggested. This article was prepared based on the results of the survey of domestic and foreign literature. A number of literature were reviewed to scrutinize the change of soil properties due to remediation processes and diverse techniques for the amendment and restoration of remediated soils. Furthermore, the policies related to the reuse and recycling of remediated soils were arranged with the reference of the first and second versions of the Soil Conservation Master Plan of Korea. The literature survey focused on three kinds of remediation technologies, such as land farming, soil washing, and thermal desorption, which were most frequently used so far in Korea. The results indicate that the tendency of change in soil properties was significantly different depending on the type of remediation processes applied, and the degradation characteristics of soil quality were also totally different between them. The soil amendment and restoration can be categorized as three techniques depending on the type of substances used, such as inorganic, organic, and biological ones. Diverse individual materials have been used, and the soil properties improved or enhanced were dependent on the type of specific materials utilized. However, few studies on the restoration of soil qualities degraded during the remediation processes have not been carried out so far. The second Soil Conservation Master Plan states the quality certification and target management system of remediated soils, and it is expected that their reuse and recycling will be facilitated hereafter. With the consideration of the type of remediation processes implemented and public utility, the restoration technologies of remediated soils should be developed for the vitalization of their reuse and recycling. Besides, practical and specific measures should be taken to support the policy specified in the second Soil Conservation Master Plan and to promote reuse/recycling of remediated soils.

Introduction of the Best Practices in the Pakistan Gulpur HEPP (파키스탄 Gulpur 수력발전 현장의 Best Practices 소개)

