• Title/Summary/Keyword: 파손 원인 분석

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Analysis of Defect Risk by Work Types based on Warranty Liability Period in Apartments (공동주택 하자보수보증기간에 기초한 공종별 하자위험 분석)

  • Kim, Sang-Hyeon;Kim, Jae-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.34-42
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    • 2018
  • Apartment is a typical type of housing preferred by the majority of people. However, and defect disputes occur because various defects such as cracks, subsidence, breakage, water leakage, dew condensation and dropout are confirmed with numerous structures and finishing materials. From this point of view, this paper analyzes defect frequency and costs of each warranty period by work types, and estimates defect risks by using defect dispute cases. It examined about 5,337 defect items for 32 apartment over ten years old. In this paper, there are 10 types of work types and the warranty liability period is divided into 6 categories. Based on these categories, defect frequency and costs are investigated, and finally defect risk of the warranty liability period by work types confirmed. As a result of this analysis, it was found that defect risk in RC and finishing work is very high. Especially the RC work revealed that there is a high risk of trying from the third year onwards and it was found that the defect risk up to the second year is high in the finishing work. Due to aging of RC structure, the defect risk gradually increases, and finishing work initially cause defect disputes because of the housing environment.

A study on the case analysis of Nitric acid chemical accident and establishment of preventive measures (질산 화학사고 사례분석 및 독성피해 영향범위에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyun-Seung;Shin, Chang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.488-496
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    • 2020
  • This study was based on nitrate chemical accidents at home and abroad. Toxic gases due to adverse reactions are generated in the workplace, laboratory, hospital, container damage, and chemical misinjection. Through a case review of possible situations and safety, this study analyzed various cases of accidents, accident status, accident type, cause of the accident, location of the accidents, etc. from 2014 to 2018. The plans for improvement in education and nitrate accidents were reviewed. As a result, 36 nitrate chemical accidents were investigated, including 16 careless worker accidents, eight transportation accidents, and 12 facilities shortages. Nitrate chemical accidents are occurring continuously. Based on this, the range of toxic effects using CARIS was calculated at the worst-case scenario, and the effective response range was measured through the damage impact range. For this purpose, the impact range was predicted based on the strengthening of safety education, emergency action plan and correlation, and the quantified data was identified. In addition, the reliability of the scope of impact was reviewed based on the correlation formula that could facilitate the evacuation of residents, and it was applied to actual accident scenarios of the workplace to present the effects of the accident response and preventive measures.

A Study for Roughness of Joungbu Expressway (중부고속도로 평탄성 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Ho;Suh, Young-Chan;Cho, Yoon-Ho;Park, Kyung-Boo
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.3 no.2 s.8
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 2001
  • Concrete pavement of Jungbu Expressway composed of CRCP(Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement) and JCP(Jointed Concrete Pavement). The CRCP was firstly constructed and applied to new expressway in Korea. It is a good source of the study to analyze the performance of CRCP and JCP because it experiences same amount of traffic and environmental loading. Up to the present, condition survey has conducted several times during 13 years but roughness measurement has not been carefully conducted. Through comparisons among several types of pavement(CRCP, JCP, Asphalt) by roughness, CRCP is superior to JCP. In addition, connected sections in the highway such as bridges and tunnels that have higher IRI values, about 5mm/m, than normal sections should be considered appropriated maintenance such as diamond grinding. The relationship between IRI and distresses carried out by Korea Highway Cooperation in 1999 skewed that the number of crack is related to IRI value in JCP, while other distresses of JCP and CRCP are not shown clearly. The comparison study with IRI values between Jungbu Expressway and GPS-3(JCP) and GPS-5(CRCP) of LTPP data also showed that roughness of Jungbu Expressway is not inferior to that of the state. Some of section showed larger values of IRI are linked with under-9round structures for passages and drainages. The overall performance considering only roughness, the CRCP is also superior to JCP in sections with under-ground tunnels.

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Uncertainty Assessment of CANDU Void Reactivity using MCNP-4C with ENDF/B-VII(I) (ENDF/B-VII기반 MCNP-4C를 이용한 CANDU-6 기포반응도 불확실성 평가(I))

