• Title/Summary/Keyword: 태국불교

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Nature, Love and Enlightenment in Modern Thai Poetry (태국 근대시에 표현된 자연, 사랑 그리고 계몽사상)

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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.125-142
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    • 2011
  • 본 논문은 불교에서 많은 영향을 받은 태국 근대시에 표현된 자연, 사랑 그리고 계몽사상의 조화를 연구하였다. 연구주제로 태국 근대시를 선택한 이유는 태국문학의 유산에 끼친 불교의 지속적인 영향을 조명하기 위함이다. 본 연구를 위하여 선택한 시들은 현대에도 많이 읽혀지고 있는 안칸 칼라야나퐁, 나오와랏 퐁파이봄, 파이와린 카옹감, 그리고 삭시리 메솜수엡 등과 같은 작가의 작품들이다. 이 작가들의 시에 표현된 공통적인 특성은 자연, 사람, 그리고 계몽사상이라는 주제들 간의 조화이다. 모든 주제들이 절묘하게 엮여져서 본래 불교 시였던 것이 인간의 보편적인 시로 변화되는 결과를 낳는다. 아라칸 칼라야나퐁은 종종 자연을 지혜와 연민을 표상하는 것으로 묘사하고, 자연에 대한 사랑을 계몽사상에 대한 도구로 주창한다. 삭시리 메솜수엡은 자연의 단순함과 고요함을 계몽사상의 지혜를 쌓을 수 있도록 유도하는 명상적 각성을 제공하는 자아발전의 수단으로 바라본다. 이들 근대 작가들의 교훈적인 시에 나타나는 자연, 사랑 그리고 계몽사상의 조화는 다양성 속의 지속적인 통합으로 상징되는 동남아 문화의 불교적 유산에 대한 명백한 증거이다.

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The Co-Structure of the Thai Legends and the Malay Hikayats (태국 전설과 말레이 히카얏의 공존 구조)

  • Saengthong, Pichet
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.91-109
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    • 2009
  • 오늘날 태국 남부 국경 부근의 3개주와 말레이 북부의 일부가 포함된 지역은 불교 사회인 태국과 무슬림 사회인 말레이라는 문화적인 차이가 있음에도 불구하고 그 문화적 근원을 찾아 보면 분명히 이전의 타이불교와 말레이 무슬림의 근원을 만나게 된다. 이는 역사적으로나 고고학적으로나 혹은 지방문학에서도 뿌리를 찾을 수 있는데 특별히 이 논문에서는 땀난나컨씨탐마랏(나컨씨탐마랏 신화)과 히카얏 메롱 마하왕싸(메롱 마하왕싸 신화)를 중심으로 불교권 타이와 이슬람권 말레이의 문화적인 면을 고찰해보고자 한다. 본 논문에서는 땀난나컨씨탐마랏(나컨씨탐마랏 신화)와 히카얏 메롱 마하왕싸(메롱 마하왕싸 신화) 속에 나타난 두문화, 즉, 불교권 타이와 이슬람권 말레이의 문화는 동일한 구조를 보이고 있음을 밝히고, 그 구조속에 나타난 지도자의 역할과 그 지역의 발전에 종교가 중요한 요소로 작용하였음을 주장하고 있다. 이러한 주장의 바탕은 Levi-Strauss의 이론으로써 태국 남부의 불교권 타이문화와 말레이 북부의 이슬람권 문화가 얼마나 친밀한 문화적 뿌리를 가지고 있는 지를 알게 한다.

