• 제목/요약/키워드: 취학전

검색결과 146건 처리시간 0.023초

경기도(京畿道) 용인군(龍仁郡) 취학전(就學前) 어린이의 계절(季節) 및 조사기간별(調査期間別) 식품(食品).영양섭취실태(營養攝取實態) 조사(調査) (Daily and Seasonal Differences in Dietary Intake of Rural Young Children in Yonggin-gun, Kyunggi-do)

  • 이정수;이보경;모수미
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.41-55
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    • 1983
  • A dietary survey of young childern from one to six-year old, was conducted in summer and in winter, in Yonggin-gun, Kyunggi-do, to survey the differences in food and nutrient intake between a one day and a three day term, and between the winter and the summer season, in an attempt to provide a basis for the development of adequate dietary survey methodology. A total of 65 children originally were surveyed from July 3 to 11, 1981. However, since 9 of the 65 subjects moved away from the original addresses, 54 subjects were available for the winter-term survey, which was conducted from January 15 to 23, 1982. Among a total of 13 foods, intake of cereals (p<0.001), vegetables (p<0.05), beverage and ice candies (p<0.05) were significant in affecting the daily difference : one day vs. three days. Intakes of energy (p<0.05) and carbohydrate (p<0.05) were also significant in affecting daily difference. Among a total of 13 foods, intake of eggs, milk and milk products, sea-weeds, vegetables, cereals, potatoes, fat and oils, were significant in affecting seasonal difference : summer vs. winter. Intake of fat and ascorbic acid were also significant in affceting seasonal difference.

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원의 방정식에서의 오류 극복 학습에 관한 연구 - 고등학교 1학년을 중심으로 - (An Analysis on the Types of Errors in Mathematics and How to Overcome the Errors in the Area of the Equation of a Circle in the High School)

  • 한경민;고상숙
    • 대한수학교육학회지:학교수학
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.57-81
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    • 2014
  • 본 연구는 고등학교 원의 방정식에서 나타나는 오류유형을 바탕으로 우수고교의 미성취학생들의 오류의 극복과정을 조사하였다. 연구결과는 학생들이 문제를 풀 때 그들이 도달한 현 단계를 자주 잊어버려서 문제풀이 전에 계획을 다시 복습할 수 있는 기회를 가졌다. 특히 문제해결 과정 생략오류와 잘못된 결론의 오류들이 현저히 감소하였는데 그들은 귀납적 수업모형을 바탕으로 한 수업에서 문제에 대한 대수식과 그림을 통해 수학적 개념, 원리, 그리고 식을 이해하였고 이런 탐구중심의 활동에서 수학적 내용을 매우 논리적으로 잘 해결하였다.

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취학전 아동의 조기 시력검진사업 활성화 방안에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Way of Activating Early Eye Screening for Pre-School Children)

  • 김신자;박미리
    • 한국학교보건학회지
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.161-170
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    • 1996
  • This research was performed to screen eye health status for pre-school children (4~5 age) and establish as eye health checking system m community health center. This data was collected from 1st February, 1995 to 31st October, 1995. To screen the state of their vision, the Developed Visuual Test (D.V.T) was used for pre-school children. This is used at home by their parents and then it is also used among the kindergarten health team at Jung-gu health center in Seoul. This was done with the and of Randot and Han Choun Souk tests. The total number of children who were tested was 1441. Among the children, children aged 5 were 707, and those aged 4 were 734. The results of this study were as follows; * Description of the health status for the pre-school children. 1. The rate of children average vision in both eyes, whose was below 05 by Han Choun Souk are 7.6% (age 4) and 4.8% (age 5). 2. Only 20 4% (age 5) and 30 8% (age 4) of the pre-school children had been tested through the ophthalmic department. 3. The children with a level below 05 (Han Choun Souk test) had been tested only 43% (age 4), and 12% (age 5) 4. There was no particular difficulty in understanding the D.Y.T: 13.9% (age 4), 11.6% (age 5) of the tested children had eye problems. 5. 231 cases were trichiasis, entropin, strabismus, and amblyopia. * The different visual tests. The results of the visual tests between the two groups (parents and health teams) are similar and it shows that parents can easily test at home. * Delivery system of the D.V.T questionnaire The way children's parents received the D.V.T questionnaire were carried out by two ways By mall from the community health center. Send through the institution, for example the kindergarten school The receipt rate of this D.V.T questionnaire sent through the institution was higher than sent by mall.

