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Effects of Solvent Extraction by Immersion on the Quality and Storage Stability of Rice (용매침지(溶媒浸漬)에 의한 탈지(脫脂)처리가 쌀의 품질(品質) 및 저장성(貯臧性)에 미치는 영향)

  • Cheigh, Hong-Sik;Kwon, Tai-Wan
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.271-275
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    • 1972
  • Effects of solvent extraction by immersion on the quality and storage stability of Korean rice were studied. Proportions of lipid extracted from whole grain of rice by immersing into two volumes(v/wt) of hexane and ethanol for 72 hours at room temperature were 0.41% and 0.38% respectively. Small changes of water content and hardness of rice were observed by solvent treatment. Cooking characteristics; that is, water-uptake ratio. extended volume, total solid, and starch-iodine blue test of rice was markedly changed by ethanol treatment, while little changes were observed by hexane treatment. No considerable differences in moisture sorption isotherm of rice were observed by both solvent treatments. Changes in TBA number and stale flavor appearance of rice treated with or without solvent immersion during storage at 60C showed that rice treated with hexane had best storage stability compared to ethanol treatment, while ethanol treatment of rice had better storage stability than no treatment. Similar results were noted in changes of the flavor score of cooked rice samples which were freeze dried.

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A Study on the Preparation of Yogurt Added with Tomato Juice (방울토마토(Lycopersicon escylentnm mill ssp.)를 첨가(添加)한 Yogurt의 제조(製造)에 관한 연구)

  • Joung, Ok;Kim, Jong Woo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.199-215
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    • 1998
  • In order to determine the effect of tomato(Lycopersicon escylentnm mill ssp.) on the yogurt quality, skim milk powders were added with tomato juice of 0%, 1%, 3%, 5% and fermented by mixed culture(Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus. The results were summarized as follows: 1. Addition of tomato juice in skim milk decreased pH(4.3) and increased acidity(0.93%) more than control did(pH 4.6, titratable acidity 0.85%). By the addition of tomato juice, acid production was increased and pH was decreased in proportion to concentrations of tomato juices added to skim milk. 2. The number of lactic acid bacteria in yogurts added with tomato juice (4.59×1012cfu/ml) more increased than those in control yogurt(8.96×1011cfu/ml). By the addition of tomato juice, the number of lactic acid bacteria counts increased in proportion to concentration of tomato juices added to skim milk. 3. As fermentation time goes by, the Brix degree sugar content in skim milk were decreased more rapidly than control. 4. The pH, titratable acidity, Brix degree and lactic acid bacteria were not significantly changed for all yogurts for the storing at 5C for 14 days. 5. In yogurt fermentation, addition of tomato juice with glucose (1% tomato juice + 4% glucose, 3% tomato juice + 2% glucose, 5% tomato juice + 0% glucose) decreased pH and increased acidity than control(5%glucose) did. In addition of tomato juice, acidity was increased and pH was decreased in proportion to concentration of tomato juices added to skim milk. 6. In yogurt fermentation, the number of lactic acid bacteria of yogurt added with tomato juice(1% tomato juice+4% glucose, 3% tomato juice+2% glucose, 5% tomato juice+0% glucose) increased than control(5% glucose). In addition of tomato juice, the number of lactic acid bacteria increased in proportion to concentration of tomato juices added to skim milk. 7. As fermentation time goes by, the Brix degree were decreased more rapidly than control(5% glucose). By the change of pH, titratable acidity, Brix degree and lactic acid bacteria, in yogurt fermentation, we definited that the promotive effect of tomato(Lycopersicon escylentnm mill ssp.) on the yogurt.

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Quality Characteristics and Antioxidant Activity of Spirulina added Yogurt (스피루리나 첨가 요구르트의 품질 특성 및 항산화능)

