• Title/Summary/Keyword: 통신장애

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Distributed Trust Management for Fog Based IoT Environment (포그 기반 IoT 환경의 분산 신뢰 관리 시스템)

  • Oh, Jungmin;Kim, Seungjoo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.731-751
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    • 2021
  • The Internet of Things is a huge group of devices communicating each other and the interconnection of objects in the network is a basic requirement. Choosing a reliable device is critical because malicious devices can compromise networks and services. However, it is difficult to create a trust management model due to the mobility and resource constraints of IoT devices. For the centralized approach, there are issues of single point of failure and resource expansion and for the distributed approach, it allows to expand network without additional equipment by interconnecting each other, but it has limitations in data exchange and storage with limited resources and is difficult to ensure consistency. Recently, trust management models using fog nodes and blockchain have been proposed. However, blockchain has problems of low throughput and delay. Therefore, in this paper, a trust management model for selecting reliable devices in a fog-based IoT environment is proposed by applying IOTA, a blockchain technology for the Internet of Things. In this model, Directed Acyclic Graph-based ledger structure manages trust data without falsification and improves the low throughput and scalability problems of blockchain.

An Efficient AP Channel Scanning Scheme for Real-time VoIP Streaming in Wireless LAN (WLAN 기반 실시간 VoIP Streaming을 위한 효율적 채널 스캐닝 기법)

  • Cheon, Young-Chang;Youn, Hee-Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2014.10a
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    • pp.595-598
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    • 2014
  • In order to provide the Mobile Stations operating in IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN network with seamless handover, a comprehensive study on the functions of handover considering various networking environments and characteristics of Mobile Stations is required. Note that the channel scan process finding a new AP takes the major portion of handover time, and this is the most significant issue with seamless handover for real-time multimedia service in WLAN environment. In this paper the functions required to provide seamless handover in IEEE 802.11 WLAN network are identified, and a new scanning technique is proposed with which the Mobile Stations can selectively scan the channels to reduce the channel scan time in various network environments. Here each Mobile Station awares of the channels the neighbor APs are using by scanning them in advance according to the proposed technique. Afterwards, when handover is actually required, the optimal AP is decided quickly by scanning only the predetemined group of channels and order of scan without unnecessary scan of all the channels. In addition, proposes to enter the Scan Trigger Value and Handover Threshold Value in mobile phones in order to prevent the phenomenon can not handover.

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Study of In-Memory based Hybrid Big Data Processing Scheme for Improve the Big Data Processing Rate (빅데이터 처리율 향상을 위한 인-메모리 기반 하이브리드 빅데이터 처리 기법 연구)

  • Lee, Hyeopgeon;Kim, Young-Woon;Kim, Ki-Young
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2019
  • With the advancement of IT technology, the amount of data generated has been growing exponentially every year. As an alternative to this, research on distributed systems and in-memory based big data processing schemes has been actively underway. The processing power of traditional big data processing schemes enables big data to be processed as fast as the number of nodes and memory capacity increases. However, the increase in the number of nodes inevitably raises the frequency of failures in a big data infrastructure environment, and infrastructure management points and infrastructure operating costs also increase accordingly. In addition, the increase in memory capacity raises infrastructure costs for a node configuration. Therefore, this paper proposes an in-memory-based hybrid big data processing scheme for improve the big data processing rate. The proposed scheme reduces the number of nodes compared to traditional big data processing schemes based on distributed systems by adding a combiner step to a distributed system processing scheme and applying an in-memory based processing technology at that step. It decreases the big data processing time by approximately 22%. In the future, realistic performance evaluation in a big data infrastructure environment consisting of more nodes will be required for practical verification of the proposed scheme.

