• Title/Summary/Keyword: 탄소발생량

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Reaction Characteristics of Phytoplankton Before and After the Yellow Dust Event in Taean Peninsula and Yellow Dust Impact Assessment (태안반도주변에서 춘계 황사 전·후 식물플랑크톤 반응특성과 황사분진 영향평가)

  • Yoo, Man Ho;Youn, Seok Hyun;Oh, Hyun Ju;Choi, Joong Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.898-906
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    • 2018
  • To investigate the effect of yellow dust on phytoplankton, a field survey and physiological experiments were carried out in the waters near Taean Peninsula from April 22 to 26, 2006, when yellow dust occurred. Phytoplankton populations during the yellow dust period were in the range of $26{\sim}290{\times}10^3cells{\cdot}L^{-1}$, a somewhat low standing crop. An increase in diatoms (a main taxonomic group), especially benthic diatoms such as Paralia sulcate, a typical species for active mixed sea water areas, was also remarkable. In addition, the Chl-a concentration after yellow dust exceeded the Chl-a concentration change range according to the tide before yellow dust. As the concentration of yellow sand increased in a yellow sand treatment experiment, primary productivity decreased, and the maximum assimilation number showed the same tendency. In the 48h culture experiment, primary productivity of the test group was lower than that of the control group at the early stage (T0) of yellow sand treatment, but after 48 hours (T48), the test group showed higher primary productivity than the control group. In particular, the primary productivity of the test group significantly increased to 321 % after 48 hours. Therefore, strong physical environment accompanied by yellow dust may temporarily inhibit the growth of phytoplankton in the waters adjacent to China in the early stage of yellow dust, but the formation of stable water mass has also been identified as a potential factor promoting the growth of phytoplankton.

Variability and Changes of Wildfire Potential over East Asia from 1981 to 2020 (1981-2020년 기간 동아시아 지역 산불 발생 위험도의 변동성 및 변화 특성)

  • Lee, June-Yi;Lee, Doo Young
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.30-40
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    • 2022
  • Wildfires, which occur sporadically and irregularly worldwide, are distinct natural disturbances in combustible vegetation areas, important parts of the global carbon cycle, and natural disasters that cause severe public emergencies. While many previous studies have investigated the variability and changes in wildfires globally based on fire emissions, burned areas, and fire weather indices, studies on East Asia are still limited. Here, we explore the characteristics of variability and changes in wildfire danger over East Asia by analyzing the fire weather index for the 40 years-1981-2020. The first empirical orthogonal function (EOF) mode of fire weather index variability represents an increasing trend in wildfire danger over most parts of East Asia over the last 40 years, accounting for 29% of the total variance. The major contributor is an increase in the surface temperature in East Asia associated with global warming and multidecadal ocean variations. The effect of temperature was slightly offset by the increase in soil moisture. The second EOF mode exhibits considerable interannual variability associated with the El Nino-Southern Oscillation, accounting for 17% of the total variance. The increase (decrease) in precipitation in East Asia during El Nino (La Nina) increases (decreases) soil moisture, which in turn reduces (increases) wildfire danger. This dominant soil moisture effect was slightly offset by the temperature increase (decrease) during El Nino (La Nina). Improving the understanding of variability and changes in wildfire danger will have important implications for reducing social, economic, and ecological losses associated with wildfire occurrences.

Application of LiDAR Data & High-Resolution Satellite Image for Calculate Forest Biomass (산림바이오매스 산정을 위한 LiDAR 자료와 고해상도 위성영상 활용)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jik;Ru, Ji-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2012
  • As a result of the economical loss caused by unusual climate changes resulting from emission of excessive green house gases such as carbon dioxide which is expected to account for 5~20% of the world GDP by 2100, researching technologies regarding the reduction of carbon dioxide emission is being favored worldwide as a part of the high value-added industry. As one of the Annex II countries of Kyoto Protocol of 1997 that should keep the average $CO_2$ emission rate of 5% by 2013, South Korea is also dedicated to the researches and industries of $CO_2$ emission reduction. In this study, Application of LiDAR data & KOMPSAT-2 satellite image for calculated forest Biomass. Raw LiDAR data's tree numbers and tree-high with field survey data resulted in 90% similarity of objects and an average of 0.3m difference in tree-high. Calculating the forest biomass through forest type information categorized as KOMPSAT-2 image and LiDAR data's tree-high data of tree enabled the estimation of $CO_2$ absorption and forest biomass of forest type, The similarity between the field survey average of 90% or higher were analyzed.

