• Title/Summary/Keyword: 캔틸레버 빔

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Carbon tip growth by electron beam deposition (전자빔 조사에 의한 탄소상 탐침의 성장)

  • 김성현;최영진
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.144-149
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    • 2003
  • Carbon tips were grown on Si cantilevers by applying an electron beam to them directly with Scanning Electron Microscope. A carbon tip was fabricated by aligning the electron beam directly down the vertical axis of Si cantilever and then irradiating a single spot on the cantilever for a proper time in the dominant atmosphere of residual gases generated by the oil of the diffusion pump. A number of control parameters for SEM, including exposure time, acceleration voltage, emission current, and beam probe current, were allowed to make various aspect ratio feature. The growth of carbon tips was not affected by the surface morphology of substrates. We could acquired the tip whose effective length is 0.5 $\mu\textrm{m}$, bottom diameter is 90 nm and cone half angle $3.5^{\circ}$ The growth technique of the high aspect ratio carbon tips on the tip-free cantilevers is available to reduce the complexities of fabricating sub-micron scale tips on the PZT thin film actuator integrated AFM cantilevers.

Fabrication of Nano Probe for Atomic Force Microscopy Using Electron Beam Direct Deposition Method (전자빔 직접 조사법을 이용한 AFM용 나노 프로브의 제작)

  • Park, Sung-Hwak;Yi, In-Je;Kim, Yong-Sang;Sung, Seung-Yeon;Kim, Jae-Wan;Choi, Y.J.;Kang, C.J.;Kim, Sung-Hyun;Shin, J.K.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2006.07c
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    • pp.1649-1650
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    • 2006
  • 반도체 소자의 선폭이 나노미터 스케일로 진입함에 따라 소자의 물리적 특성을 나노미터 스케일에서 정밀하게 측정하고자 하는 요구가 증대되고 있다. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)은 나노미터 이하의 해상도를 가지고 물질 표면의 기하하적, 전기적 특성 등을 측정할 수 있으므로 나노소자 연구에 필수적인 도구가 되었다. 그러나 AFM은 낮은 측정속도와 탐침의 기하학적 형상에 의한 AFM 영상의 왜곡 등과 같은 치명적인 단점도 가지고 있다. AFM의 낮은 측정 속도를 개선하기 위해서 진보된 마이크로머시닝기술을 이용하여 캔틸레버의 크기를 줄이거나 캔틸레버 위에 박막 구동기를 집적시키는 등의 노력이 진행되고 있으나, 이 경우 전통적인 식각 공정을 이용하여 캔틸레버 위에 tip을 형성하는 것이 매우 어렵다. 본 연구에서는 이미 제작된 캔틸레버 위에 전자빔 조사법을 이용하여 탄소상 tip을 직접 성장시킴으로써 전통적인 식각 공정에 비해 매우 간단하고 값싸며, 활용도가 높은 공정을 개발하였다. 탄소상 tip 성장에 필요한 탄소 소스는 dipping 방법을 이용하여 공급하였고, 시분할법을 사용하여 캔틸레버의 원하는 위치에 tip을 성장시킬 수 있었다. 이렇게 제작된 tip은 최대 $5{\mu}m$ 높이까지 가능했으며, 종횡비는 10:1 이상이어서 tip의 형상에 의한 AFM 영상 왜곡 현상을 최소화할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

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Fabrication of Bump-type Probe Card Using Bulk Micromachining (벌크 마이크로머시닝을 이용한 Bump형 Probe Card의 제조)

  • 박창현;최원익;김용대;심준환;이종현
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.661-669
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    • 1999
  • A probe card is one of the most important pan of test systems as testing IC(integrated circuit) chips. This work was related to bump-type silicon vertical probe card which enabled simultaneous tests for multiple semiconductor chips. The probe consists of silicon cantilever with bump tip. In order to obtain optimum size of the cantilever, the dimensions were determined by FEM(finite element method) analysis. The probe was fabricated by RIE(reactive ion etching), isotropic etching, and bulk-micromachining using SDB(silicon direct bonding) wafer. The optimum height of the bump of the probe detemimed by FEM simulation was 30um. The optimum thickness, width, and length of the cantilever were 20 $\mum$, 100 $\mum$,and 400 $\mum$,respectively. Contact resistance of the fabricated probe card measured at contact resistance testing was less than $2\Omega$. It was also confirmed that its life time was more than 20,000 contacts because there was no change of contact resistance after 20,000 contacts.

