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Climatic Yield Potential Changes Under Climate Change over Korean Peninsula Using 1-km High Resolution SSP-RCP Scenarios (고해상도(1km) SSP-RCP시나리오 기반 한반도의 벼 기후생산력지수 변화 전망)

  • Sera Jo;Yong-Seok Kim;Jina Hur;Joonlee Lee;Eung-Sup Kim;Kyo-Moon Shim;Mingu Kang
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.284-301
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    • 2023
  • The changes in rice climatic yield potential (CYP) across the Korean Peninsula are evaluated based on the new climate change scenario produced by the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences with 18 ensemble members at 1 km resolution under a Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) and Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) emission scenarios. To overcome the data availability, we utilize solar radiation f or CYP instead of sunshine duration which is relatively uncommon in the climate prediction f ield. The result show that maximum CYP(CYPmax) decreased, and the optimal heading date is progressively delayed under warmer temperature conditions compared to the current climate. This trend is particularly pronounced in the SSP5-85 scenario, indicating faster warming, except for the northeastern mountainous regions of North Korea. This shows the benef its of lower emission scenarios and pursuing more efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions. On the other hand, the CYPmax shows a wide range of feasible futures, which shows inherent uncertainties in f uture climate projections and the risks when analyzing a single model or a small number of model results, highlighting the importance of the ensemble approach. The f indings of this study on changes in rice productivity and uncertainties in temperature and solar radiation during the 21st century, based on climate change scenarios, hold value as f undamental information for climate change adaptation efforts.

Error Characteristic Analysis and Correction Technique Study for One-month Temperature Forecast Data (1개월 기온 예측자료의 오차 특성 분석 및 보정 기법 연구)

  • Yongseok Kim;Jina Hur;Eung-Sup Kim;Kyo-Moon Shim;Sera Jo;Min-Gu Kang
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.368-375
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    • 2023
  • In this study, we examined the error characteristic and bias correction method for one-month temperature forecast data produced through joint development between the Rural Development Administration and the H ong Kong University of Science and Technology. For this purpose, hindcast data from 2013 to 2021, weather observation data, and various environmental information were collected and error characteristics under various environmental conditions were analyzed. In the case of maximum and minimum temperatures, the higher the elevation and latitude, the larger the forecast error. On average, the RMSE of the forecast data corrected by the linear regression model and the XGBoost decreased by 0.203, 0.438 (maximum temperature) and 0.069, 0.390 (minimum temperature), respectively, compared to the uncorrected forecast data. Overall, XGBoost showed better error improvement than the linear regression model. Through this study, it was found that errors in prediction data are affected by topographical conditions, and that machine learning methods such as XGBoost can effectively improve errors by considering various environmental factors.

Production of Digital Climate Maps with 1km resolution over Korean Peninsula using Statistical Downscaling Model (통계적 상세화 모형을 활용한 한반도 1km 농업용 전자기후도 제작)

  • Jina Hur;Jae-Pil Cho;Kyo-Moon Shim;Sera Jo;Yong-Seok Kim;Min-Gu Kang;Chan-Sung Oh;Seung-Beom Seo;Eung-Sup Kim
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.404-414
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    • 2023
  • In this study, digital climate maps with high-resolution (1km, daily) for the period of 1981 to 2020 were produced for the use as reference data within the procedures for statistical downscaling of climate change scenarios. Grid data for the six climate variables including maximum temperature, minimum temperature, precipitation, wind speed, relative humidity, solar radiation was created over Korean Peninsula using statistical downscaling model, so-called IGISRM (Improved GIS-based Regression Model), using global reanalysis data and in-situ observation. The digital climate data reflects topographical effects well in terms of representing general behaviors of observation. In terms of Correlation Coefficient, Slope of scatter plot, and Normalized Root Mean Square Error, temperature-related variables showed satisfactory performance while the other variables showed relatively lower reproducibility performance. These digital climate maps based on observation will be used to downscale future climate change scenario data as well as to get the information of gridded agricultural weather data over the whole Korean Peninsula including North Korea.

Estimation of Frost Occurrence using Multi-Input Deep Learning (다중 입력 딥러닝을 이용한 서리 발생 추정)

  • Yongseok Kim;Jina Hur;Eung-Sup Kim;Kyo-Moon Shim;Sera Jo;Min-Gu Kang
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2024
  • In this study, we built a model to estimate frost occurrence in South Korea using single-input deep learning and multi-input deep learning. Meteorological factors used as learning data included minimum temperature, wind speed, relative humidity, cloud cover, and precipitation. As a result of statistical analysis for each factor on days when frost occurred and days when frost did not occur, significant differences were found. When evaluating the frost occurrence models based on single-input deep learning and multi-input deep learning model, the model using both GRU and MLP was highest accuracy at 0.8774 on average. As a result, it was found that frost occurrence model adopting multi-input deep learning improved performance more than using MLP, LSTM, GRU respectively.

