• 제목/요약/키워드: 충격 프레팅마모

검색결과 8건 처리시간 0.021초

충격 프레팅에 의한 증기발생기 세관 마모손상 진행모델 (Wear Progress Model by Impact Fretting in Steam Generator Tube)

  • 이정근;박치용;김태룡;조선영
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2007년도 춘계학술대회A
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    • pp.1684-1689
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    • 2007
  • Fretting wear is one of the important degradation mechanisms of steam generator tubes in the nuclear power plants. Especially, impact fretting wear occurred between steam generator tubes and tube support plates or anti-vibration bar. Various tests have been carried out to investigate the wear mechanisms and to report the wear coefficients. Those are fruitful to get insight for the wear damage of steam generator tubes; however, most wear researches have concentrated on sliding wear of the steam generator tubes, which may not represent the wear loading modes in real plants. In the present work, impact fretting tests of steam generator tube were carried out. A wear progression model for impact-fretting wear has been investigated and proposed. The proposed wear progression model of impact-fretting wear is as follows; oxide film breaking step at the initial stage, and layer formation step, energy accumulation step and finally particle torn out step which is followed by layer formation in the stable impact-fretting progress. The wear coefficient according to the work-rate model has been also compared with one between tube and support.

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충격 프레팅에 의한 증기발생기 세관 마모손상 진행모델 (Wear Progress Model by Impact Fretting in Steam Generator Tube)

  • 박치용;이정근;김태룡
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제32권10호
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    • pp.817-822
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    • 2008
  • Fretting wear is one of the important degradation mechanisms of steam generator tubes in the nuclear power plants. Especially, impact fretting wear occurred between steam generator tubes and tube support plates or anti-vibration bar. Various tests have been carried out to investigate the wear mechanisms and to report the wear coefficients. Those are fruitful to get insight for the wear damage of steam generator tubes; however, most wear researches have concentrated on sliding wear of the steam generator tubes, which may not represent the wear loading modes in real plants. In the present work, impact fretting tests of steam generator tube were carried out. A wear progress model for impact-fretting wear has been investigated and proposed. The proposed wear progress model of impact-fretting wear is as follows; oxide film breaking step at the initial stage, and layer formation step, energy accumulation step and finally particle torn out step which is followed by layer formation in the stable impact-fretting progress. The wear coefficient according to the work-rate model has been also compared with one between tube and support.

고온 고압 환경에서 인코넬 690 재료의 프레팅 마모 특성에 관한 실험적 연구 (Experimental Study on Fretting Wear of Inconel 690 Under High Temperatures and Pressures)

  • 이춘열;이주석;배준우
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제36권6호
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    • pp.637-644
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    • 2012
  • 증기 발생기 내부의 U-tube와 지지 구조간의 충격에 의하여 발생하는 프레팅 마모는 원자력 발전소 안전성에 영향을 미치게 된다. 증기발생기의 신뢰성을 향상시키기 위하여 이러한 프레팅 마모 현상을 평가하는 것이 필요하며, 본 연구는 프레팅 마모현상을 정성적, 정량적으로 규명하기 위하여 증기발생기의 실제 상황과 같은 조건의 온도와 압력하에서 실험을 수행하였다. 다양한 실험조건에 대하여 기본적인 실험을 수행하였으며 일률과 마모량의 관계를 온도에 따라 구하였다. $90^{\circ}C$, $200^{\circ}C$, $340^{\circ}C$ 각각의 온도에서의 마모상수는 $9.051{\times}10^{-16}\;Pa^{-1}$, $3.009{\times}10^{-15}\;Pa^{-1}$, $2.235{\times}10^{-15}\;Pa^{-1}$로 구해졌으며 특히 저온 수중상태의 마모상수는 물의 점도의 영향으로 상온 공기중의 값보다 작은 것으로 나타났다.

증기발생기 전열관 충격 미끄럼 마모 모델 개발 (Development of Impact-sliding wear model for Steam Generator Tubes)

  • 권대엽;신희재;오영진;반치범
    • 한국압력기기공학회 논문집
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2023
  • The phenomenon of fretting wear due to the flow-induced vibration in steam generator (SG) tube is a significant degradation mechanism in nuclear power plants. Fretting wear in SG tube is primarily attributed to the friction and impact forces between the SG tube and the tube support structures, experienced during nuclear power plants operation. While the Archard model has generally been used for the prediction of fretting wear in SG tube, it is limited by its linear nature. In this study, we introduced an "Impact Shear Work-rate" (ISW) model, which takes into account the combined effects of impact and sliding. The ISW model was evaluated using existing experimental data on fretting wear in SG tube and was compared against the Archard model. The prediction results using the ISW model were more accurate than those using the Archard model, particularly for impact forces.