  • JANG, Ock Jae;HONG, Won Pyo;CHAE, Hee Moon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.216-217
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    • 2022
  • Gulpur 수력발전 프로젝트는 전력난을 겪고 있는 파키스탄에 102 MW 규모의 수력발전소를 건설하여 30년 동안 운영 관리한 후 파키스탄 정부로 양도하는 IPP(Independent Power Producing) 형식의 투자사업이다. 남동발전과 DL E&C, 롯데건설이 Sponsor로서 출자한 자본금과, ADB, IFC, K-EXIM 등의 대주단로부터의 차입금을 재원으로 하여 소요 사업비를 조달하고 사업을 개발하였다. DL E&C와 롯데건설이 EPC(Engineering, Procurement, Construction)를 수행하였고, 이산이 Design consultant의 역할을 수행하였다. Gulpur 수력발전 프로젝트의 발전형식은 수로식(run-of-river)으로 201 m3/s의 발전유량과 102 MW의 발전 시설용량을 이용하여 연평균예상발전량은 398 GWh이다. 주요 구조물로는 설계 재현빈도 1년의 유수전환시설(가물막이댐 & 가배수터널)과 콘크리트 중력식댐(H 67 m, L 205 m), 도수터널(D 6.7 m, L 215 m, 2기), 옥외형 발전소 (H 51 m, W 60 m, L 38 m, Kaplan 2기)가 있으며, 2015년 10월 착공하여 2020년 3월 상업발전을 시작하였다. 본 프로젝트는 DL E&C의 첫 번째 EPC 해외수력발전 프로젝트이다. 따라서 프로젝트의 성공적 수행을 위한 경제적 설계, 시공의 효율성 및 안정성 확보 등을 위하여 많은 연구를 수행하는 과정에서 다양한 기술 개선을 이룰 수 있었다. 본고에서는 Gulpur 프로젝트를 통하여 도출된 성공 사례들을 소개 및 공유하고자 한다. 첫 번째로 콘크리트 중력식댐 시공을 위한 유수전환시설의 최적 설계빈도를 산정하였다. 일반적으로 유수전환시설의 규모는 설계기준에 제시된 설계 재현빈도를 이용하는데, 해외 설계기준에서는 10년, 국내 설계기준에서는 1~2년으로 다르게 제시되어 있는 문제점이 있다. 유수전환시설의 규모는 프로젝트의 경제성에 큰 영향을 미치기 때문에 최적 설계빈도의 결정이 필요하며, 위험도분석기법(Risk Analysis)과 기대화폐가치법(Expected Monetary Value)을 이용하여 유수전환시설의 최적 설계 재현빈도와 이에 영향을 미치는 인자를 분석하였다. 위험도는 몬테카를로 시뮬레이션으로 산정된 가물막이댐 파괴확률과 재현빈도를 이용하여 산정된 가물막이댐 월류확률을 고려하였으며, 비용 및 피해액으로는 유수전환시설의 공사비, 가물막이댐 파괴시의 재건설비용과 지체보상금, 가물막이댐 월류시의 복구비용을 고려하였다. 이에 대한 연구결과로, 유수전환시설의 사용기간과 월류시의 복구비용이 유수전환시설의 설계 재현기간 결정에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났고, 특히 월류시의 복구비용이 작을수록 낮은 설계 재현빈도를 선택하는 것이 타당한 것으로 나타났다. 예를 들어, 유수전환시설의 사용기간이 3 ~ 5년, 복구비용이 0.5 ~ 1.0 mil USD 이하인 조건에서 가물막이시설의 최적 설계빈도는 1년 ~ 2년인 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 유수전환시설의 사용기간은 본댐의 규모와 시공기간 등을 고려하여 결정되는 사항으로 설계자가 임의 조정할 수 없지만, 복구비용은 시공 관리자에 따라 결정되는 부분으로, 적극적 홍수 피해 저감 및 복구방안을 마련하는 것이 프로젝트의 경제성을 향상시킬 수 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 두 번째로 프로젝트의 경제성 향상, 홍수기 댐 시공시의 안전성 확보를 위하여 홍수 조기경보시스템(Early Warning System)을 개발 및 활용하였다. 수로식(Run-of-river) 수력발전댐은 대부분 산악지역에 위치하기 때문에 국지성 강우 및 급한 지형 경사로 인하여 돌발홍수(flash flood)의 발생 가능성이 높다. 따라서 시공 중 홍수(월류) 발생을 미리 감지하고 현장에 전파할 수 있는, 수로식(Run-of-river) 수력발전댐 현장을 위한 홍수 조기경보시스템이 필요하며, 이를 리스크 인식, 모니터링 및 경보, 전파 및 연락, 반응 능력 향상의 4가지 부분으로 나누어 구축하였다. 리스크 인식 부분에서는 가물막이댐 월류 발생 상황에 대한 위험도, 취약성, 리스크를 제시하였으며, 모니터링 및 경보 부분에서는 상류 측정수위에서 유도된 현장 예상수위와 실제 현장 측정 수위를 대상으로 경보홍수위와 위험홍수위로 나누어 관리하였다. 전파 및 연락 부분에서는 현장 시공 조직을 활용하여 홍수시를 대비한 비상연락체계도(Emergency communication flow chart)를 운영하였으며, 반응 능력 향상을 위해 비상연락체계도의 팀별 Action plan을 상세화 하였다. 세 번째로 현장의 지질특성과 50여 차례 발파시험으로 현장 고유의 발파진동감쇄곡선을 도출하였으며, 이를 통해 현장의 시공성과 콘크리트 품질 확보를 동시에 달성할 수 있는 방안을 제시하였다. 콘크리트댐 공사에서는 제한된 공기 내에 공사를 완료하기 위해 사면부 굴착과 콘크리트 타설이 동시에 수행될 수밖에 없는 문제점을 가지고 있다. 그러나 신규 콘크리트 타설면 근처에서 발파를 수행하는 경우 발파로 발생되는 탄성파가 일정 수준을 초과하게 되면, 콘크리트 양생에 영향을 주게 된다. 따라서 다수의 현장 발파시험을 통해 발파거리와 최대진동속도의 상관관계 즉, 발파진동감쇄곡선을 도출함으로써 현장의 발파진동특성을 도출할 수 있었다. 또한, 기존 연구 논문들을 통해 콘크리트 재령기간 별 안전진동속도를 선정하고, 해당 안전진동속도를 초과하지 않는 범위에서 콘크리트 타설면과 발파위치의 거리에 따라 1회 발파 가능한 장약량을 산정하여 적용하였다. 이와 같은 체계적인 접근을 통해 콘크리트 타설과 발파 작업 동시 수행에 대한 논란을 해소할 수 있었다.