Application of an Unsteady River Water Quality Model for the Analysis of Reservoir Flushing Effect on Downstream Water Quality (저수지 플러싱 방류 효과분석을 위한 비정상상태 하천수질모형의 적용)

  • Chung, Se-Woong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.37 no.10
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    • pp.857-868
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    • 2004
  • Since the self-purification capacity of rivers in Korea is significantly controlled by environmental maintenance flow supplied by upstream reservoirs during drought season, it is obviously important to operate the river and reservoir systems considering not only water quantity aspect but also conservation of downstream water quality and ecosystem. In this study, an unsteady river water quality model KORIVl- WIN was developed as a tool for evaluating the impact. of reservoir operations on the downstream water quality. The model parameters were calibrated and verified using field data obtained in Geum River on September and October of 2002, respectively. Intensive data sampling was performed on November 22, 2003 to investigate the effect of a short-term flushing discharge of Daecheong Reservoir, which increased outflow from 30 $m^3$/s to 200 $m^3$/s for 6 hours, on downstream water quality. The model performance was evaluated by comparing simulated results with observed data including hydraulics, biochemical oxygen demand(BOD$_{5}$), nitrogen and phosphorus species during the flushing event. It showed very good performance in predicting the travel time of flushing flow and water quality variations of dissolved forms of nitrogen and phosphorus species, while revealed large deviations for BOD$_{5}$ possibly due to missing the effect of organic matters resuspension from river bottom sediment during the wave front passage.

Estimation of Carbon Emission and Application of LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) from Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Production System (감자의 생산과정에서 발생하는 탄소배출량 산정과 전과정평가의 적용)

  • So, Kyu-Ho;Ryu, Jong-Hee;Shim, Kyo-Moon;Lee, Gil-Zae;Roh, Kee-An;Lee, Deog-Bae;Park, Jung-Ah
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.728-733
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    • 2010
  • This study was carried out to estimate carbon emission using LCA and to establish LCI database of potato production system. Potato production system was categorized into the fall season potato and the spring season potato according to potato cropping type. The results of collecting data for establishing LCI D/B showed that input of fertilizer for fall season potato production was more than that for spring season potato production. Input of pesticide for spring season potato production was much more than that for fall season potato production. The value of field direct emission ($CO_2$, $CH_4$, $N_2O$) were 2.17E-02 kg $kg^{-1}$ for spring season potato and 2.47E-02 kg $kg^{-1}$ for fall season potato, respectively. The result of LCI analysis focussed on the greenhouse gas (GHG), it was observed that carbon footprint values were 8.38E-01 kg $CO_2$-eq. $kg^{-1}$ for spring season potato and 8.10E-01 kg $CO_2$-eq. $kg^{-1}$ for fall season potato; especially for 90% and 6% of $CO_2$ emission from fertilizer and potato production, respectively. $N_2O$ was emitted from the process of N fertilizer production (76%) and potato production (23%). It was observed that characterization of values of GWP were 8.38E-01 kg $CO_2$-eq. $kg^{-1}$ for spring season potato and 8.10E-01 kg $CO_2$-eq. $kg^{-1}$ for fall season potato.