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농촌지역 어머니의 양육스트레스, 사회적 지원과 취학전 아동의 사회성 발달에 관한 연구 (Analysis of Maternal Parenting Stress, Social Support and Preschool Children's Social Development in Rural Area)

  • 장영애
    • 한국지역사회생활과학회지
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.75-91
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between parenting stress, social support and the social development of preschool children in rural areas. The subject included 114 preschool children, along with their mothers, selected from kindergartens and day care centers in rural areas. The instruments included the parenting stress index, social support inventory and the social maturity scale. The statistics used from this data were t-test, one-way ANOYA(Scheffe test), correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. This study showed that maternal parenting stress was influenced significantly by the related variables; gender of child, birth order of child, age of mother, educational attainment of mother, family income, religion, family type. And also, social support was influenced significantly by the above variables. The child's social development was influenced significantly by the variables that related child and the family. Correlation analysis indicated that parenting stress and social development of the child were relatively negative high correlation coefficients. And social support and social development of the child were relatively positive high correlation coefficients. The important factors on predicting social development of the child were found to be birth order of child, age of mother, educational attainment of mother, family income, religion, family type, daily stress, stress of difficult child, stress of parent-child dysfunctional interaction, educational distress, husband support, and other support. Especially stress of difficult child and husband support were important variables that predicted the social development of the preschool children.

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Analysis of Factors Affecting Academic Ability of Preschool-age Children

  • Moon, Kyung-Im
    • 한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지
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    • 제27권5호
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    • pp.205-213
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    • 2022
  • 본 연구는 2014년도에 조사가 완료된 한국아동패널 자료를 활용하여 자아발달, 사회성발달, 학습준비도, 학업능력의 잠재변수에 대한 관계를 분석하고 학령전기 아동의 학업능력에 영향을 미치는 요인을 찾아내는 것이다. 본 연구 대상은 한국아동패널 7차(2014년도) 자료의 2150가구 중에서 해당 자료의 미응답자와 시스템 결측치 1037가구를 제외한 1113가구의 초등학교 취학전 만 6세의 아동들이다. 연구 모델의 경로 효과를 분석한 결과 자아발달과 학업능력 사이에서 자아발달이 학업능력에 직접적인 영향을 미치는 동시에 사회성 발달과 학습 준비도를 매개로 한 간접적인 영향에도 유의미하게 나타났다. 그리고 학업능력에 미치는 자아발달, 사회성발달, 학습준비도 중에서 학습준비도가 가장 큰 비중으로 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 결과적으로 학령전기 아동의 학업능력은 창의력과 문제해결능력을 겸비한 인재로 육성하기 위해서 학습준비도가 매우 중요하게 다루어져야 한다는 것이다.

취학전아동 대상 영양지수 개발 : 평가항목 선정과 구성 타당도 검증 (Development of nutrition quotient for Korean preschoolers (NQ-P): Item selection and validation of factor structure)

  • 이정숙;강명희;곽동경;정해랑;권세혁;김혜영;황지윤;최영선
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제49권5호
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    • pp.378-394
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구는 3~5세 취학전아동 대상 영양지수 (Nutrition Quotient for Preschoolers, NQ-P) 개발을 목표로 수행되었다. 어린이의 식행동 및 영양섭취 관련 문헌, 국민건강영양조사 자료 분석 및 전문가 대상 심층면접을 통해 38개 후보평가항목을 선정한 후, 후보 평가항목 중 식품 및 영양소 섭취량을 잘 반영해 주는 평가항목을 선정하기 위해 어린이집 3~5세반 100명의 부모/보호자를 대상으로 식사섭취조사와 체크리스트 설문조사를 수행하였으며, 평가항목과 식품 및 영양소 섭취량, 식사다양성, 체질량지수와의 상관관계 분석 결과로부터 유의한 상관관계를 나타낸 평가항목과 영유아 식생활지침과 어린이 급식관리지침서 영양관리기준에 근거하여 20개 평가항목으로 구성된 체크리스트를 도출하였다. 영양지수 모형을 설정하기 위해 전국 어린이집 목록을 활용하여 조사 대상 어린이집을 기본 층화변수로 5개 권역을 설정하여 어린이집 수를 할당하고 어린이집 당 약 10명을 표본으로 하여 총 412명을 대상으로 조사를 수행하였다. 탐색적 요인분석과 확정적 요인분석에 의해 영양지수구조 모형에 포함된 평가항목은 14개였으며, 구조방정식모형을 통해 14개의 평가항목으로 구성된 영양지수의 구성타당도를 검증하고 가중치를 계산하였다. 전문가 자문에 의한 요인 검토와 조정을 거친 결과 영양지수는 3-factor structure로서 균형, 절제, 환경의 3 영역으로 구성되었다. '균형' 영역에는 콩제품, 생선, 고기, 채소, 흰 우유 섭취의 5개 평가항목, '절제' 영역에는 가공육류, 가공음료, 과자류, 패스트푸드 섭취의 4개 평가항목, 그리고 '환경' 영역에는 아침식사 빈도, 정해진 장소에서 식사, 식사 전 손씻기, 바른 식생활을 위한 노력 정도, TV시청 스마트폰 컴퓨터 사용시간 (screen time)의 5개 평가항목이 포함되었다. 영역별 가중치는 균형 0.45, 절제 0.30, 환경 0.25로 설정하였으며, 영역 내 항목 가중치는 표준화 경로계수를 활용하여 계산하였다. 전국 3~5세 취학전아동 (n = 412명)의 NQ-P 점수는 평균 60.64점 (중앙값: 60.84점, 최소값: 34.99점, 최대값: 88.72점)이었고, 영역별 평균 점수를 보면 균형 60.49점, 절제 51.49점, 환경 71.66점을 나타내었다. 본 연구에서 개발한 NQ-P는 14개 문항의 체크리스트 설문 조사를 통하여 영양지수 점수는 물론, 균형, 절제, 환경의 3개 영역 (요인)의 점수를 산출할 수 있으며, 산출된 영양지수 점수와 영역 점수를 이용하여 어린이의 상대적인 NQ-P 등급을 부여하고, 영양상태 및 식사의 질에 대한 평가를 수행할 수 있다.