KAPE인(人)이야기 - 가금산물 자체품질평가제, 오리전량등급판정 도입의 선두주자인 평가관리처 전승엽 차장

  • 축산물품질평가원
    • KAPE Magazine
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    • s.254
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    • pp.4-6
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    • 2017
  • 축산물품질평가원에서는 축산물등급판정업무와 축산물등급에 대한 제도 및 작업장 관리, 운영 등을 담당하는 축평원의 핵심부서인 평가관리처가 있다. 현재 닭 계란 오리 등급판정 운용 및 개선기준 발굴과 기준보완에 대한 사항, 자체품질평가사 양성교육에 대한 사항 등을 담당하는 평가사업본부의 주무차장인 전승엽 차장을 kape인(人) 이야기에 소개하고자 한다.

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탐방 - 한라육계영농조합법인 - 청정 제주에서 제주인이 생산한 한라산 친환경 닭고기

  • Choe, In-Hwan
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.140-142
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    • 2012
  • 한라육계영농조합법인(조합장 백영종)은 1981년 8월 10일 제주 가금처리장으로 출범하여 지난 2005년 5월 1일 법인으로 전환하였다. 26명의 조합원이 가입되어 있으며 제주시 화북1동에 부지 $6,772m^2$(2,053평), 건물 $1,774.2m^2$(528평)로 지상 2층 건물에 65명이 근무하고 있다. 조합원 26명이 공동출자하여 운영하고 출자배분에 따라 병아리를 입추, 사육하고 있다. 일일 도계량 40,000수, 가공 5,000수로 월 300,000수 규로로 한라육계영농조합법인을 방문하여 제주도 육계산업현황과 앞으로 계획에 대해 들어 보았다.

A study on the manufacture of extrusion square dies (평금형 CNC 가공 S/W 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 조승래
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 1999.03b
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    • pp.280-283
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    • 1999
  • Square dies are widely used for hot extrusion processes with high production rate. However the design and manufacture of square dies mainly relies on experience of industrial engineers To overcome such difficulty this study develops a method of automatic generation of NC-codes for the manufacture of extrusion square dies. The result shows that the method can reduce the lead time for the design and manufacture of square dies as well as eliminating engineers ow experience.

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Spur and helical gear design for manual transmission (수동 변속기용 평치차 및 헬리컬 치차 설계)

  • 이강현
    • Journal of the korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 1990
  • 본 고에서는 자동차용 수동변속기에 사용되는 평치차 및 헬리컬 치차에 대해서 설계조건과 설계절차 및 방법에 관해서 논하고자 한다. 자동차용 변속기의 치차 설계자는 gear box내의 좁은 공간에서 가장 정숙하고 튼튼하고, 소형.경량화된 치차를 설계하기 위해서는 module, 공구압력각, 치높이, 치선원경 등이 표준에서 벗어나는 특수 cutter를 이용하여 제작되도록 치차 설계를 할 수 밖에 없으나 자동차용 치차가 대량 생산되는 점에 비추어 볼때 특수 cutter를 사용하는데 드는 비용은 문제가 되지 않는다고 본다.

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토개공 수의계약 매각대상 토지

  • 한국주택협회
    • 주택과사람들
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    • no.27 s.44
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    • pp.45-47
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    • 1994
  • ${\cdot}$ 한국토지개발공사는 전국 37개 택지개발사업지구에서 단독주택지 5,493필지(361,127평), 상업용지 및 업무용지 1,465필지(389,736평)을 수의계약의 방법으로 매각하고 있다. ${\cdot}$ 수의계약으로 매각하는 단독주택지를 매입하는 경우에는 주택공급에 관한 규칙 제 17조의 규정에 의한 아파트 재당첨금지 규정 (민영 5년, 국민 10년)이 적용되지 않는다. ${\cdot}$ 토지시장이 비수기이고 현재 토지가격이 부동산 경기의 침체국면에 있는 가격임을 고려할 때 실수요자에게는 유리한 상황이라 할 수 있다.

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농장탐방 - 안일농장-산란계HACCP 인증농장 -기본에 충실한 사양관리로 산란율 90%이상 지속 유지

  • ;Park, Jeong-Wan
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    • v.43 no.10
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    • pp.140-143
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    • 2011
  • 경기도 연천의 대표적인 산란계 농장인 안일농장(대표 안영기)은 연천군 내 산란계 사육수수의 50%를 차지하는 지역 선도농가로 알려져 있다. 전체 9만2,562$m^2$(2만8,000여 평)의 농장부지 중 연면적 5만6,198$m^2$(1만7,000여 평)에 육성사 2동, 성계사 10동, 자체 집하장과 액란가공공장을 갖추고 있는 안일농장은 산란계 25만수와 육성계 5만수 등 총 30만수를 사육하고 있으며 하루 12만개의 계란을 생산하고 있다.