Biosorption of Cadmium by a Methanotrophs Exopolysaccharide (메탄산화세균의 EPS를 이용한 Cd의 생물흡착)

  • Lee, Hee-Ja;Kim, Kwang-Soo;Cho, Yang-Seok
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.1415-1419
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    • 2006
  • 메탄을 탄소원 및 에너지원으로 이용하는 메탄산화균은 물질대사과정 중에 다량의 세포외 고분자물질인 Extracellular polymeric substances(EPS)를 생성하는데, EPS는 카르복실기와 같은 표면흡착 기능을 가지고 있어 생체흡착제로 사용이 가능하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 메탄산화세균을 이용하여 중금속인 Cd의 흡착성능을 파악하여 활성슬러지의 흡착능과 비교하고, EPS 농도별, pH별 흡착량의 변화를 실험한 후 Freundlich 흡착모델식에 적용하여 흡착공정의 기본적인 설계인자를 도출하고자 하였다. 실험에 사용한 메탄산화세균은 매립지 복토층 상부 토양에서 분리하여 실험실에서 대량으로 배양하였으며, EPS 생성을 위해 메탄을 Head space의 20%를 주입하고 $30^{\circ}C$, 150rpm에서 질소원이 부족한 조건으로 48hr 동안 배양하였다. Cd의 흡착실험은 용액의 pH를 3에서 8까지 변화를 주면서 활성슬러지와 메탄산화세균의 시간별 흡착능을 측정하였다. 또한 중금속의 농도별 흡착능을 측정하여 흡착평형 상수를 파악하였으며, 중금속 흡착 전, 후 미생물의 SEM 촬영, FT-IR 분석, 전자현미분석(EPMA)을 통하여 무기성분 분석 및 표면관찰을 수행하였다. 실험결과 메탄산화세균에 의해 생성된 EPS 물질은 중금속에 대한 강한 결합능력이 있으며, Cd에 대한 최고 흡착능은 26mg Cd(Ⅱ)/g VSS의 값을 보였다. 이러한 미생물의 EPS의 흡착능은 pH와 칼슘이온의 영향을 많이 받았으며, 메탄산화세균의 FT-IR 분석결과 EPS에는 sulfate ester, pyruvate 등과 같은 작용기와 amino sugar, carboxyl 작용기들이 많이 존재하여 활성슬러지에 비해 중금속의 흡착능이 높은 것으로 사료되었다.X>${\mu}_{max,A}$는 최대암모니아 섭취률을 이용하여 구한 결과 $0.65d^{-1}$로 나타났다.EX>$60%{\sim}87%$가 수심 10m 이내에 분포하였고, 녹조강과 남조강이 우점하는 하절기에는 5m 이내에 주로 분포하였다. 취수탑 지점의 수심이 연중 $25{\sim}35m$를 유지하는 H호의 경우 간헐식 폭기장치를 가동하는 기간은 물론 그 외 기간에도 취수구의 심도를 표층 10m 이하로 유지 할 경우 전체 조류 유입량을 60% 이상 저감할 수 있을 것으로 조사되었다.심볼 및 색채 디자인 등의 작업이 수반되어야 하며, 이들을 고려한 인터넷용 GIS기본도를 신규 제작한다. 상습침수지구와 관련된 각종 GIS데이타와 각 기관이 보유하고 있는 공공정보 가운데 공간정보와 연계되어야 하는 자료를 인터넷 GIS를 이용하여 효율적으로 관리하기 위해서는 단계별 구축전략이 필요하다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 인터넷 GIS를 이용하여 상습침수구역관련 정보를 검색, 처리 및 분석할 수 있는 상습침수 구역 종합정보화 시스템을 구축토록 하였다.N, 항목에서 보 상류가 높게 나타났으나, 철거되지 않은 검전보나 안양대교보에 비해 그 차이가 크지 않은 것으로 나타났다.의 기상변화가 자발성 기흉 발생에 영향을 미친다고 추론할 수 있었다. 향후 본 연구에서 추론된 기상변화와 기흉 발생과의 인과관계를 확인하고 좀 더 구체화하기 위한 연구가 필요할 것이다.게 이루어질 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.는 초과수익률이 상승하지만, 이후로는 감소하므로, 반전거래전략을 활용하는 경우 주식투자기간은 24개월이하의 중단기가 적합함을 발견하였다. 이상의 행태적 측면과 투자성과측면의 실증결과를 통하여 한국주식시장에 있어서 시장수익률을 평균적으로 초과할 수 있는 거래전