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Approach to improve construction management using Information Technology (IT) (정보기술(IT) 기반을 통한 시공관리 선진화 방안)

  • Lee Woo-Bang;Moon Jin-Yeong;Moon Byeong-Suk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • autumn
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 2002
  • There is various points that should be improved in Fairness such as our contract practice to propose construction projects, project managing and the stakeholders' way of thinking and culture. We consider that the revision of construction related provisions and systems is required but even more, an overall change in business management through the implementation of Integrated Construction Information Management System that will enable the owner, which drives the project, and contractor sharing construction information is required. To mange construction related information in an integrated manner, designing information should be smoothly transferred to purchasing information, and changes are required in order to move ahead to process-oriented work system. Finally information created from various construction organizations should be delivered in an aligned and standardized manner as well. The domestic Nuclear Power Plant Construction has been accepting various technology transfers from U.S, France, Canada and UK, which enabled us to self-support technology and recently even proceeded to the phase exporting our technology to others. However, continuous effort is required to improve internal business efficiency and to respond to external environmental change such aselectricity market deregulation. Recently, in accordance with the result in number of CEO's intention to make progress in IT and improve business efficiency, the number of enterprises introducing Enterprise Resource Planning is increasing. ERP is an innovative tool which changes the way of performing work from organization and department orientation to process-orientation in order to optimize the resources, such as human and material resources, through out the Enterprise by performing BPR which will maximize overall business efficiency of the enterprise, such includes not only construction management, but also business management. KHNP continued to performing large scaled construction projects such as nuclear power plant construction for past 30 years and took the initiatives of large scale project management and Quality management ability in domestic industry by having independent capability of over all construction planning, purchasing and, construction and start up management etc. To maintain our leading position of improving construction management technology based on our accumulated project management experience and technology, KHNP included construction into our ERP project in purpose of innovating construction business. We would like to discuss the characteristics of nuclear construction business, project management system, information system infrastructure and information sharing system among construction related entities, and implementation practices for information system, and consider how to resolve our practice that should be improved in this thesis.

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Effect of Heat Treatment in Dried Lavers and Modified Processing (마른김에 대한 열처리 효과와 제조 공정 개선 시험)

  • Lee, Tae-Seek;Lee, Hee-Jung;Byun, Han-Seok;Kim, Ji-Hoe;Park, Mi-Jung;Park, Hi-Yun;Jung, Kyoo-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.529-532
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    • 2000
  • To establish a food safety of dried layer, heat treatment effect on the bacterial density of dried layers was investigated. And a modified process developing experiment for dried layer products using closing type drying oven was carried out. tittle bacterial density difference on the dried layer products were found before and after heat treatment at $90^{\circ}C$ for 6 hrs called Hwaip treatment having been used for long term storage. Direct or indirect heat treatment of dried lavers using gas burner and frying pan reduced about 1 to 3 log cycle of viable cell count from $10^8\;CFU/g\;to\;10^5\;CFU/g$. Heat treatment by direct surface contact type cooking machine being used in the market place for cooked dried layer products could reduce the viable cell count on the layer product from $2.2{\times}10^5{\~}5.2{\times}10^7\;CFU/g\;to\;7.0{\times}10^2{\~}5.0{\times}10^5\;CFU/g$, Ultraviolet irradiation (20 W, 30 cm) to one or both side of the dried laver products reduced the viable cell count from $2.2{\times}10^6\;CFU/g\;to\;8.0{\times}10^5\;CFU/g\;and\;2.0{\times}10^5\;CFU/g$, respectively. The viable cell count of the dried layer products produced by modified process using a closing type dryer was about $10^3\;CFU/g$ and lower 3 log cycle than that in the products collected in market place and made by open type dryer.

