• Title/Summary/Keyword: 최종하중

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Shear Resistance of CIP Anchors under Dynamic Loading: Unreinforced Anchor (선설치앵커의 동적 전단하중에 대한 저항강도: 비보강 앵커)

  • Park, Yong Myung;Kang, Moon Ki;Kim, Dong Hyun;Lee, Jong Han;Kang, Choong Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2014
  • The Concrete Capacity Design(CCD) method has been used in the design of anchor since 2001 and Korean design code specify that concrete breakout capacity of CIP anchor under seismic load shall be taken as 75% of static capacity. In this study, an experimental study was performed to evaluate the concrete breakout capacity of unreinforced CIP anchors under dynamic shear force. For the purpose, three static and dynamic shear-loading tests were conducted using 20mm diameter anchors, respectively. The edge distance of 120mm was considered in the tests. In the dynamic tests, 15 cycles pulsating load with 1Hz speed was applied and the magnitude of loading step was increased until concrete breakout failure occurs. From the tests, the concrete breakout capacity under dynamic shear loading showed nearly same capacity by static loading.

A Study on Ground Heave Characteristics of Soft Ground with DCM (DCM으로 개량된 연약점토지반의 지반융기에 관한 고찰)

  • You, Seung-Kyong;Hong, Gigwon
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2020
  • This paper described the analysis result on heaving of soft ground with DCM column type, based on the results of laboratory model tests on the soft ground with DCM column. The heave characteristics of the soft ground were evaluated according to the application of DCM column in soft ground. The results showed that the heaving of soft ground without DCM column occurred rapidly when the lateral deformation of soft ground increased significantly under the 4th load step condition. In addition, the heaving of soft ground in final load step caused tensile failure of the ground surface. The maximum heaving of the soft ground with the DCM column occurred in the final load step, and the heaving quantity decreased in the order of pile, wall, and grid type. Especially, the soft ground with DCM of grid type effectively resisted ground heaving, even if it was extremely failure in the bottom ground of embankment. The results of the maximum heaving according to the measurement point showed that the heaving of the soft ground with DCM of grid type was 3.1% and 1.6% compared to that of the pile and wall type at the location of LVDT-1, and the heaving of the LVDT-2 position was 1.0% and 2.1%, respectively.

A Study on the Ultimate Strength According to the Boundary Condition of a Ship Plate under Thrust (압축하중을 받는 선체판의 경계조건에 따른 최종강도에 관한 연구)

  • 고재용;박주신;이돈출
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.89-93
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    • 2002
  • One of the primary factors like plate structure in ship is redundancy structure that is comparable with ocean structure and frame structure. The more component material becomes buckling collapsed locally the less structure stiffness becomes accordingly. As a result, by increasing the load distribution of my other subsidiary structure continually component member collapses, therefore the structure could be in danger of collapse. So, in order to interpret this phenomenon precisely, the study on boundary condition of the ship's plate and post-buckling analysis must be considered In this study, the rectangular plate is compressed by the in-plane load Buckling & Ultimate strength characteristics are applied o be the elasto-plasticity large deformation by ansys code with F.E.M method On this basis, elasto-plasticity of the plain plate are investigated. This study proved elasto-plasticity behaviour of the ship's plate in accordance with boundary condition based on the series analysis in case of the compressive load operation

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Durability Test and Micro-Damage Formation of Rubber Hose for Automotive Hydraulic Brake (자동차 유압브레이크용 고무호스의 내구성 시험 및 미세손상에 관한 연구)

  • Kwak, Seung-Bum;Choi, Nak-Sam;Lim, Young-Han
    • Composites Research
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.40-45
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    • 2008
  • Rubber hose assembly for automotive hydraulic brake during operation is subject to combined stresses of cyclic pressure, cyclic bending and torsion as well as thermal load. The rubber hose is composed of ethylene-propylene diene monomer(EPDM) rubber layers reinforced by polyvinyl acetate(PVA) braided fabrics. A durability tester with loading rigs for inducing the above cyclic stresses was used to investigate failure mechanisms in the rubber hose assembly. Failure examination was performed at every 100 thousands cycles of bending and torsion. Hose samples were sectioned with a diamond-wheel cutter and then polished. The polished surface was observed by optical microscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Some interfacial delamination with a length of about 1mm along the interface between EPDM rubber and PVA fabrics was shown at the test cycles of 400,000. The delamination induced some cracking into the outer rubber skin layer to leading the final rupture of the hose.

Linear and Nonlinear Stability Analysis of Shells Using Degenerated Isoparametric Elements (등매개(等媒介) 변수요소(變數要素)를 이용한 쉘의 선형(線形) 및 비선형(非線形) 안정해석(安定解析))

  • Lee, Nam Ho;Choi, Chang Koan
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 1987
  • The paper describes the analysis of large displacement problems including instability phenomena. The element used in this is a degenerated isoparametric shell element with eight nodes. Total Lagrangian formulation has been adopted in this study using Newton-Raphson iteration method with incremental load. The linear stability analyses performed usually for the initial position can be repeated at several advanced fundamental states on the non-linear buckling path. Thus a current estimate of the failure load is given. The numerical examples of a cylindrical panel under uniform load, simply supported plate under axial load, and clamped plate under uniform load are carried out. The examples applying degenerated isoparametric elements to bifurcation buckling and nonlinear collapse problems are also performed.