노내에서 지지격자 스프링의 잔류 변위 예측을 위한 방법론

  • 윤경호;송기남;강흥석;방제건;정연호
    • 한국원자력학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국원자력학회 1998년도 춘계학술발표회논문집(2)
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    • pp.291-296
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    • 1998
  • 노내에서 지지격자 스프링의 잔류 탄성변위는 시간(연소도)에 따라 변하게 된다. 이는 격자판의 중성자 조사에 의한 길이방향의 성장으로 지지격자 셀 크기의 증가와 피복관의 크리프에 의한 직경의 감소 및 중성자 조사에 의한 지지격자 스프링력의 이완으로 인한 것이다. 만일 지지격자 스프링의 거동이 변하여 연료봉을 탄성적으로 지지하지 못할 경우 이것은 연료봉의 유체에 의한 진동을 가속시키게 되며, 연료봉과 지지격자 스프링이나 딤플간의 반복적인 고주기의 충격하중은 연료봉의 지지부와 봉간(grid-to-rod)의 프레팅 마모의 원인이 될 수 있다. 따라서 시간에 따라 변하는 변수들의 영향을 고려한 지지격자 스프링의 잔류 탄성변위를 예측할 수 있는 방법론을 정립하여 새로운 지지격자체의 개발시 건전한 연료봉의 지지거동을 평가할 수 있는 도구로 활용하고자 하였다.

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경수로 핵연료 지지격자체 구조설계에 대한 소고 (Structural Design Considerations on the Spacer Grid Assembly of PWR Nuclear Fuel)

  • 송기남
    • 한국압력기기공학회 논문집
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.54-60
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    • 2011
  • A spacer grid, which supports nuclear fuel rods laterally and vertically with a friction grip, is one of the most important structural components in a PWR fuel. The form of grid strap and supporting parts such as grid spring and dimple is known to be closely related with the mechanical/structural performance of spacer grid and nuclear fuel assembly. In this study, reviewing various research results for enhancing the performance of the spacer grid, some structural design considerations and research directions on the spacer grid assembly are suggested for further study.

충격과 마모를 고려한 원자로 핵연료봉 지지격자의 설계 (Design of a Nuclear Fuel Spacer Grid Considering Impact and Wear)

  • 이현아;김종기;송기남;박경진
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제31권10호
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    • pp.999-1008
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    • 2007
  • The spacer grid set is a component in the nuclear fuel assembly. The set supports the fuel rods safely. Therefore, the spacer grid set should have sufficient strength for the external impact forces such as earthquake. The fretting wear occurs between the spring of the fuel rod and the spacer grid due to flow-induced vibration. Conceptual design of the spacer grid set is performed based on the Independence Axiom of axiomatic design. Two functional requirements are defined for the impact load and the fretting wear, and corresponding design parameters are selected. The overall flow of design is defined according to the application of axiomatic design. Design for the impact load is carried out by using nonlinear dynamic analysis to determine the length of the dimple. Topology optimization is carried out to determine a new configuration of the spring. The fretting wear is reduced by shape optimization using the homology theory. The deformation of a structure is called homologous if a given geometrical relationship holds before, during, and after the deformation. In the design to reduce the fretting wear, the deformed shape of the spring should be the same as that of the fuel rod. This condition is transformed to a function and considered as a constraint in the shape optimization process. The fretting wear is expected to be reduced due to the homology constraint. The objective function is minimizing the maximum stress to allow a slight plastic deformation. Shape optimization results are confirmed through nonlinear static analysis.

지지부 형상에 따른 튜브 프레팅 마멸기구의 연구 (A study on wear mechanism of tube fretting affected by support shapes)

  • 이영호;김형규;하재욱
    • 한국윤활학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국윤활학회 2002년도 제35회 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 2002
  • 상온 공기분위기에서 두 가지 형태의 스프링에 대한 연료봉 피복관의 마멸실험을 수행하였으며 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. (1) 가장 큰 마멸부피는 스프링 형상이 오목할 경우 틈이 존재할 때 발생하였으며, 형상이 볼록한 경우에는 접촉하중이 존재할 때 마멸부피가 크게 나타났다. (2) 접촉형상이 오목한 형태로 연료봉을 감싸고 있는 경우, 마멸입자의 방출은 다소 어렵게 되며 이에 따라 마열거동은 표면에서 생성되는 마멸입자가 외부로 방출되는 용이성에 따라 최종적으로 마멸부피는 결정된다. (3) 볼록한 형상의 스프링의 경우, 충격마모에 대하여 저항성을 보였으나, 접촉하중이 존재할 경우 높은 마멸량을 보이고 있다. (4) 오목한 형태의 스프링 조건에서 축 방향의 마멸보다는 횡 방향의 마멸량이 더 낮게 나타났다. 이것의 주된 원인은 오목한 형태의 스프링이 충격하중에 있어 가이드역할을 할 가능성이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 양 방향 모두 마멸입자의 고착 흔적이 나타났으나 횡 방향의 경우 연삭에 의한 경향이 보다 뚜렷이 나타났다.

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