취학 전 자녀에 대한 부모의 유아복 소비가치에 관한 질적 연구 (A Qualitative Study on the Consumption Value of Preschooler Clothing by Mothers)

  • 이영주;이주연
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제36권10호
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    • pp.1100-1116
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    • 2012
  • Due to the growth of the preschooler clothing industry, significant research has been conducted on the pursued benefits, purchase behavior, and purchase intension related to preschooler clothing; however, reports on the consumption value of preschooler clothing remain limited. This study provides a consumption value for preschooler clothing through qualitative research. A total of 15 mothers of preschoolers aged 1-6 years old were interviewed on the consumption value of preschooler clothing. The subsequent consumption value of preschooler clothing consisted of 9 major factors (vicarious satisfaction value, social display/image value, safety value, convenient value, economic value, distinguishable value, expressive-aesthetic value, fashionable value and conditional value). In addition, the vicarious satisfaction value, social display/image value, safety value, and convenient value were new-expressed values that differed from previous reports on the consumption value of adult clothing.

유아기 자녀의 교육에 대한 어머니 신념 척도 개발 (Development of a maternal beliefs scale on preschool children's education)

  • 송명숙;옥선화
    • 한국생활과학회지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2005
  • This study has a purpose of developing a scale to evaluate maternal beliefs on preschool children's education. The subjects were 307 mothers of preschool children in Gwang-ju. The methods for data analyses included a factor analysis for construct validity, Pearson correlations between beliefs and learning-related activities for construct validity, and Cronbach's a for reliability. 4 factors were found, through literature review, in parental beliefs: passive learning, active learning, instruction, and expectation for academic-related skills acquisition. Factor analysis revealed that the 4-factor solution is the best fit. Correlations between beliefs and learning-related activities were statistically significant. Cronbach's a ranged from .65 to .87 for 4 sub-scales. It was concluded that the maternal beliefs scale is acceptable for use.

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학부모를 중심으로 한 유아원복에 대한 태도 및 선호연구 (Survey on attitude and preference of the Uniform in preschool students' parents)

  • 유경숙
    • 한국생활과학회지
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.345-353
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    • 2008
  • This survey intends to understand the opinion and status on preschool students' uniform wearing for the purpose of new style development. The results from this study will serve as an activator of related industry. The merit of uniform wearing in these students was recognized primarily as: (1) students can have pride in the schools they attend; (2) they need not worry about clothes to wear every morning. The disadvantage of uniform wearing derives from: (1) students' personality is hardly expressed by uniforms; (2) difficulty in uniform selection suitable for varying weather conditions. This disadvantage felt by their parents suggests the lack of personality expression and appropriate body temperature control. The most prevalent opinion for preference and future improvement points was the consideration of physical activity in children. This indicates that they prefer uniforms rendering minimal restriction on body movements. Other Improvement points stress the activity, uniform laundering and care, convenience in on and off, insulation, colors, design and durability.

CPAP(Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) 치료 프로그램이 취학 전 구순.구개열 아동의 과대비성 개선에 미치는 효과 (The Effects of CPAP Therapy Program on Hypernasality in Preschool Children with Cleft Lips and Palates)

  • 조성미;정옥란;한기환
    • 음성과학
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.261-271
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) therapy on the treatment of hypernasality in patients with cleft lips and palates. 7 preschool children with severe hypernasality participated in the study. Acoustic measurements of nasality were done by using the NasalView (version 1.31). Results showed that the nasalance values were reduced linearly in both vowels according to the treatment period. The sharp treatment effect was observed at the beginning stage. The nasality values of the vowel /i/ showed a sharp decrease at the Evaluation Phase 1 and 2 and a small increase at the Phase 4 followed by a drop in the end. Further studies would be desirable for various patients with different disorder types.

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