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Development of deep learning network based low-quality image enhancement techniques for improving foreign object detection performance (이물 객체 탐지 성능 개선을 위한 딥러닝 네트워크 기반 저품질 영상 개선 기법 개발)

  • Ki-Yeol Eom;Byeong-Seok Min
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 2024
  • Along with economic growth and industrial development, there is an increasing demand for various electronic components and device production of semiconductor, SMT component, and electrical battery products. However, these products may contain foreign substances coming from manufacturing process such as iron, aluminum, plastic and so on, which could lead to serious problems or malfunctioning of the product, and fire on the electric vehicle. To solve these problems, it is necessary to determine whether there are foreign materials inside the product, and may tests have been done by means of non-destructive testing methodology such as ultrasound ot X-ray. Nevertheless, there are technical challenges and limitation in acquiring X-ray images and determining the presence of foreign materials. In particular Small-sized or low-density foreign materials may not be visible even when X-ray equipment is used, and noise can also make it difficult to detect foreign objects. Moreover, in order to meet the manufacturing speed requirement, the x-ray acquisition time should be reduced, which can result in the very low signal- to-noise ratio(SNR) lowering the foreign material detection accuracy. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a five-step approach to overcome the limitations of low resolution, which make it challenging to detect foreign substances. Firstly, global contrast of X-ray images are increased through histogram stretching methodology. Second, to strengthen the high frequency signal and local contrast, we applied local contrast enhancement technique. Third, to improve the edge clearness, Unsharp masking is applied to enhance edges, making objects more visible. Forth, the super-resolution method of the Residual Dense Block (RDB) is used for noise reduction and image enhancement. Last, the Yolov5 algorithm is employed to train and detect foreign objects after learning. Using the proposed method in this study, experimental results show an improvement of more than 10% in performance metrics such as precision compared to low-density images.

An Analysis of the Imported Consumer Goods Distribution Sector of Korea: From a Vertical Structure Viewpoint (수입소비재(輸入消費財) 유통구조(流通構造)의 효율화(效率化) 방안(方案))

  • Nam, Il-chong
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.3-33
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    • 1991
  • Since the early 1980's, the Korean government has gradually been widening the Korean market to foreign consumer goods. This, combined with the increased purchasing power of the Korean consumers resulting from the continued economic growth of the country, has sparked a spectacular influx of foreign consumer goods into Korea, ranging from BMW's to chopsticks. Import of foreign consumer goods amounted to more than 6 billion dollars in 1989 and is continuing to grow at a rapid rate. The increased import of foreign consumer goods doubtlessly improved the overall welfare of the Korean consumers by providing them with a wider range of options to choose from, by lowering the prices of some of the consumer goods domestically produced, and also by forcing the producers of some Korean goods to face competition with better foreign goods, thus giving them an incentive to raise the quality of their products. However, it is agreed by most economists that this increase in general welfare has been much smaller than what they had expected at the outset. Consumer prices of most imported consumer goods are easily double the import price, and in some cases, more than treble the import prices. Further, there has not been a noticeable drop in the prices of domestically produced consumer goods. Much of the blame has been attributed to the distribution sector of Korea. The objective of this paper is to analyze the imported consumer goods distribution sector of Korea, focusing on the possible sources of the poor performance of that sector, and to make policy suggestions that could potentially increase the welfare. This paper differs from all the previous research by others on this subject in that it analyzes the imported consumer goods distribution sector of Korea as a vertical structure. The distribution sector of an imported consumer good is a vertical structure since it consists of an international market, an import stage, and domestic wholesale and retail markets, in that order vertically. Our study naturally includes the analysis of the vertical restraints as well as the analysis of the industrial organization of each horizontal stage in the vertical structure. Each horizontal component of the imported consumer goods distribution sector is basically a monopolistically competitive market differentiated by characteristics of goods and by the locations and the services of firms. Further, restrictive dealership and resale price maintenance are found to be widely in use. Our main findings are the follwing; First, most consumer goods are imported monopolistically or oligopolistically through restrictive dealership contracts between foreign producers and domestic importers. Such restrictive dealership gives importers market power in the domestic market and explains many of the large discrepancies betwen the consumer prices and the import prices of many goods. Korean anti - trust law does not cover the issues arising from the market power of an importer resulting from a restrictive dealership contract. Second, some major producers of Korean goods are also importers of foreign goods that are substitutes of their products. The import of substitutes by major domestic producers is anti - competitive because it tends to raise the prices of both domestic goods and foreign goods, and also because it reduces the incentive of the domestic producers to raise the quality of their products. Third, wholesalers and retailers widely use resale price maintenance as a price fixing mechanism, and while this is against the anti- trust law, it seldom gets noticed. Fourth, the high level of rents of real estate for commercial use works as an entry barrier to the distribution sector and results in reduced competition by the firms in that sector. Finally, there are information problems. Consumers have inferior information to firms about the quality of a foreign consumer good that they have not tried before. Such information asymmetry often enables firms to raise prices. In addition, information asymmetry between importers frequently delays the import of cheaper substitutes. In order to alleviate the problems indentified above, we suggest the following policy changes. The government should strengthen the anti - trust law and its enforcement to regulate restrictive import contracts, import of competing goods by major domestic producers, and RPM by wholesalers and retailers that is aimed at price fixing. In addition, the government should loosen its tight real estate policy to encourage investment in the distribution sector. Finally, we suggest that the import price revelation policy that has been in use for some items since 1990 be expanded to most imported consumer goods that are introduced for the first time to give consumer better information and be used only for the period of time needed to inform sufficient number of consumers.