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In Search of Shin Mahā Buddhaghosa (신 마하 붓다고사 연구)

  • Thaung, U Hla
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.87-104
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    • 2011
  • 붓다고사(Buddhaghosa)는 불교승려이자 작가로써 상좌부불교에서 가장 뛰어난 승려로 유명하다. 그는 청결을 의미하는 Visudhimagga의 작가로서도 유명한데, 이 작품들은 정전(正典)문학의 백과사전이라 불리고 있으며, 담마의 다양한 보물 컬렉션이라 할 수 있다. 붓다고사는 Visuddhi의 순결함에 도달하기 위해 magga 형식을 설명하고 있고, 불교교리 전체를 조직적으로 설명하고 있다. 붓다고사는 스리랑카어로 쓰여진 atthakathā를 Magadyhi(빨리어)로 변역했다. 이러한 업적으로 그는 명예를 얻었고, 이 작품은 상좌부불교(Theravāda)를 연구하는 학자들 사이에서 신성한 텍스트로 여겨졌다. 최초의 붓다고사에 관한 전기문은 6세기에 쓰여진 Mahavamsa에 나타난다. 마하밤사에 따르면, 그는 큰 보리수가 있는 인도 마가다국에서 브라만으로 태어났다고 전해진다. 그러나 Buddhaghosa의 atthakathā를 연구한 Kosanbi박사는 붓다고사는 북인도로부터 온 인물은 아니라고 보았으며, 붓다고사가 미얀마 사람일지도 모른다고 추정했다. 그 이유는 다수의 atthakathā가 미얀마에서 발견되었기 때문이다. 미얀마뿐만 아니라, 태국 그리고 캄보디아 역시 붓다고사가 자국인이라고 주장하고 있다. 5세기부터 더 나아가 11세기 중반까지 하(下) 미얀마의 고대 쀼왕국에서 불교가 매우 번성했다는 지속적인 기록이 있다. 이는 5세기에 붓다고사 전설과 함께 불교를 활성화시켰으며, 상좌부불교와 관련된 조각품들과 비문을 연구하는데 반영되었다. 붓다고사의 자타카 해설은 붓다의 역사적 탄생을 다루고 있으며, 미얀마의 모든 청소년에게 오랫동안 교육자료로 활용되어 왔다. 또한 자타카 해설은 비석에서 중요한 부분을 차지하고 있으며, 테라코타 부조나 11세기와 12세기의 버간사원의 벽화에서도 사용된다. 이처럼 미얀마에서 비석과 테라코타 부조, 그리고 수많은 벽화들이 발견되는 것을 통해 붓다고사가 미얀마 출신이었다는 것을 확인할 수 있다.

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A Study on the Acceptance of Hindu Culture in Modern Southeast Asian Buddhism - The Structural Analysis of Hindu Myth and Buddhist Modification on Ramakien (근대 동남아불교의 힌두문화 수용 - 태국 라마끼엔의 힌두신화와 불교적 변용)

  • Kim, Chin-Young
    • The Southeast Asian review
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.43-75
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    • 2011
  • The article focuses on the impact and Acceptance of Hindu culture in Modern Southeast Asian Buddhism. The purpose of this study is to examine critically the influential epic Ramayana on Siam culture, Thai Ramayana version 'Ramakien', reveal instances of Buddhist Modification. The Ramayana by the great sage Valmiki is considered by Indians to be the first great literary work to be produced in India. The influence of this work is to be seen not only through centuries but even in other countries, such as Thailand where there are modified modern versions. In this paper, I have three objectives : (1) I may discuss the epic Ramayana of India gave birth to the Ramakien of Thailand. In modern times Valmiki's epic was made to fit the spiritual trends current in the new Chakri dynasty, which were themselves based on Brahmanic tradition and Theravada buddhism. With regarding to the structure of the Traibhumi cosmography, and the relationship between merit and power implied by this cosmography ranks all beings from demons to deities in a hierarchy of merit which accrues according to karma the actions of past lives. (2) I analyze how to have attempted to dissect the Hindi and Thai version of the Ramayana. The Hindu concept of kingship is also depicted in the life of Rama. The Hindus see in Rama the norm of a true Hindu life characterized by the Caste and Dharma. In Thai transformed version, it does not preach Hindu values of personal or social life. The Ramakien emphasized that the Buddhism were higher than all other laws, and that the King is regarded as the incarnation of Phra Ram, and thus is also the narration of the righteous buddhist ruler. (3) I discuss how cultural or social contexts can influence the structure of the royal Wat. The whole epic was painted by the order of Rama I in the galleries of the Wat Phra Keo. In other words, it is the very centre of the dynastic cult enshrining the Emerald Buddha, the most iconic expression of the Ramakien tradition were officially amalgamated. Rama I was continued the process of elaborating and stabilizing the complex religious pattern, with Buddhism at the pinnacle. My finding will support the idea that the Ramakien is particularly appealing to the Thai people because it presents the image of an ideal king, Rama, who symbolizes the force of virtue or dharma while Thotsakan represents the force of evil. Eventually the force of good prevails. Being Buddhists, the Thai poets bring into the story the Buddhist philosophy(especially, the law of cause and effect, karma). This paper examines the role of the Hindu epic Ramayana in the historical and cultural contact between Hindu India and Buddhist Southeast Asia. It should now be possible to evaluate what elements of Hindu culture were transmitted into Thai through the Rama story.