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Comparison of the Influence of Carbon Substrates on the Fibrolytic Activities of Neocallimastix sp. NLRI-3 (탄소원의 종류가 반추위 혐기 곰팡이 Neocallimastix sp. NLRI-3의 섬유소 분해효소 활력에 미치는 영향 비교)

  • 손호진;송재용;최낙진;하종규;장종수
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.415-424
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the fungal growth and enzyme production under different carbohydrate substrate conditions. The anaerobic fungus Neocallimastix sp. NLRI-3 isolated from the rumen of Korean native goat was incubated with different carbohydrate media containing 0.2% of glucose, starch, rice straw, filter paper, carboxymethyl cellulose(CMC), Sigmacell cellulose, xylan or xylose, respectively. The culture head gas production was the highest in the culture of filter paper medium, and the lowest in the culture of CMC medium at 96h incubation (P<0.05). The fungal zoospore production reached peak at 72h incubation, and its number was the highest in rice straw medium among the treatments (P<0.05). At 96h incubation, carboxymethyl cellulase(CMCase) activity was the highest in the culture of filter paper medium and the lowest in the culture of starch medium (P<0.05). While xylanase activity was the highest in the culture of rice straw medium and the lowest in the culture of xylose medium(P<0.05) at 72h incubation. There were no differences in culture supernatant protein expression among the treatments. However, the patterns of enzyme expression were different among the treatments with zymogram analysis. Six CMCases and 4 xylanase were detected from the results of zymogram analysis. Therefore the present study indicating that the fungal enzyme expression could be stimulated with insoluble substrates in the culture medium.

Evaluation of Biogas Production Rate by using Various Electrodes Materials in a Combined Anaerobic Digester and Microbial Electrochemical Technology (MET) (미생물 전기화학 기술이 적용된 단일 혐기성소화조에서 전극재질에 따른 바이오가스 생성 효율 평가)

  • Shin, Wonbeom;Park, Jungyu;Lee, Beom;Kim, Yonggeun;Jun, Hangbae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.82-88
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    • 2017
  • MET (Microbial Electrochemical Technology), such as MFC (Microbial Fuel Cell) and MEC (Microbial Electrolysis Cell), is a promising technology for producing sustainable biogas from an anaerobic digester (AD). At current stage, however, the most likely limiting factors, large internal resistances, should be overcome for successful scale up of this technology. Various researchers reported that application of electrode materials containing high current density, increase of ion strength and conductivity, configuration of electrode are good methods for minimizing internal resistances. Recently, stainless steel is receiving great attention because of not only high performance and durability but also low cost. Therefore, in this study, we evaluate electrochemical characteristics and biogas production rate using various electrode materials and configuration (graphite carbon coated with catalysts ($GC-C_M$) or not (GC), stainless steel mesh (SUS-M) and plate (SUS-P)). As the results, current densities of $GC-C_M$, GC, SUS-P, SUS-M were 2.03, 1.36, 1.04, $1.13A/m^2$, respectively. Methane yields of $GC-C_M$, GC, SUS-P, SUS-M were 0.27, 0.14, 0.19, 0.21 $L-CH_4/g-COD_{rem}$., respectively. Stainless steel shows high current density and methane yield, which are similar as graphite carbon coated with catalysts.

Characterizing CO2 Supersaturation and Net Atmospheric Flux in the Middle and Lower Nakdong River (낙동강 중하류에서 이산화탄소 과포화 및 순배출 특성 분석)