Analysis of Power System Stability by Deployment of Renewable Energy Resources (재생에너지원 보급에 따른 전력계통 안정도 분석)

  • Kwak, Eun-Sup;Moon, Chae-Joo
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.633-642
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    • 2021
  • Growing demand for electricity, when combined with the need to limit carbon emissions, drives a huge increase in renewable energy industry. In the electric power system, electricity supply always needs to be balanced with electricity demand and network losses to maintain safe, dependable, and stable system operation. There are three broad challenges when it comes to a power system with a high penetration of renewable energy: transient stability, small signal stability, and frequency stability. Transient stability analyze the system response to disturbances such as the loss of generation, line-switching operations, faults, and sudden load changes in the first several seconds following the disturbance. Small signal stability refers to the system's ability to maintain synchronization between generators and steady voltages when it is subjected to small perturbations such as incremental changes in system load. Frequency stability refers to the ability of a power system to maintain steady frequency following a severe system upset resulting in significant imbalance between generation and load. In this paper, we discusses these stability using system simulation by renewable energy deployment plan, and also analyses the influence of the renewable energy sources to the grid stability.

A New Dual Connective Network Resource Allocation Scheme Using Two Bargaining Solution (이중 협상 해법을 이용한 새로운 다중 접속 네트워크에서 자원 할당 기법)

  • Chon, Woo Sun;Kim, Sung Wook
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.10 no.8
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    • pp.215-222
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    • 2021
  • In order to alleviate the limited resource problem and interference problem in cellular networks, the dual connectivity technology has been introduced with the cooperation of small cell base stations. In this paper, we design a new efficient and fair resource allocation scheme for the dual connectivity technology. Based on two different bargaining solutions - Generalizing Tempered Aspiration bargaining solution and Gupta and Livne bargaining solution, we develop a two-stage radio resource allocation method. At the first stage, radio resource is divided into two groups, such as real-time and non-real-time data services, by using the Generalizing Tempered Aspiration bargaining solution. At the second stage, the minimum request processing speeds for users in both groups are guaranteed by using the Gupta and Livne bargaining solution. These two-step approach can allocate the 5G radio resource sequentially while maximizing the network system performance. Finally, the performance evaluation confirms that the proposed scheme can get a better performance than other existing protocols in terms of overall system throughput, fairness, and communication failure rate according to an increase in service requests.

Design and Implementation of an Ethereum-Based Deliverables Management System for Public Information Software Project (이더리움 기반 공공정보 소프트웨어 사업산출물 관리 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Eun Ju;Kim, Jin Wook
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.175-184
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    • 2022
  • Blockchain is being studied in various fields such as logistics, fintech, medical care, and the public sector. In the public information software project, some deliverables are omitted because the developed deliverables and the deliverables requested by the project management methodology do not match, and an additional process is required for payment. In this paper, we propose the deliverables management system for public information software project which is configured a distributed environment using the Ethereum blockchain and which has an automatic payment system only when all deliverables are approved. This system can keep the service available in case of system failure, provide transparency and traceability of deliverables management, and can reduce conflicts between the ordering company and the contractor through automatic payment. In this system, the information of deliverables is stored in the blockchain, and the deliverables that their file name is the hash value calculated by using the version information and the hash value of the previous version deliverable, are stored in the SFTP server. Experimental results show that the hash value of the deliverables registered by the contractor is correct, the file name of the deliverables stored in the SFTP server is the same as the hash value registered in the Ethereum blockchain, and the payment is made automatically to the Ethereum address of the contractor when all deliverables are approved.

