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A Study on Developing Customized Bolus using 3D Printers (3D 프린터를 이용한 Customized Bolus 제작에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Sang Min;Yang, Jin Ho;Lee, Seung Hyun;Kim, Jin Uk;Yeom, Du Seok
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2015
  • Purpose : 3D Printers are used to create three-dimensional models based on blueprints. Based on this characteristic, it is feasible to develop a bolus that can minimize the air gap between skin and bolus in radiotherapy. This study aims to compare and analyze air gap and target dose at the branded 1 cm bolus with the developed customized bolus using 3D printers. Materials and Methods : RANDO phantom with a protruded tumor was used to procure images using CT simulator. CT DICOM file was transferred into the STL file, equivalent to 3D printers. Using this, customized bolus molding box (maintaining the 1 cm width) was created by processing 3D printers, and paraffin was melted to develop the customized bolus. The air gap of customized bolus and the branded 1 cm bolus was checked, and the differences in air gap was used to compare $D_{max}$, $D_{min}$, $D_{mean}$, $D_{95%}$ and $V_{95%}$ in treatment plan through Eclipse. Results : Customized bolus production period took about 3 days. The total volume of air gap was average $3.9cm^3$ at the customized bolus. And it was average $29.6cm^3$ at the branded 1 cm bolus. The customized bolus developed by the 3D printer was more useful in minimizing the air gap than the branded 1 cm bolus. In the 6 MV photon, at the customized bolus, $D_{max}$, $D_{min}$, $D_{mean}$, $D_{95%}$, $V_{95%}$ of GTV were 102.8%, 88.1%, 99.1%, 95.0%, 94.4% and the $D_{max}$, $D_{min}$, $D_{mean}$, $D_{95%}$, $V_{95%}$ of branded 1cm bolus were 101.4%, 92.0%, 98.2%, 95.2%, 95.7%, respectively. In the proton, at the customized bolus, $D_{max}$, $D_{min}$, $D_{mean}$, $D_{95%}$, $V_{95%}$ of GTV were 104.1%, 84.0%, 101.2%, 95.1%, 99.8% and the $D_{max}$, $D_{min}$, $D_{mean}$, $D_{95%}$, $V_{95%}$ of branded 1cm bolus were 104.8%, 87.9%, 101.5%, 94.9%, 99.9%, respectively. Thus, in treatment plan, there was no significant difference between the customized bolus and 1 cm bolus. However, the normal tissue nearby the GTV showed relatively lower radiation dose. Conclusion : The customized bolus developed by 3D printers was effective in minimizing the air gap, especially when it is used against the treatment area with irregular surface. However, the air gap between branded bolus and skin was not enough to cause a change in target dose. On the other hand, in the chest wall could confirm that dose decrease for small the air gap. Customized bolus production period took about 3 days and the development cost was quite expensive. Therefore, the commercialization of customized bolus developed by 3D printers requires low-cost 3D printer materials, adequate for the use of bolus.

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Clinical Experiences for Cardiac Myxomas (심장 점액종의 임상적 고찰)

