• Title/Summary/Keyword: 통지

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발명하는 사람들-제53호

  • Han, Mi-Yeong
    • The Inventors News
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    • no.53
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2006
  • '여성기업지원에 관한 법률' 개정 한 목소리/발행인 칼럼/'제4회 여성발명경진대회' 수준 높아졌다/심사착수 예정시기 직접 통지 서비스 실시/특허청.한국기계연구원, 업무협약체결/낙도어린이들에게 꿈과 희망 심어주는 초청 행사 가져/특허청 팀장 선발 방식 변화 통한 팀제 강화/디자인 권리화 지원사업 실시한다/'DMB 특허품과 지재권전략 세미나'/'2006 독일 국제발명품 전시회' 회원 4명 수상/고성능 하이브리드 보호복, 출원 증가/'이달의 기능 한국인' 박순복 씨 선정/모방상표, 더 이상 등록 받을 수 없다/국내제약업계, 유사브랜드 너무많아/'2006 여성 재활용 발명경진대회' 개최/순수 한방재료로 만든 헤어 클리닉 화제/발명자에게 편리한 특허제도 마련/차로 마시는 '허브 추출물'로 살충제 만들어/종이컵에도 웰빙 바람이 불고 있다/특허공보 통해 '나의 발명' 확인가능/지역특산품도 지리적 표시로 보호 받는다/한미약품,'비만치료제 특허권 분재' 연승/국내특허, 해외에서 신속하게 심사 처리/'스판덱스 특허소송'에서 일본업체 패소/아모레, 다국적 화장품회사 로레알에 승소/제7차 한국.유럽 특허청장 회담 개최/고부가가치 창출하는 단백질 의약품 개발 필요/한방 진료에도 변화의 새바람 분다/에너지 절감'기능성 유리' 출원 급증/역사 속의 발명품/하루 10분 발명교실/특허Q&A/세상을 밝히는 여성들의 발명 아이디어/'특허넷' 정부기관 최초 CMMI 레벨4인증 획득/'해외지재권 보호 가이드북' 제작배포하다/아이디어 착상 및 발명 기법/고정관념을 깨트려 블루오션을 장악하라/에반스의 증기제분기/50년 후엔 동물과도 대화할 수 있다/첩보용 도구 전달 '발명팀' 실제 존재/중소기업 위한'2006 특허유통 페스티벌' 개최/출원료.심사청구료 반환제도 도입, 시행/'지재권 e-러닝 콘텐츠' 전 세계특허청 교육 자료로 활용/대한변리사회, 미 특허법 세미나 개최/한국여성발명협회 회원사 발명품 가이드

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The Study of a Multi-Mobile Agents System for Online Hotel Reservation (온라인 호텔 예약을 위한 다중 이동 에이전트 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • 곽수환;강민철
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2003
  • As electronic commerce(EC) has grown rapidly, agents that work on the behalf of humans on the Internet are being used actively. However, most of the EC agents have some problems. They fail to fully support buyers' decision making behaviors and sellers' information supply activities. Further, they are not suited for mobile computing environment. In this paper, we introduce a Multi-Mobile Agents System(MMAS) that has been developed according to a conceptual framework that corrects the aforementioned problems. Built by using Tokyo IBM ASDK(Aglets Software Development Kit) for the area of hotel reservation, the system consists of buyer- and seller-side agents that interact with each other; buyer-side agents help buyers to make purchasing decisions by collecting and analyzing information through applying a multi-criteria decision making method, while seller-side agents substitute fur sellers by managing databases and providing real-time information to the buyer-side agents. In this system, multiple agents perform their shared tasks at the same time in order to increase efficiency. Users do not have to keep the connection with the system because they are notified when tasks are done.

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An Integrated Tool Model for the Management of Process and Artifact Management on CBD (컴포넌트 기반 개발에서의 프로세스 관리와 산출물 관리를 통합하는 도구의 모델)

  • Kim Young-Hee;Chong Ki-Won
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2004
  • Works that improve the process and notify the improved process, the product and the change of tasks to all users are essential in achieving project. Existent project management tools support the definition and the change of project activities, and configuration management tools support version check, workspace management. build management. etc. It costs too much to buy each tool. as well as, it is burdensome to learn usage for various tools. Therefore the web-based integrated tool is proposed to manage the process and artifacts at a time in this paper. The proposed tool defines component based development process model. and achieves recording of process progression, processing the request of change, reporting the progression of each task, product registering and change, version recording, artifact or form search, etc. using ebXML. Furthermore, the stakeholders get the systematic management and standardization by sharing information that are necessary in process achievement and configuration management in distributed environment using the integrated management tool.