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An Experimental Performance Evaluation with Xenomai for WSN (WSN을 위한 Xenomai의 실험적 성능평가)

  • Son, Tae-Yeong;Rim, Seong-Rak
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.709-714
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    • 2017
  • Structures like bridges or buildings need to be checked continuously to diagnose their safety. However, it is extremely difficult for the people who access such structures to check all areas directly. To overcome this problem, there is a lot of active research into structural health monitoring (SHM) with wireless sensor nodes (WSNs). In this paper, for more accurate checking of SHM with WSNs, we experimentally compare and evaluate the performance of Xenomai, which provides real-time processing under the traditional Linux kernel. For this purpose, we patch Xenomai into the traditional Linux kernel of a commercial embedded board, Raspberry Pi, and implement a task that periodically reads vibration data of the z-axis from an accelerometer in order to analyze the natural frequency of cantilever beams. Reading the data from the traditional Linux kernel with the same method, we analyze the natural frequency of the cantilever beams using Smart Office Analyzer. Finally, to review the validity of Xenomai for WSNs, we obtain vibration data on the z-axis from the accelerometer via wired network and compared and analyzed them the same way.

Effect of Alcohols on the Dry Etching of Sacrificial SiO2 in Supercritical CO2 (초임계 이산화탄소를 이용한 웨이퍼의 건식 식각에서 알콜 첨가제의 효과)

  • Kim, Do-Hoon;Jang, Myoung-Jae;Lim, Kwon-Taek
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.280-286
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    • 2012
  • The dry etching of sacrificial $SiO_2$ was performed in supercritical carbon dioxide. The etching of boron phosphor silica glass (BPSG), tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS), thermal $SiO_2$, and Si-nitride (SiN) was investigated by using a two chamber system with HF/py etchant and alcohol additives. The etch rate of sacrificial $SiO_2$ increased upon the addition of methanol. The etch selectivity of BPSG with respect to SiN was highest with IPA although the highest etch rate was resulted from methanol except BPSG. The etch rate increased with the temperature in HF/py/MeOH system. Especially the increase of the etch rate was much higher for BPSG with an increase in the reaction temperature. The etch residue was not reduced apparently upon the addition of alcohol cosolvents to HF/py. While the etch rate in HF/$H_2O$ was higher than HF/py/alcohol system, the rate decreased with the addition of alcohols to HF/$H_2O$. The cantilever beam structure of high aspect ratios was released by the dry ething in supercritical carbon dioxide without damage.

Evaluation of Fracture Toughness Characteristics of Pultruded CFRP Spar-Cap Materials with Non-woven Glass Fabric for Wind Blade (유리섬유 부직포가 삽입된 풍력 블레이드 인발 성형 스파캡 소재의 파괴인성 특성 평가)

  • Young Cheol Kim;Geunsu Joo;Jisang Park;Woo-Kyoung Lee;Min-Gyu Kang;Ji Hoon Kim
    • Journal of Wind Energy
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the inter-laminar fracture toughness characteristics of CFRP pultrusion spar cap materials reinforced with non-woven glass fabric. Test specimens were fabricated by the infusion technique. A non-woven glass fabric and artificial defects were embedded on the middle surface between two pultruded CFRP panels. Double cantilever beam (DCB) and End Notched Flexure (ENF) tests were performed according to ASTM standards. Fracture toughness and crack propagation characteristics were evaluated with load-displacement curves and delamination resistance curves (R-Curve). The fracture toughness results were calculated by compliance calibration (CC) method. The initiation and propagation values of Mode-I critical strain energy release rate value GIc were 1.357 kJ/m2 and 1.397 kJ/m2, respectively, and Mode-II critical strain energy release rate values GIIc were 4.053 kJ/m2 for non-precracked test and 4.547 kJ/m2 for precracked test. It was found that the fracture toughness properties of the CFRP pultrusion spar-cap are influenced by the interface between the layers of CFRP and glass fiber non-woven.