• Title/Summary/Keyword: 통합적 심리지원

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Empirical Analysis of the Effects of Self-Esteem, Depression, and Psychological Resilience of Start-Up Entrepreneurs on Start-Up Performance (창업기업가의 자존감, 우울감, 심리적 회복력이 창업 성과에 미치는 영향에 대한 실증분석)

  • Lee, Jeong-won
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.215-229
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    • 2024
  • This study focuses on empirically analyzing the effects of entrepreneurs' self-esteem, depression, and psychological resilience on entrepreneurial performance, while also evaluating the effectiveness of the Integrated Psychological Support Program (IPS). Self-esteem was identified as a key psychological factor that allows entrepreneurs to positively perceive their abilities and maintain confidence in challenging situations. It was confirmed that entrepreneurs with higher self-esteem are more likely to achieve better performance outcomes. On the other hand, depression was shown to negatively affect creativity and motivation, thereby hindering performance. Notably, the interaction between self-esteem and depression played a significant role in determining entrepreneurial performance; higher self-esteem was associated with a reduction in the negative effects of depression. Finally, the IPS was found to positively influence entrepreneurs by enhancing self-esteem and reducing depression, ultimately leading to improved performance. This study highlights the necessity of support programs that address psychological factors in entrepreneurs and provides policy implications for enhancing entrepreneurial performance.

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An Evaluative Study on the Integrated Support Program for Children with ADHD Tendencies and Their Social Support System (ADHD성향 아동과 지지체계를 대상으로 한 통합적 지원 프로그램에 대한 평가 연구)

  • Choi, Goeun;Kwon, Jisung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.65 no.3
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    • pp.207-238
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the integrated support program for children with ADHD tendencies and their social support system. The program, including individual art therapy, group life skills programs, culture experiences, individual counseling programs and regular network meetings between parents and teachers were carried out to children with ADHD tendencies in order to build environmental support systems. As results, the psychological and emotional behaviors of children with ADHD tendencies have changed. This study, also, was able to verify the possibility of positive changes for the children with ADHD. Based on these results, the practical guidelines for building the support systems of children with ADHD tendencies were suggested.

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A Disaster Victim Management System Using Geographic Information System (지리정보시스템을 활용한 재난피해자 관리시스템)

  • Hwang, Hyun-Suk;Choi, Eun-Hye;Kim, Chang-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.59-72
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    • 2011
  • The research of psychological supporting systems as safety and welfare for disaster victims damaged psychologically as well as physically by a sudden disaster to return to effectively their social life has been carried. The domestic National Emergency Management Agency(NEMA) is operating the Disaster Victim Psychology Support Center that helps with curing damaged psychology and studies the transmission system of psychology management services, the classification of victims for disaster psychology support, and emergency consultation method to systemically support disaster psychology management. However, current psychology supporting centers provide the simple information for supporting centers such as medical and social welfare organizations. The development research of IT-based management systems to obtain needed information to construct the proposed systems curing psychological damage is still primitive step. Therefore, this paper shall propose a GIS-based integrated management system for victims and managers to effectively share related information one another and to return to victims' social life as soon as possible. Also, we implement a simple prototype system based on the Web. The proposed system supports the spatial search and statistical analysis based on map as well as keyword search, because having the location information on disaster victims, damage occurrence places, welfare and medical institutions, and psychological supporting centers. In addition, this system has the advantage reducing the frequency of disaster damage by providing aids in making efficient policy systems for the managers.

Psychosocial aging and age integration awareness : The Moderating Effect of Familism and Family solidarity (심리사회적 노화와 연령통합 인식: 가족주의 및 가족결속의 조절효과 분석)