  • Shin, Yu-Mi;Son, Chan-Wok;Sim, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Min-Hee;Kim, Mi-Yeon;Kwon, Oh-Yun;Kim, Mee-Ree
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.68-75
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    • 2008
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of yogurt containing spirulina. Yogurt base was prepared from skim milk added with 0.251 spirulina powder and fermented with lactic acid bacteria (S. thermophilus : L. bulgaricus = 1 : 1) at 40C for 12 hr. Kiwi puree and oligosaccharides were then added. The addition of 1% spirulina powder stimulated the growth of lactic acid bacteria, which showed the highest viable cell count (3.4×109 CFU/mL), and increased the titratable acidity (1.10%). The viscosity range of the yogurt was 6,000 to 9,000 cP, and the sugar content of the yogurt was around 18 Brix. The antioxidant activities were determined using the DPPH method, and the hydroxyl radical scavenging activity of the yogurt containing spirulina was higher than that of the control. The sensory evaluation scores for appearance, odor, taste, overall acceptability and buying intention were higher in the yogurt containing 0.25% spirulina than in the other groups. The amount of macronutrients in the yogurt containing spirulina was higher than that in the control. In addition, the amounts of micronutrients in the yogurt containing spirulina was significantly increased. According to these results, the optimum concentration of spirulina powder is around 0.25%.

Properties of Dietary Fiber Extract from Rice Bran and Application in Bread-making (미강에서 추출한 식이섬유추출물의 특성 및 제빵에의 응용)

  • Kim, Young-Soo;Ha, Tae-Youl;Lee, Sang-Hyo;Lee, Hyun-Yu
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.502-508
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    • 1997
  • Rice bran dietary fiber extract, which was obtained after termamyl treatment of defatted rice bran contained 27.330.5 protein, 49.754.1 insoluble dietary fiber, and 1.92.7 soluble dietary fiber. Extrusion decreased the insoluble dietary fiber content but increased the soluble dietary fiber content, while roasting did not. Influence those content. Each mineral element content was depended upon heat processing method. Extrusion increased the water binding capacity and L value, while roasting reduced the water binding capacity and L value. Scanning electron microscopy showed damaged cell walls for extruded sample compared to roasted one which had fully collapsed cell walls. The increase of water absorption, developing time, and stability and the of MTI of wheat flour-dietary fiber extract composites with addition of dietary fiber extract were observed by Farinograph. Rice bran dietary fiber extract had an effect on the bread making resulting in increase of bread weight and color of crumb and crust, and decrease of bread volume and texture. As a result of sensory evaluation, appearance, texture, overall acceptability were significantly different from control but flavor and taste were not different significantly up to 6% level. Heat treated samples had differences in mean values, but not significant differences statistically.

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Screening of Lignan Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Chungkukjang Fermented with Defatted Sesame Flour (참깨 탈지박을 첨가하여 제조한 청국장의 생리활성 및 리그난 성분 탐색)

  • Kim, Tae-Su;Choi, Mi-Kyeong;Kim, Jin-Sook;Han, Jae-Woong;Kang, Myung-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.38 no.11
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    • pp.1580-1586
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    • 2009
  • This study is on the effect of oil seed by-products added to Chungkukjang. For this, we designed three cases: Chungkukjang was added in with defatted sesame flour before fermented (DSFBF), added with defatted sesame flour after fermented (DSFAF) and with no adding (control). In each case, the common ingredients and the active antioxidant ingredients were examined and compared and the effects were analyzed. According to microanalysis result, carbohydrate content Chungkukjang the DSFAF 24.97%, control 23.86%, DSFBF Chungkukjang 20.21% as compared to control and Chungkukjang DSFAF relatively low carbohydrate content. The moisture contents in DSFBF (55.98%) or DSFAF (52.83%) were higher than that in control (48.89%). Chungkukjang crude ashes in DSFBF (1.48%) or DSFAF (2.41%) were much lower than in control (6.45%). The proportions of crude lipid in DSFBF (3.30%) or DSFAF (3.93%) were higher than in control (1.77%) by about 2%. As for crude protein, the percentage in DSFAF (15.86%) was lower than that of DSFBF (19.03%) or of control (19.03%). There was no meaningful difference in biological activity measurement as total phenolic contents were 1.26 mg/mL in DSFBF, 1.14 mg/mL in DSFAF and 1.26 mg/mL in control. But electron donating ability was meaningfully more active in DSFBF (21.30%) than in control (20.24%). The superoxide dismutase (SOD)-like activity in DSFBF (68.48%) was twice higher than in control (34.01%), which may imply that DSFBF contain some ingredients that can scavenge superoxide anion radically. In hydroxyl radical scavenging activity, DSFAF scores 96.87%, which is the highest with 96.40% in DSFBF and 95.73% in control. Relative antioxidative effects in DSFBF was 47.92%, which is comparable to 47.06% in control. As a result of extraction and quantitative HPLC analysis of sesamin and sesamolin extracted from the samples, DSFBF contained 3.04±0.21 mg/g of sesamin, which is meaningfully higher than 2.41±0.14 mg/g in DSFAF. Content of sesamolin was higher in DSFBF (1.36±0.09 mg/g) than DSFAF (1.12±0.07 mg/g) or in control. We can conclude that biologically active and effective ingredients could be found more in DSFBF than in DSFAF or in control. This study conveys not only the meaning that oil seed by-products can be used as an ingredient for making Chungkukjang functional food, but also the possibility that oil seed by-products themselves could become excellent functional food.

