• Title/Summary/Keyword: 큐브 모델

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Process Governance Meta Model and Framework (프로세스 거버넌스 메타모델과 프레임워크)

  • Lee, JungGyu;Jeong, Seung Ryul
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 2019
  • As a sub-concept of corporate or organization governance, business governance and IT governance have become major research topics in academia. However, despite the importance of process as a construct for mediating the domain between business and information technology, research on process governance is relatively inadequate. Process Governance focuses on activities that link business strategy with IT system implementation and explains the creation of corporate core values. The researcher studied the basic conceptual governance models of political science, sociology, public administration, and classified governance styles into six categories. The researcher focused on the series of metamodels. For examples, the traditional Strategy Alignment Model(SAM) by Henderson and Venkatraman which is replaced by the neo-SAM model, organizational governance network model, sequential organization governance model, organization governance meta model, process governance CUBE model, COSO and process governance CUBE comparison model, and finally Process Governance Framework and etc. The Major difference between SAM and neo-SAM model is Process Governance domain inserted between Business Governance and IT Governance. Among several metamodels, Process Governance framework, the core conceptual model consists of four activity dimensions: strategic aligning, human empowering, competency enhancing, and autonomous organizing. The researcher designed five variables for each activity dimensions, totally twenty variables. Besides four activity dimensions, there are six driving forces for Process Governance cycle: De-normalizing power, micro-power, vitalizing power, self-organizing power, normalizing power and sense-making. With four activity dimensions and six driving powers, an organization can maintain the flexibility of process governance cycle to cope with internal and external environmental changes. This study aims to propose the Process Governance competency model and Process Governance variables. The situation of the industry is changing from the function-oriented organization management to the process-oriented perspective. Process Governance framework proposed by the researcher will be the contextual reference models for the further diffusion of the research on Process Governance domain and the operational definition for the development of Process Governance measurement tools in detail.

A Suggestion for Surface Reflectance ARD Building of High-Resolution Satellite Images and Its Application (고해상도 위성 정보의 지표 반사도 Analysis-Ready Data (ARD) 구축과 응용을 위한 제언)

  • Lee, Kiwon;Kim, Kwangseob
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.1215-1227
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    • 2021
  • Surface reflectance, as a product of the absolute atmospheric correction process of low-orbit satellite imagery, is the basic data required for accurate vegetation analysis. The Commission on Earth Observation Satellite (CEOS) has conducted research and guidance to produce analysis-ready data (ARD) on surface reflectance products for immediate use by users. However, this trend is still in the early stages of research dealing with ARD for high-resolution multispectral images such as KOMPSAT-3A and CAS-500, as it targets medium- to low-resolution satellite images. This study first summarizes the types of distribution of ARD data according to existing cases. The link between Open Data Cube (ODC), the cloud-based satellite image application platforms, and ARD data was also explained. As a result, we present practical ARD deployment steps for high-resolution satellite images and several types of application models in the conceptual level for high-resolution satellite images deployed in ODC and cloud environments. In addition, data pricing policies, accuracy quality issue, platform applicability, cloud environment issues, and international cooperation regarding the proposed implementation and application model were discussed. International organizations related to Earth observation satellites, such as Group on Earth Observations (GEO) and Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS), are continuing to develop system technologies and standards for the spread of ARD and ODC, and these achievements are expanding to the private sector. Therefore, a satellite-holder country looking for worldwide markets for satellite images must develop a strategy to respond to this international trend.

Enhanced Dual Contouring method by using the Feature of Spherical Coordinate System (구면 좌표계의 특성을 이용한 듀얼 컨투어링 기법 개선)

  • Kim, Jong-Hyun;Park, Tae-Jung;Kim, Chang-Hun
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2011
  • The Dual Contouring method has an advantage over the primal polygonization methods like the Marching Cube method in terms of better expression of sharp features. In this paper, the Dual Contouring method is implemented in Spherical coordinates, not the Cartesian ones to examine some characteristics. For this purpose, our octree is defined in Spherical coordinates, which is called "S-Octree". Among some characteristics, the proposed Dual Contouring method in the S-Octree tends to produce less vertices at the same octree level. In particular, for any surface models close to surface sphere, the generated mesh surfaces are smoother and more detailed than those of the Cartesian Dual Contouring approach for specific applications including mesh compression where available geometric information is quite limited.