  • Chung, Soon-Dool;Kim, Min-Kyoung;Kim, Eun-Joo;Kim, Ju-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Family Social Work
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    • no.54
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    • pp.187-224
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to investigate the effect of psychosocial aging on age integration and the moderating effect of Familism and Family solidarity. In particular, this study has significance for establishing a basis of practical and political intervention in family level for improving age integration. We employed data from the 'Ageing Society Awareness Investigation' funded by Korean National Research Foundation in 2014. Our analysis sample consisted of 702 adults who were from 40 to 90 years old. Also, this study conducted descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis by using STATA13. First of all, the lower psychosocial aging awareness is the higher age integration awareness. Familism and family solidarity were not a significant predictor for age integration. However, the interaction effects between familism as well as family solidarity and psychosocial aging ware statistically associated with age integration. That is to say that as psychosocial aging is negative, when decrease age integration, the net moderating effects of familism and family solidarity were found between age integration and psychosocial aging. Based on the results, this study provides implications that reinforcing family value and promoting interaction and solidarity with family members are positively contributed to age integration awareness at this point of negative psychosocial aging.

Standardizations on IP Mobility Management for Future FMC Network (차세대 유무선통합망에서의 IP 이동성 기술 표준화 동향)

  • Jung, H.Y.;Park, W.G.
    • Electronics and Telecommunications Trends
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.13-23
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    • 2009
  • 유선통신망과 이동통신망은 그 동안 개별적으로 발전되어 왔으나 망 운영자의 강한 요구에 따라 차세대 유무선통합망으로 발전하고 있다. 차세대 유무선통합망은 IP 기반의 All-IP 망으로서 사용자는 다양한 액세스 망을 통하여 자유롭게 접속하며, 무선 액세스의 활성화로 고정 사용자보다는 이동 사용자가 주가 되는 망이 될 것으로 전망된다. 이러한 망 환경에서 가장 중요한 요구사항 중의 하나가 다양한 액세스망 간을 이동하는 사용자에 대한 심리스한 서비스 제공이다. 이러한 다양한 이기종 액세스망 간의 이동은 기본적으로 IP 이동성 지원을 필요로 하기 때문에 최근 IP 이동성 지원 기술의 중요성이 커지고 있다. 따라서 IP 기술의 대표적인 기관인 IETF 뿐만 아니라 유선통신망과 이동통신망의 대표적인 표준화 기관인 ITU-T, 3GPP에서도 관련 표준화가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 본 논문은 IP 이동성 지원 기술에 대하여 주요 표준화 기관에서 이루어지고 있는 표준화 동향을 살펴보고 이에 대한 대응방안에 대하여 논한다.

The Effect of Psychosocial Support, Death Preparedness, and Ego Integrity on Death Anxiety in Old People (노인의 심리사회적 지지, 죽음준비도, 자아통합감이 죽음불안에 미치는 영향)

  • KIm, Dae-Gyeong;Lee, Hyun-Sim
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.433-441
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the effect of psychosocial support, death preparedness, and ego integrity on death anxiety in old people. The participant of this study were the elderly who attended welfare centers, worked in their workplaces, or lived at their home in Seoul regions, from whom this study had collected their data from February to May 2017. A total of 350 questionnaires were distributed and 329 copies of them were used for its final analysis using SPSS 24.0 and AMOS 20.0 statistical programs. According to the results of this study, psychosocial support had no statistically significant effect on death anxiety, whereas death preparedness and ego integrity had statistically significant effects on death anxiety. Based upon these research results, this study suggested that it is necessary to develop death education and counseling programs as policy supports and practical methods for helping old people to accept their death positively, reintegrate their ego, and perform their successful aging.

Measures to improve the North Korean Refugees Protection and Settlement Support Act for the Social Integration of South and North Korea in the Era of Convergence (in the era of Internet of Things) -Focusing on the Economic Adaptation and Psychological and Social Adaptation of North Korean Refugees- (융합의 시대에(사물인터넷시대에) 남북한 사회통합을 위한 북한이탈주민 보호 및 정착지원법 개선방안 -북한이탈주민의 경제적 적응 및 심리·사회적 적응을 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Jang-Won
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.73-86
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    • 2020
  • This study examines the North Korean defectors' economic and psychological adjustment status in South Korean society focusing on the specificity of North Korean defectors with the social integration perspective. We conducted a questionnaire survey of 225 North Korean defectors in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do and conducted analysis using the SPSS 22.0 program. The results of the study are as follows. First, the economic adaptation of North Korean defectors was evaluated to be generally low. Second, North Korean refugees' psychological and social adjustment status is generally lower than average, especially cultural adaptation stress, friendship, and satisfaction with physical and mental health. Third, the psychological and cultural adaptation strategy and social support of defectors affected the life satisfaction positively and the adaptation stress had significant negative impact on life satisfaction. Therefore, strategies which reducing adaptive stress and enhancing psychological and cultural adaptation strategies are needed to be implemented in South Korean society. Based on results, policy alternatives were discussed.