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Structural Design and Analysis for Duct Stand of Blowers (송풍기 덕트 스탠드의 구조 설계 및 해석)

  • Hyunbum Park
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.149-153
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    • 2023
  • In this study, structural design and analysis of a duct stand for blowers were performed. This structure was an axial fan and blower for wind tunnel of the vehicle environmental test chamber. The design of the blower duct stand support structure was performed by investigation on various loads. Additionally, self-weight of the motor and weight of the duct were investigated and applied. The duct stand structure was designed by analyzing the load. The safety of the structural design results was evaluated through finite element analysis. Finally, the safety of the design result was verified.

A Simplified Approach to the Analysis of the Ultimate Compressive Strength of Welded Stiffened Plates (용접된 보강판의 압축 최종 강도의 간이 해석법)

  • C.D. Jang;Seung-Il Seo
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.141-154
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    • 1993
  • In this paper, a method to calculate the ultimate compressive strength of welded one-sided stiffened plates simply supported along all edges is proposed. At first initial imperfections such as distortions and residual stresses due to welding are predicted by using simplified methods. Then, the collapse modes of the stiffened plate are assumed and collapse loads for each mode are calculated. Among these loads, the lowest value is selected as the ultimate strength of the plate. Collapse modes are assumed as follows ; (1) Overall buckling of the stiffened plate$\rightarrow$Overall collapse due to stiffener bending (2) Local buckling of the plate part$\rightarrow$Local collapse of the plate part$\rightarrow$Overall collapse due to stiffener yielding (3) Local buckling of the plate part$\rightarrow$Overall collapse due to stiffener berthing (4) Local buckling of the plate part$\rightarrow$Local collapse of the plate part$\rightarrow$Overall collapse due to stiffener tripping. The elastic large deflection analysis based on the Rayleigh-Ritz method is carried out, and plastic analysis assuming hinge lines is also carried out. Collapse load is defined as the cross point of the two analysis curves. This method enables the utimate strength to be calculated with small computing time and a good accuracy. Using the present method, characteristics of the stiffener including torsional rigidity, bending and tripping can also be clarified.

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Ultimate Strength tests Considering Stranding Damage (좌초손상을 고려한 최종강도 실험)

  • Lee, T.K.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.86-91
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    • 2008
  • Ships operating in littoral sea are likely to be subjected to accidental load such as stranding. Once she has damage on the hull structure, her ultimate strength will be reduced. This paper is to investigate the effect of the stranding damage on ultimate strength of ship structure by using a series of collapse tests. For the experiment, 720 mm $\times$720 mm in section and 900mm in length of five box-girder models with stiffeners were pre- pared. Of the five, one has no damage and faur have an diamond shaped damage which represents the shape of rock section in seabed. The damage size is different between models. Among the damaged models, the damages of 3 of them were made by cutting the plate and one by pressing to represent stranding damage. Experiments were carried out under pure bending load and the applied load and displacements were recorded. The ultimate strength is reduced as the damage size increases, as expected. The largest damaged model has the damage size of 30% of breadth and its ultimate strength is reduced by 21% than that of no damaged one. The pressed one has lower ultimate strength than cut one. This might be due to the fact that the plate around the pressed damage area effect negatively on the ultimate strength.

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Experimental Study on the Cracking Loads of LB-DECKs with Varied Cross-Section Details (단면 상세가 변화된 LB-DECK의 균열하중에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Youn, Seok-Goo;Cho, Gyu-Dae
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.657-665
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    • 2011
  • LB-DECK, a precast concrete panel type, is a permanent concrete deck form used as a formwork for cast-in-place concrete pouring at bridge construction site. LB-DECK consists of 60 mm thick concrete slab and 125 mm height Lattice-girders partly embedded in the concrete slab. These decks have been applied to the bridges, which girder spacings are short enough to resist longitudinal cracking caused by construction loads. This paper presents experimental research work conducted to evaluate the cracking load of LB-DECKs designed for long span bridge decks. Twenty four non-composite beams and four composite beams are fabricated considering three design variables of thickness of concrete slab, height of lattice-girder, and diameter of top-bar. Static loads controlled by displacements are applied to test beams to obtain cracking and ultimate loads. Vertical displacements at the center of beams, strains of top-bar, crack propagation in concrete slab, and final failure modes are carefully monitored. The obtained cracking loads are compared to the analytical results obtained by elastic analyses. Long-term analyses using age-adjusted effective modulus method (AEMM) are also conducted to investigate the effects of concrete shrinkage on the cracking loads. Based on the test results, the tensile strength and the design details of LB-DECKs are discussed to prevent longitudinal cracking of long span bridge decks.

Shape Optimization of Metal Forming and Forging Products using the Stress Equivalent Static Loads Calculated from a Virtual Model (가상모델로부터 산출된 응력 등가정하중을 이용한 금속 성형품 및 단조품의 형상최적설계)

  • Jang, Hwan-Hak;Jeong, Seong-Beom;Park, Gyung-Jin
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.36 no.11
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    • pp.1361-1370
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    • 2012
  • A shape optimization is proposed to obtain the desired final shape of forming and forging products in the manufacturing process. The final shape of a forming product depends on the shape parameters of the initial blank shape. The final shape of a forging product depends on the shape parameters of the billet shape. Shape optimization can be used to determine the shape of the blank and billet to obtain the appropriate final forming and forging products. The equivalent static loads method for non linear static response structural optimization (ESLSO) is used to perform metal forming and forging optimization since nonlinear dynamic analysis is required. Stress equivalent static loads (stress ESLs) are newly defined using a virtual model by redefining the value of the material properties. The examples in this paper show that optimization using the stress ESLs is quite useful and the final shapes of a forming and forging products are identical to the desired shapes.