A 3D Game Character Design Using MAYA (MAYA를 이용한 3D게임 캐릭터 디자인)

  • Ryu, Chang-Su;Hur, Chang-Wu
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.1333-1337
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    • 2011
  • 3D engines loading, and expansion of the usable capacity, next-generation smartphone game markets are rising briskly by the improvement in CPU processing speed of Phones (hardware of smartphone). Therefore, in creating 3D game characters, realistic and free-form animations in a small screen of a smartphone are becoming important. Through this paper, as a method of creating characters and operating for game characters to cause user's feeling, with NURBS data of MAYA, We completed a face in turns of eyes, a nose, and a mouth, and with Polygon Cube tool, modeled hands and feet. After dividing a cube into half and modeling it, through mirror copying We completed the whole body and modeled the low-polygon. Then to model realistic and free-form characters, We completed each detail with ZBrush and applied Divide level up to 4. Though they might look rough and exaggerated, We tried to express stuck-out parts and fallen-in parts effectively and smoothly with Smooth brush effect, map and design the low-polygon 3D characters.

Low-Cost Small Satellite Research and Development as an Education Tool (교육용 도구로서의 저가 소형위성 연구 및 개발)

  • 문병영;장영근;이병훈
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.34 no.10
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    • pp.80-91
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    • 2006
  • A method of multidisciplinary education has been implemented for satellite design, based on HAUSAT-1 and 2 ultra-small satellite development projects, in order to provide practical knowledge and experience to students studying satellite engineering. HAUSAT-1 was the nation's first 1kg-class ultra-small satellite. HAUSAT-2 nano-satellite is currently under a Proto-Flight Model development. These design projects make it possible to achieve the goal of science and technical research, which is representative of a university function, and the goal of molding professionals through providing an integrated function of system design education. An integrated system design, like satellite system, provides all participating students with an opportunity to directly/indirectly experience the entire system development process and encourage growth of multidisciplinary system education that has lately become an important issue.

Efficient Storage Techniques for Materialized Views Using Multi-Zoned Disks in OLAP Environment (OLAP 환경에서 다중 존 디스크를 활용한 실체뷰의 효율적 저장 기법)

  • Chang, Jae-Young
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.143-160
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    • 2009
  • In determining the performance of OLAP database applications, the structure and the effective access methods to the underlying disk system is a significant factor. In recent years, hard disks are designed with multiple physical zones where seek times and data transfer rates vary across the zones. However, there is little consideration of multi-zone disks in previous works. Instead, they assumed a traditional disk model that comes with many simplifying assumptions such as an average seek-time and a single data transfer rate. In this paper, we propose a technique storing a set of materialized views into the multi-zoned disks in OLAP environment dealing with large sets of data. We first present the disk zoning algorithm of materialized views according to the access probabilities of each views. Also, we address the problem of storing views in the dynamic environment where data are updated continuously. Finally, through experiments, we prove the performance improvement of the proposed algorithm against the conventional methods.

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A 3D Game Character Design Using MAYA (MAYA를 이용한 3D게임 캐릭터 디자인)

  • Ryu, Chang-Su;Hur, Chang-Wu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.300-303
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    • 2011
  • Owing to the improvement in CPU processing speed of Phones (hardware of smartphone), 3D engines loading, and expansion of the usable capacity, next-generation smartphone game markets are rising briskly. Therefore, in creating 3D game characters, realistic and free-form animations in a small screen of a smartphone are becoming important. Through this paper, as a method of creating characters and operating for game characters to cause user's feeling, with NURBS data of MAYA, We completed a face in turns of eyes, a nose, and a mouth, and with Polygon Cube tool, modeled hands and feet. After dividing a cube into half and modeling it, through mirror copying We completed the whole body and modeled the low-polygon. Then to model realistic and free-form characters, We completed each detail with ZBrush and applied Divide level up to 4. Though they might look rough and exaggerated, We tried to express stuck-out parts and fallen-in parts effectively and smoothly with Smooth brush effect, map and design the low-polygon 3D characters.