  • Lee, Geun-Dong;Lee, Jae-Won;Jung, Jae-Seung;Jung, Sung-Ho;Je, Hyoung-Gon;Choo, Suk-Jung;Song, Hyun;Chung, Cheol-Hyun
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.703-709
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    • 2008
  • Background: Diagnosis and treatment are often successful in the setting of cardiac myxomas. However, cardiac myxomas can lead to catastrophic complications, due to intracardiac obstruction and embolism preoperatively, and can recur postoperatively. Material and Method: We retrospectively reviewed the clinical characteristics, surgical treatment, and recurrence data of 85 patients who underwent cardiac myxoma surgery at Asan Medical Center between November 1994 and June 2007. We analyzed the morphologic characteristics of 58 patients with left atrial myxomas and determined the development of functional mitral valve stenosis and systemic embolism through reviewing the results of preoperative echo-cardiograms to find potential preoperative risk factors. Result: Twenty-seven (31.8%) patients were men, and 58 (68.2%) were women. The mean patient age was $54.5{\pm}14.3$ years. Preoperative symptoms included obstructive symptoms in 41 (48.2%) patients, signs of embolism in 19 (22.4%), constitutional symptoms in 8 (9.4%), and no symptoms in 19 (20.0%). Among the 58 patients with left atrial myxomas, the mean maximal tumor diameter was $4.3{\pm}1.8$ (range $1.1{\sim}8\;cm$)cm. Twenty-six (44.8%) patients had a prolapsing type, defined as a tumor mobile enough to move down. to the mitral. annular plane during diastole, and 32 (55.2%) had villous type, defined as a tumor consisting of multiple fine villous extensions on the surface. Twelve (20.7%) patients had severe functional mitral valve stenosis, and 15 (25.9%) had systemic embolism preoperatively. The incidence of severe functional mitral valve stenosis was significantly higher in patients with the prolapsing type than in those with the non-prolapsing type (p=0.001). The mean maximal tumor diameter in patients with severe functional mitral valve stenosis was $5.1{\pm}1.0\;cm$, significantly larger than that seen in patients without severe functional mitral valve stenosis (p=0.041). The incidence of systemic embolism was significantly higher in patients with the villous type than in those with the smooth type (p=0.006). Postoperative complications were noted in 6 (7.1%) patients, and early mortality was noted in 1 (1.2%). The mean postoperative follow-up duration was $36.2{\pm}37.5$ months, with recurrence reported in 2(2.4%) patients during the follow-up period. The disease free interval were 48, 12 months, respectively. Conclusion: Surgical treatment for cardiac myxomas was performed safely, and long-term prognosis was good. In patients with left atrial myxoma, close attention should be maintained and surgery should be performed promptly in those of prolapsing type, those with large maximal diameter in order to prevent severe functional mitral valve stenosis, and those of villous type in order to prevent systemic embolism. Echocardiography should be followed serially in order to detect recurrence.

The Morphology, Physical and Chemical Characteristics of the Red-Yellow Soils in Korea (우리나라 전토양(田土壤)의 특성(特性) (저구릉(低丘陵), 산록(山麓) 및 대지(臺地)에 분포(分布)된 적황색토(赤黃色土)를 중심(中心)으로))

  • Shin, Yong Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.35-52
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    • 1973
  • Red Yellow Soils occur very commonly in Korea and constitute the important upland soils of the country which are either presently being cultivated or are suitable for reclaiming and cultivating. These soils are distributed on rolling, moutain foot slopes, and terraces in the southern and western parts of the central districts of Korea, and are derived from granite, granite gneiss, old alluvium and locally from limestone and shale. This report is a summary of the morphology, physical and chemical characteristics of Red Yellow Soils. The data obtained from detailed soil surveys since 1964 are summarized as follows. 1. Red-Yellows Soils have an A, Bt, C profile. The A horizon is dark colored coarse loamy or fine loamy with the thin layer of organic matter. The B horizon is dominantly strong brown, reddish brown or yellowish red, clayey or fine loamy with clay cutans on the soil peds. The C horizon varies with parent materials, and is coarser texture and has a less developed structure than the Bt horizon. Soil depth, varied with relief and parent materials, is predominantly around 100cm. 2. In the physical characteristics, the clay content of surface soil is 18 to 35 percent, and of subsoil is 30 to 90 percent nearly two times higher than the surface soil. Bulk density is 1.2 to 1.3 in the surface soil and 1.3 to 1.5 in the subsoil. The range of 3-phase is mostly narrow with 45 to 50 percent in solid phase, 30 to 45 percent in liquid one, and 5 to 25 percent in gaseous state in the surface soil; and 50 to 60 solid, 35 to 45 percent liquid and less than 15 percent gaseous in the subsoil. Available soil moisture capacity ranges from 10 to 23 percent in the surface soil, and 5 to 16 percent in the subsoil. 3. Chemically, soil reaction is neutral to alkaline in soils derived from limestone or old fluviomarine deposits, and acid to strong acid in other ones. The organic matter content of surface soil varying considerably with vegetation, erosion and cultivation, ranges from 1.0 to 5.0 percent. The cation exchange capacity is 5 to 40 me/100gr soil and closely related to the content of organic matter, clay and silt. Base saturation is low, on the whole, due to the leaching of extractable cations, but is high in soils derived from limestone with high content of lime and magnesium. 4. Most of these soils mainly contain halloysite (a part of kaolin minerals), vermiculite (weathered mica), and illite, including small amount of chlorite, gibbsite, hematite, quartz and feldspar. 5. Characteristically they are similar to Red Yellow Podzolic Soils and a part of Reddish Brown Lateritic Soils of the United States, and Red Yellow Soils of Japan. According to USDA 7th Approximation, they can be classified as Udu Its or Udalfs, and in FAO classification system to Acrisols, Luvisols, and Nitosols.