  • Hong, S.T.;Kwon, T.A.;Lee, Y.J.;Oh, S.K.;Lee, S.K.;Kim, M.W.
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Energy Engineering kosee Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2008
  • 기포반응도는 월성발전소를 비롯한 CANDU형 원자로의 주된 안전성 쟁점사안으로 끊임없이 논의되어 왔다. 이는 설계기준사고가 노심에서 열에너지 불균형이 원인이 되어 기준이상의 핵연료 파손과 방사성물질 누출로 발전할 위험이 있는 사건들로 정의될 때, 사건 진행 과정에 기포반응도 증가는 조기에 운전중단을 실패할 경우 출력폭주로 이어지므로 사건의 결말이 중대사고로 전환될 위험이 크기 때문이다. 본 연구는 공개된 최신 핵자료인 ENDF/B-VII.0를 NJOY.99로 처리한 연속에너지 반응단면적 라이브러리를 구축하고 MCNP-4C에 접속하여 37봉 천연우라늄 핵연료다발의 표준노심격자에 대한 기포반응도를 시뮬레이션하여, 지금까지 각종문헌에 제시된 값들과 비교, 종합하므로 내제된 불확실성을 추정하는 내용이다. ENDF/B-VII.0 기반 MCNP-4C의 CANDU 노심격자 모델은 동일한 핵자료와 핵종농도를 사용한 WIMS-IAEA 모델과 비교할 때, 초기 노심의 임계도 오차 약 3.51mk가 연소 진행에 따라 $7.5\times10^{-4}mk$/MWD/teU의 비율로 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 MCNP-4C 예측기포반응도는 초기노심에서 기포율 50% 및 100%에 대해 각각 8.38 및 15.96mk, 평형노심에서 7.68 및 14.72mk로 계산된다. 이는 월성 2, 3, 4 FSAR의 초기노심 및 평형노심에서 100% 기포상태에 대한 값, 약15.0 및 10.6mk와 비교할 때, 초기노심은 약 1.0mk 평형노심은 약4, 1mk 보수적이지만, 다른 연구결과들과는 최대오차 ${\pm}1{\sim}2mk$ 이내에서 잘 일치하는 것으로 평가되었다. 본 연구는 CANDU 노심의 기포반응도 불확실성 요인의 규명 및 영향평가를 위한 노력의 일부로서 앞으로 감속재의 붕산농도 변화, 감속재 및 냉각재의 중수 순도 변화, 기기노화에 의한 격자 구조 및 물성 변화, 중성자속 및 출력 분포 불균형, 반응도조절장치의 위치, 등 주요 설계변수의 변화에 대한 반응도영향 분석연구를 계속할 계획이다.

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A Study on the Flow Characteristics in Tube Banks due to the Upstream Periodic Velocity Fluctuation (전열 관군에서 전방류의 주기적인 속도 변동에 따른 유동 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Ha, Ji-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.446-451
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    • 2020
  • Flow induced vibration in a heat exchanger may cause damage to piping. The purpose of this study was to compare the characteristics of vortex shedding behavior through the circular tube banks at several tube locations, No.1, No. 10, and No. 19, with respect to time when the flow velocity of the inlet is constantly and periodically fluctuating.(60) The time characteristics of lift and the PSD characteristics were also investigated. In the case of periodic inlet flow velocity, strong vortex occurred at some time and after that time, a weak vortex was generated through the tube banks simultaneously. In the case of constant inlet flow velocity, the lift fluctuating frequency was 37.25Hz and that at the No. 19 tube was 18.63Hz and near 50Hz. In the case of periodic inlet flow velocity, the lift fluctuating frequency was 37.25Hz and 18.63Hz. The lift fluctuating frequency at No. 19 tube was observed broadly from 20Hz and 50Hz.

A study of the economic effects of weather and climate information on marine logistics (해상운송업의 기상기후정보 경제적 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Lho, Sangwhan;Lim, Dongsoon
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2014
  • Weather seems to influence industries in a variety of ways. On a day-to-day basis, it is the most volatile external factor influencing consumer and market behavior. And, because weather is constantly changing, industries must deal with a continuously shifting array of opportunities and risks. This study aims to examine how climate and weather changes and information, as external environmental factors, have affected the Korean industries, particularly marine shipping and logistics. To find out the economic value of marine weather information, we use measurable results of VVOS(Vessel and Voyage Optimization Services) in the ocean shipping, which the marine weather software tool can save fuel costs up to 4%. When the fuel saving is same as VVOS's performance, the saving of Korean flag ship is estimated about 62 billion won and the saving of total flag ship is estimated about 519 billion won. However, coastal shipping companies have been struggling with the heavy weather factors, such as wave height, wave period and wind. Major findings are that wind and wave height have a significant negative effect on cargo transport, while wave period has a significant positive effect on cargo transport. And to conclude, when we use efficiently the marine weather information, we can increase cargo transport and save fuel costs etc.

Seismic Performance Evaluation of a Cone-type Friction Pendulum Bearing System (원추형 마찰진자베어링의 내진성능평가)