Quality characteristics of commercial liquid type yogurt in Korea (국내 시판 액상요구르트의 품질특성)

  • Lee, Ji Hyun;Park, Hye Young;Won, Ju In;Park, Hye In;Choi, In Duck;Lee, Seuk Ki;Park, Ji Young;Joe, Dong Hwa;Jeon, Yong Hee;Oh, Sea Kwan;Han, Sang Ik;Choi, Hye Sun
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.865-870
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    • 2017
  • Yogurt is produced by fermentation of milk using bacteria known as "yogurt cultures". Most of these bacteria are probiotics such as Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, Lb. rhamnosus, Streptococcus thermophilus, and Bifidobacterium. The domestic fermented milk market is increasing, and about 30 companies are producing yogurt. The purpose of this study was to analyze the quality characteristics of domestic commercial liquid yogurt. Total 30types of commercial yogurts were sampled and their physicochemicial properties, including pH, sugar content, acidity, viscosity, and microbial characteristics of lactic acid bacteria counts, were measured. Commercial liquid type yogurt showed a pH of 4.5, sugar content of 7.4-21.2%, total acid content of 0.4-0.9%, and viscosity of 0.1-250 cP. In terms of microbial populations, lactic acid bacteria counts were 7.2-11.3 log CFU/mL and anaerobic lactic acid bacteria counts were 8.0-11.5 log CFU/mL. The quality characteristics differed depending on the constituents of the sample and the microorganisms used. These results are related to the quality characteristics of yogurts and are useful for identifying new trends in the domestic fermented milk industry.

A Study on the Characteristic Trace Organic Pollutants in the Industrial Wastewater (산업폐수중 미량유기오염물질 배출 특성)

  • Chung, Y.H.;Kim, S.C.;Shin, S.K.;Kang, I.G.;Lee, J.I.;Lee, W.S.;Lee, J.B.
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.62-72
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    • 1998
  • This study was performed to characterize the trace organic pollutants in the industrial wastewater and to establish the database of the trace organic pollutants. The four manufacturing industries, which are refined petroleum, industrial chemicals, rubber & plastics and fabricated metals, were surveyed. The wastewater and discharging water of these 30 factories are analyzed to characterize the trace organic pollutants. In industrial chemicals, the kinds of products and organic pollutants are very various. Therefore to select the characteristic organic pollutants in this categories are also very difficult. In industrial chemicals, the gas chromatograpic peak patterns of wastewater are represented the various type according to their products, therefore the typical patterns of the characteristic organic pollutants could not be obtained because the kinds of manufactured goods and organic pollutants are very various. In refined petroleum, the effluent is discharged in the distillatory process of atmosphere pressure and contained the saturated hydrocarbons, phenol compounds, benzene compounds and naphtalene compounds. The saturated hydrocarbons peaks from C15 to C35 are represented the typical oil patterns by the uniform intervals therefore the peak can be easily distinguished. In rubber & plastics, the wastewater is discharged in the washing process which contains the additives. The problem of wastewater is not serious because the manufacturing process is not produced the effluent or the produced cooling water is recycled in that process.

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Studies on the Iron Component of Soy Sauce, Bean Paste and Red Pepper Paste -Part I. Iron Content of Soy Sauce- (장류(醬類)의 철분(鐵分)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 제1보(第一報). 간장중의 철분함량(鐵分含量) -)