The Study on Symbolic Color and Costume of The Seven Days Buddha in Thailand (태국 칠일불(七日佛)의 상징색채와 복식)

  • Soh, Hwang Oak;Kim, Da Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.64 no.8
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    • pp.179-190
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    • 2014
  • In traditional costume, colors have been used to express the religion, society, culture, custom, and other aspects of a country. This is mainly due to color being the most conspicuous visual factor of a costume. In Thailand, there is a symbolic color for each day of the week, and the purpose of this study is to contribute to deeper understanding of the Thailand culture in regards to color and its costumes. The study method is as follows: literatures and photos were researched for social and religious background of the seven days Buddha history, which was the source of the color a day culture, symbols and significance of each Buddha were studied and precedent studies were reviewed. The study attempted to investigate the effect of the symbolic color on costumes as it passed down from generations. Originally, the symbolic colors of seven days Buddha in Thailand was a religious component that was exclusive to the upper class. However, it has expanded to the lower classes today. Currently, it obtains an aspect of health and wealth gospel for oneself or others as well as being used to express individual personality because people regard certain color as their symbolic color.

Traditional Culture Features in the Constitutions of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand (베트남, 캄보디아, 태국 헌법에 보이는 전통적 문화 요소)

  • RA, Hee Ryang
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.53-68
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we examine the traditional culture features of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand and above this we try to find out the evidences that traditional culture features are shown up through the Constitutions of three countries. First, for Vietnam, unlike the other two countries, we could find out the traditional culture feature of strong resistance and struggle against the foreign powers like China throughout the history. Also, the loyalty for the community and country could be added as the traditional culture features as well. In contrast, for Cambodia and Thailand, we could see other aspects of traditional culture features, such as the promotion and protection of Buddhism, historically sustained Kingship and respect for the King, the opportunistic foreign policy for the foreign powers to national survive. Furthermore, we could find out the evidences that these traditional culture features are shown implicitly or explicitly in the Constitutions of the three countries in all. Although three countries have different historical backgrounds, experiences, cultures, and value systems, we could see that the Constitution of the three countries show that the traditional culture features are vigorously alive in it. Thus, we can say that this proves that the flow of traditional culture features are not easily changed or stopped by an era or ideology and still alive in the heart of the people.

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A Study of the Mural Paintings in Thai Temples (태국의 불교사찰 벽화에 관한 연구)