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Effects of Evaporative Water-loss from Cultural Pots on Growth of Pot-grown Ornamental Plants (화분(花盆)의 수분증발(水分蒸發)이 분식화훼류(盆植花卉類)의 생육(生育)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Suh, Youn-gkyo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.317-343
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    • 1977
  • This study was carried out to obtain the informations about evaporation from pot, soil temperature and soil atmosphere composition in pot, and the effect on the growth of nine ornamental species using seven different containers. The investigated containers were clay pot(CP), clay pot painted in green(CP-P), varnished clay pot(CP-V), polyethylene film inserting in clay pot(CP-PI), clay pot mulched with black polyethylene film(CP-PM), porcelain pot(POP), and plastic pot(PLP). Nine ornamental species were balsam(Impatiens balsamina), chrysanthemum(Chrysanthemum morifolium), cosmos(Cosmos bipinatus), English ivy(Hedera helix), geranium(Pelargonium zonale), kochia(Kochia scoparia var. trichophila), marigold(Tagetes patula), ornamental kale(Brassica oleraceae var. acephala), and salvia (Salvia splendens). The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Dry weight of all tested species grown in PLP, POP, CP-P, CP-V and CP-PI was heavier than that of CP. 2. Plant height in nine tested species grown in PLP, POP, CP-P, CP-V, and CP-PI was taller than that of CP. 3. Geranium grown in PLP, POP, CP-P, and CP-V gave more number of leaf than that of CP. 4. The number of flower in balsam grown in PLP, POP, CP-P, CP-V and CP-PI was more than that of CP. The result from marigold was very similar to this tendency. Spike length and floret number in salvia gave the same tendency, but its spike number was not different among containers used. 5. The average diurnal evaporation from PLP and POP was about 43% of that of CP. About two third of total evaporation from CP was through pot wall. 6. The evaporation rate from the slowest to the highest was PLP, POP, CP-P, CP-V, CP-PI, CP-PM and CP. Containers inhibiting evaporation through pot wall hold more soil moisture than CP from one day after water supply. 7. The more evaporative water-loss from containers gave the lower soil temperature. The variation of soil temperature among containers was higher during the day than the night. 8. The $O_2$ concentration of soil atmosphere in CP was higher than that of nonporous containers, and the difference between them was 0.40-1.12%. The range of the $O_2$ concentration 17.95~19.62%. The $CO_2$ concentration of soil atmosphere in CP was lower than that of nonporous containers, and its range was 0.59-1.76%. This deviation in soil atmosphere composition did not influenced on the growth of plants. 9. There was a possitive correlation between the amount of soil water and the plant growth. 10. Plant grown on CP gave more total nitrogen content in top growth than that on PLP. C/N ratio was somewhat low in plant on CP. From the above results, $O_2$ and $CO_2$ concentration in soil atmosphere did not gave enough deviation to the extent which affect the plant growth. The effect of soil moisture on the plant growth using different containers was the far-most significant factor from this investigation. Therefore, it was obious that the utilization of the nonporous container might save the cost for water supply and reduce the production cost of the pot-grown ornamental plant in Korea eventually.

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A Study on the Leakage Protection with Polypropylene Mat in Irrigation Canal (Polypropylene Mat에 의(依)한 용수로(用水路)의 누수방지(漏水防止)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kang, Sin-Up;Kang, Yea-Mook;Cho, Seung-Seup
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.166-184
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    • 1979
  • In order to prevent the water loss in the irrigation canal constructed on the sandy gravel layer or on the other highly permeable ground layer, lining has been practiced. Many studies have been done so far on the lining method to prevent the water loss in the irrigation canal and recently studies on the lining with plastic film or polyethylene film were also reported. However, the plastic film or polyethylene film has low strength and is liable to break, and water loss from pin hole caused by contacting with sand or gravel is highly predicted. This study was then conducted to find proper lining and buring method in canal construction of polypropylene mat after coated with vinyl, as one way to overcome the shortcoming frequently observed when plastic or usual polyehtylene film were used. Eventhough rather longer periods of experiments are needed to attain reliable and accurate results on the variation of durability, the durability of asphalt coated area, or on the damage due to freeze after burial or exposure of polypropylene mat, the experiemental results obtained during one year of period are summarized as follows: 1. The curvature at the area between canal bottom and side slope had increased stability and saved consruction cost. The relationship among the variation of curvature, the reduction of polypropylene mat and the reduced amount of soil cutting at each side slope was presented in Fig. 7 through 9. 2. The depth of covering material to protect polypropylene mat was desired to be over 30cm, considering the water depth, side slope, canal cleaning practices, traffic, or back pressure of irrigation period. 3. In order to increase the canal stability and to prevent slope erosion, sandy soil was required, to be placed under ground, and coarse gravel should cover the surface area of canal. 4. The studies on the stability of side slope in the canal should consider the passive area on the bottom and the slope should be about 1 to 2, considering the slope stability, allowable velocity and tractive force. 5. When compared with earth lining, the lining with polypropylene mat coated with vinyl was responsible to save 28% and 37% of canal lining cost, when the soil carrying distances were 500 and 700m. respectively. 6. The water interception was almost completely attained when the polypropylene mat coated with vinyl was used for lining. But further studies were assumed to be necessary for the use of asphalt since the strength of polypropylene mat connected with asphalt will vary with duration.