e-Navigation 관련 산업현황에 관한 기초연구

  • Choe, Han-Gyu;Gang, Byeong-Jae
    • 선박안전기술공단연구보고서
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    • s.4
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    • pp.1-108
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    • 2007
  • 2007. 7. 23 IMO의 NAV(항해안전전문위원회)53차 회의에서는 e-Navigation을 해상에서의 안전, 보안, 해양환경보호를 목적으로 전자적인 수단에 의해 선박과 육상에서 해양정보를 수집, 교환, 표시함으로써 항구와 항구간의 항해 및 관련된 서비스를 향상시키는 것으로 정의하고 있다.2005년 11월 영국의 교통부 장관 Stephen 박사는 Royal Institute ofNavigation에서의 연설에서 해상안전과 환경보호를 위하여 선박의 항해를 감시하는 관제소 및 항행하는 선박에 유용하고 정확한 정보가 더 많이 필요함을 역설하였다. 그리고 첨단 기술에 의해 자동화된 항공 항법분야를 예로들면서, 선박의 항법 분야도 항해와 관련된 모든 시설 및 작업을 전자적 수단으로 대체하는 개념인 e-Navigation으로 전환되어야 하며 영국은 이에 필요한 작업을 주도하겠다는 의견을 피력하였다. Stephen은 e-Navigation 도입으로 얻을 수 있는 이익으로 첫째, 항해 실수로 인한 사고 확률저감, 둘째,사고 발생 시 인명 구조 및 피해 확산을 위한 효율적 대응, 셋째, 전통적인항해시설 설치 불필요로 인한 비용 저감, 넷째 선박입출항 수속의 간편화 및항로의 효율적 운용으로 인한 상업적 이익 등을 들었다. 반면에e-Navigation 체계로 전환 시 예상되는 장애로는 첫째, 체계 구축을 위한 비용(특히 개발도상국가들의 경우 어려움 예상), 둘째, e-Navigation의 성과 달성을 위하여 세계 전 해역의 모든 선박이 e-Navigation 체계에 동참하도록유도하는 문제, 셋째, 전자해도 표시 및 선교 장비들에 대한 표준화 문제, 넷째, 육상에 설치할 e-Navigation 센터의 설계 및 구축 등을 꼽았다.IMO는 2005년 81차 MSC(해사안전위원회) 회의에서 영국이 일본, 마샬아일랜드, 네덜란드, 노르웨이, 싱가포르, 미국과 공동으로 제안한 ‘e-Navigation전략 개발’ 의제를 2006년 82차 MSC 회의에서 채택하고, NAV(항해 전문위원회)를 통하여 2008년까지 e-Navigation의 구체적 개념을 정립하고 향후 개발하여야 할 전략적 비전과 정책을 수립하기로 하였다. 이어서 영국을 의장으로 e-Navigation 전략개발 통신작업반이 구성되었는데, 지난 년간 19개국, 16개 전문기관이 참여하여 아래의 작업이 수행되었다. ○ e-Navigation 개념의 정의와 목적 ○ e-Navigation에 대한 핵심 이슈 및 우선 순위 식별 ○ e-Navigation 개발에 따른 이점과 단점의 식별 ○ IMO 및 회원국 등의 역할 식별 ○ 이행계획을 포함한 추가 개발을 위한 작업계획의 작성 IMO에서 수행되고 있는 e-Navigation 전략 개발 의제 일정은 2008년까지이다. 이 전략 개발에 있어서 중요한 요소는 e-Navigation이 포함할 서비스범위, 포함하는 서비스 제공에 필요한 인프라 및 장비의 식별, 인프라 구축및 운용비용을 부담할 주체에 대한 논의, e-Navigation으로 인한 이익과 투자비용에 대한 비교 분석 등이다. 이 과정에서 정부, 선주, 항만운영자, 선원등의 입장 차이와 선진국과 개발도상국 간의 경제 수준 차이는 전략 개발에있어 큰 어려움을 줄 것이므로, 이들이 합의된 전략을 만들기 위해서는 예정된 기간보다 다소 늦어질 가능성도 있다.e-Navigation 전략 개발이 완료되면 1단계로는 해상교통 관제시스템, 선박선교 장비, 무선 통신장비 등에 대한 표준화 작업이 이루어질 것이다. 이 과정에서 각국 간에 자국 보유 기술을 표준화시키기 위한 경쟁이 치열할 것으로 예상된다. 2단계에서는 e-Navigation 체계 하에서의 다양하고 풍부한 서비스 제공을 위한 관련 소프트웨어 및 하드웨어의 개발이 이루어질 것으로전망되는데, 이는 지난 10년간 육상에서 인터넷망 설치 후 이루어진 관련 서비스 산업의 발전을 돌아보면 쉽게 짐작할 수 있을 것이다.e-Navigation 체계 하에서 선박의 항해는 현재와는 전혀 다른 패러다임으로 바뀔 것이다. 예를 들어 현재 입출항 시 요구되던 복잡한 절차는one-stop 쇼핑 형태로 단순화되고, 현재 선박 중심의 항해에서 육상e-Navigation 센터가 적극적으로 관여하는 항해 체계로 바뀔 것이며, 해상정보의 공유와 활용이 무선 인터넷을 통해 보다 광범위하게 이루어질 것이 다.e-Navigation의 잠재적 시장 규모는 선박에 새로이 탑재될 지능형 통합 항법시스템 구축과 육상 모니터링 및 지원 시스템 등 직접 시장이 약 50조원,전자해도, 통신장비, 관련 서비스 컨텐츠 등 간접 시장의 규모가 150조원으로 총 200조원으로 대략 추산하고 있다. 향후 이 거대한 시장을 차지하기 위한 전략 수립이 필요한 시점이다. 지금까지 항해 장비 관련 산업은 선진국의일부 업체들에 의해 독점되어 왔다. 우리나라는 조선과 해운에서 모두 선진국임에도 불구하고 이 분야에서는 대부분 수입에 의존해 왔다. e-Navigation체계 하에서는 전체 시장이 커지고 장비의 사양이 표준화됨에 따라 어느 소수 업체가 현재처럼 독점하기는 더 이상 어려울 것으로 예상된다. 따라서e-Navigation은 우리나라도 항해 장비 분야 시장을 차지할 수 있는 좋은 기회라고 할 수 있다. 특히 조선 1위의 장점을 적극 활용한다면 다른 나라보다우위의 경쟁력을 확보할 수도 있다. 또한, 서비스 분야의 시장은 IT 기술과밀접한 관계가 있으므로 IT 강국인 우리나라가 충분한 경쟁력을 갖고 있다고 할 수 있다.그러나, EU를 비롯한 선진국에서는 이미 e-Navigation 에 대비한 연구를10여년 전부터 수행해 왔다. 앞에서 언급한 EU의 MarNIS 사업은 현재 거의마무리 단계로 당장 실용화 할 수 있는 수준에 있는 것으로 보인다. 늦었지만 우리도 이를 따라잡기 위한 연구를 서둘러야 할 것이다. 국내에서도e-Navigation의 중요성을 깊이 인식하고, 2006년에는 관련 산학연 전문가들로 작업반을 구성하여 워크숍 등을 개최한 바 있다. 또한 해양수산부에서도e-Navigation 핵심기술 개발을 위한 연구사업을 기획 추진하고 있다.그러나 현재 항해통신장비들의 기술기준은 ITU의 전파규칙(RR)과 IMO결의 및 SOLAS 협약을 따르고 있는데 이들 규약이나 결의에 대한 국제적인 추이와 비교할 때 국내의 기술은 표준화되지 못한 부분이 많은 실정이다.본 연구에서는 e-Navigation sytem중 표준화가 필요한 요소와 전자해도,AIS 등 e-Navigation(통합전자항법시스템)관련 국내산업현황 실태조사를 통해 국내 e-Navigation기술개발 동향에 대해 조사하고자 한다.

