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Analysis of Factors Affecting Academic Ability of Preschool-age Children  

Moon, Kyung-Im (Dept. of Speech Language Pathology, Kwangju Women's University)
This study is to analyze the relationship among potential variables of self-development, social development, learning readiness, and academic ability using data from the Panel Study on Korean Children, which was surveyed in 2014, and to find factors affecting the academic ability of preschool children will be. The subjects of this study were 6-year-old children of 1113 households among 2150 households in the 7th Panel Study on Korean Children(2014) data, excluding non-responders and system-missing 1037 households. As a result of analyzing the path effect of the research model, it was found that, between self-development and academic skills, self-development had a direct effect on academic skills and also had a significant indirect effect through social development and learning readiness as a medium. In addition, it was found that learning readiness had the greatest influence among self-development, social development, and learning readiness on academic skills. As a result, the academic skills of preschool-age children should be treated with great importance in order to develop them into talents with creativity and problem-solving ability.
Panel Study on Korean Children; Self-Development; Social Development; Learning Readiness; Academic Skills; Preschool-Age Children;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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