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The Evaluation of Radiation Dose to Embryo/Fetus and the Design of Shielding in the Treatment of Brain Tumors (임산부의 전뇌 방사선 치료에 있어서의 태아의 방사선량 측정 및 차폐 구조의 설계)

  • Cho, Woong;Huh, Soon-Nyung;Chie, Eui-Kyu;Ha, Sung-Whan;Park, Yang-Gyun;Park, Jong-Min;Park, Suk-Won
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.203-210
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    • 2006
  • Purpose : To estimate the dose to the embryo/fetus of a pregnant patient with brain tumors, and to design an shielding device to keep the embryo/fetus dose under acceptable levels Materials and Methods : A shielding wall with the dimension of 1.55 m height, 0.9 m width, and 30 m thickness is fabricated with 4 trolleys under the wall. It is placed between a Patient and the treatment head of a linear accelerator to attenuate the leakage radiation effectively from the treatment head, and is placed 1 cm below the lower margin of the treatment field in order to minimize the dose to a patient from the treatment head. An anti-patient scattering neck supporters with 2 cm thick Cerrobend metal is designed to minimize the scattered radiation from the treatment fields, and it is divided into 2 section. They are installed around the patient neck by attach from right and left sides. A shielding bridge for anti-room scattered radiation is utilized to place 2 sheets of 3 mm lead plates above the abdomen to setup three detectors under the lead sheets. Humanoid phantom is irradiated with the same treatment parameters, and with and without shielding devices using TLD, and ionization chambers with and without a build-up cap. Results : The dose to the embryo/fetus without shielding was 3.20, 3.21, 1.44, 0.90 cGy at off-field distances of 30, 40, 50, and 60 cm. With shielding, the dose to embryo/fetus was reduced to 0.88, 0.60, 0.35, 0.25 cGy, and the ratio of the shielding effect varied from 70% to 80%. TLD results were 1.8, 1.2, 0.8, 1.2, and 0.8 cGy. The dose measured by the survey meter was 10.9 mR/h at the patient's surface of abdomen. The dose to the embryo/fetus was estimated to be about 1 cGy during the entire treatment. Conclusion : According to the AAPM Report No 50 regarding the dose limit of the embryo/fetus during the pregnancy, the dose to the embryo/fetus with little risk is less than 5 cGy. Our measurements satisfy the recommended values. Our shielding technique was proven to be acceptable.

Comparison of Property Changes of Black Jujube and Zizyphus jujube Extracts during Lactic Acid Fermentation (흑대추와 일반 건조대추의 추출 및 유산발효과정 중 특성 변화)