  • Yoo, Hai-Yul;Park, Yoon-Joong;Lee, Suk-Kun;Son, Cheon-Bae
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.160-165
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    • 1979
  • This study was carried out to investigate effects of iron content on the quality of soy sauce, bean paste and red pepper paste, and to elucidate the origin of iron and change of the contents during production processes. For the first step, the iron contents in commercial soy sauce and changes of the contents during brewing process were determined. The results obtained were as follows. 1, Iron contents of raw materials were 108 ppm in soy bean, 133ppm in defatted soy bean, 79 ppm in wheat, 5 ppm in sodium chloride, 58 ppm in seed koji, 300-2000 ppm in spore of Aspergillus oryzae, 240 ppm in wheat gluten, 20 ppm in sodium carbonate (above figures were of dry weight basis), 6 ppm in hydrochloric acid, 18 ppm in caramel and 0.3ppm in brewing water respectively. 2, Iron contents in koji were 200-240 ppm (as dry weight basis) and increased, more or less, in progress of koji-making period. 3. Iron contents in the mashes during fermentation were 40 rpm after 1 month, 43-47 ppm after 3 months and 49-62ppm after 6 months. 4. In chemical soy sauce, the iron content was 159 ppm after hydrolysis of wheat gluten with hydrochloric acid, and 184 ppm after neutralization. 5. Higher iron contents were detected both in fermented and chemical soy sauce when the concentration of total nitrogen increased, but the levels were higher in chemical soy sauce than in fermented one at the same concentration of total nitrogen. 6. In the case of fermented soy sauce, the iron content in the filtrate was decreased by press-filtration, but no significant change was found between before and after heat-sterilization. 7. Iron contents in commercial soy sauce were varied with the producers, however, the average value was 62.7 ppm as calculated as 1.0 percent of total nitrogen. And the average level of iron in home-made soy sauce produced by conventional method was 37.68 ppm.

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Studies on the RNA nucleotide composition of egg, worm body, pupa and silk-gland(posterior) of Bombyx mori, and spinning gland of spider (가잠(家蠶)의 충체(蟲體), 용체, 잠란(蠶卵) 및 견사선(絹絲腺)(후부(後部))과 지주(蜘蛛) 방적선(紡績腺) RNA의 nucleotide 조성(組成)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Hyeong-Su
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.5
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    • pp.7-21
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    • 1964
  • 가잠(家蠶)(Bombyx mori)의 잠체(蠶體), 용체 및 견사선(絹絲腺)(후부(後部))에서 phenol법(法)으로 RNA를 추출(抽出)하여 RNA의 nucleotide 조성(組成)(mole ratio)을 살피는 한편, 견사선(絹絲腺)(후부(後部))에서 초원심법(超遠沈法)으로 r-RNA, s-RNA를 분리(分離)하여 이에 대(對)한 nucleotide조성(組成)을 조사(調査)하고 또 가잠견사선(家蠶絹絲腺)과 비교(比較)할 목적(目的)으로 거미 방적선(紡績腺)의 t-RNA를 분리(分離)하여 nucleotide성분(成分)을 측정(測定)하여 다음과 같은 결과(結果)를 얻었다. 1) 잠란(蠶卵)에 있어서 이것을 마수(磨粹), 탈지(脫脂) 후(後) lysozyme을 작용(作用)시키고 10% NaCl용액(溶液)으로 가열(加熱) 추출(抽出)하는 새방법(方法)을 고찰(考察)하여 RNA의 추출(抽出)이 극난(極難)한 잠란(蠶卵)에서 RNA를 분리(分離)하는데 성공(成功)하였다. 2) 가잠란(家蠶卵), 잠체(蠶體), 용체 및 견사선(絹絲腺)(후부(後部))의 t-RNA nucleotide 조성(組成)은 다음과 같다. 시료(試料) G+CA+U G+UA+C PuPy 가잠란(家蠶卵)의 RNA 1.14 1.24 0.99 가잠체(家蠶體)의 RNA 1.40 1.36 0.80 용체의 RNA 1.40 1.33 1.35 후부견사선(後部絹絲腺)의 RNA 1.05 1.32 1.15 이로서 잠체(蠶體). 용체 및 견사선(絹絲腺)의 Pu/Py는 각각(各各) 차이(差異)가 있으나 G+U/A+C는 3자간(者間)에 1.3의 거이 동일(同一)한 수치(數値)를 보여주고 있다. G+C/A+U는 잠체(蠶體)와 용체에 있어서 동일(同一)하나 견사선(絹絲腺)의 그것과는 차이(差異)가 있다. 한편 잠란(蠶卵)에 있어서는 Pu/Py, G+C/A+U, G+U/A+C가 각각(各各) 잠체(蠶體), 용체 및 견사선(絹絲腺)에 있어서와 현저(顯著)한 차이(差異)를 보여주고 있다. G+C/A+U가 1.3이나 되는 RNA의 base ratio를 가진 생물(生物)에 관(關)해서는 아직 보고(報告)된 바 없고 다만 본논문(本論文)의 가잠(家蠶)에 관(關)한 RNA와 속편(續編)인 각종(各種) 패류(貝類) RNA의 nucleotide 조성(組成)에서 모두 1.3에 가까운 수치(數値)를 보여주고 있다. 3) 견사선(絹絲腺)(후부(後部)) t-RNA와 거미 방적선(紡績腺)의 t-RNA의 nucleotide molar ratio 및 견사선(絹絲腺)의 r-RNA, s-RNA nucleotide 조성(組成)은 다음과 같다. 재료(材料) G+CA+U G+UA+C PuPy 가잠견사선(家蠶絹絲腺)(후부(後部)의 t-RNA 1.05 1.32 1.15의 r-RNA 1.12 1.30 1.20의 s-RNA 1.55 1.33 0.65 지주방적선(蜘蛛紡績腺)의 t-RNA 1.35 1.24 1.16 즉(卽) 가잠견사선(家蠶絹絲腺)(후부(後部))과 거미방적선(紡績腺)의 t-RNA nucleotide 조성(組成)은 Pu/Py가 1.15와 1.16으로서 거이 동일(同一)하지만 G+C/A+U, G+U/A+C에 차이(差異)가 있음을 보았다. 한편 가잠견사선(家蠶絹絲腺)(후부(後部)) r-RNA와 s-RNA의 Pu/Py와 G+C/A+U는 현저(顯著)한 차이(差異)가 있고, G+U/A+C에 있어서는 1.3으로서 거이 동일(同一)한 수치(數値)를 보여주고 있다. 4. 이상(以上)과 같이 잠체(蠶體)에 관(關)한 RNA의 nucleotide 조성(組成)은 소위(所謂) GC-type로서, 현재(現在)까지 문헌(文獻)에 보고(報告)된 각종(各種) 생물(生物)의 RNA의 base ratio에 관(關)하여 비교(比較) 검토(檢討)하였으며, RNA의 nucleotide ratio의 차이(差異)의 의의(意義)에 대(對)하여 고찰(考察)하였다.