  • Jeon, Bub-Gyu;Chang, Sung-Jin;Park, Kyung-Rock;Kim, Nam-Sik;Jung, Duk-Young
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2011
  • In this study, a CFPBS (Cone-type Friction Pendulum Bearing System) was developed which controls the acceleration delivered to the structure to prevent damage and degradation of the critical communication equipment in case of an earthquake. The isolation performance of the CFPBS was evaluated by numerical analysis. The CFPBS was manufactured in the shape of a cone differenced from the existing FPS (Friction Pendulum System), and a pattern was engraved on the friction surface. The natural frequencies of the CFPBS were evaluated from a free-vibration test with the seismic isolator system consisting of four CFPBSs. In order to verify its earthquake-resistant performance, a numerical analysis program was created from the equation of the CFPBS induced from the equations of motion. A simplified theoretical equation of the CFPBS was proposed to manufacture the equipment which could demonstrate the necessary performance. Artificial seismic waves satisfying the maximum earthquake scale of the Korean Building Code-Structural (KBC-2005) were created and verified to review the earthquake-resistant performance of the CFPBS by numerical analysis. The superstructural mass of the CFPBS and skew angle of the friction surface were considered for numerical analysis with El Centro NS (1940), Kobe NS (1995) and artificial seismic waves. The CFPBS isolation performance evaluation was based on the results of numerical analysis and the executed comparative analysis between the results from numerical analysis and the simplified theoretical equation under the same conditions.

Research on Improving Quality Management for Underground Space Integration Map - Focusing on pipe-type underground facilities - (지하공간통합지도 품질관리 개선방안 연구 - 관로형 지하시설물을 중심으로 -)

  • Bae, Sang-Keun;Kim, Sang-Min;Yoo, Eun-Jin
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.221-235
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    • 2020
  • The development and utilization of underground spaces are increasing as the use of land based on ground surface became limited due to rapid urbanization triggered by population growth and industrialization. Despite its merit of efficient use of limited land and space, it may contribute to occurrence of various disasters such as sinkholes and damage to underground facilities. After the sinkholes formed and occurred across the country in 2014, there has been an effort to establish Underground Space Integration Map containing 15 types of underground information. Still, there is an increasing demand to improve the quality of underground information stemmed from continuation of such events including the rupture of the hot water pipe in Goyang-si and the fire in the KT site in Ahyeon-dong, Seoul. Hereby, with the aim to improve the quality of Underground Space Integration Map, this study analyzes quality standards, regulations, and guidelines related to spatial data to improve quality inspection standards and methods included in the production rules for the Underground Space Integration Map. In particular, it suggests improvement plan for data quality management for pipe-type underground facilities, known as lifelines, which are essential part of daily life of the citizens, and the largest cause for accidents according to 15 types of underground information managed through the Underground Space Integration Map.

The Estimation of Buckling Load of Pressurized Unstiffened Cylindrical Shell Using the Hybrid Vibration Correlation Technique Based on the Experimental and Numerical Approach (실험적/수치적 방법이 혼합된 VCT를 활용한 내부 압력을 받는 원통형 쉘의 좌굴 하중 예측)

  • Lee, Mi-Yeon;Jeon, Min-Hyeok;Cho, Hyun-Jun;Kim, Yeon-Ju;Kim, In-Gul;Park, Jae-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.50 no.10
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    • pp.701-708
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    • 2022
  • Since the propellant tank structure of the projectile is mainly subjected to a compressive force, there is a high risk of damage due to buckling. Large and lightweight structures such as propellant tank have a complex manufacturing process. So it requires a non-destructive test method to predict buckling load to use the structure after testing. Many studies have been conducted on Vibration Correlation Technique(VCT), which predicts buckling load using the relationship between compressive load and natural frequency, but it requires a large compressive load to predict the buckling load accurately, and it tends to decrease prediction accuracy with increasing internal pressure in structure. In this paper, we analyzed the causes of the decrease in prediction accuracy when internal pressure increases and proposed a method increasing prediction accuracy under the low compressive load for being usable after testing, through VCT combined testing and FEA result. The prediction value by the proposed method was very consistent with the measured actual buckling load.

A Study on the Development of Harmonic Limit Device for Stabilizing Main Circuit Equipment of Train (열차운행 안정화를 위한 주회로 기기의 고조파 제한장치 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sung Joon;Chae, Eun Kyung;Kang, Jeong Won
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.853-861
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    • 2018
  • This paper proposes the application of harmonic constraints to address the problems caused by abnormal voltage increases when electric railway vehicles are running. The AC line that supplies the train with power during operation is used to provide electricity of 25kV/60 Hz, but gradually the size and frequency of harmonics involved in the line are varied with the technological evolution of the railroad vehicle electrical equipment. An increase in heat losses due to the failure of the instrument transformer (PT), the main circuit device, which is a serious problem with the recent train safety operation, or to the main displacement voltage. When high frequency components are introduced through low frequency Transformers of the main circuit device, the high intensity of the components is caused by the high intensity of the core and the current flow of the parasitic core is increased, thus generating heat. To solve this problem, the recent adjustment of the sequence has applied artificial NOTCH OFF of the power converter. However, the method of receiving and controlling the OFF signal operates by interaction between the ground and the vehicle's devices, thus it is invalid in the event of failure, and an actual accident is occurring. Therefore, the harmonic currents were required to prevent possible flow of harmonics, and conducted a study to prevent accidental occurrence of train accidents and to verify feasibility of the device through the simulations of the train's experimental analysis and the simulations of the train for safe operation.