  • Auh, Mi Sun;Kim, Yi Seul;Ahn, Seung Joon;Ahn, Jun Bae;Kim, Kwang Yup
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.41 no.10
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    • pp.1346-1355
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out to investigate the characteristics of black jujube and Zizyphus jujube extracts during lactic acid fermentation. Both extracts were fermented using Lactobacillus fermentum YL-3. As a result, viable cell number rapidly increased until 24 hours, after which it gradually decreased. Before lactic acid fermentation, the $IC_{50}$ of black jujube, which was 0.014 mg/mL, was lower than that of Zizyphus jujube. Further, black jujube showed stronger antioxidant activity (374.21 mg AA eq/g) than Zizyphus jujube. Contents of total polyphenolics in both extracts were 15.46 mg/g and 13.61 mg/g, respectively, whereas contents of total flavonoids were 374.21 ${\mu}g/g$ and 64.25 ${\mu}g/g$. After lactic acid fermentation, there was no significant increase in DPPH or ABTS free radical scavenging activity. Total polyphenolic content of Zizyphus jujube decreased to 12.39 mg/g upon fermentation, whereas flavonoid content significantly increased to 291.58 ${\mu}g/g$. Further, polyphenolic and flavonoid contents of black jujube increased from 15.46 mg/g to 17.46 mg/g and from 374.21 ${\mu}g/g$ to 1,135.29 ${\mu}g/g$, respectively. These results demonstrate that 9-Times Steamed and Dried increased functional components. Especially, lactic acid fermented black jujube showed remarkably high antioxidant activity. These results confirm the potential use of lactic acid fermented black jujube as a valuable resource for the development of functional foods.

The Obligation of Return Unjust Enrichment or Compensation for the Use of Flight Safety Zone -Seoul High Court Judgment 2018Na2034474, decided on 2018. 10. 11.- (비행안전구역의 사용에 대한 부당이득반환·손실 보상 의무의 존부 -서울고등법원 2018. 10. 11. 선고 2018나2034474 판결-)

  • Kwon, Chang-Young;Park, Soo-Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.63-101
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    • 2020
  • 'Flight safety zone' means a zone that the Minister of National Defense designates under Articles 4 and 6 of the Protection of Military Bases and Installations Act (hereinafter 'PMBIA') for the safety of flight during takeoff and landing of military aircrafts. The purpose of flight safety zone is to contribute to the national security by providing necessary measures for the protection of military bases and installations and smooth conduct of military operations. In this case, when the state set and used the flight safety zone, the landowner claimed restitution of unjust enrichment against the country. This article is an analysis based on the existing legal theory regarding the legitimacy of plaintiff's claim, and the summary of the discussion is as follows. A person who without any legal ground derives a benefit from the property or services of another and thereby causes loss to the latter shall be bound to return such benefit (Article 741 of the Civil Act). Since the subject matter is an infringing profit, the defendant must prove that he has a legitimate right to retain the profit. The State reserves the right to use over the land designated as a flight safety zone in accordance with legitimate procedures established by the PMBIA for the safe takeoff and landing of military aircrafts. Therefore, it cannot be said that the State gained an unjust enrichment equivalent to the rent over the land without legal cause. Expropriation, use or restriction of private property from public necessity and compensation therefor shall be governed by Act: provided, that in such a case, just compensation shall be paid (Article 23 (1) of the Constitution of The Republic of KOREA). Since there is not any provision in the PMBIA for loss compensation for the case where a flight safety zone is set over land as in this case, next question would be whether or not it is unconstitutional. Even if it is designated as a flight safety zone and the use and profits of the land are limited, the justification of the purpose of the flight safety zone system, the appropriateness of the means, the minimization of infringement, and the balance of legal interests are still recognized; thus just not having any loss compensation clause does not make the act unconstitutional. In conclusion, plaintiff's claim for loss compensation based on the 'Act on Acquisition of and Compensation for land, etc. for Public Works Projects', which has no provision for loss compensation due to public limits, is unjust.