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Mechanical System Design and Development of the HAUSAT-1 Picosatellite (초소형위성 HAUSAT-1의 기계시스템 설계 및 개발)

  • Hwang, Ki-Lyong;Min, Myung-Il;Moon, Byoung-Young;Chang, Young-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.32 no.9
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    • pp.103-113
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    • 2004
  • The satellite is exposed to the severe vibration environments such as random vibration environments such as random vibration, acceleration, shock, and acoustics during launch ascent and transportation. It is also faced with various space environments such as thermal vacuum, radiation and microgravity during the mission life. The satellite should be designed, manufactured, assembled and tested to be able to endure in these harsh environments. This paper addresses the results of the structural and thermal design and analyses for the HAUSAT-1 picosatellite which is scheduled to launch in the first quarter of 2005 by Russian launch vehicle "Dnepr". The qualification vibration and thermal vacuum tests have been conducted and passed at the satellite level to ensure that the HAUSAT-1 mechanical system was designed to be stable with enough margin.

Research Trends in Tailoring of Thermal Environment Test Requirement for Environmental Stress Screening of Satellite Components (인공위성 탑재품의 환경 스트레스 스크리닝을 위한 열환경시험 테일러링 연구동향 분석)

  • Ah-Jeong Seong;Shin-Mu Park;Hyun-Ung Oh;Kyun Ho Lee;Jae Hyuk Lim
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.70-80
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    • 2024
  • In this study, we explore the purpose, origin, and history of thermal testing in the development of artificial satellite components. We seek to understand precisely the test variables associated with thermal vacuum and thermal cycle tests, including temperature margins and cycle counts, which may differ according to the development model. We analyze specifications detailed in standards from NASA, ESA, MIL, and others. Furthermore, given the recent surge in interest in CubeSats and nanosatellites, this paper aims to identify research trends in customizing satellite development projects according to their budget and duration.

Local Shape Analysis of the Hippocampus using Hierarchical Level-of-Detail Representations (계층적 Level-of-Detail 표현을 이용한 해마의 국부적인 형상 분석)

  • Kim Jeong-Sik;Choi Soo-Mi;Choi Yoo-Ju;Kim Myoung-Hee
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.11A no.7 s.91
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    • pp.555-562
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    • 2004
  • Both global volume reduction and local shape changes of hippocampus within the brain indicate their abnormal neurological states. Hippocampal shape analysis consists of two main steps. First, construct a hippocampal shape representation model ; second, compute a shape similarity from this representation. This paper proposes a novel method for the analysis of hippocampal shape using integrated Octree-based representation, containing meshes, voxels, and skeletons. First of all, we create multi-level meshes by applying the Marching Cube algorithm to the hippocampal region segmented from MR images. This model is converted to intermediate binary voxel representation. And we extract the 3D skeleton from these voxels using the slice-based skeletonization method. Then, in order to acquire multiresolutional shape representation, we store hierarchically the meshes, voxels, skeletons comprised in nodes of the Octree, and we extract the sample meshes using the ray-tracing based mesh sampling technique. Finally, as a similarity measure between the shapes, we compute $L_2$ Norm and Hausdorff distance for each sam-pled mesh pair by shooting the rays fired from the extracted skeleton. As we use a mouse picking interface for analyzing a local shape inter-actively, we provide an interaction and multiresolution based analysis for the local shape changes. In this paper, our experiment shows that our approach is robust to the rotation and the scale, especially effective to discriminate the changes between local shapes of hippocampus and more-over to increase the speed of analysis without degrading accuracy by using a hierarchical level-of-detail approach.