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The effect of health related characteristics on the use of information and communication technology of older adults (노인의 정보화 수준에 영향을 미치는 건강특성 연구)

  • Koo, Bon Mi;Joo, Ik Hyun
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.729-746
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    • 2020
  • For the development and better use of information and communication technology(ICT) for promoting health and quality of life in older people, it is important to understand personal factors associated with ICT use. The aims of this study were to describe the pattern of ICT use according to health characteristics of elderly and to investigate significant factors related to ICT use among three age groups. The data of 2017 National Survey of Older Koreans was used for analysis and 10,058 of older adults aged 65 and over were included for study participants. As results, first, the young old(65~74) used more functions of ICT than the middle-old(75~84) and the old-old(85 and over). Second, ICT was more used among older people with good conditions in chronic disease, subjective health, cognition, depression, vision, hearing, walking and IADL. Third, higher prevalence of ICT use was significantly associated with age, education, household income, subjective health, depression, cognitive function, vision limitation and walking limitation. Fourth, factors influencing the use of ICT were a little different among three age groups. For the young-old(65~74), subjective health, depression, cognitive decline, walking limitation, and IADL disability were significant factors affecting on ICT use. For the middle-old(75-84), subjective health, depression, cognitive decline, vision, hearing, and walking limitation were related with their ICT use. For the old-old(85 and over), only cognitive function and depression were associated with their ICT use. Based on these results, this study suggested the need to consider multiple health conditions for developing and using ICT for older adults.

