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The Healing Effects of Concentration Meditation(CM) on Mind-Body - Focusing on Meditation of Dhammakaya Temple -  

Seo, Byung-Chan (동국대학교 응용불교학)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is to prove the positive effect of mind and body healing through the modified meditation method of Southern Buddhism as a systematic practice to concentrate or empty consciousness of the Buddhist temple in Dhammakaya, Thailand. To investigate the effects of the program on the participants, the experimental measurement tools in this study include the Immeasurable scale, spirituality scale, simple mental test scale, and blood pressure scale, pulse meter, thermometer, and recorder. When the measured values were compared with the corresponding t-test, there were some differences before and after the measurements based on the significance probability p <0.05. As a result, there was a significant correlation between spiritual support scale and the Immeasurable scale. In addition, the results of analyzing the data through interviews showed that the body and physiologically effective concentration was well after the meditation experience, and the intention to actively utilize this meditation method was confirmed. In this study, it was confirmed that there was a positive effect of the Samata practice method of Concentration meditation(CM), and thus the theoretical and experimental effects of intensive meditation were presented. I hope that these studies will accumulate and follow-up studies will be conducted through intensive meditation as a healing effect.
Dammakaya; Mantra; Samata Meditation; Chakra; Thailand(Thai);
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  • Reference
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