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Study on the Activation Plan for Utilization of Agri-food by-products as Raw Materials for TMR (TMR 원료로 이용하는 농식품 부산물 사료 이용 활성화 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Sung Heon;Park, Hyun Woo;Kwon, Byung Yeon;Gu, Gyo Yeong;Bang, Seo Yeon;Park, Kyung Soo
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.296-306
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to survey and analyze the quantity of various organic wastes and to vitalize the utilization of agri-food by-products as raw materials for Total mixed ration (TMR), to improve feed cost savings and the quality of animal products. On-the-spot obstacles for animal farmers, along with legal and institutional alternatives are presented. The results are as follows. First, organic wastes in Korea are managed by the Allbaro system created in the Wastes Control Act, which processes 10,488 tons of cooking oil waste, 832,493 tons of animal and plant residues, 5,740 tons of animal carcasses, 1,171,892 tons of animal residues, and 2,172,415 tons of plant residues including 12,905 tons of rice hull and bran, for a total of 4,205,931 tons. Raw materials for TMR, namely rice hulls and bran as well as plant residues, accounted for 51.7% of the total national organic waste. The top 10 municipalities process 76~100% of all organic wastes and a supply management system is needed for the waste. Second, the 10 major agri-food by-products used as raw materials for TMR are bean curd by-product, rice bran, oil-cake, brewers dried grain, Distiller's Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS), barley bran, soy sauce by-product, citrus fruit by-product, mushroom by-product and other food by-product (bread, noodles, snacks, etc.). Third, the biggest difficulties in using agri-food by-products are legal obstacles. Because agri-food by-products are regulated as industrial wastes by the Waste Control Act, animal farmers that wish to use them have legal reporting obligations including the installation of recycling facilities. To enable the use of agri-food by-products as raw materials for TMR, waste management system improvements such as 'the end of waste status' and the establishment of more than 10 public distribution centers nationwide are deemed essential.

Mushroom growth and cultivation environment at cultivation house of vinyl bag cultivation Shiitake mushroom on high-temperature period (고온기 표고 톱밥재배용 재배사 내의 환경 제어시스템과 버섯생육 온도)

  • Jhune, Chang-Sung;Kong, Won Sik;Park, Hye-Sung;Cho, Jae-Han;Lee, Kang-Hyo
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.263-269
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    • 2014
  • Although sawdust cultivation of shiitake (Lentinula edodes) is becoming more common, it is insufficiently competitive in spring and autumn, the best time to breed shiitake. Thus, it is urgently needed to develop a technique for all year round cultivation of shiitake using mushroom growing beds. In the present study, the temperature changes according to the location of shiitake cultivation facilities were investigated. We confirmed that a refrigerator, an air conditioner, triple membranes, shiitake cultivation beds, fog nozzles which were installed in the shiitake cultivation facilities play an important role in keeping the low temperature. Bag cultivation of shiitake was tested in temperature variation from $14^{\circ}C$ to $29^{\circ}C$ with a $3^{\circ}C$ interval to know its cultivating temperature range in hot summer season. In summary, the sawdust cultivation of shiitake is possible when the temperature difference between top and bottom is maintained below $1^{\circ}C$. And the temperature of the shiitake cultivation facilities should be maintained below $23^{\circ}C$ in the induction period for fruitbody formation.