  • NOH, Jangsuh
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2009
  • This research tries to review the history and concepts of Thai temple mural painting. According to the research results, the history of Thai mural painting dates back to the late 14th century when Wat Chedi Chet Taeo in Si Satchanalai was built. The Sinhalese elements embedded in the Sukhothai murals are also found in the Ayuthayan stupa murals made in the early 15th century. The mid 18th century's Burmese invasion into Ayuthaya destroyed most of Buddhist temples in the Kingdom of Ayuthaya and as a result, Buddhist murals of the late Ayuthayan age are hardly found except for some temple murals located outside of the capital. The late Ayuthayan murals are much different from the early Ayuthayan murals in that they are narrative in depicting Jataka and the life of Lord Buddha. This classical mural painting culminated in the age of Rama III of Bangkok Dynasty. His successor Rama IV undertook westernized reforms which influenced the area of traditional mural painting. Consequently, new western style Buddhist mural paintings were produced while themes of mural painting were enlarged to the other subjects such as historical recording of royal and social events. This trend continued in the age of Rama V but the development of Thai Buddhist mural painting discontinued after the death of Rama V due to the rapid westernization and decrease of illiteracy. The existing Buddhist murals produced on or before the reign of Rama V are deteriorating and disappearing. The reasons for this are partly because of Thailand's humid climate. However, some social backgrounds such as the lack of concern for preserving old Buddhist murals can not be disregarded. Considering the substantial value of Thai Buddhist murals as a cultural resource in Thai society, it is very urgent to establish appropriate conservation policy for them.

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The Healing Effects of Concentration Meditation(CM) on Mind-Body - Focusing on Meditation of Dhammakaya Temple - (집중명상(Concentration Meditation:CM)이 심신치유(心身治癒)효과에 미치는 영향 -태국 담마까야(Dhammakaya)사원 명상법 중심으로-)

  • Seo, Byung-Chan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.534-546
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to prove the positive effect of mind and body healing through the modified meditation method of Southern Buddhism as a systematic practice to concentrate or empty consciousness of the Buddhist temple in Dhammakaya, Thailand. To investigate the effects of the program on the participants, the experimental measurement tools in this study include the Immeasurable scale, spirituality scale, simple mental test scale, and blood pressure scale, pulse meter, thermometer, and recorder. When the measured values were compared with the corresponding t-test, there were some differences before and after the measurements based on the significance probability p <0.05. As a result, there was a significant correlation between spiritual support scale and the Immeasurable scale. In addition, the results of analyzing the data through interviews showed that the body and physiologically effective concentration was well after the meditation experience, and the intention to actively utilize this meditation method was confirmed. In this study, it was confirmed that there was a positive effect of the Samata practice method of Concentration meditation(CM), and thus the theoretical and experimental effects of intensive meditation were presented. I hope that these studies will accumulate and follow-up studies will be conducted through intensive meditation as a healing effect.

The Evaluation of Food Service Menus in an Immigration Detention Center (외국인 보호소 급식 식단 품질에 대한 인식 및 만족도)

  • Kim, Hye-Jin;Kim, Woon Joo;Lee, Young Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.286-305
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the recognition and satisfaction with the menu quality of food services in an immigration detention center. The survey was conducted from January 22, 2010 to April 22, 2010 by questionnaires. A survey with 265 respondents was conducted and data analyzed by the SAS Program. In analyzing leftovers, the most common was kimchi (37.61%), followed by breads (21.52%), and beans/bean curd (17.99%). The common cause for leftover were undesirable taste (31.84%), sickness or a lack of desire for eating (19.85%). In terms of cooking methods, stir-frying, broiling, and frying were highly preferred to steaming, boiling, and salting. In the analysis of preferences in the taste and satisfaction of food service, there were significant differences in hot, sour, bitter, and light tastes (p<0.05, p<0.01, p<0.001). Satisfaction was low with hot and light tastes, whereas sour and the bitter tastes showed a high degree of satisfaction. In the opinions for quality improvement, most immigrants wanted a tastier food supply (58.69%), a diverse food supply (40.54%), and clean utensils (36.68%). In the analysis of the gap between importance and performance, food taste, variety, and sanitation were recognized as poorly performed, causing major dissatisfaction with the food. The overall satisfaction score was 'average' (3 points out of 5 points) with 3.26 points. The satisfaction score showed insignificant difference depending on religions and duration of stay in Korea, but showed significant differences depending on nationality (p<0.001).