The Ripening of Camembert Cheese Made with Mucor Miehei Rennet (Mucor Miehei 응유효소(凝乳酵素)로 제조(製造)한 Camembert Cheese의 숙성(熟成)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Mooh Il;Kim, Jong Woo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.179-200
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    • 1989
  • Mucor miehei rennet(MR) was added as calf rennet(CR) substitutes in the fixed amounts of mixed rennets in making Camembert cheese. The conditions in the variations of chemical composition: water-soluble nitrogen, non-caseinic nitrogen, non-proteinic nitrogen, amino nitrogen, ammoniacal nitorgen, electrophoresis, molecular fractionation, mineral distribution, texture characterisitics, free amino acids and free fatty acids, were checked up with the sensory test and the chesse yields at each ripening period. The results obtained by investigating the utility of Mucor rennet were summarized as follows: 1. CR chesse, MR cheese and the mixed-rennet chesse failed to show any significant difference in their yields of 15%. 2. The contents of protein, fat and ash in MR cheese gave lower value than CR cheese did and with progress of ripening lactose decreased rapidly after 14 days of ripening. The difference among the rate of addition of mucor rennet was not recognized. 3. The WSN contents of 5 fresh sample chesse were from 14.7% to 17.3% and WSN increased from 39.7% to 41.0% with progress of ripening. After 21 days of ripening MR chesse had more WSN than CR cheese did. In NCN and ammoniacal nitrogen MR cheese showed higher value. 4. As the ripening progressed, MR chesse showed more cystein, phenylalanine and proline than CR chesse did but it failed to show any increase in aspartic acid, threonine and glutamic acid etc. 5. In the content of free fatty acid MR chesse showed higher value than CR cheese did and with the progress of ripening fatty acids increased from 8.36 mEq to 26.36 mEq but did not show any significant difference in the cheese types by the coagulant ratio. 6. Ca contents in the sample chesse were 0.238-0.27%, Mg 0.019-0.022%, Na 0.910-1.047%, and K 0.175-0.200%. The important non-sedimentable Ca in casein remained from 61 % to 77% without regard the ripening periods and added-rennets and Mg remained from 59.1% to 92.5% in non-sedimentable and water-soluble conditions. 7. In the fractionation of protein by ultrafilteration, MW> $5{\times}10^4$ decresed from 95% at the beginning period of ripening to 45% and MW< $10^4$ increased from 0.2% to 38% and definite caseinolysis was shown in all samples. 8. All the cheese showed to different electrophoretic patterns for the added-amounts of mucor rennet in the 14 days of ripenig. In the 28 days or ripening, MR cheese kept some bands on the patterns compared with CR cheese. 9. In vitro digestibility increased from 81.48-94.81 % to 94.47-98.61% but failed to show any significant difference in the cheese types by the coagulant ratio. 10. In hardness, MR cheese showed lower value compared with CR cheese as the ripening progressed. 11. The results of the sensory test failed to show any difference in flora rind, feelings in mouth and hands, deep structure, flavor and bitterness between CR Camembert cheese and MR Camembert chesse.

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A Study on Antiulcer Effects of Opuntia dillenii Haw. on Stomach Ulcer Induced by Water-immersion Stress in Rats (랫드의 스트레스성 위궤양에 대한 Opuntia dillenii Haw.(선인장)의 항궤양작용에 관한 연구)

  • 이후장;이용욱;김정현
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.53-61
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    • 1998
  • This study was performed to investigate the antiulcer effects of Opuntia dillenii Haw. on the stomach ulcer induced by restraint and water-immersion stress in rats. For this experiment, 48 male Sprague-Dawley strain were used. The experimental groups were divided into four: a control (C) and 3 Opuntia dillenii Haw. treatment groups (E-1, E-2, E-3). Each dose of Opuntia dillenii Haw. was 30 mg/kg bw (E-1), 60 mgfKg bw (E-2) and 120 mg/kg bw (E-3). The rats were allocated to each group by 12 and observed for 4 weeks. The results were as following: 1. The stomach surface pH in each group showed no significant difference, but the values of Opuntia dillenii Haw. treatment groups were higher than the value of the control group. 2. The gastric wall mucus was increased in all Opuntia dillenii Haw. treatment groups compared with the control group. Especially in E-1 difference was higher (p<0.05) and in E-2 difference was significantly higher (p<0.01). 3. At shear rate 11.25, 45.0, 90.0, $225\;sec^{-1}$, whole blood viscosity and plasma viscosity were measured. Most of the values of Opuntia dillenii Haw. treatment groups were low compared with that of the control group. At shear rate 90.0, $225\;sec^{-1}$ the values of whole blood viscosity in E-1 were significantly low (p<0.05) and at shear rate 11.25, $45.0\;sec^{-1}$, more significant (p<0.01). At shear rate 11.25, 45.0, 90.0, $225\;sec^{-1}$ the values of whole blood viscosity in E-2 were significantly low (p<0.01). At shear rate $90.0\;sec^{-1}$ the value of plasma viscosity in E-1 was significantly low (p<0.05) and at shear rate 90.0, $225\;sec^{-1}$ the values of plasma viscosity in E-2 we resignificantly low (p<0.01). 4. Less severe ulcers were obsered in Opuntia dillenii Haw. treatment groups than in the control group. Especially E-1 groups tissues had only slight ulcers and necrosis of tissue was not observed in this group. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the oral administratio-n of Opuntia dillenii Haw. results in protection of stomach ulcer by stimulating the secretion of gastric mucus and improving the gastric mucosal microcirculation.

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