A Meta-analysis of the Factors Related to Psychological Burn-out of Early Childhood Teachers (유아교사의 심리적소진과 관련된 요인에 대한 메타분석)

  • Moon, Dong-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.38-52
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    • 2018
  • This study examined the effect sizes of psychological burnout-related factors on the psychological burnout of early childhood teachers by applying meta - analysis focusing on master 's theses, doctoral dissertations and journals that have been published in Korea for the past 20 years. The results of the analysis are as follows. First, the total effect size, the factor group, the sub-factor, and the positive and negative effect factors of the inducing and inhibiting factors showed a significant effect size. Second, in terms of inducing factors, the task problem group showed a larger effect size than the negative relationship group. Third, among the lower factor of the negative relationship group, all the sub factors excluding the negative relationship with the director, effect size showed a medium effect size. Fourth, task stress showed the greatest effect size among the sub factors of the task factor group, followed by role conflict, task overload, and role ambiguity. Fifth, resilience showed the greatest effect size among the inhibition factors, followed by organizational support factor, teacher efficacy factor, social support factor, and emotional factor. Sixth, all sub factors of the emotional labor factor group, organizational support factor of the organizational support factor group, general teacher efficacy factor of the teacher efficacy factor group, and all sub factors of social support factor Medium effect size. In addition, the lower factor of all the other factors showed a large effect size. Seventh, of the effect factors, job satisfaction factor, depression factor, and turnover intention factor all showed a large effect size.

The relationship among mother's adult attachment, psychological well-being and affection parenting in low income class and middle income class (저소득층 어머니의 애정적 양육행동에 미치는 성인애착 영향에서 심리적 안녕감의 매개 효과: 중산층을 비교집단으로 하여)

  • Min, Ha Yeoung
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2011
  • This study investigated the relationships among mother's adult attachment, psychological well-being and affection parenting in low-income class and middle income class The subjects were 339 mothers who reared 3-5 old age child in Daegu and Gyoungbuk Province. The collected data were analyzed by t-test, Pearson's correlation, single and hierachical multiple regression, using SPSS Win 15.0. The results were as follows. (1) Adult attachment fully exerted indirect effects on affection parenting mediated by psychological well-being in low income class of mothers. (2) But adult attachment partly exerted indirect effects on affection parenting mediated by psychological well-being in middle income class of mothers.

The Effects of AOS(Alexander technique-Oral motor and respiratory exercise-Song psychotherapy) Music Intervention on the Vocal Hygiene and Psychological Wellbeing of the Elderly (AOS음악중재가 노년기 음성건강과 심리적복지감에 미치는 영향)

  • 문소영;박지원;양수아
    • Korean Journal of Gerontological Social Welfare
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    • v.74 no.3
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    • pp.65-91
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    • 2019
  • This study examined the effects of AOS music intervention on the vocal hygiene and psychological wellbeing of the elderly. Twenty one elderly participants (over sixty five years) were recruited and eighty minutes group therapy sessions comprising Alexander technique, oral motor and respiratory exercises, and songwriting were conducted two days per week for six weeks, consisting of twelve sessions in total. Using an explanatory sequential design, PF-200, Praat Test, and Psychological Wellbeing Scale were assessed before and after the intervention. Qualitative data analysis were followed. In the Wilcoxon"s signed-ranks test, the treatment group showed statistically significant improvements in vocal hygiene and psychological welling scale. Also, the participants' response analysis showed the positive changes in respiratory and vocalization patterns and body postures. Life retrospection, challenges of new learning, experience of life integration were discussed in the psychological wellbeing. This indicates that AOS intervention may be an effective program in enhancing vocal hygiene and psychological wellbeing of the elderly.