A Study on the Governance of U.S. Global Positioning System (미국 글로벌위성항법시스템(GPS)의 거버넌스에 관한 연구 - 한국형위성항법시스템 거버넌스를 위한 제언 -)

  • Jung, Yung-Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.127-150
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    • 2020
  • A Basic Plan for the Promotion of Space Development (hereinafter referred to as "basic plan"), which prescribes mid- and long-term policy objectives and basic direction-setting on space development every five years, is one of the matters to be deliberated by the National Space Committee. Confirmed February 2018 by the Committee, the 3rd Basic Plan has a unique matter, compared to the 2nd Basic Plan. It is to construct "Korean Positioning System(KPS)". Almost every country in the world including Korea has been relying on GPS. On the occasion of the shooting down of a Korean Air flight 007 by Soviet Russia, GPS Standard Positioning Service has been open to the world. Due to technical errors of GPS or conflict of interests between countries in international relations, however, the above Service can be interrupted at any time. Such cessation might bring extensive damage to the social, economic and security domains of every country. This is why some countries has been constructing an independent global or regional satellite navigation system: EU(Galileo), Russia(Glonass), India(NaVic), Japan(QZSS), and China(Beidou). So does South Korea. Once KPS is built, it is expected to make use of the system in various areas such as transportation, aviation, disaster, construction, defense, ocean, distribution, telecommunication, etc. For this, a pan-governmental governance is needed to be established. And this governance must be based on the law. Korea is richly experienced in developing and operating individually satellite itself, but it has little experience in the simultaneous development and operation of the satellites, ground, and users systems, such as KPS. Therefore we need to review overseas cases, in order to minimize trial and error. U.S. GPS is a classic example.

A Study on the Design and Development of Interactive Non-Face-to-Face Real-Time Classes using EduTech : A Case Study of Christian Education Class (에듀테크를 활용한 상호작용적 비대면 실시간 수업 설계 및 개발 연구 : 기독교교육과 수업 사례를 중심으로)

  • Nam, Sunwoo
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.66
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    • pp.343-382
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    • 2021
  • This study is a case study in which the interactive non-face-to-face classes using Edutech were applied to the Department of Christian Education. The subjects were 20 students from the Christian education department of A University located in the metropolitan area. The course was 'Instructional Methods and Educational Technology' in the first semester of 2020. In theory, I studied non-face-to-face classes and interaction, and edutech and interaction. Afterward, it designed and developed interactive non-face-to-face classes using edutech. The interactive non-face-to-face classes using edutech were developed as a process of applying Flipped-PBL based interactive edutech. In addition, Edutech was selected for active interaction according to the Flipped-PBL process to be carried out in a non-face-to-face situation. In particular, in the process of developing the problem of PBL, it was built around the situation of the church. As a result of applying the class, first, learners showed high satisfaction and interest in the class. Second, positive transference appeared in the space of learning and the space of living. Third, interactive non-face-to-face classes using Edutech have generated active interaction. In particular, interactive edutech and learning methods have become the main factors enabling active interaction. Through this, learners have improved learning efficiency, immersion, and satisfaction. Also, as an alternative to face-to-face classes, I was able to experience online classes. In other words, the satisfaction and interest of learning, and the transference of learning space, were also possible through active interactions generated through learning methods using interactive Edutech used in class. Furthermore, disabilities in the online communication(Internet) environment and learners' unfamiliarity with the online environment have been found as factors that hinder learning satisfaction and interaction. During learning, obstacles to the online communication environment hinder the utilization of interactive Edutech, preventing active interactions from occurring. This results in diminishing satisfaction and interest in learning. Therefore, we find that designing interactive non-face-to-face classes using Edutech requires sufficient learner learning and checking of the online communication(Internet) environment in advance for Edutech and learning methods. In response, this study confirmed the possibility by applying interactive non-face-to-face classes using Edutech to Christian education classes as an alternative method of education that allows active interaction and consistent transference of learning and life. Although it is a case study with limited duration and limitations of the number of people, I would like to present the possibility as an alternative Christian education method of an era where the direction of online classes should be presented as an alternative to a face-to-face class.