  • Lee, Eun Ju;Chung, Se Woong;Park, Hyung Seok
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.416-416
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    • 2019
  • 육상 담수는 대기중 이산화탄소($CO_2$) 배출의 중요한 발생원으로 주목되고 있다. 하천 및 강에서 대기중으로 배출되는 $CO_2$는 전 세계 탄소순환의 핵심요소이며, 대부분의 하천과 강은 $CO_2$로 과포화 되어있다. 세계적으로 하천 및 강의 $CO_2$ 배출량은 호수 및 저수지의 배출량보다 약 5배 많은 것으로 보고되고 있으나, 국내연구에서는 연구사례가 드물다. 따라서 본 연구의 목적은 낙동강 중하류에 위치해있는 강정고령보(GGW), 달성보(DSW), 합천창녕보(HCW), 창녕함안보(CHW)에서 발생되는 순 대기 배출 플럭스(Net Atmospheric Flux, NAF)의 동적 변동 특성을 분석하고, 데이터마이닝 기법을 적용하여 쉽게 수집할 수 있는 물리적 및 수질 변수로 $CO_2$ NAF를 추정하는데 사용할 수 있는 간략한 예측 모델을 개발하는데 있다. $CO_2$ NAF는 대기-수면 경계면에서의 $CO_2$ 부분압($pCO_2$)의 차에 기체전달속도를 곱하여 산정하였으며, 기체전달속도는 Cole and Caraco(1998)가 제안한 식을 사용하였다. 담수와 해수의 탄산염 시스템에서 열역학적 화학평형을 모두 고려한 $CO_2$SYS 프로그램을 사용하여 수중의 $pCO_2$를 산정하였고, $CO_2$ NAF는 Henry의 법칙과 Fick의 1차 확산법칙을 사용하여 계산하였다. $CO_2$ NAF의 시간적 변동성에 영향을 미치는 환경요인을 평가하기 위해서 상관분석, 주성분분석(Principal Component Analysis; PCA), 단계적다중회귀모델(Step-wise Multiple Linear Regression; SMLR), 랜덤포레스트(Random Forest; RF)방법을 사용하였다. SMLR 모델은 R package인 olsrr, RF 모델은 R package인 caret, randomForest를 이용하여 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 4개 보 상류 하천구간은 조류의 성장이 활발한 일부 기간을 제외한 대부분의 기간에서 $CO_2$를 대기로 배출하는 종속영양시스템(Heterotrophic system)을 보였다. $CO_2$ NAF의 중위값은 HCW에서 최소 $391.5mg-CO_2/m^2day$, DSW에서 최대 $1472.7mg-CO_2/m^2day$였다. 모든 보에서 NAF는 pH와 강한 음의 상관관계를 보였으며, $pCO_2$와 Chl-a도 음의 상관관계를 보였다. 이는 조류가 수중에서 $CO_2$를 소비하고 pH를 증가시키기 때문이다. PCA 분석 결과, NAF와 $pCO_2$가 높은 공분산을 보였으며, pH와 Chl-a는 반대 방향으로 군집되어 상관분석과 동일한 결과를 보였다. 이 연구를 통해 개발된 SMLR 모델과 RF 모델의 Adj. $R^2$ 값은 모든 보에서 0.77 이상으로 나왔으며, $pCO_2$ 측정 데이터가 없더라도 하천의 $CO_2$ NAF를 추정하는 방법으로 사용될 수 있을 것으로 평가된다.

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Pyrolysis Characteristics of Sludge Discharged from Paper Mill Process (제지공정에서 발생하는 슬러지의 열분해 특성)

  • Ko, Jae-Churl;Kim, Seung-Ho;Park, Young-Koo;Jeon, Jea-Yeoul;Kim, Jin-Ho;Park, Joon-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.80-87
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    • 2009
  • This research was conducted to evaluate pyrolysis characteristics of the sludge discharged from paper mill process with sintering temperature. The sludge was composed of 70.72% of moisture, 9.52% of volatile solids, and 19.76% of ash, respectively. The sludge contained high 66.40% of $Fe_2O_3$ and CaO(15.80%), $Al_2O_3$(9.42%), and $SO_3$(3.75%) components, and minor $SiO_2$, $Na_2O$, and $Cr_2O_3$ were also contained in it. The other components except $Fe_2O_3$ and $Cr_2O_3$ were slightly decreased with increase of sintering temperature. Specific surface area of the sludge before sintering was $130m^2/g$ and ones after sintering at $400^{\circ}C$ and $700^{\circ}C$ were $114m^2/g$ and $33m^2/g$ respectively. Specific surface area of sludge was decreased with increase of sintering temperature. From the result of TG-DTA, it was shown that weight of the sludge was decreased by moisture and organic loss until $600^{\circ}C$ and decreased by volatilization of metal components and additional combustion of carbon until $800^{\circ}C$.