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Studies on the Nucleotide composition of ribonucleic acid in the mid-intestinal gland (liver) of marine shell-fishes (해산패류(海産貝類)(6종(種))의 중장선(中腸腺)(간(肝)) RNA의 nucleotide 조성(組成)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Hyeong-Su
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.5
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 1964
  • Six species of marine shell-fishes were subjects in this study. The content of RNA and DNA in mid-intestinal glands (liver) was determined and RNA was also extracted from above materials by phenol method and their nucleotide compositions were analysed by ion exchange column chromatography. C; citidylic acid, A; adenylic acid, G; guanylic acid, U; uridylic acid, Pu; purine nucleotide, Py; pyrimidine nucleotide 1) Their RNA and DNA content was summarized in the next table.(mg/100mg of lipid free powder) Materials RNA DNA RNA/DNA Meretrix meretrix Susoria (Gmelin) 6.82 0.82 6.5 Anadara(scapharea) inflata(Reeve) 4.62 0.70 6.6 Ostrea(crassostrea) gigas Thunberg 8.74 1.03 8.5 Turbo cornutus Solander 2.16 0.60 3.6 Haliotis gigantea Gmelin 7.02 0.22 36.0 2) Their RNA nucleatide compositions was summaries in following tabe. Materials/RNA nucleotide G+C/A+U G+U/A+C Pu/Py Meretrix meretrix Susoria(Gmelin) 1.12 1.36 1.08 Venerupis philippinarum (Adoms et Reeve) 1.15 1.31 1.13 Anadara(scapharea) inflata(Reeve) 0.97 1.26 1.02 Ostrea (crassostrea) gigas Thunberg 1.51 1.34 1.31 Turbo cornutus Solander 1.37 1.29 1.03 Haliotis gigantea Gmelin 1.33 1.46 1.22 In six species of marine fishes examined, Pu/Py and G+C/A+U ratios of RNA vary in respective wide ranges of 1.02-1.31, 0.97-1.51, while G+U/A+C ratio in the range of 1.26-1.46, not far from 1.3. This G+U/A+C ratio seems to be specific in this species.

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