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Implementation of Intelligent Home Service Robot Using Wireless Internet Platform (무선인터넷 플랫폼을 이용한 지능형 홈서비스 로봇의 구현)

  • Kim, jin-hwan;Kim, dong-gyu;Son, ki-young;Shin, dong-suk
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.201-205
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    • 2007
  • This thesis aims to realize an intelligent home service robot that alerts the user to dangerous situations such as fires and gas leaks by utilizing wireless internet platforms in a cellular phone. The intelligent home service robot is composed of the following parts: The robot part consists of a gas sensor, a fire detector, a smoke sensor, ultrasonic sensors, motors, a camera and a Blue-tooth module and perceives various danger circumstances; The middleware part connects the robot part with the mobile part through the middleware applications, monitors the robot and notifies an emergency situation using SMS modules; The mobile part communicates with the middleware using TCP/IP protocol and controls the robot through various commands; The proposed scheme is to control the sensors of the robot part through and Atmega128 processor, and the mobile part was developed based on the WIPI platform. The robot and middleware parts will be installed in the household, and will be controled by mobile part from the outside.

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The Monitoring System for Informing the Change of Contents on the Web Sites (웹 사이트 컨텐츠 변경 모니터링 시스템)

  • 김원중;조이기;손철수
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.505-512
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    • 2002
  • Fast spreading of web made we get easily the vast amount of information all over the world, but quantity of great information on the Internet space is giving much troubles to recognize change of information that users are interested soon justly. That is, users must connect and examine one by one to relevant site to detect change of web documents that changes from time to time. Therefore, the development of Robot which accomplish Information change monitoring function that sense automatically changed contents and inform to user is required. In this paper, we designed and implemented Web site contents change monitoring system, which notify-automatically the change of Web documents to users through alarm or E-mail if user defines target URL to do monitoring, monitoring condition, monitoring period etc. And we presented the method that structure and classify Web Documents to semantic units using HTML Tag. Also, we introduced the concept of virtual key to manage position of word to watch some change efficiently.

Business Records and Information Management as Preparation for e-Discovery Risks (전자증거개시상의 위험에 대응한 기업기록정보관리 방안)

  • Seol, Moon-won;Lee, Haein
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.7-30
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest the directions for record and information management (RIM) strategies for Korean companies as preparation for e-Discovery risks. It begins with the articulation key concepts and some RIM issues of e-Discovery, which is governed by the U.S. Federal Rules of Civil Procedures. It analyzes three lawsuit cases for which Korean companies were sued by North American companies in order to determine the main reasons behind the defensible disposition failures. Based on the analyses, it suggests the RIM strategic policies for preparing the e-Discovery, including the development of inventories for documents and ESI in their possession, custody, or control; ensuring legal hold programs in good faith; and making defensible retention policies.

No-Show Related Factors for Outpatients at a Hospital (병원 외래환자의 예약부도 요인)

  • Min, Daiki;Koo, Hoonyoung
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.37-49
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    • 2017
  • In order to maximize the efficiency and the quality of care in a hospital, hospitals in general operate by appointments. Patient no-shows or missed appointments waste the time of staffs who prepare for appointments, deprive patients of needed care, and increase burden on clinic capacity. The purpose of this study is to examine the importance and significance of factors that affect patient no-shows. The actual data of 50,000 outpatient appointments is compiled and analyzed from a VAMC in the United States with aims to identify the factors that contribute to outpatient no-shows and to draw meaningful implications. Random forest along with logistic regression analysis identify the factors affecting no-shows; appointment leadtime, show-up rate, travel distance, no-show rate in previous period, patient age, severity, complexity of disease, chronic pain, depression, drug dependence. The appointment leadtime, show-up rate, travel distance and previous no-show rate can be improved by enhancing SMS pre-notification and by improving afterwards telephone counseling. For other factors, it needs to study on the service differentiation with the characteristics of each patient group.

A Method of Efficient SIP Messages Processing for Conference Focus (컨퍼런스 포커스를 위한 효율적인 SIP 메시지 처리 방법)

  • Jo, Hyun-Gyu;Lee, Ky-Soo;Jang, Choon-Seo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.187-192
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    • 2007
  • Conference focus maintains and manages SIP(Session Initiation Protocol) signal connections with total conference participants, and it plays core functions of conference server. When the number of conference participants increases, conference focus restricts scalability of conference as increasing quantify of messages for processing. In this paper, to solve this problem. we propose a user system(conference information agent), which receives conference information from the conference focus and transfers them to the participants it manages. And we design and implement the total system including conference focus. When the conference information agent subscribe to the conference focus, it shows its possession of agent capability and capacity by using SIP SUBSCRIBE message. The conference focus informs to the other party by SIP response message that it was chosen as a conference information agent, and after that the conference focus sends all conference notification messages to it. So load of the conference focus can be reduced by this method. Finally, we have analyzed the performance of our system by experiments.

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Design and Implementation of the Notification System using Event-Profile Filtering (이벤트-프로파일 여과를 이용한 통지시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Ban, Chae-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2010.10a
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    • pp.129-132
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    • 2010
  • Users can obtain useful information from large of data because of development of internet. Since these data rise continuously like stream data, it is required to extract the appropriate information efficiently for the user's needs. In the traditional scheme, they are acquired by processing the user queries after the occurred data are stored at a database. However, it is inefficient to process the user queries over the large volume of continuous data by using the traditional scheme. In this paper, we propose the Event-Profile Model to define the data occurrence on the internet as the events and the user's requirements as the profiles. We also propose and implement the filtering scheme to process the events and the profiles efficiently. We evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme and our experiments show that the new scheme outperforms the other on various dataset.

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